988 resultados para Upper Mcnamara group
With an example taken from a late-Hauterivian series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), we will demonstrate the sedimentary record of orbital pattern variations and, consequently, climate variations in an inner platform environment with patterns and isolation changes, allows us to establish 4 major orders of periodicity related to orbital components:- The large cycles ob bed thickness variation, constituted by 31-32 beds, recording the 400 ky eccentricity cycle component;- The medium cycles, represented by byndles of 8-9 beds, related to the 100 ky eccentricity cycle component; - The small cycles, of 3-5 beds, recording the 41 ky obliquity components;- The very small cycles, of 2 beds, related to the 22 ky and 26 ky precession components. The mean duration of each bed is around 11.8 ky, a number very close to that of the precession hemi-cycle. Climatic control on qualitative production is confirmed by the close relation between the bed thickness variations, the insolation variability and the variation of micritized elements concentrations.
To obtain base line data on incidence, duration, clinical characteristics and etiology of acute respiratory infections (ARI), 276 children from deprived families living in Montevideo were followed during 32 months. The target population was divided into two groups for the analysis of the results: children aged less than 12 months and those older than this age. During the follow-up period 1.056 ARI episodes were recorded. ARI incidence was 5.2 per child/year. It was 87% higher in infants than in the older group, as was the duration of the episodes. Most of the diseases were mild. Tachypnea and retractions were seldom observed, but 12 children were refered to the hospital, and 2 infants died. Viral etiology was identified in 15.3% of the episodes. RSV was the predominant agent producing annual outbreaks. Moderate to heavy colonization of the upper respiratory tract by Streptococcus pneumoniae (32.3%) and Hemophilus sp. (18.9%) was recorded during ARI episodes. This community-based study furnish original data on ARI in Uruguay. It enabled to asses the impact of these infections on childhood.
The diagnostic value of real-time sonography in the study of portal hypertension was assessed in 66 patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni, all with Symmers's fibrosis and esophageal varices. Seventy-one individuals without schistosomiasis were selected as controls. The inner diameters of the portal vessels were measured by sonography in all patients and controls: splenoportography was also performed in the schistosomal group. Intra-splenic pressure was over 30 cm of water in 44 of 60 patients with schistosomiasis. The upper limit of normality for portal vessel diameters was set through receiver operating characteristic curve at 12 mm for portal vein, 9 mm for splenic vein at splenic hilus, and 9 mm for superior mesenteric vein. The best discriminative vein for the diagnosis of portal hypertension was the splenic vein followed by the portal vein. A direct correlation was observed between the diameter of the splenic vein, measured by sonography, and the intra-splenic pressure. Except for the paraumbilical and mesenteric veins, more frequently identified by sonography, there was no statistical difference in the frequency of visualization of splanchnic vessels by sonography or splenoportography.
The main objective of this work is to report on the development of a multi-criteria methodology to support the assessment and selection of an Information System (IS) framework in a business context. The objective is to select a technological partner that provides the engine to be the basis for the development of a customized application for shrinkage reduction on the supply chains management. Furthermore, the proposed methodology di ers from most of the ones previously proposed in the sense that 1) it provides the decision makers with a set of pre-defined criteria along with their description and suggestions on how to measure them and 2)it uses a continuous scale with two reference levels and thus no normalization of the valuations is required. The methodology here proposed is has been designed to be easy to understand and use, without a specific support of a decision making analyst.
The anthropometric (body weight, height, upper arm circumference, triceps and subescapular skinfolds; Quetelet index and arm muscle circunference) and blood biochemistry (proteins and lipids) parameters were evaluated in 93 males and 27 females, 17-72 years old voluntaries living in the malarial endemic area of Humaita city (southwest Amazon). According to their malarial history they were assembled in four different groups: G1-controls without malarial history (n:30); G2 - controls with malarial history but without actual manifestation of the disease (n:40); G3 - patients with Plasmodium vivax (n:19) and G4 - patients with Plasmodium falciparum (n:31). The malarial status was stablished by clinical and laboratory findings. The overall data of anthropometry and blood biochemistry discriminated the groups differently. The anthropometric data were low sensitive and contrasted only the two extremes (G1>G4) whereas the biochemistry differentiated two big groups, the healthy (G1+G2) and the patients (G3+G4). The nutritional status of the P. falciparum patients was highly depressed for most of the studied indices but none was sensitive enough to differentiate this group from the P. vivax group (G3). On the other hand the two healthy groups could be differentiated through the levels of ceruloplasmin (G1
Semigroup Forum, nº76 (2008), pg.579-583
Introdução: nos pacientes que sofreram um Acidente Vascular Encefálico são incididos programas de reabilitação que visam principalmente o hemicorpo contralesional, negligenciando o lado ipsilesional. Porém, estão descritas alterações sensitivas e motoras do membro superior ipsilesional neste grupo populacional. Objetivo: avaliar os défices de sensibilidade, destreza grossa e fina e força de preensão da mão ipsilesional em indivíduos com diagnóstico de Acidente Vascular Encefálico, comparando o sexo, o hemisfério cerebral onde se localiza a lesão, a fase aguda e crónica, tendo como referência um grupo controlo. Metodologia: este estudo observacional de carácter analítico transversal foi constituído por 34 indivíduos em que 18 deles tem diagnóstico de Acidente Vascular Encefálico e 16 sem défices neurológicos. A avaliação foi iniciada com um questionário para recolha de informações dos participantes e de seguida foram aplicados instrumentos de avaliação num só momento com o mesmo examinador. Para avaliar a sensibilidade foi usado o Moving Touch-Pressure Test, para a força o Dinamómetro Baseline®, na avaliação da destreza grossa o Teste Caixa e Blocos e por fim a destreza fina com o Purdue Pegboard Test. Estatisticamente recorreu-se ao teste T-student para amostras independentes com nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: verificou-se que o membro superior ipsilesional dos indivíduos que sofreram um AVE apresenta um défice na força de preensão manual com nível se significância de p=0,001, e de p=0,000 para a destreza fina e grossa e sensibilidade, quando comparados com um grupo controlo. Constatou-se também que no grupo de indivíduos com diagnóstico de Acidente Vascular Encefálico, o sexo masculino obteve melhores resultados em todos os parâmetros avaliados. Observou-se ainda que tanto os homens como as mulheres após sofrerem um Acidente Vascular Encefálico apresentam défices funcionais na mão ipsilesional, mas no entanto os homens apresentam apenas alterações na destreza grossa (p=0,017) e na força (p=0,001). Na comparação dos hemisférios cerebrais lesados e das fases aguda e crónica do AVE verificou-se que não houve diferenças significativas. Conclusão: Existem défices no membro superior ipsilesional após Acidente Vascular Encefálico, sendo então pertinente a sua inclusão em programas de reabilitação, podendo assim melhorar a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos com esta patologia.
Actas do Encontro de Algebristas Portugueses 2005, Braga, Portugal, Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho, (2006),p. 105-116
Epidemiological aspects and the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of the Bacteroides fragilis group isolated from clinical and human intestinal specimens were examined in this study. B. fragilis group strains were isolated from 46 (37%) of 124 clinical specimens and the source of the samples was: Blood culture (3), intraabdominal infection (27), brain abscess (2), soft tissue infection (17), respiratory sinus (3), pleural aspirate (9), breast abscess (3), surgical infected wound (22), pelvic inflammatory disease (22), chronic otitis media (9) and miscellaneous (7). Intraabdominal and soft tissue infections were responsible for more than half of the clinical isolates. Susceptibility to penicillin, cefoxitin, tetracycline, metronidazole, chloramphenicol and clindamycin was examined. All isolates were susceptible to metronidazole and chloramphenicol. For clindamycin and cefoxitin the resistance rates observed were 21.7% and 10.9% respectively. Susceptibility profiles varied among the different species tested. A total of 37 species of B. fragilis group isolated from intestinal microbiota of individuals who had no antimicrobial therapy for at least 1 month before the sampling was also examined. All strains were also susceptible to chloramphenicol and motronidazole and the resistance rates to clindamycin and cefoxitin were 19.4% and 5.4% respectively. A few institutions, in Brazil, have monitored the antimicrobial susceptibility of B. fragilis group strains isolated from anaerobic infections. The resistance rates to cefoxitin and clindamycin and the variation in susceptibility patterns among the species isolated in this study emphasize the need for monitoring of susceptibility patterns of B. fragilis group organisms isolated, especially at our University Hospitals.
RESUMO - A exposição a formaldeído é reconhecidamente um dos mais importantes factores de risco presente nos laboratórios hospitalares de anatomia patológica. Neste contexto ocupacional, o formaldeído é utilizado em solução, designada comummente por formol. Trata-se de uma solução comercial de formaldeído, normalmente diluída a 10%, sendo pouco onerosa e, por esse motivo, a eleita para os trabalhos de rotina em anatomia patológica. A solução é utilizada como fixador e conservante do material biológico, pelo que as peças anatómicas a serem processadas são previamente impregnadas. No que concerne aos efeitos para a saúde do formaldeído, os efeitos locais parecem apresentar um papel mais importante comparativamente com os efeitos sistémicos, devido à sua reactividade e rápido metabolismo nas células da pele, tracto gastrointestinal e pulmões. Da mesma forma, a localização das lesões correspondem principalmente às zonas expostas às doses mais elevadas deste agente químico, ou seja, o desenvolvimento dos efeitos tóxicos dependerá mais da intensidade da dose externa do que da duração da exposição. O efeito do formaldeído no organismo humano mais facilmente detectável é a acção irritante, transitória e reversível sobre as mucosas dos olhos e aparelho respiratório superior (naso e orofaringe), o que acontece em geral para exposições frequentes e superiores a 1 ppm. Doses elevadas são citotóxicas e podem conduzir a degenerescência e necrose das mucosas e epitélios. No que concerne aos efeitos cancerígenos, a primeira avaliação efectuada pela International Agency for Research on Cancer data de 1981, actualizada em 1982, 1987, 1995 e 2004, considerando-o como um agente cancerígeno do grupo 2A (provavelmente carcinogénico). No entanto, a mais recente avaliação, em 2006, considera o formaldeído no Grupo 1 (agente carcinogénico) com base na evidência de que a exposição a este agente é susceptível de causar cancro nasofaríngeo em humanos. Constituiu objectivo principal deste estudo caracterizar a exposição profissional a formaldeído nos laboratórios hospitalares de anatomia patológica Portugueses. Pretendeu-se, ainda, descrever os fenómenos ambientais da contaminação ambiental por formaldeído e explorar eventuais associações entre variáveis. Considerou-se uma amostra de 10 laboratórios hospitalares de anatomia patológica, avaliada a exposição dos três grupos profissionais por comparação com os dois referenciais de exposição e, ainda, conhecidos os valores de concentração máxima em 83 actividades. Foram aplicados simultaneamente dois métodos distintos de avaliação ambiental: um dos métodos (Método 1) fez uso de um equipamento de leitura directa com o princípio de medição por Photo Ionization Detection, com uma lâmpada de 11,7 eV e, simultaneamente, realizou-se o registo da actividade. Este método disponibilizou dados para o referencial de exposição da concentração máxima; o outro método (Método 2) traduziu-se na aplicação do método NIOSH 2541, implicando o uso de bombas de amostragem eléctricas de baixo caudal e posterior processamento analítico das amostras por cromatografia gasosa. Este método, por sua vez, facultou dados para o referencial de exposição da concentração média ponderada. As estratégias de medição de cada um dos métodos e a definição dos grupos de exposição existentes neste contexto ocupacional, designadamente os Técnicos de Anatomia Patológica, os Médicos Anatomo-Patologistas e os Auxiliares, foram possíveis através da informação disponibilizada pelas técnicas de observação da actividade da análise (ergonómica) do trabalho. Estudaram-se diversas variáveis independentes, nomeadamente a temperatura ambiente e a humidade relativa, a solução de formaldeído utilizada, as condições de ventilação existentes e o número médio de peças processadas por dia em cada laboratório. Para a recolha de informação sobre estas variáveis foi preenchida, durante a permanência nos laboratórios estudados, uma Grelha de Observação e Registo. Como variáveis dependentes seleccionaram-se três indicadores de contaminação ambiental, designadamente o valor médio das concentrações superiores a 0,3 ppm em cada laboratório, a Concentração Média Ponderada obtida para cada grupo de exposição e o Índice do Tempo de Regeneração de cada laboratório. Os indicadores foram calculados e definidos através dos dados obtidos pelos dois métodos de avaliação ambiental aplicados. Baseada no delineado pela Universidade de Queensland, foi ainda aplicada uma metodologia de avaliação do risco de cancro nasofaríngeo nas 83 actividades estudadas de modo a definir níveis semi-quantitativos de estimação do risco. Para o nível de Gravidade considerou-se a informação disponível em literatura científica que define eventos biológicos adversos, relacionados com o modo de acção do agente químico e os associa com concentrações ambientais de formaldeído. Para o nível da Probabilidade utilizou-se a informação disponibilizada pela análise (ergonómica) de trabalho que permitiu conhecer a frequência de realização de cada uma das actividades estudadas. A aplicação simultânea dos dois métodos de avaliação ambiental resultou na obtenção de resultados distintos, mas não contraditórios, no que concerne à avaliação da exposição profissional a formaldeído. Para as actividades estudadas (n=83) verificou-se que cerca de 93% dos valores são superiores ao valor limite de exposição definido para a concentração máxima (VLE-CM=0,3 ppm). O “exame macroscópico” foi a actividade mais estudada e onde se verificou a maior prevalência de resultados superiores ao valor limite (92,8%). O valor médio mais elevado da concentração máxima (2,04 ppm) verificou-se no grupo de exposição dos Técnicos de Anatomia Patológica. No entanto, a maior amplitude de resultados observou-se no grupo dos Médicos Anatomo-Patologistas (0,21 ppm a 5,02 ppm). No que respeita ao referencial da Concentração Média Ponderada, todos os valores obtidos nos 10 laboratórios estudados para os três grupos de exposição foram inferiores ao valor limite de exposição definido pela Occupational Safety and Health Administration (TLV-TWA=0,75 ppm). Verificou-se associação estatisticamente significativa entre o número médio de peças processadas por laboratório e dois dos três indicadores de contaminação ambiental utilizados, designadamente o valor médio das concentrações superiores a 0,3 ppm (p=0,009) e o Índice do Tempo de Regeneração (p=0,001). Relativamente à temperatura ambiente não se observou associação estatisticamente significativa com nenhum dos indicadores de contaminação ambiental utilizados. A humidade relativa apresentou uma associação estatisticamente significativa apenas com o indicador de contaminação ambiental da Concentração Média Ponderada de dois grupos de exposição, nomeadamente com os Médicos Anatomo-Patologistas (p=0,02) e os Técnicos de Anatomia Patológica (p=0,04). A aplicação da metodologia de avaliação do risco nas 83 actividades estudadas permitiu verificar que, em cerca de dois terços (35%), o risco foi classificado como (pelo menos) elevado e, ainda, constatar que 70% dos laboratórios apresentou pelo menos 1 actividade com a classificação de risco elevado. Da aplicação dos dois métodos de avaliação ambiental e das informações obtidas para os dois referenciais de exposição pode concluir-se que o referencial mais adequado é a Concentração Máxima por estar associado ao modo de actuação do agente químico. Acresce, ainda, que um método de avaliação ambiental, como o Método 1, que permite o estudo das concentrações de formaldeído e simultaneamente a realização do registo da actividade, disponibiliza informações pertinentes para a intervenção preventiva da exposição por permitir identificar as actividades com a exposição mais elevada, bem como as variáveis que a condicionam. As peças anatómicas apresentaram-se como a principal fonte de contaminação ambiental por formaldeído neste contexto ocupacional. Aspecto de particular interesse, na medida que a actividade desenvolvida neste contexto ocupacional e, em particular na sala de entradas, é centrada no processamento das peças anatómicas. Dado não se perspectivar a curto prazo a eliminação do formaldeído, devido ao grande número de actividades que envolvem ainda a utilização da sua solução comercial (formol), pode concluir-se que a exposição a este agente neste contexto ocupacional específico é preocupante, carecendo de uma intervenção rápida com o objectivo de minimizar a exposição e prevenir os potenciais efeitos para a saúde dos trabalhadores expostos. ---------------- ABSTRACT - Exposure to formaldehyde is recognized as one of the most important risk factors present in anatomy and pathology laboratories from hospital settings. In this occupational setting, formaldehyde is used in solution, typically diluted to 10%, and is an inexpensive product. Because of that, is used in routine work in anatomy and pathology laboratories. The solution is applied as a fixative and preservative of biological material. Regarding formaldehyde health effects, local effects appear to have a more important role compared with systemic effects, due to his reactivity and rapid metabolism in skin, gastrointestinal tract and lungs cells. Likewise, lesions location correspond mainly to areas exposed to higher doses and toxic effects development depend more on external dose intensity than exposure duration. Human body formaldehyde effect more easily detectable is the irritating action, transient and reversible on eyes and upper respiratory tract (nasal and throat) membranes, which happen in general for frequent exposure to concentrations higher than 1 ppm. High doses are cytotoxic and can lead to degeneration, and also to mucous membranes and epithelia necrosis. With regard to carcinogenic effects, first assessment performed by International Agency for Research on Cancer in 1981, updated in 1982, 1987, 1995 and 2004, classified formaldehyde in Group 2A (probably carcinogenic). However, most recent evaluation in 2006, classifies formaldehyde carcinogenic (Group 1), based on evidence that exposure to this agent is likely to cause nasopharyngeal cancer in humans. This study principal objective was to characterize occupational exposure to formaldehyde in anatomy and pathology hospital laboratories, as well to describe formaldehyde environmental contamination phenomena and explore possible associations between variables. It was considered a sample of 10 hospital pathology laboratories, assessed exposure of three professional groups for comparison with two exposure metrics, and also knows ceiling concentrations in 83 activities. Were applied, simultaneously, two different environmental assessment methods: one method (Method 1) using direct reading equipment that perform measure by Photo Ionization Detection, with 11,7 eV lamps and, simultaneously, make activity description and film. This method provided data for ceiling concentrations for each activity study (TLV-C). In the other applied method (Method 2), air sampling and formaldehyde analysis were performed according to NIOSH method (2541). This method provided data average exposure concentration (TLV-TWA). Measuring and sampling strategies of each methods and exposure groups definition (Technicians, Pathologists and Assistants) was possible by information provided by activities (ergonomic) analysis. Several independent variables were studied, including temperature and relative humidity, formaldehyde solution used, ventilation conditions, and also anatomic pieces mean value processed per day in each laboratory. To register information about these variables was completed an Observation and Registration Grid. Three environmental contamination indicators were selected has dependent variables namely: mean value from concentrations exceeding 0,3 ppm in each laboratory, weighted average concentration obtained for each exposure group, as well each laboratory Time Regeneration Index. These indicators were calculated and determined through data obtained by the two environmental assessment methods. Based on Queensland University proposal, was also applied a methodology for assessing nasopharyngeal cancer risk in 83 activities studied in order to obtain risk levels (semi-quantitative estimation). For Severity level was considered available information in scientific literature that defines biological adverse events related to the chemical agent action mode, and associated with environment formaldehyde concentrations. For Probability level was used information provided by (ergonomic) work analysis that helped identifies activity frequency. Environmental assessment methods provide different results, but not contradictory, regarding formaldehyde occupational exposure evaluation. In the studied activities (n=83), about 93% of the values were above exposure limit value set for ceiling concentration in Portugal (VLE-CM = 0,3 ppm). "Macroscopic exam" was the most studied activity, and obtained the higher prevalence of results superior than 0,3 ppm (92,8%). The highest ceiling concentration mean value (2,04 ppm) was obtain in Technicians exposure group, but a result wider range was observed in Pathologists group (0,21 ppm to 5,02 ppm). Concerning Method 2, results from the three exposure groups, were all lower than limit value set by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (TLV-TWA=0,75ppm). There was a statistically significant association between anatomic pieces mean value processed by each laboratory per day, and two of the three environmental contamination indicators used, namely average concentrations exceeding 0,3 ppm (p=0,009) and Time Regeneration Index (p=0,001). Temperature was not statistically associated with any environmental contamination used indicators. Relative humidity had a statistically significant association only with one environmental contamination indicator, namely weighted average concentration, particularly with Pathologists group (p=0,02) and Technicians group (p=0,04). Risk assessment performed in the 83 studied activities showed that around two thirds (35%) were classified as (at least) high, and also noted that 70% of laboratories had at least 1 activity with high risk rating. The two environmental assessment methods application, as well information obtained from two exposure metrics, allowed to conclude that most appropriate exposure metric is ceiling concentration, because is associated with formaldehyde action mode. Moreover, an environmental method, like Method 1, which allows study formaldehyde concentrations and relates them with activity, provides relevant information for preventive information, since identifies the activity with higher exposure, as well variables that promote exposure. Anatomic pieces represent formaldehyde contamination main source in this occupational setting, and this is of particular interest because all activities are focused on anatomic pieces processing. Since there is no prospect, in short term, for formaldehyde use elimination due to large number of activities that still involve solution use, it can be concluded that exposure to this agent, in this particular occupational setting, is preoccupant, requiring an rapid intervention in order to minimize exposure and prevent potential health effects in exposed workers.
A previously healthy seven-year-old boy was admitted to the intensive care unit because of toxaemia associated with varicella. He rapidly developed shock and multisystem organ failure associated with the appearance of a deep-seated soft tissue infection and, despite aggressive treatment, died on hospital day 4. An M-non-typable, spe A and spe B positive Group A Streptococcus was cultured from a deep soft tissue aspirate. The criteria for defining Streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome were fulfilled. The authors discuss the clinical and pathophysiological aspects of this disease as well as some unusual clinical findings related to this case.
A total of 40 strains of the B. fragilis group was isolated from clinical specimens in two hospital centers in Fortaleza from 1993 to 1997. The most frequently isolated species was Bacteroides fragilis (19 strains) and most isolates came from intra-abdominal and wound infections. The susceptibility profile was traced for cefoxitin, cefoperazone and ticarcillin-clavulanate by using the agar dilution reference method. All isolates were susceptible to ticarcillin-clavulanate (128/2mug/ml). Resistance rates of 15 and 70% were detected to cefoxitin (64mug/ml) and cefoperazone (64mug/ml), respectively. Such regional results permit a better orientation in choosing this group of antibiotics for prophylaxis and therapy especially in relation to cefoxitin, which is frequently used in the hospital centers studied.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency and the consequences of the co-infection of hepatitis B and C viruses in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (HSS). METHODS: B and C serologic markers, exposure to risk factors, biochemical assays, upper gastrointestinal endoscopies, and abdominal ultrasonograms were evaluated in 101 patients with HSS from 1994 to 1997. Whenever possible, PCR was tested and histopathological studies were reviewed. RESULTS: At least one HBV virus marker was found in 15.8%, and anti-HCV was detected in 12.9% of the subjects. The seropositive subjects tended to be older than the seronegative ones. A history of blood transfusion was significantly related to the presence of anti-HCV. Three (18.75%) out of 16 subjects exposed to B virus were HBsAg positive. Eleven (84.6%) out of thirteen patients who were anti-HCV positive demonstrated viral activity. Patients with ongoing viral infection presented a higher average level of liver aminotransferases, a higher frequency of cell decompensation and a higher rate of chronic hepatitis. Portal hypertension parameters were not influenced by viral exposure. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of hepatitis B and C viruses serologic markers observed in the patients with HSS was higher than the control group. The co-infection was responsible for a higher frequency of cell decompensation.
Group B Streptococcus is the most common pathogen found in neonatal sepsis in North America. OBJECTIVES: We describe 15 cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae) at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a public and teaching hospital. METHODS: We conducted a study at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from January 1st, 1996 to June 30, 1999. Diagnosis of neonatal infection was established according to the findings of Group B Streptococcus in blood culture associated with alterations resembling sepsis on the basis of clinical picture and laboratory findings. RESULTS: Fifteen cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus were detected. Eleven cases consisted of early-onset sepsis, 2 cases of occult bacteremia and 2 cases of late-onset sepsis. Eight cases had septic shock (53%), 8 cases had pneumonia (53%), and 4 cases had meningitis (27%). Fourteen cases were diagnosed from a positive blood culture, and 1 case from evidence of these bacteria in pulmonary anatomopathological examination. Thirteen cases (87%) were diagnosed before 72 hours of life. We had 3 deaths (20%), and 3 cases of meningitis developing neurological deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus Group B is one of the most important pathogens in the etiology of early-onset neonatal sepsis at our hospital, with high mortality and morbidity. However, we do not know the incidence of GBS neonatal infections at other hospitals. More data are needed to establish a basis for trials of different strategies to reduce these infections.