892 resultados para Thoughts
Technological innovations and the advent of digitalization have led retail business into one of its biggest transformations of all time. Consumer behaviour has changed rapidly and the customers are ever more powerful, demanding, tech-savvy and moving on various plat-forms. These attributes will continue to drive the development and robustly restructure the architecture of value creation in the retail business. The largest retail category, grocery yet awaits for a real disruption, but the signals for major change are already on the horizon. The first wave of online grocery retail was introduced in the mid 1990’s and it throve until millennium. Many overreactions, heavy investments and the burst IT-bubble almost stag-nated the whole industry for a long period of time. The second wave started with a venge-ance around 2010. Some research was carried out during the first wave from a single-viewpoint of online grocery retail, but without a comprehensive approach to online-offline business model integration. Now the accelerating growth of e-business has initiated an increased interest to examine the transformation from traditional business models towards e-business models and their integration on the companies’ traditional business models. This research strove to examine how can we recognize and analyze how digitalization and online channels are affecting the business models of grocery retail, by using business mod-el canvas as an analysis tool. Furthermore business model innovation and omnichannel retail were presented and suggested as potential solutions for these changes. 21 experts in online grocery industry were being interviewed. The thoughts of the informants were being qualitatively analysed by using an analysis tool called the business model canvas. The aim of this research was to portray a holistic view on the Omnichannel grocery retail business model, and the value chain, in which the case company Arina along with its partners are operating. The key conclusions exhibited that online grocery retail business model is not an alterna-tive model nor a substitute for the traditional grocery retail business model, though all of the business model elements are to some extent affected by it, but rather a complementary business model that should be integrated into the prevailing, conventional grocery retail business model. A set of business model elements, such as value proposition and distribu-tion channels were recognized as the most important ones and sources of innovation within these components were being illustrated. Segments for online grocery retail were empiri-cally established as polarized niche markets in contrast of the segmented mass-market of the conventional grocery retail. Business model innovation was proven to be a considera-ble method and a conceptual framework, by which to come across with new value proposi-tions that create competitive advantage for the company in the contemporary, changing business environment. Arina as a retailer can be considered as a industry model innovator, since it has initiated an entire industry in its market area, where other players have later on embarked on, and in which the contributors of the value chain, such as Posti depend on it to a great extent. Consumer behaviour clearly affects and appears everywhere in the digi-talized grocery trade and it drives customers to multiple platforms where retailers need to be present. Omnichannel retail business model was suggested to be the solution, in which the new technologies are being utilized, contemporary consumer behaviour is embedded in decision-making and all of the segments and their value propositions are being served seamlessly across the channels.
This thesis is an examination of growth company and it's superior competence and performance which is based on existing theories and research findings. The theory framework is a basis for the processing part of the thesis that is utilized and combined into new thoughts and assumptions. The analysis is focused on the strategy's meaning, the content of strategy, strategy management, strategy planning, strategy tools and methods. The most important finding and discovery were that the strategy and superior competence / performance of successful growth company are rather a continuously improving process and a lifestyle than for example annual strategy project and/or separate strategy seasons.
This thesis studies the collective memory of the Russian-speaking minority living in Estonia. The minority is exposed to two national narratives regarding the incorporation of Estonia into the Soviet Union in 1940. According to the Estonian narrative, Estonia was occupied and annexed by the Soviet Union while the Soviet-Russian narrative sees the actions to have been legal and voluntary. This thesis firstly examines thoughts the existence of these two opposing narratives evoke among the Russian-speaking minority and secondly it explores whether the views of the minority compare with the two official yet divergent narratives. The study focuses on the second and third generation minority members. The topic belongs to the field of memory studies. The objective is to understand the views the Russian minority have towards the controversial events of the years 1939-40. To accomplish the objectives set, a web-based survey using open-ended and multiple-choice questions was conducted. The open-ended questions addressed the main research questions while the multiple-choice questions contributed to forming a more comprehensive understanding of the subject in question. In order to interpret the data, qualitative content analysis has been applied. Based on the findings, the Russian-speaking minority respondents’ understanding of the events of 1939-40 could be described as fragmented, inconsistent and including viewpoints that resulted from the merger of different storylines. There is no single cohesive or coherent narrative of the past amongst the minority. In addition to that, their views do not generally comply with the narrative of the Russian Federation as often referred to in literature, even though the minority respondents do not want to see the Soviet involvement as critically as the Estonian narrative does. Many respondents conceive the events of 1939-40 as ambiguous revealing the ability to be tolerant and receptive in their views regarding the past.
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sopeutumattomien erityisoppilaiden tunne- ja itsesäätelytaitojen kehittymistä Aggression portaat -interventio-ohjelman avulla kolmen vuoden tutkimusjakson aikana. Käsite sopeutumaton oppilas ei ole yksiselitteisesti määriteltävissä, mutta tässä tutkimuksessa sillä tarkoitetaan yleisopetussuunnitelman mukaan opiskelevaa oppilasta, joka käyttäytymiseen ja tunne-elämään liittyvien haasteidensa vuoksi on saanut siirron erityisopetuksen oppilaaksi ja saa enintään 10 oppilaan opetusryhmässä erityistä pedagogista tukea. Tutkimuksen yksi keskeinen tehtävä oli tutkia, onko tunne- ja itsesäätelytaitojen opettamisesta hyötyä sopeutumattomien oppilaiden tunteiden hallinnan ja käyttäytymisen itsesäätelyn kannalta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on Rose-Krasnorin (1997) malli yksilön sosioemotionaalisesta kompetenssista täydennettynä muiden tutkijoiden näkemyksillä. Sosioemotionaalinen kompetenssi on yläkäsite, johon kuuluvat alakäsitteinä tunne- ja itsesäätelytaidot, sosiokognitiiviset taidot ja sosiaaliset taidot. Lisäksi sosioemotionaaliseen kompetenssiin vaikuttavat kiintymyssuhteet ja osallisuus sekä tavoitteet vuorovaikutuksessa ja konteksti. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään tunne- ja itsesäätelytaitoihin. Interventioryhmän (N=36) muodostivat Varsinais-Suomen alueella opiskelevat sopeutumattomien oppilaiden erityiskoulun 8-13-vuotiaat oppilaat, joille opetettiin tunne- ja itsesäätelytaitoja Aggression portaat -opetusmateriaaliin (Cacciatore 2007) pohjautuvan intervention avulla. Kontrolliryhmän (N=26) oppilaat olivat interventioryhmän oppilaiden ikäisiä ja he opiskelivat Varsinais-Suomen alueen kouluissa pienluokissa myös käyttäytymiseen ja tunne-elämään liittyvien haasteidensa vuoksi. Kontrolliryhmän oppilaat eivät saaneet tutkimusjakson aikana interventio-ohjelman mukaista opetusta. Interventioryhmän oppilaat kävivät erityiskoulua, jossa kaikilla oppilailla oli sopeutumisongelmia ja kontrolliryhmän oppilaat opiskelivat yleisopetuksen koulujen yhteydessä olevilla sopeutumattomien oppilaiden pienluokilla. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty vuosina 2010-2012. Tutkimusmetodeina olivat sekä oppilaille että opettajille laaditut Webropol-alustaiset kyselyt ja oppilaiden kirjoittamat väkivalta-aiheiset tekstit. Tutkimus- ja kontrolliryhmän oppilaille pidettiin ”Tunteiden hallinta ja käyttäytyminen”- kyselyn avulla alkumittaus syksyllä 2009 ja mittaus toistettiin keväällä 2010, 2011 ja 2012. Kyselyiden avulla selvitettiin, miten oppilaiden tunteiden kokeminen ja ilmaiseminen sekä tunteiden hallinta ja käyttäytymisen itsesäätely muuttuivat tutkimusjakson aikana. Kyselyssä kartoitettiin myös oppilaiden kokemuksia kiusaamisena ilmenevästä väkivallasta. Aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla selvitettiin oppilaiden kirjoitelmista heidän ajatuksiaan ja näkemyksiään väkivallasta ja ehdotuksia keinoista väkivallan vähentämiseksi. Keväällä 2012 interventioryhmän oppilaille ja opettajille laadittujen erillisten kyselyiden avulla selvitettiin sekä oppilaiden että opettajien arvioita ja kokemuksia oppilaiden tunne- ja itsesäätelytaitojen muutoksesta interventio-ohjelman avulla. Lisäksi oppilaat ja opettajat arvioivat pidettyjen tunnetaitotuntien hyödyllisyyttä oppilaille. Interventioryhmän opettajat arvioivat myös Aggression portaat -interventiomateriaalin käyttökelpoisuutta. Vuoden 2014 Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa esitetyt velvoitteet opettaa kouluissa oppilaille tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja edellyttävät tietoa konkreettisista käytänteistä ja tutkimusperustaisista interventio-ohjelmista. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että interventioryhmän muodostaneet sopeutumattomat oppilaat hyötyivät Aggression portaat -interventiosta. Heidän tunne- ja itsesäätelytaidoissaan tapahtui myönteistä kehitystä etenkin myönteisten tunnekokemusten lisääntymisen ja toisiin kohdistuneen fyysisen väkivallan vähenemisen osalta. Myös suhtautuminen väkivaltapelien ikärajoihin oli merkittävästi myönteisempää kuin kontrolliryhmän oppilailla, joilla kielteinen asenne lisääntyi selvästi tutkimusjakson aikana. Lisäksi interventioryhmän oppilailla oli keinoja itsensä rentouttamiseksi, päinvastoin kuin kontrolliryhmän oppilailla, joilla keinottomuuden kokemus jopa lisääntyi. Interventioryhmän oppilaat suhtautuivat hyvin kielteisesti toisen yllyttämiseen väkivaltaiseen tekoon ja kirjoittivat enemmän ajatuksiaan väkivallasta tuoden esille runsaasti ehdotuksia keinoista väkivallan vähentämiseksi. Myös oppilaat ja opettajat kokivat interventio-ohjelman oppilaiden kehityksen kannalta hyödylliseksi ja opettajat myös interventiomateriaalin käyttökelpoiseksi.
This essay asks whether we are all becoming Keynesians again. It offers some thoughts about the impact of the financial crisis on macroeconomic theory and Keynesian theory, and on post-Keynesian theory in particular. It is argued that the crisis does have obvious effects on how Keynesianism is being perceived by decision makers, and that some effects are also observed on academia. However, there are forces within the economics profession and the population at large which are resistant to this second coming of the Keynesian revolution.
Opinnäytetyö alkoholin verkkokauppamarkkinoista Suomessa on katsaus markkinoihin, jotka ovat olleet esillä mediassa viime aikoina hyvinkin paljon. Opinnäytetyössä analysoidaan Michael Porterin viiden kilpailuvoiman mallin avulla toimialaa. Porterin viisi kilpailuvoimaa ovat toimialan nykyinen kilpailu, tavarantoimittajien neuvotteluvoima, kuluttajien neuvotteluvoima, uusien kilpailijoiden uhka sekä korvaavien tuotteiden tai palveuluiden uhka. Tämän lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan lainsäädäntöä kuudentena kilpailuvoimana, sillä se asettaa merkittävät kilpailulliset reunaehdot. Toimiala-analyysin jälkeen siirrytään varsinaiseen tutkimusongelmaan, jossa pohditaan, kannattaako Alkon perustaa verkkokauppa? Tähän liittyen apututkimuskysymyksissä pohditaan mitä lisäarvoa alkoholin verkkokauppa luo ylipäätään kuluttajille sekä tavarantoimittajille/maahantuojille. Opinnäytetyöhön on liitetty ajatuksia, joita on kerätty haastattelemalla kolmea eri henkilöä, joilta löytyy merkittävästi tietoa alkoholimarkkinoista. Alko Oy ei ole osallisena, vaan opinnäytetyö on kirjoitettu täysin objektiivisesti, vaikka siinä onkin paljon kirjoittan omaa empiriaa. Haastattelut ovat tarkoituksella jätetty keskustelunomaisiksi, ja ovat siten melko subjektiivisia näkemyksiä eri ihmisten silmin. Monopolit herättävät keskustelua ja Alkon asema yhteiskunnallisena monopolina onkin asetettu kriittiseen tarkasteluun tutkimuksessa. Teoriassa käsiteltiin myös Alkon palvelualttiutta 4C –mallin avulla sekä Alkoa yrityksenä analysoitiin SWOT –analyysilla. Näiden teorioiden, toimiala-analyysin, haastatteluiden, kirjoittajan oman näkemyksen sekä eri lähteistä löydetyn informaation myötä voidaan todeta, että Alkon verkkokaupalle on tarve, joka on ollut olemassa jo pitkään. Monopoliaseman oletetaan olleen syy tälle hitaalle kehitykselle. Kuluttajien lisäarvoa olisi ehdottomasti kotiinkuljetus, mutta sitä Alko ei tarjoa. Toisaalta verkkokaupan myötä laajeneva tuotevalikoima on selkeä lisäarvo. Tavarantoimittajien/maahantuojien lisäarvoa ei vielä pystytty selvittämään, koska siihen suhtauduttiin ristiriitaisesti.
The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. The amount of air and water pollution it causes puts a burden on the environment. There are companies who have taken the environmental and social aspects into account in the their production and chosen to operate in a green manner. This thesis studies how the phenomenon of green branding is seen from the perspectives of small Finnish textile companies. The theory used in this thesis has to do with green branding and identity building. The theory is used to analyze the results of the empirical findings. The main research question that the thesis aims to answer is how green branding is perceived within the Finnish textile industry. In order to answer the main research question, empirical data was collected from five relevant companies within the Finnish textile industry. The companies interviewed for the study were WST, Saana ja Olli, RCM, R-collection and Tiensivu. The study was conducted as a multiple case based study where multiple experts from green companies were interviewed. The experts were all owners or employees of companies that have a so-called green brand identity. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews, where the relevant experts from each company were interviewed either by themselves, in pairs or in groups. The data that was collected for this study was primary data, and the results of the study are mainly based on the experiences and opinions of the experts interviewed. The data collected does not cover the entire green textile industry within Finland, but study does however give a fairly comprehensive view of the phenomenon, as the textile industry in Finland is quite concise. The general findings of the study show that all experts from the companies interviewed agreed that a green brand identity does benefit their company in one way or the other. The findings also show contradictions with the older theory (eg. Charter et al. 1999, Pickett et al. 1995), and perhaps give a more modern view of the thoughts within the industry.
The oscillation of neuronal circuits reflected in the EEG gamma frequency may be fundamental to the perceptual process referred to as binding (the integration of various thoughts and perceptions into a coherent picture). The aim of our study was to expand our knowledge of the developmental course ofEEG gamma in the auditory modality. 2 We investigated EEG 40 Hz gamma band responses (35.2 to 43.0 Hz) using an auditory novelty oddball paradigm alone and with a visual-number-series distracter task in 208 participants as a function of age (7 years to adult) at 9 sites across the sagital and lateral axes (F3, Fz, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz, P4). Gamma responses were operationally defined as change in power or a change in phase synchrony level from baseline within two time windows. The evoked gamma response was defined as a significant change from baseline occurring between 0 to 150 ms after stimulus onset; the induced gamma response was measured from 250 to 750 ms after stimulus onset. A significant evoked gamma band response was found when measuring changes in both power and phase synchrony. The increase in both measures was maximal at frontal regions. Decreases in both measures were found when participants were distracted by a secondary task. For neither measure were developmental effects noted. However, evoked gamma power was significantly enhanced with the presentation of a novel stimulus, especially at the right frontal site (F4); frontal evoked gamma phase synchrony also showed enhancement for novel stimuli but only for our two oldest age groups (16-18 year olds and adults). Induced gamma band responses also varied with task-dependent cognitive stimulus properties. In the induced gamma power response in all age groups, target stimuli generated the highest power values at the parietal region, while the novel stimuli were always below baseline. Target stimuli increased induced synchrony in all regions for all participants, but the novel stimulus selectively affected participants dependent on their age and gender. Adult participants, for example, exhibited a reduction in gamma power, but an increase in synchrony to the novel stimulus within the same region. Induced gamma synchrony was more sensitive to the gender of the participant than was induced gamma power. While induced gamma power produced little effects of age, gamma synchrony did have age effects. These results confirm that the perceptual process which regulates gamma power is distinct from that which governs the synchronization for neuronal firing, and both gamma power and synchrony are important factors to be considered for the "binding" hypothesis. However, there is surprisingly little effect of age on the absolute levels of or distribution of EEG gamma in the age range investigated.
In this research study I examined how four principals of secondary schools interpreted authority and how these interpretations affected their practice. This study involved a presentation of the literature where the concept of qualitative methodology as well as general concepts of authority were reviewed. Four principals were interviewed and asked to reflect on their feelings and experiences as they related to the practice of authority. Five major themes emerged from their reflections and stories which were: Understandings of the Concept of Authority, Principals' Enactment of Authority, Thoughts and Experiences related to Challenges to Their Authority, A View of Principals' Challenge of Authority, and Changing Views on the Authority of Principals in Ontario. The stories of these four principals demonstrated that the practice of authority is complex, dynamic, and contains personal and social tensions. The sharing of these ideas and stories provided a window into the world of these secondary school educational leaders and their experiences with, and enactment of, authority. From this research four recommendations were made to improve educators' practice related to the issue of authority. The importance of this study is that it presents an understanding of the dynamic nature of the process and enactment of authority by these secondary school principals at a unique time in the history of education in Ontario.This qualitative research provides a snapshot of a particular group of educators at a particular time and place. Others need to add to these understandings and modify these ideas through further research. Understanding the experiences of educational leaders as they negotiate concepts of authority gives a window on this very complex, yet vital, component of education.
This qualitative study explores the motivation of College Vocational Program (CVP) students at one campus of a large College of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT a) in urban southern Ontario. The study is in response to my close involvement with the CVP students as an instructor for five years, and my observation that a greater understanding of the motivational influences affecting the students' involvement in the program would strengthen teaching and learning, and enhance the CVP educational experience for students and instructors. This study was limited to one CVP program, and a small sample of convenience of 9 CVP male and female students and 6 instructors selected from two classes. The students were chosen based on their verbal abilities to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in regard to answering the research questions posed. Through interviews with students, instructors, and ajob coach, this study addressed four main questions relevant to college vocational students and motivation: defining student success, encouragement, discouragement, and perceptions about academic and vocationalleaming. The interview questions for both students and instructors were designed by me and were based on themes derived from the literature and from my experience in the program. The findings identify that the students and instructors see success in the program in a slightly different way, the importance of relationships and structure, the hindering effect of disabilities and the importance of accommodation, and the strong aspiration of the students wanting to learn in a supportive accepting environment. The study concludes with implications for further research and theory development.
Introduction The question of the meaning, methods and philosophical manifestations of history is currently rife with contention. The problem that I will address in an exposition of the thought of Wilhelm Dilthey and Martin Heidegger, centers around the intersubjectivity of an historical world. Specifically, there are two interconnected issues. First, since all knowledge occurs to a person from within his or her historical age how can any person in any age make truth claims? In order to answer this concern we must understand the essence and role of history. Yet how can we come to an individual understanding ofwhat history is when the meanings that we use are themselves historically enveloped? But can we, we who are well aware of the knowledge that archaeology has dredged up from old texts or even from 'living' monuments of past ages, really neglect to notice these artifacts that exist within and enrich our world? Charges of wilful blindness would arise if any attempt were made to suggest that certain things of our world did not come down to us from the past. Thus it appears more important 2 to determine what this 'past' is and therefore how history operates than to simply derail the possibility for historical understanding. Wilhelm Dilthey, the great German historicist from the 19th century, did not question the existence of historical artifacts as from the past, but in treating knowledge as one such artifact placed the onus on knowledge to show itself as true, or meaningful, in light ofthe fact that other historical periods relied on different facts and generated different truths or meanings. The problem for him was not just determining what the role of history is, but moreover to discover how knowledge could make any claim as true knowledge. As he stated, there is a problem of "historical anarchy"!' Martin Heidegger picked up these two strands of Dilthey's thought and wanted to answer the problem of truth and meaning in order to solve the problem of historicism. This problem underscored, perhaps for the first time, that societal presuppositions about the past and present oftheir era are not immutable. Penetrating to the core of the raison d'etre of the age was an historical reflection about the past which was now conceived as separated both temporally and attitudinally from the present. But further than this, Heidegger's focus on asking the question of the meaning of Being meant that history must be ontologically explicated not merely ontically treated. Heidegger hopes to remove barriers to a genuine ontology by II 1 3 including history into an assessment ofprevious philosophical systems. He does this in order that the question of Being be more fully explicated, which necessarily for him includes the question of the Being of history. One approach to the question ofwhat history is, given the information that we get from historical knowledge, is whether such knowledge can be formalized into a science. Additionally, we can approach the question of what the essence and role of history is by revealing its underlying characteristics, that is, by focussing on historicality. Thus we will begin with an expository look at Dilthey's conception of history and historicality. We will then explore these issues first in Heidegger's Being and Time, then in the third chapter his middle and later works. Finally, we shall examine how Heidegger's conception may reflect a development in the conception of historicality over Dilthey's historicism, and what such a conception means for a contemporary historical understanding. The problem of existing in a common world which is perceived only individually has been philosophically addressed in many forms. Escaping a pure subjectivist interpretation of 'reality' has occupied Western thinkers not only in order to discover metaphysical truths, but also to provide a foundation for politics and ethics. Many thinkers accept a solipsistic view as inevitable and reject attempts at justifying truth in an intersubjective world. The problem ofhistoricality raises similar problems. We 4 -. - - - - exist in a common historical age, presumably, yet are only aware ofthe historicity of the age through our own individual thoughts. Thus the question arises, do we actually exist within a common history or do we merely individually interpret this as communal? What is the reality of history, individual or communal? Dilthey answers this question by asserting a 'reality' to the historical age thus overcoming solipsism by encasing individual human experience within the historical horizon of the age. This however does nothing to address the epistemological concern over the discoverablity of truth. Heidegger, on the other hand, rejects a metaphysical construel of history and seeks to ground history first within the ontology ofDasein, and second, within the so called "sending" of Being. Thus there can be no solipsism for Heidegger because Dasein's Being is necessarily "cohistorical", Being-with-Others, and furthermore, this historical-Being-in-the-worldwith- Others is the horizon of Being over which truth can appear. Heidegger's solution to the problem of solipsism appears to satisfy that the world is not just a subjective idealist creation and also that one need not appeal to any universal measures of truth or presumed eternal verities. Thus in elucidating Heidegger's notion of history I will also confront the issues ofDasein's Being-alongside-things as well as the Being of Dasein as Being-in-the-world so that Dasein's historicality is explicated vis-a-vis the "sending of Being" (die Schicken des S eins).
This research explored the elements that contribute to staff nurses' commitment to lifelong professional development. This exploration has been undertaken to provide insights into those factors that motivate individuals to continue their education for professional development and for clinical practice improvement. This study was conducted in an acute care hospital in Southern Ontario, and investigated the thoughts and experiences ofhealth care staffworking within that setting. A qualitative case study was undertaken which involved the collection of interview, document, and class observation data. Two exemplary clinical nurse educators and two motivated, professionally committed staffnurses were interviewed during the study. Teaching document review and observation ofclasses involving the clinical nurse educators were conducted to facilitate triangulation of fmdingswith data sources and strategies. These participants provided rich data that were captured in field notes and coded for conceptual meaning. Emerging from the data were the identification ofthree major elements of influence that contribute to staffnurses' commitment to lifelong professional development. Identified within the three intersecting spheres of influence upon staff nurses' lifelong commitment to professionalleaming were the environment, the clinical nurse educator, and the staff nurse. This research explored the intersecting spheres of influence and the elements within the partnership model ofprofessional education for staff nurses.
This thesis has been produced to meet the requirements of Brock University's Masters of Education program. It is the result of many peoples' reflections on and beliefs about the act of teaching in today's world. This manuscript is intended to provide the reader with an engaged interpretation of the dynamic field of teaching. In recognizing the ever-changing demands of the profession, this paper serves to provide the reader with a gathering of strategies or paradigm of action which an educator may employ to respond to the demands of his/her complex vocation. This gathering of strategies represents the phenomenon I have examined throughout this study: responsivity. What is it? Is it important for a practitioner to develop? If so, how can it be developed? In no way is this an "answer book" for teachers to adhere to. It is a collection of thoughts and ideas from an array of "insiders" who have experienced the phenomenon of responsivity. It will not provide the reader with immediate answers. What it will offer the reader is a deeper understanding of the related issues and concerns surrounding responsivity.
This study investigated, retrospectively, whether recidivism in a sample of court-ordered'graduates of an alcohol education and awareness program could be predicted. This alcohol education program was based on adult education principles and was philosophically akin to the thoughts of Drs. Jack Mezirow, Stephen Brookfield, and Patricia Cranton. Data on the sample of 214 Halton IDEA (Impaired Driver Education and Awareness) graduates were entered into a spread sheet. Descriptive statistics were generated. Each of the 214 program graduates had taken several tests during the course of the IDEA program. These tests measured knowledge, attitude about impaired driving, and degree of alcohol involvement. Test scores were analyzed to determine whether those IDEA graduates who recidivated differed in any measurable way from those who had no further criminal convictions after a period of at least three years. Their criminal records were obtained from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). Those program graduates who reoffended were compared to the vast majority who did not reoffend. Results of the study indicated that there was no way to determine who would recidivate from the data that were collected. Further studies could use a qualitative model. Follow-up interviews could be used to determine what impact, if any, attendance at the IDEA program had on the life of the graduates.
This qualitative study examined the perceived thoughts, feelings and experiences of seven public health nurses employed in a southern ontario health department, regarding the initial phase of the introduction of a self-directed orientation program in their place of employment. A desire to understand what factors facilitate public health nurses in the process of becoming self-directed learners was the purpose of this study. Data were gathered by three methods: 1) a standard open-ended interview was conducted by the researcher with each nurse for approximately one hour; 2) personal notes were kept by the researcher throughout the study; and 3) a review of all pertinent health department documents such as typed minutes of meetings and memos which referred to the introduction of the self-directed learning model was conducted. The meaning of the experience for the nurses provided some insights into what does and does not facilitate public health nurses in the process of becoming self-directed learners. Implications and recommendations for program planners, nurse administrators, facilitators of learning and researchers evolved from the findings of this study.