567 resultados para Séoul


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, 2016.


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At once controversial and intriguing, Spiritualism has spread from the United States to become a global movement. Bringing together perspectives from within the movement and without, this unique collection treats readers to insights about Spiritualism's history, belief, and practice.Based on the belief that the dead can communicate with the living through mediums, Spiritualism touches concepts as timelessly fascinating as human mortality and the continuing existence of the soul beyond bodily death. This comprehensive work will help readers parse the mysteries of this uniquely American religion through three thematically organized volumes: Spiritualism in the U.S. and Globally, Evidence and Beliefs, and Cultural and Social Issues. Drawing on fields as diverse as psychology, sociology, religious studies, anthropology, history, ethnic and gender studies, literature, and art, this broad-based collection frames Spiritualism through the views of a team of international scholars.Among the many things that separate Spiritualism from mainstream religions is the involvement of women in central leadership roles. Such cultural and political elements of the movement are one aspect of this study. Of equal interest to believers and skeptics alike will be the work of scholars who have devoted themselves to examining the claim that communication through mediums proves the existence of life after death.


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This paper examines the apology for the life of the mind Francis Bacon gives in Book I of his 1605 text The Advancement of Learning. Like recent work on Bacon led by the ground-breaking studies of Corneanu, Harrison and Gaukroger, I argue that Bacon’s conception and defence of intellectual inquiry in this extraordinary text is framed by reference to the classical model, which had conceived and justified philosophising as a way of life or means to the care of the inquirer’s soul or psyche. In particular, Bacon’s proximities and debts to the Platonic Apology and Cicero’s defence of intellectual pursuits in Rome are stressed, alongside the acuity and eloquence of Bacon’s descriptions of the intellectual virtues and their advertised contributions to the theologically and civically virtuous life.


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In this paper I aim to develop a largely non-empirical case for the compatibility of phenomenology and naturalism. To do so, I will criticise what I take to be the standard construal of the relationship between transcendental phenomenology and naturalism, and defend a ‘minimal’ version of phenomenology that is compatible with liberal naturalism in the ontological register (but incompatible with scientific naturalism) and with weak forms of methodological naturalism, the latter of which is understood as advocating ‘results continuity’, over the long haul, with the relevant empirical sciences. Far from such a trajectory amounting to a Faustian pact in which phenomenology sacrifices its soul, I contend that insofar as phenomenologists care about reigning in the excesses of reductive versions of naturalism, the only viable way for this to be done is via the impure and hybrid account of phenomenology I outline here.


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The purpose of this thesis is two-fold. It presents six original pieces composed and arranged by the author, and it provides a thorough analysis of each. The compositions draw from many different musical genres: contemporary jazz, swing, funk, fusion, soul, neo-soul, and rhythm and blues. The applications of melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic techniques derived from these genres can be found in these original compositions. These compositions are inspired by -- and attempt to narrate --life experiences. Parallels between life and music are drawn and explained. By way of introduction, some information is given regarding the ensemble that first performed these original compositions. The ensemble comprised trumpet, tenor saxophone, keyboards, piano, electric bass, upright acoustic bass, drums, and percussion.


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The purpose of my research was to explore the interplay between religion and art in James Joyce’s novel, A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN. My aim was to trace the development of the protagonist, Stephen Dedalus by analyzing how Catholicsim is an institution that forms him, yet must reject to realize his artistic potential. I researched Joyce’s background to gain an understanding of the exilic experience on the literature. Through the exilic lens, I realized that Catholicism was the predominant influence on Stephen’s need to embark on a self-imposed exile at the end of the novel. Complicating his decision is the fact that he does not stop believing in religious constructs such as heaven and hell. In conclusion I found by following his artistic longing, and turning away from the church he is committing a sin and, as a result, damning his soul.


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This research challenges the origin story of neoliberalism in Latin America. Drawing on archival data from the Mont Pèlerin Society and the personal archives of leading but neglected figures in the post-war push to rebuild economic liberalism, I present a historical geography of elite counter-protest that both predates and broadens the generally accepted “birth” of neoliberalism in 1970s Chile. Beginning in the 1940s, Latin American elites found common cause with key figures from economic liberalism’s most radical wing: the Austrian School. While existing literature links the onset of neoliberalism in Chile to the Austrian School, particularly with respect to the School’s influence on the early Mont Pèlerin Society, this dissertation is the first comprehensive inquiry to place the Austrian tradition in the ideational and organizational landscape of Latin America. Embracing a new mission that promised to save the soul of Western civilization, Latin America’s retro-neoliberal leaders collaborated with transnational actors to build a network of Austrian-inspired think-tanks and institutes of higher learning in the region. These organizations, in turn, served as recruiting mechanisms to found the Hispanic quarter of the Mont Pèlerin Society, which was dominated not (as might be assumed) by Chileans, but rather by retro-neoliberal elites from Mexico, Argentina, Guatemala, and Venezuela. By 1975, when scholars began analyzing how a run-of-the-mill economics department had been transformed into a bastion of free-market thinking in Chile, an entire neoliberal university was up and running in Guatemala, exposing all students, regardless of discipline, to the Austrian tradition – the crowning achievement of Latin America’s retro-neoliberal network. Investigating, and accounting for, the development and impact of this initiative sheds new light on the neoliberal landscape in Latin America, and raises important questions for the study of neoliberalism more broadly.


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Ce mémoire traite du débat entre le coeur et le devoir et des différentes influences qui ont conduit à la fameuse question : Pourquoi la princesse n’épouse-t-elle pas le duc de Nemours alors que tous les obstacles sont levés ? À défaut de pouvoir répondre définitivement à cette énigme dont seule Madame de La Fayette possède la clé, nous nous sommes concentrée sur les influences qui auraient pu pousser la princesse à sacrifier son coeur pour son devoir. La méthode de recherche utilisée est l’approche de la biographie intellectuelle. Il est évident que le vécu de l'auteure a teinté le contenu de son oeuvre ainsi que l'âme de son héroïne. Nous nous sommes également inspirée de la méthode sociocritique quant aux influences et mouvements de l'époque. Dans le but de simplifier la collecte des sources et l’organisation de la recherche, nous avons regroupé les influences en trois grandes catégories : les influences personnelles, internes et externes. Cette étude a mis en évidence que les moeurs, dans La Princesse de Clèves, sont le miroir de la société du XVIIe siècle. Chaque influence présentée forme le dessin d’une princesse cachant en elle le secret de son renoncement à l'amour.


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The Unionist Party and the Third Home Rule Crisis, 1912-1914” by W. S. Brockington, Jr. To Herald the Revolution: The Public Activists of G. V. Chicherin and Maksim Litvinov in Wartime Britain by William J. Lavery William W. Boyce: A Leader of the Southern Peace Movement by Roger P. Leemhuis South Carolina Leadership in the Southern Unification Movement, 1849-1850 by Thelma Jennings Soul of the South: James F. Byrnes and the Racial Issue in American Politics, 1911-1941 by Winfred B. Moore, Jr. Cole L. Blease and the Senatorial Campaign of 1924 by Daniel W. Hollis The Cuban Revolution in Historical Perspective


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La presente investigación analiza las dinámicas y relaciones sociales de la implementación de un estudio de cultura organizacional en un escenario etnográfico concreto. El propósito del presente trabajo, es analizar el estudio de la cultura organizacional como una técnica de gobierno con unas prácticas específicas, negociadas, consensuadas y establecidas en el marco de la participación de los empleados en el estudio realizado por la empresa.


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El trabajo a continuación tiene como objetivo mostrar cómo la música ha estado ligada al afroamericano desde su llegada al continente Americano en 1800, y cómo ha sido usada para lograr una transformación político-social que permitiría alcanzar la igualdad de trato en Estados Unidos durante la mitad del siglo XX. Se observará la evolución del Blues desde sus raíces y la introducción del R&B como expresión de pensamiento, ideas y experiencias utilizado por The Black Panther Party en la escena social negra de la época. Para lograr el objetivo anteriormente mencionado, se utilizará la Teoría de Campos de Pierre Bourdieu, junto con los conceptos de Capital y Habitus.


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Basada en los conceptos de Alexis de Tocqueville, esta investigación busca explicar de qué manera la cultura del trabajo influyó en la igualdad de condiciones. Para esto fue necesario analizar cómo la sociedad neogranadina acogía nuevas teorías y prácticas del mundo moderno liberal en su estructura socio-económica y política, haciendo indispensable, en primer lugar, realizar un estudio detallado de la situación de la Nueva Granada en los aspectos mencionados, durante finales del siglo XVIII y gran parte del siglo XIX. En principio se puede deducir que la cultura del trabajo no tuvo influencia en la igualdad de condiciones, porque la concepción protestante de la salvación del alma no halló en los neogranadinos la aceptación que requería para hacer de este un pueblo trabajador y tampoco se pudo garantizar una situación de igualdad de condiciones desde un aspecto cultural, sino que estuvo presente por medio de leyes que no eran respetadas.