885 resultados para Product Maintenance
Cost estimation is an important, but challenging process when designing a new product or a feature of it, verifying the product prices given by suppliers or planning a cost saving actions of existing products. It is even more challenging when the product is highly modular, not a bulk product. In general, cost estimation techniques can be divided into two main groups - qualitative and quantitative techniques - which can further be classified into more detailed methods. Generally, qualitative techniques are preferable when comparing alternatives and quantitative techniques when cost relationships can be found. The main objective of this thesis was to develop a method on how to estimate costs of internally manufactured and commercial elevator landing doors. Because of the challenging product structure, the proposed cost estimation framework is developed under three different levels based on past cost information available. The framework consists of features from both qualitative and quantitative cost estimation techniques. The starting point for the whole cost estimation process is an unambiguous, hierarchical product structure so that the product can be classified into controllable parts and is then easier to handle. Those controllable parts can then be compared to existing past cost knowledge of similar parts and create as accurate cost estimates as possible by that way.
Kuormitustestaus on osa web-sovellusten kehitystä ja käyttöönottoa. Sillä varmistetaan sovellusten toimivuus ennalta määrätyn kuorman alla. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) on palvelintuote nykyaikaisten web-sovellusten luontiin ja ylläpitoon. Työssä vertaillaan kahta eri uormitustestaustyökalua: SilkPerformer 2008 ja Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition ja valitaan MOSS – web-sovelluksille paremmin sopiva työkalu. Työssä vertaillaan työkaluja niiden ominaisuuksien perusteella sekä suorittamalla kuormitustestausta testausta varten luodulle MOSS – web-sovellukselle. Vaikuttavien tekijöiden perusteella työkaluja arvioidaan ja tämän perusteella saadaan tulos vertailulle. Työn tuloksena Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition sopii paremmin MOSS – web-sovelluksen kuormitustestausvälineeksi. Vertailussa kuitenkin havaittiin, että työkalut ovat melko tasavertaisia, ja käytännön tilanteesta riippuu, kumpi sopii paremmin. Tämä työ auttaa valinnan teossa.
Internet s’ha alçat en poc temps com el mitjà més utilitzat pels turistes per a planificar, organitzar i comprar un viatge, és per això que es proposa donar les mateixes facilitats en el destí. La Publicitat Dinàmica o “Digital Signage” és un nou servei de comunicació que consisteix en un conjunt de tecnologies i aplicacions informàtiques que permeten emetre missatges multimèdia i comunicar-se així d’una manera innovadora amb el públic objectiu de cada empresa, si s’afegeix un sistema independent, multimèdia i interactiu que pot utilitzar-se per a proporcionar informació i/o permetre la realització de transaccions es potencia al màxim el servei. D’aquesta manera es proposa crear una Xarxa Digital Multimèdia de Kioscs Interactius recolzats amb una pantalla de plasma per a la tecnologia Digital Signage. La ubicació escollida estratègicament és en un dels punts de major afluència turística, tal com l’entrada dels hotels. Així es tracta de crear circuits tancats en àrees geogràfiques on es troben els principals nuclis turístics de Mallorca. La possibilitat d’accedir a segments de població altament interessants per al producte o servei es multiplica al ser una manera fàcil, eficaç i altament suggestiva de promocionar el què es pretén. Un avantatge és la simplicitat de la infraestructura tecnològica que es necessita, el dispositiu mitjançant el qual es visualitzaran els missatges serà una pantalla de plasma convencional, i un terminal de punt de venda instal.lat en un lloc de pas. Cada mòdul està connectat a la xarxa ADSL mitjançant un servidor local a Internet. La connexió a la xarxa és imprescindible per a que el manteniment i actualització dels continguts es puguin efectuar remotament. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és estudiar la viabilitat de la implantació de la xarxa, mitjançant la realització d’un estudi de mercat on s’analitzen els grups claus per a la implantació: els hotelers, la indústria turística i el Govern Balear. S’identifiquen els beneficis que aportarà al nou servei i les repercussions que tendrà la seva instal.lació. Entre els resultats més destacats d’aquest estudi cal remarcar l’acceptació que ha tengut la idea entre els hotelers entrevistats i la resposta positiva de la indústria turística. Es reconeix: una millora de la imatge del sector, l’ús com a eina de promoció turística pel Govern, i la contribució a la sostenibilitat econòmica pel fet que augmenta la competitivitat de les empreses i això millora la qualitat del servei.
The purpose of this thesis is to develop an environment or network that enables effective collaborative product structure management among stakeholders in each unit, throughout the entire product lifecycle and product data management. This thesis uses framework models as an approach to the problem. Framework model methods for development of collaborative product structure management are proposed in this study, there are three unique models depicted to support collaborative product structure management: organization model, process model and product model. In the organization model, the formation of product data management system (eDSTAT) key user network is specified. In the process model, development is based on the case company’s product development matrix. In the product model framework, product model management, product knowledge management and design knowledge management are defined as development tools and collaboration is based on web-based product structure management. Collaborative management is executed using all these approaches. A case study from an actual project at the case company is presented as an implementation; this is to verify the models’ applicability. A computer assisted design tool and the web-based product structure manager, have been used as tools of this collaboration with the support of the key user. The current PDM system, eDSTAT, is used as a piloting case for key user role. The result of this development is that the role of key user as a collaboration channel is defined and established. The key user is able to provide one on one support for the elevator projects. Also the management activities are improved through the application of process workflow by following criteria for each project milestone. The development shows effectiveness of product structure management in product lifecycle, improved production process by eliminating barriers (e.g. improvement of two-way communication) during design phase and production phase. The key user role is applicable on a global scale in the company.
Taajuusmuuttaja on yhä yleisempi laite perinteisten oikosulkumoottoreiden nopeuden säädössä, niin teollisuudessa kuin muilla käyttökohteissa. Ensimmäiset laitetyypit olivat mekaanisesti suurikokoisia ja vaativat laitteen tekniseltä tuelta ja kunnossapidolta hyvää teknistä perehtyneisyyttä laitteisiin. Teknologian kehittymisen myötä laitteiden teho/kokosuhde on pienentynyt ja tarjolla on useita eri sovelluskohteisiin suoraan soveltuvia taajuusmuuttajia varustettuna helppokäyttöisillä ja kaupallisilla käyttöliittymillä. Laitteen elinkaaren aikainen luotettavuusjohtaminen edellyttää valmistajalta varsinaisen laitesuunnittelun lisäksi tarkoituksenmukaisia testausmenetelmiä ja kokemusperäistä luotettavuustietoa myös asennetusta laitekannasta. Työssä on käyty taajuusmuuttajan suunnittelun kannalta läpi luotettavuuden käsitteistö sekä yleisimpiä luotettavuusmenetelmiä. Luotettavuusnäkökohtia verrataan asennetusta laitekannasta saatuihin kokemuksiin laitteen valmistajan ja tuotetuen kannalta. Työssä on esitetty luokittelun perusteita ja menetelmät, miten käytön aikana voidaan arvioida laitteen teknistä tilaa sekä huomioida se kunnossapidon suunnittelussa. Johtopäätöksenä huomataan, että asennuspaikka ja käyttösovellus määrittävät taajuusmuuttajan käytettävyyden. Kenttätietoja voidaan hyödyntää paikallisen kunnossapidon kannalta kunnossapidon ja investointien suunnittelussa. Toisaalta valmistajan tuotekehitys saa asennetuista laitteista kokemuksia seuraavan sukupolven tyypin suunnittelun perustaksi. Tekniikan voimakkaan kehittymisen seurauksena uusien taajuusmuuttajatyyppien valmistus kestää yhä lyhyemmän ajanjakson, jolloin asennetusta laitekannasta saatu kenttäkokemus on arvokasta tietoa laitevalmistajalle. Yhteenvetona valmistajan laiterekistereitä voidaan kehittää siten, että niihin on tallennettavissa laitekartoitusten perusteella kerättyä informaatiota, jota niin valmistajan myynti, tuotetuki kuin laitesuunnittelu voi omassa toiminnassaan hyödyntää.
Nowadays software testing and quality assurance have a great value in software development process. Software testing does not mean a concrete discipline, it is the process of validation and verification that starts from the idea of future product and finishes at the end of product’s maintenance. The importance of software testing methods and tools that can be applied on different testing phases is highly stressed in industry. The initial objectives for this thesis were to provide a sufficient literature review on different testing phases and for each of the phases define the method that can be effectively used for improving software’s quality. Software testing phases, chosen for study are: unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, system testing, acceptance testing and usability testing. The research showed that there are many software testing methods that can be applied at different phases and in the most of the cases the choice of the method should be done depending on software type and its specification. In the thesis the problem, concerned to each of the phases was identified; the method that can help in eliminating this problem was suggested and particularly described.
The aim of this study was to create an outsourcing process for pharmaceutical product development. This study focuses on two main questions. The first question is “What is the outsourcing process model?” In the second phase key success factors of the outsourcing process are identified. As a result of the literature reviews, a general outsourcing process was created. Transaction cost economics and resource based view were used to derived a theoretical framework to the process by combining the existing processes presented in the literature. The model of process is considered used to the outsourcing broadly. The general outsourcing process was then developed further with the key factors that affect the success of pharmaceutical product development and the interviews of pharmaceutical outsourcing experts. The result of the research was the process consists of seven phases with key activities and expected outputs for each of the phases. In addition, the strategic decision-making framework for outsourcing decision in pharmaceutical product development is giving as well as the tools for selecting supplier and preparing structured contract. This study also gives some recommendations for managing the outsourcing process.
The first main objective of this study was to develop a planning capacity management model for a chocolate and confectionary company in Finland. The second objective was to analyze how capacity updates would affect cost accounting practices. In addition, a creation of an update and maintenance process of planning capacities was determined as a sub-objective of developing the capacity management model. The thesis was started with analyzing the needs, requirements and constraints of the capacity management model and model’s connection with cost accounting. This was done by interviewing key officials like production planners, managers and controllers. A thorough literature review was also done at an early phase. Furthermore, internal systems and software architecture got to be acquainted with. The model was constructed as an Excel-based platform which will get its input data from Enterprise Resource Planning system and Production Performance Measurement system. The main purpose of the planning capacity management model is to make sure that the production planners can utilize more precise parameters but it also offers tools for the production managers to assess production performance and effectiveness at the product level. In addition to production planning, planning capacities are also tightly involved with cost accounting as many direct and indirect costs are allocated to the products utilizing planning capacities. For this reason, the linkage between product costing and capacity is also diversely examined in the thesis. Development suggestions conclude the report by giving some guidelines for more precise and consistent production planning and cost accounting between the factories.
The aim of the study was to create an easily upgradable product costing model for laser welded hollow core steel panels to help in pricing decisions. The theory section includes a literature review to identify traditional and modern cost accounting methodologies, which are used by manufacturing companies. The theory section also presents the basics of steel panel structures and their manufacturing methods and manufacturing costs based on previous research. Activity-Based costing turned out to be the most appropriate methodology for the costing model because of wide product variations. Activity analysis and the determination of cost drivers based on observations and interviews were the key steps in the creation of the model. The created model was used to test how panel parameters affect the costs caused by the main manufacturing stages and materials. By comparing cost structures, it was possible to find the panel types that are the most economic and uneconomic to manufacture. A sensitivity analysis proved that the model gives sufficiently reliable cost information to support pricing decisions. More reliable cost information could be achieved by determining the cost drivers more accurately. Alternative methods for manufacturing the cores were compared with the model. The comparison proved that roll forming can be more advantageous and flexible than press brake bending. However, more extensive research showed that roll forming is possible only when the cores are designed to be manufactured by roll forming. Due to that fact, when new panels are designed consideration should be given to the possibility of using roll forming.
The main objective for this study was to explore certain organization’s product line rebranding process and its impact on product line’s perceived image. The case company is a global paper, packaging and forest products company, business segment paper board. The audience explored is one of the company’s major customers, merchant in Germany. The research was performed as a descriptive case study with a purpose to provide longitudinal insight into the product line image and its eventual alteration as a result of the case company’s rebranding process. Mainly qualitative methods were used for conducting the research. The data for the empirical part was collected with a web-based survey at two different points of time; before the rebranded products entered the market and after they had been available approximately six months. The results of this study reveal that the case company has performed well in its attempt to improve product line’s brand image through rebranding. It was found that between the two brand image measurements the product brand image seems to have improved in all of the areas which according to theoretical framework of this study contribute to formation of brand image; brand associations, marketing communications and interpersonal relationships, not forgetting the original platform that initiated the change; technical quality modifications. In other words it may be concluded that as technical quality was brought to a new level, also assessments about the brand image improved respectively.
Työn tavoitteena on satamanpitäjille suunnatun PDS toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä ohjelmiston kehittäminen käyttäjälähtöisesti. Tavoitteena on selvittää ohjelmiston vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia käyttäjien näkökulmasta ja tunnistaa kehitystarpeita ohjelmiston käytön tehokkuuden, hyödyllisyyden ja käyttäjäystävällisyyden parantamiseksi. Aluksi tutkitaan kirjallisuuslähteitä käyttäjälähtöisen tuotekehityksen, käyttäjätiedon, sekä sen keraamisen ja käytettävyyden aihepiireistä. Työn käytännön osuudessa määritetään tapauskohtainen käyttäjälähtöisen kehittämisen prosessi, jota sovelletaan PDS ohjelmiston kehittämiseen käyttäjän näkökulmasta. Työn lopputuloksena saadaan kuvaus kehittämisen tarpeista PDS ohjelmiston käyttäjälähtöisyyden parantamiseksi. Tulokset saadaan yhdistelemällä Satamatieto Oy:n kehitys ja ylläpitohenkilöstön näkemykset, tuotteen käytön aikainen dokumentointi, käyttäjäkyselyn tulokset, sekä ryhmälle käyttäjiä teetetyn teemahaastattelun muodossa pidetyn kehityspäivän tulokset.
Viilunkuivaus vaneriteollisuudessa on energiaintensiivinen prosessi, josta syntyvä hukkalämpö kannattaa ottaa talteen ja hyödyntää. Työ käsittelee erilaisten lämmöntalteenottovariaatioiden tuotteistusta ja kannattavuutta, sekä sisältää laitteiston riskianalyysin. Aiemman asiakaskohtaisen räätälöinnin sijaan, laitteiston modulaarinen tuoterakenne on otettava tuotteistuksen lähtökohdaksi. Modulaarisen tuoterakenteen ansiosta erilaisiin asiakastarpeisiin pystytään vastaamaan aiempaa tehokkaammin, kiitos erilaisten variaatioiden. Standardien ja yhtenäisten rajapintojen myötä muun muassa suunnittelua, projektinhoito ja myyntiä saadaan tehostettua. Lämmöntalteenottoratkaisuille luodaan kolme eri varustelutasoa: perus, korkea ja luksus. Näillä eri varianteilla pystytään vastamaan entistä kattavammin eri markkina-alueiden asiakastarpeisiin. Kannattavuuslaskelmat todistavat, että lämmöntalteenoton avulla saadaan merkittäviä energiasäästöjä ja eri laitteistovariaatiot maksavat itsensä erittäin nopeasti takaisin, vaikka esimerkiksi sähköenergian hinta nousisi radikaalisti. Lämmöntalteenoton voidaankin katsoa olevan aina erittäin kannattavaa. Laitteistosta on tunnistettu myös tekniset riskit, joihin on puututtava välittömästi sekä lukuisia toimenpide-ehdotuksia, joiden avulla laitteiston tuomintaa voidaan tehostaa ja muuttaa turvallisemmaksi. Riskianalyysi antaa myös suuntaviivoja tuotteistukselle sekä laitteiston huolto- ja käyttöohjeistolle.
A company’s competence to manage its product portfolio complexity is becoming critically important in the rapidly changing business environment. The continuous evolvement of customer needs, the competitive market environment and internal product development lead to increasing complexity in product portfolios. The companies that manage the complexity in product development are more profitable in the long run. The complexity derives from product development and management processes where the new product variant development is not managed efficiently. Complexity is managed with modularization which is a method that divides the product structure into modules. In modularization, it is essential to take into account the trade-off between the perceived customer value and the module or component commonality across the products. Another goal is to enable the product configuration to be more flexible. The benefits are achieved through optimizing complexity in module offering and deriving the new product variants more flexibly and accurately. The developed modularization process includes the process steps for preparation, mapping the current situation, the creation of a modular strategy and implementing the strategy. Also the organization and support systems have to be adapted to follow-up targets and to execute modularization in practice.
This Master´s thesis explores how the a global industrial corporation’s after sales service department should arrange its installed base management practices in order to maintain and utilize the installed base information effectively. Case company has product-related records, such as product’s lifecycle information, service history information and information about product’s performance. Information is collected and organized often case by case, therefore the systematic and effective use of installed base information is difficult also the overview of installed base is missing. The goal of the thesis study was to find out how the case company can improve the installed base maintenance and management practices and improve the installed base information availability and reliability. Installed base information management practices were first examined through the literature. The empirical research was conducted by the interviews and questionnaire survey, targeted to the case company’s service department. The research purpose was to find out the challenges related to case company´s service department’s information management practices. The study also identified the installed base information needs and improvement potential in the availability of information. Based on the empirical research findings, recommendations for improve installed base management practices and information availability were created. Grounding of the recommendations, the case company is suggested the following proposals for action: Service report development, improving the change management process, ensuring the quality of the product documentation in early stages of product life cycle and decision to improve installed base management practices.