590 resultados para Poor Government policy Australia
The purpose of this study was to examine attitudinal barriers to effective pain management in a consecutively recruited cohort of 114 cancer patients from four Australian hospitals. When surveyed, 48% of this sample reported experiencing pain within the previous 24 hours. Of these, 56% reported this pain to be distressing, horrible or excruciating, with large proportions indicating that this pain had affected their movement, sleep and emotional well-being. Three factors were identified as potentially impacting on patients responses to pain-poor levels of patient knowledge about pain, low perceived control over pain, and a deficit in communication about pain. A trend for older patients to experience more severe pain was also identified. These older patients reported being more willing to tolerate pain and perceive less control over their pain. Suggestions are made for developing patient education programs and farther research using concepts drawn from broader social and behavioral models. J Pain Symptom Manage 2002:23:393-405. (C) U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee, 2002.
Australia ranks high internationally in the prevalence of cannabis and other illicit drug use, with the prevalence of all illicit drug use increasing since the 1970s. There are two distinctive features associated with harms from injecting drug use-high rates of death from heroin overdose and low rates of HIV infection. Australia has largely avoided a punitive and moralistic drug policy, developing instead harm minimization strategies and a robust treatment framework embedded in a strong law enforcement regime. Two illustrations of Australian drug policy are presented: legislation that provides for the expiation of simple cannabis offences by payment of a fine and the widespread implementation of agonist maintenance treatment for heroin dependence.
Marking its fiftieth anniversary in late 2001, the ANZUS alliance remains Australia's primary security relationship and one of the United States' most important defence arrangements in the Asia-Pacific region. It is argued here that ANZUS has defied many common suppositions advanced by international relations theorists on how alliances work. It thus represents an important refutation of arguments that they are short-term instruments of mere policy expediency and are largely interest-dependent. Cultural and normative factors are powerful, if often underrated, determinants for ANZUS's perpetuation. ANZUS may thus constitute an important test case for expanding our understanding of alliance politics beyond the usual preconditions and prerogatives normally associated with such a relationship.
Significance of the decision in McCabe v British American Tobacco Australia Services Ltd - ramifications for the possibilities for success of future litigation of this nature in Australia and overseas - ethical and public policy issues regarding the duties of lawyers to the courts and to their clients - whilst a lawyer's implication in the destruction of documents to prevent a fair trial ultimately involves stricter duties, it exposes a need for vigilance against the possibilities for corporations to act outside the public interest, if not the justice system.
The validity of a brief self-report screening measure for elder abuse was examined on a nationally representative sample of more than 12,000 older women it? the baseline survey of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. The screening instrument was a modification Of the Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test. Construct validity was examined using factor analysis and correlation with a wide range of sociodemographic, psychological. and health-related variables. Four factors, each of three items, were identified representing the following domains: Vulnerability, Dependence, Dejection, and Coercion. The Vulnerability and Coercion factors had the highest face validity for abuse and demonstrated moderate to good construct validity. The six items comprising these factors may provide a simple screening tool for elder abuse The identified correlates of abuse indicators have the potential to enhance policy development, screening, intervention, and carer support programs.
The principal constituent of cannabis, Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is moderately effective in treating nausea and vomiting, appetite loss, and acute and chronic pain. Oral THC (dronabinol) and the synthetic cannabinoid, nabilone, have been registered for medical use in the US and UK, but they have not been widely used because patients find it difficult to titrate doses of these drugs. Advocates for the medical use of cannabis argue that patients should be allowed to smoke cannabis to relieve these above-mentioned symptoms. Some US state governments have legislated to allow the medical prescription of cannabis, but the US federal government has tried to prevent patients from obtaining cannabis and threatened physicians who prescribe it with criminal prosecution or loss of their licence to practise. In the UK and Australia, committees of inquiry have recommended medical prescription (UK) and exemption from criminal prosecution (New South Wales, Australia), but governments have not accepted these recommendations. The Canadian government allows an exemption from criminal prosecution to patients with specified medical conditions. It has recently legislated to provide cannabis on medical prescription to registered patients, but this scheme so far has not been implemented. Some advocates argue that legalising cannabis is the only way to ensure that patients can use it for medical purposes. However, this would be contrary to international drug control treaties and is electorally unpopular. The best prospects for the medical use of cannabinoids lie in finding ways to deliver THC that do not involve smoking and in developing synthetic cannabinoids that produce therapeutic effects with a minimum of psychoactive effects. While awaiting these developments, patients with specified medical conditions could be given exemptions from criminal prosecution to grow cannabis for their own use, at their own risk.
Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus spread to northern Australia during the 1990s, transmitted by Culex annulirostris Skuse and other mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). To determine the relative importance of various hosts for potential vectors of JE virus, we investigated the host-feeding patterns of mosquitoes in northern Australia and Western Province of Papua New Guinea, with particular attention to pigs, Sus scrofa L. - the main amplifying host of JE virus in South-east Asia. Mosquitoes were collected by CDC light traps baited with dry ice and 1-octen-3-ol, run 16.00-08.00 hours, mostly set away from human habitations, if possible in places frequented by feral pigs. Bloodmeals of 2569 mosquitoes, representing 15 species, were identified by gel diffusion assay. All species had fed mostly on mammals: only 30%) were trapped where domestic pigs were kept close to human habitation. From seven of eight locations on the Australian mainland, the majority of Cx. annulirostris had obtained their bloodmeals from marsupials, probably the Agile wallaby Macropus agilis (Gould). Overall proportions of mosquito bloodmeals identified as marsupial were 60% from the Gulf Plains region of Australia, 78% from the Cape York Peninsula and 64% from the Daru area of Papua New Guinea. Thus, despite the abundance of feral pigs in northern Australia, our findings suggest that marsupials divert host-seeking Cx. annulirostris away from pigs. As marsupials are poor JE virus hosts, the prevalence of marsupials may impede the establishment of JE virus in Australia.
Pippa Norris provides a schematic account of the evolution of campaigning through premodern, modern and postmodern stages. In particular she points to an emerging postmodern phase of electioneering characterized by a renewed emphasis upon direct forms of engagement which resonate with an earlier period in which campaigns were locally fought and largely dependent upon the canvassing efforts of party workers and volunteers. Norris's analysis offers a useful prism with which to view recent developments in electioneering in Australia. In the past several elections the rival Labor and Liberal parties have attempted to achieve a synergy between their centrally conducted and constituency-level campaigns by ensuring that their national campaigns are locally relevant and address local concerns. Their efforts to 'localize the national' meld the use of sophisticated software with elements of a traditional 'meet and greet' politics and suggest that local campaigning may now have a new shape and importance.
O artigo analisa o processo de reforma administrativa empreendida na Austr??lia ao longo das d??cadas de 70-80, destacando duas de suas principais tend??ncias: o fortalecimento da ???Fun????o Executiva Superior???e a valoriza????o da cidadania. Nele s??o descritos os princ??pios b??sicos norteadores da reforma ao longo dos anos 70, bem como, os objetivos visados com a segunda fase das reformas executadas a partir da d??cada de 80, implementadas por governos trabalhistas. Destaca-se a organiza????o e o funcionamento do sistema das Ag??ncias de Ombudsmen e dos Comiss??rios de Contas respons??veis pela fiscaliza????o e gest??o or??ament??ria. A seguir, s??o descritas algumas das a????es encaminhadas pela Public Service Commission (PSC) no sentido de aperfei??oar o gerenciamento e o melhor desempenho dos recursos humanos, destacando a introdu????o do importante conceito de Novo Profissionalismo, assentado em valores como responsabilidade para com o governo, foco nos resultados, m??rito como valor b??sico, altos n??veis de integridade e probidade na conduta, desempenho com accountability e melhoramento cont??nuo do desempenho das equipes e indiv??duos. Outro importante instrumento analisado ?? o Human Resource Management, atrav??s do qual as autoridades australianas introduziram novas pr??ticas como negocia????o no local de trabalho, plano de oportunidades igualit??rias no local de trabalho e o plano de treinamento e especializa????o. Para finalizar, o artigo enfoca a pol??tica de contratualiza????o de servi??os p??blicos adotada na Austr??lia ??? os Competitive Tendering and Contracting, evidenciando os fatores indutores da ado????o desta nova pr??tica de gest??o.
O processo de implementação de políticas públicas tem se apresentado como o elo perdido da ação governamental. Apesar da importância desse processo, esta etapa carece de métodos de análises que deem conta de sua complexidade como forma de lhe garantir uma posição chave dentro do ciclo da análise de políticas públicas. A partir da adaptação do referencial da política institucional, proposta pelo grupo Francês Strategor, que analisa uma instituição sob quatro determinantes – estratégia, estrutura, decisão e identidade-, este estudo propõe-se a analisar o processo de implementação de uma política municipal de saúde voltada para Hipertensos e Diabéticos no município de Venda Nova do Imigrante/ES, avaliada como uma estratégia exitosa. Como resultado, esse estudo evidenciou que o processo exitoso de implementação da política avaliada pautou-se numa decisão participava e colegiada, no reconhecimento e valorização da autonomia profissional e na discussão democrática. Além disso, a estrutura institucional analisada proporcionou uma coordenação menos normativa, que favoreceu momentos de encontro entre o núcleo estratégico e os centros operacionais, rompendo com a excessiva verticalização das estruturas tradicionais. A análise do determinante identidade demonstrou uma apropriação dos valores e da missão institucional e um importante envolvimento dos atores, indicado pelo fortalecimento de parcerias e sinergias internas. A estratégia de implementação dessa política municipal mostrou-se potente no sentido de inverter a lógica do modelo de atenção, dentro de um processo de aprendizado, sendo este o grande diferencial competitivo de sucesso da instituição. A partir desses resultados, o referencial de Strategor se afirma como importante método de análise do processo de implementação, além de sua potência para indicar questões que colaborem para garantir à etapa de implementação uma posição de destaque dentro do ciclo da política pública.
The present article is an analysis of Brazilian nuclear diplomacy and of the international relevance of the national nuclear program adopted during the two Presidential terms of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Particular attention will be given to the Brazilian position in the agreement on nuclear non-proliferation, to the role of mediation between Iran and the nuclear powers, and finally to the national ambitions concerning the industrial and military uses of the nuclear technologies.