720 resultados para Plasmodium gallinaceum


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A avaliação antropométrica (pêso, altura, circunferência branquial, prega cutânea tricipital, prega cutânea subescapular, índice de Quetelet e circunferência muscular do braço) e bioquímica (proteínas e lipides) foi realizado em 120 indivíduos (93 masculinos e 27 do sexo feminino), de 17 a 72 anos de idade, moradores de área endêmica de malária (Humaitá -AM). de acordo com a história da doença (malária) eles foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1 - controle (n = 30), sem história de malária; G2 - controle (n = 40), com história de malária, mas sem manifestação de doença atual; G3 - doentes com Plasmodium vivax (n = 19) e G4 - doentes com Plasmodium faleiparum (n = 31). O diagnóstico de malária foi estabelecido por manifestações clínicas e confirmado laboratorialmente (gota espessa e esfregaço). No global as medidas antropométricas e bioquímicas discriminaram os grupos diferentemente. As medidas antropométricas do pêso, altura, reservas calóricas e estoque proteicos somáticos, apresentaram pouca sensibilidade, discriminado apenas os grupos extremos (Gl > G4). As medidas bioquímicas, no geral diferenciaram dois grandes grupos, os sadios e os doentes (G1+G2) e (G3+G4). Os doentes com Plasmodium falciparum (G4) foram os que se apresentaram em pior estado nutricional para a maioria das variáveis, sem entretanto, nenhuma variável individual que os discriminasse significativamente do G3. Estes dados permitem concluir que a malária resulta em desnutrição do hospedeiro, cuja gravidade está relacionada ao tipo e estágio da doença.


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O desenvolvimento de linhagens resistentes de Plasmodium falciparum tem encorajado a busca por novas drogas antimalariais. A febrifugina é uma substância natural com alta atividade contra o P. falciparum que apresenta propriedade emética e toxicidade para o fígado tal que não permitem o seu uso clínico. A busca por análogos que possam ter uma performance clínica melhor é um tema de pesquisa atual. Nosso objetivo é investigar a estrutura eletrônica teórica de uma família de derivados da febrifugina empregando cálculos semi-empíricos de orbitais moleculares, procurando por índices eletrônicos que possam ajudar a modelar novos derivados mais eficientes. Os resultados teóricos mostram que para as moléculas mais seletivas existe um agrupamento dos valores de determinados índices em intervalos bem definidos. O modelo proposto para se obter alta seletividade foi testado com sucesso.


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Background: Duffy blood group polymorphisms are important in areas where Plasmodium vivax predominates, because this molecule acts as a receptor for this protozoan. In the present study, Duffy blood group genotyping in P. vivax malaria patients from four different Brazilian endemic areas is reported, exploring significant associations between blood group variants and susceptibility or resistance to malaria.Methods: the P. vivax identification was determined by non-genotypic and genotypic screening tests. The Duffy blood group was genotyped by PCR/RFLP in 330 blood donors and 312 malaria patients from four Brazilian Amazon areas. In order to assess the variables significance and to obtain independence among the proportions, the Fisher's exact test was used.Results: the data show a high frequency of the FYA/FYB genotype, followed by FYB/FYB, FYA/FYA, FYA/FYB-33 and FYB/FYB-33. Low frequencies were detected for the FYA/FY(X), FYB/FY(X), FYX/FY(X) and FYB-33/FYB-33 genotypes. Negative Duffy genotype (FYB-33/FYB-33) was found in both groups: individuals infected and non-infected (blood donors). No individual carried the FY(X)/FYB-33 genotype. Some of the Duffy genotypes frequencies showed significant differences between donors and malaria patients.Conclusion: the obtained data suggest that individuals with the FYA/FYB genotype have higher susceptibility to malaria. The presence of the FYB-33 allele may be a selective advantage in the population, reducing the rate of infection by P. vivax in this region. Additional efforts may contribute to better elucidate the physiopathologic differences in this parasite/host relationship in regions endemic for P. vivax malaria, in particular the Brazilian Amazon region.


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The Amazon Indians Waiapi living in the West of Amapa State of Brazil, treat malaria with an inhalation of vapor obtained from leaves of Viola surinamensis. The essential oil obtained from adult and plantlet leaves was analyzed by GC/MS and 11 monoterpenes, 11 sesquiterpenes and three phenylpropanoids were identified. Plantlet essential oil caused 100% of growth inhibition after 48 h in the development of the young trophozoite to schizont stage and the sesquiterpene nerolidol (100 mu g/ml) was identified as one of the active constituents (100% of growth inhibition was obtained). In addition, examination of [(UC)-C-14]-glucose incorporation showed that activity of nerolidol is related to the inhibition of glycoprotein biosynthesis. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tuberculosis (TB) remains the leading cause of mortality due to a bacterial pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, no new classes of drugs for TB have been developed in the past 30 years. Therefore there is an urgent need to develop faster acting and effective new antitubercular agents, preferably belonging to new structural classes, to better combat TB, including MDR-TB, to shorten the duration of current treatment to improve patient compliance, and to provide effective treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. The enzymes in the shikimate pathway are potential targets for development of a new generation of antitubercular drugs. The shikimate pathway has been shown by disruption of aroK gene to be essential for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The shikimate kinase (SK) catalyses the phosphorylation of the 3-hydroxyl group of shikimic acid (shikimate) using ATP as a co-substrate. SK belongs to family of nucleoside monophosphate (NMP) kinases. The enzyme is an alpha/beta protein consisting of a central sheet of five parallel beta-strands flanked by alpha-helices. The shikimate kinases are composed of three domains: Core domain, Lid domain and Shikimate-binding domain. The Lid and Shikimate-binding domains are responsible for large conformational changes during catalysis. More recently, the precise interactions between SK and substrate have been elucidated, showing the binding of shikimate with three charged residues conserved among the SK sequences. The elucidation of interactions between MtSK and their substrates is crucial for the development of a new generation of drugs against tuberculosis through rational drug design.


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This report demonstrates that due to the presence of residual reactive sites in their matrices, classical diethylaminoethyl-attaching commercial anion-exchanger resins such as DEAE-MacroPrep and DEAE-Sephadex A50 supports can be used for peptide synthesis. Moreover, due to the high stability of the peptide-resin bond in the final cleavage treatments, desired peptidyl-resins free of side-chain protecting groups, which enables them to be further used as solid support for affinity chromatography, can be obtained. To demonstrate this potentiality, a fragment corresponding to the antigenic and immunodominant epitope of sporozoites of the Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite was synthesized in these traditional resins and antibody molecules generated against the peptide sequence were successfully retained in these peptidyl supports. Due to the maintenance of their original anion-exchange capacities, the present findings open the unique possibility of applying, simultaneously, dual anion-exchange and affinity procedures for purification of a variety of macromolecules. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. (USA). All rights reserved.


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Extracts from Holostylis reniformis were tested in vivo against Plasmodium berghei and in vitro against a chloroquine-resistant strain of Plasmodium falciparum. The hexane extract of the roots was the most active, causing 67% reduction of parasitemia in vivo. From this extract, six lignans, including a new (7 ' R,8S,8 ' S)-3 ',4 '-methylenedioxy-4,5-dimethoxy-2,7 '-cyclolignan-7-one, were isolated and tested in vitro against P. falciparum. The three most active lignans showed 50% inhibitor concentrations of <= 0.32 mu M. An evaluation of minimum lethal dose (30%) values showed low toxicity for these lignans in a hepatic cell line (Hep G2A16). Therefore, these compounds are potential candidates for the development of antimalarial drugs.


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Based on previous studies in vitro of the modulating effect of desipramine on chloroquine-resistance of Plasmodium falciparum, the effect of desipramine and imipramine on freshly isolated resistant Brazilian strains of the parasite was investigated. Both drugs in therapeutic doses showed an unexpected antimalarial effect in vitro in duplicate tests (IC50=44.26 and 46.53 mu g/L for desipramine, and 83.93 and 41.26 mu g/L for imipramine), but no reversal of resistance when added to cultures together with chloroquine.


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The Duffy antigen/receptor for chemokine, DARC, acts as a widely expressed promiscuous chemokine receptor and as the erythrocyte receptor for Plasmodium vivax. To gain insight into the evolution and structure/function relations of DARC, we analyzed the binding of anti-human Fy monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and human chemokines to red blood cells (RBCs) from 11 nonhuman primates and two nonprimate mammals, and we elucidated the structures of the DARC genes from gorilla, gibbon, baboon, marmoset, tamarin, night monkey and cattle. CXCL-8 and CCL-5 chemokine binding analysis indicated that the promiscuous binding profile characteristic of DARC is conserved across species. Among three mAbs that detected the Fy6 epitope by flow cytometric analysis of human and chimpanzee RBCs, only one reacted with night monkey and squirrel monkey. Only chimpanzee RBCs bound a significant amount of the anti-Fy3 mAb. Fy3 was also poorly detected on RBCs from gorilla, baboon and rhesus monkey, but not from new world monkeys. Alignment of DARC homologous sequences allowed us to construct a phylogenetic tree in which all branchings were in accordance with current knowledge of primate phylogeny. Although DARC was expected to be under strong internal and external selection pressure, in order to maintain chemokine binding and avoid Plasmodium vivax binding, respectively, our present study did not provide arguments in favor of a selection pressure on the extracellular domains involved in ligand specificity. The amino acid variability of DARC-like polypeptides was found to be well correlated with the hydrophylicity indexes, with the highest divergence on the amino-terminal extracellular domain. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences highlighted the conservation of some amino acid residues, which should prove to be critical for the structural and functional properties of DARC.


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Our objective was to determine how the distribution of red blood cell diseases is related to malaria occurrence in north Brazil, a region endemic for malaria. We evaluated the incidence of two mutations in the HFE gene, H63D and C282Y, in two study groups: a control blood donor group, with no indication of malaria infection, and a group constituted of malaria patients of four states of the Amazonian region. The hemoglobin polymorphisms were obtained by HPLC and classical laboratory methodologies, and the two mutations in the HFE gene were assayed by PCR-RFLP. We found a high frequency of alpha thalassemia, but there were no significant differences between blood donors and malaria patients. There were also no significant differences in the frequencies of HbA(2); however, the frequency of HbF was significantly different in individuals with malaria from Para and Rondonia. The mean number of reticulocytes was significantly reduced in the blood donors from the northern region, suggesting an adaptive strategy of these populations to parasitic attack by Plasmodium. Most individuals were heterozygous for the H63D allele of the HFE gene in both study groups. In the blood donors group, the greatest frequency of the H63D allele was found in Caucasians of all the states. In the malaria patients group in Rondonia, there was a high frequency of the H63D allele among the non-Caucasians. In the other states, and in the malaria patients group, the H63D allele was the most frequent among the Caucasians. Based on our results, we suggest that the maintenance of polymorphism of the mutations in the gene HFE can be explained by selective factors other than malaria, or it is due to simple allelic oscillation and by the constant gene flow among the populations in Brazil.


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Malaria is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. One striking aspect regarding malaria is the fact that individuals living in endemic areas do not develop immunity against the parasite, falling ill whenever they are exposed tothe parasite. The understanding of why immunity is not developed in the usual way against Plasmodium is crucial to the improvement of treatment and prevention. In this work, we study some aspects of the dynamics of the blood cycle of malaria using both modelling and data analysis of observed case-histories described by parasitemia time series. By comparing our simulations with experimental results we have shown that the different behaviour observed among patients may be associated to differences in the efficiency of the immune system to control the infection. © EDP Sciences/Societa Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag 2007.