957 resultados para Personal values


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OBJECTIVES: To determine inter-session and intra/inter-individual variations of the attenuations of aortic blood/myocardium with MDCT in the context of calcium scoring. To evaluate whether these variations are dependent on patients' characteristics. METHODS: Fifty-four volunteers were evaluated with calcium scoring non-enhanced CT. We measured attenuations (inter-individual variation) and standard deviations (SD, intra-individual variation) of the blood in the ascending aorta and of the myocardium of left ventricle. Every volunteer was examined twice to study the inter-session variation. The fat pad thickness at the sternum and noise (SD of air) were measured too. These values were correlated with the measured aortic/ventricular attenuations and their SDs (Pearson). Historically fixed thresholds (90 and 130 HU) were tested against different models based on attenuations of blood/ventricle. RESULTS: The mean attenuation was 46 HU (range, 17-84 HU) with mean SD 23 HU for the blood, and 39 HU (10-82 HU) with mean SD 18 HU for the myocardium. The attenuation/SD of the blood were significantly higher than those of the myocardium (p < 0.01). The inter-session variation was not significant. There was a poor correlation between SD of aortic blood/ventricle with fat thickness/noise. Based on existing models, 90 HU threshold offers a confidence interval of approximately 95% and 130 HU more than 99%. CONCLUSIONS: Historical thresholds offer high confidence intervals for exclusion of aortic blood/myocardium and by the way for detecting calcifications. Nevertheless, considering the large variations of blood/myocardium CT values and the influence of patient's characteristics, a better approach might be an adaptive threshold.


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During the recent years, collaboration with Chinese universities has aroused growing interest among multinational companies (MNCs). Cross-cultural university-industry (U-I) collaboration creates various challenges in collaborative knowledge creation and innovation due to the differences e.g. between university and company motivation, objectives and activities. Also different values, norms, and means of actions result often in collisions and misunderstandings. This thesis examines the establishment of the relationships and the evolution of the collaboration between MNCs and Chinese universities. Empirical findings underscore that the partners in collaboration are required to possess research interest as well as capability to acquire, assimilate and exploit new external knowledge. Time and communication have a critical role in the evolution of the collaboration. In China the personal relationships, guanxi, play an important role. Collaborative knowledge creation requires a platform, Ba, which enables the creation of common understanding, commitment, trust and mutual respect. Empirical data has been collected through interviewing company experts and academe of Chinese universities from ICT and forest industries as well as attending panel discussions and meetings with the experts from the field of study.


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Primaarisilla immuunivajavuustiloilla tarkoitetaan ryhmää sairauksia, jotka johtuvat immuunijärjestelmän solujen sisäisestä häiriöstä. Primaarisessa immuunivajavuustilassa kyseessä on synnynnäinen puutos immuunijärjestelmässä geneettisen häiriön pohjalta. ELISPOT (Enzyme linked immunospot) -menetelmässä T-lymfosyyttejä stimuloidaan spesifisillä antigeeneilla. Stimuloidut solut alkavat tuottaa sytokiinia ja yksittäisten sytokiinia tuottavien solujen määrä voidaan mitata. Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena oli primaaristen immuunivajavuustilojen diagnostiikkaan soveltuvan ELISPOT-menetelmän alustava pystyttäminen ja testaaminen. Tavoitteena oli tutkia, vaikuttaako solujen pakastaminen ELISPOTin antamiin tuloksiin ja voisiko ELISPOT-menetelmässä käyttää pakastettuja soluja alustavien viitearvojen määrittämiseen. Tutkittiin myös yhden ja kolmen vuorokauden inkubaatioajan vaikutusta solujen sytokiinintuotantoon sekä optimaalisia mitogeenikonsentraatioita. Tuoreiden ja pakastettujen näytteiden vertailu tehtiin kolmella henkilökunnan näytteellä. Henkilöistä kerättyjen ja eristettyjen tuoreiden mononukleaarisolujen antamia tuloksia verrattiin samoista henkilöistä aikaisemmin kerättyjen ja pakastettujen solujen antamiin tuloksiin. Viitearvojen alustava määrittäminen tehtiin pakastetuista potilasnäytteistä. Mitogeenikonsentraatioiden titraaminen ja inkubaatioaikojen vertailu tehtiin henkilökunnan tuoreista näytteistä. Tulokset osoittivat, että tuoreiden ja pakastettujen solujen sytokiinintuotanto eroaa toisistaan ja pakastettuja soluja ei voi käyttää viitearvojen määrittämiseen tässä menetelmässä. Inkubaatioaikavertailu osoitti, että yhden vuorokauden inkubaatioaika antoi riittävästi spotteja, mutta kolmen vuorokauden inkubaatioaika lisäsi solujen sytokiinintuotantoa niin paljon, että tuloksia oli vaikea tulkita. Mitogeenikonsentraatioita titraamalla saatiin selville Con A-mitogeenin optimaalinen ja suboptimaalinen pitoisuus ELISPOT-menetelmää varten. PWM:lla ja PHA:lla titrauksia tulee vielä jatkaa optimaalisen konsentraation selvittämiseksi. Näille mitogeeneille käytetty solumäärä 200 000 solua/kuoppa oli liian suuri ja spotteja tuli liikaa, jotta niitä olisi voitu lukea. Mitogeenien konsentraatioiden titraamista kannattaa tutkia lisää. Lisäksi tulevaisuudessa kannattaa alustavien viitearvojen määrittäminen tehdä tuoreista soluista. Solumääriä kannattaa tulevaisuudessa myös titrata, jotta ELISPOT-menetelmälle parhaiten soveltuva solumäärä löytyisi.


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BACKGROUND: Pancreatic stone protein (PSP) has been identified as a promising sepsis marker in adults, children and neonates. However, data on population-based reference values are lacking. This study aimed to establish age-specific reference values for PSP. METHODS: PSP was determined using a specific ELISA. PSP serum concentrations were determined in 372 healthy subjects including 217 neonates, 94 infants and children up to 16 years, and 61 adults. The adjacent categories method was used to determine which age categories had significantly different PSP concentrations. RESULTS: PSP circulating levels were not gender-dependent and ranged from 1.0 to 99.4 ng/ml with a median of 9.2 ng/ml. PSP increased significantly between the age categories, from a median of 2.6 ng/ml in very preterm newborns, to 6.3 ng/ml in term newborns, to 16.1 ng/ml in older children (p < 0.001). PSP levels were higher on postnatal day three compared to levels measured immediately post delivery (p < 0.001). Paired umbilical artery and umbilical vein samples were strongly correlated (p < 0.001). Simultaneously obtained capillary heel-prick versus venous samples showed a good level of agreement for PSP (Rho 0.89, bias 19 %). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides age-specific normal values that may be used to define cut-offs for future trials on PSP. We demonstrate an age-dependent increase of PSP from birth to childhood.


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En la transmisión de infecciones se mezclan las evidencias científicas, los miedos y las valoraciones personales del riesgo de contagio, en ocasiones inadecuadas, dado que el concepto"riesgo" es siempre subjetivo y difícil de definir. Todo ello puede generar conceptos erróneos o no totalmente ciertos. Esta autoevaluación es una pequeña contribución para separar"los mitos y/o leyendas sanitarias" de las realidades en relación con los riesgos de transmisión de algunas infecciones al personal sanitario.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the opinions of women regarding the satisfaction about the quality of maternity care received. We hope to establish whether health care technology increases satisfaction or whether it actually interferes with the construction of personal satisfaction in the process of care. Design and setting: Information was gathered using the focus group technique. The area of study comprised the post-natal groups run as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme of the Catalan Health Authority. (Spain) Participants: Five focus groups were held between May 2006 and July 2007. Findings: Quality of care is a complex concept in which a number of independent core features can be identified. We have grouped these core features into three basic categories. Safety: the hospital and its technological facilities, and the technical expertise of health professionals. The other two main pillars of quality of care are the human dimension of the relationship between the carers and the patient, and finally the structural aspects that determine the context in which the heath care is provided. Key conclusions and implications for practice: The mothers of our study feel satisfied with healthcare technology and view it as a source of security; technology become indispensable features in order to reduce the anxiety provoked by the perceived lack of confidence in their ability as mothers. In this study, women, both during pregnancy and especially when giving birth, believe their feelings and values should be understood by professionals, from whom they seek empathy and a personal commitment, and not just information.


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En la transmisión de infecciones se mezclan las evidencias científicas, los miedos y las valoraciones personales del riesgo de contagio, en ocasiones inadecuadas, dado que el concepto"riesgo" es siempre subjetivo y difícil de definir. Todo ello puede generar conceptos erróneos o no totalmente ciertos. Esta autoevaluación es una pequeña contribución para separar"los mitos y/o leyendas sanitarias" de las realidades en relación con los riesgos de transmisión de algunas infecciones al personal sanitario.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the opinions of women regarding the satisfaction about the quality of maternity care received. We hope to establish whether health care technology increases satisfaction or whether it actually interferes with the construction of personal satisfaction in the process of care. Design and setting: Information was gathered using the focus group technique. The area of study comprised the post-natal groups run as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme of the Catalan Health Authority. (Spain) Participants: Five focus groups were held between May 2006 and July 2007. Findings: Quality of care is a complex concept in which a number of independent core features can be identified. We have grouped these core features into three basic categories. Safety: the hospital and its technological facilities, and the technical expertise of health professionals. The other two main pillars of quality of care are the human dimension of the relationship between the carers and the patient, and finally the structural aspects that determine the context in which the heath care is provided. Key conclusions and implications for practice: The mothers of our study feel satisfied with healthcare technology and view it as a source of security; technology become indispensable features in order to reduce the anxiety provoked by the perceived lack of confidence in their ability as mothers. In this study, women, both during pregnancy and especially when giving birth, believe their feelings and values should be understood by professionals, from whom they seek empathy and a personal commitment, and not just information.


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This study analyses the types of coping strategies used by internationally adopted children, and explores the relation between these strategies and personal strengths and difficulties. The Kidcope checklist (Spirito, Stark, & Williams, 1998) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, 1997) were administered to a sample of 35 Spanish adoptees (25.7% boys and 74.3% girls, aged 8-12 years) and their parents. Self-reported problems were categorised and their relation with coping strategies and psychological adjustment was explored. Results indicated that adopted children report problems of interpersonal nature. The content of the problems mainly refers to relationships and health, illness, or accidents. Parents reported that children were generally well-adjusted and they had no problems outside the normal range. International adoptees used mainly control-oriented coping strategies. Escape-oriented coping was linked to parents' ratings of total difficulties, with self-criticism accounting for the highest percentage of the variance.


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En aquest Treball de Fi de Grau es pretén establir un protocol per a la conservació ex situ de les espècies que hi ha en el Centre Ictiològic del Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre. Les espècies que es troben en el CI són espècies vulnerables o en perill: espinós, samaruc, fartet, rabosa, llopet de riu i tritó palmat. Els objectius d’aquest protocol són: que el CI tingui un protocol propi, aprendre com funciona tot el centre, totes les espècies, com alimentar-les, com manipular-les i com tractar-les durant tot el seu cicle de vida. Un altre objectiu és el de veure si a finals d’any s’obté una alta població de cada espècie, quines són reintroduïdes, les patologies sorgides i els valors dels paràmetres químics de les basses naturals exteriors. El protocol s’elabora a partir de les pràctiques realitzades durant l’estiu del 2013 i els coneixements adquirits, la bibliografia i les dades del CI. Gràcies a això s’ha elaborat el treball. S’ha tractat la conservació ex situ; la problemàtica que sofreixen les espècies; cadascuna d’aquestes espècies; com funciona el CI a nivell de centre i a nivell de personal; les tasques que hi ha diàriament, setmanalment i ocasionalment segons les necessitats de l’estoc; el maneig sanitari; les patologies i com tractar-les; i l’anàlisi genètic. Els resultats obtinguts d’aquest protocol són els resultats numèrics obtinguts de l’any 2013 que són: 1. El gran nombre de cries nascudes de samaruc i fartet, menys de raboseta de riu, poques d’espinós i tritó palmat, i menys de llopet que tot just comença ara en el CI. 2. El total d’uns 5700 individus reitnroduits (samaruc, raboseta de riu i espinós de Girona). 3. La patologia més sorgida és el punt blanc. 4. I els paràmetres químics (amoni, nitrits, nitrats i fòsfor) no són molt elevats. La conclusió final i més important a la que arribo en fer el protocol és la gran importància que té el CI per a conservar aquestes espècies que no es saben apreciar fins que comencen a desparèixer. La existència del CI és més aviat una mesura correctora de tots els impactes que han sofert els habitatges de les espècies tractades i de la introducció d’espècies exòtiques que són una amenaça per les autòctones.


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Objective To evaluate the BI-RADS as a predictive factor of suspicion for malignancy in breast lesions by correlating radiological with histological results and calculating the positive predictive value for categories 3, 4 and 5 in a breast cancer reference center in the city of São Paulo. Materials and Methods Retrospective, analytical and cross-sectional study including 725 patients with mammographic and/or sonographic findings classified as BI-RADS categories 3, 4 and 5 who were referred to the authors' institution to undergo percutaneous biopsy. The tests results were reviewed and the positive predictive value was calculated by means of a specific mathematical equation. Results Positive predictive values found for categories 3, 4 and 5 were respectively the following: 0.74%, 33.08% and 92.95%, for cases submitted to ultrasound-guided biopsy, and 0.00%, 14.90% and 100% for cases submitted to stereotactic biopsy. Conclusion The present study demonstrated high suspicion for malignancy in lesions classified as category 5 and low risk for category 3. As regards category 4, the need for systematic biopsies was observed.


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In the last years, an increase of the interest to develop educational practices in higher education, based on the approach of the reflective learning, is observed. Nevertheless, we scarcely find in our context researches or experiences that allow knowing students’ perceptions about this teaching and learning approach. We have developed an experience in the bachelor of Social Education at the University of Girona with the aim to contribute to the personal and professional development of future social educators in their initial training, using reflective learning methodology. In this article we present an evaluation of the experience based on students’ perceptions. They assessed the usefulness they think the module has for their training, the methodology and the activities. This evaluation has been carried out through in-depth interviews to 17 students who participated in the module in 2010-11 academic year. The results show that students assess positively the experience, either its general usefulness or the methodology of reflective learning, although they acknowledge some difficulties to carry out such a process which involves a high degree of introspection and a difficulty to set the boundaries in the narration of personal questions. The study also shows some challenges related on the need, but also the difficulty, to include personal and professional development as a powerful axis in the higher education curriculum, as well as elements linked to reflective learning assessment


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Objective: To analyze standardized uptake values (SUVs) using three different tube current intensities for attenuation correction on 18FNaF PET/CT scans. Materials and Methods: A total of 254 18F-NaF PET/CT studies were analyzed using 10, 20 and 30 mAs. The SUVs were calculated in volumes of interest (VOIs) drawn on three skeletal regions, namely, right proximal humeral diaphysis (RH), right proximal femoral diaphysis (RF), and first lumbar vertebra (LV1) in a total of 712 VOIs. The analyses covered 675 regions classified as normal (236 RH, 232 RF, and 207 LV1). Results: Mean SUV for each skeletal region was 3.8, 5.4 and 14.4 for RH, RF, and LV1, respectively. As the studies were grouped according to mAs value, the mean SUV values were 3.8, 3.9 and 3.7 for 10, 20 and 30 mAs, respectively, in the RH region; 5.4, 5.5 and 5.4 for 10, 20 and 30 mAs, respectively, in the RF region; 13.8, 14.9 and 14.5 for 10, 20 and 30 mAs, respectively, in the LV1 region. Conclusion: The three tube current values yielded similar results for SUV calculation.