979 resultados para Linguagem e línguas Estilo
This work presents the specification and the implementation of a language of Transformations in definite Models specification MOF (Meta Object Facility) of OMG (Object Management Group). The specification uses a boarding based on rules ECA (Event-Condition-Action) and was made on the basis of a set of scenes of use previously defined. The Parser Responsible parser for guaranteeing that the syntactic structure of the language is correct was constructed with the tool JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) and the description of the syntax of the language was made with EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form). The implementation is divided in three parts: the creation of the interpretative program properly said in Java, the creation of an executor of the actions specified in the language and its integration with the type of considered repository (generated for tool DSTC dMOF). A final prototype was developed and tested in the scenes previously defined
Linguagem matemtica: uma proposta de ensino e avaliao da compreenso leitora dos objetos da matemtica
This paper discusses aspects related to the mathematical language and its understanding, in particular, by students of final years of elementary school. Accordingly, we aimed to develop a proposal for teaching, substantiated by mathematical modeling activities and reading, which takes advantage of the student of elementary school a better understanding of mathematical language for the content of proportion. We also aim to build / propose parameters for the assessment of reading proficiency of the language of the student in analyzing and modeling process, its ability to develop/improve/enhance this proficiency. For this purpose, we develop a qualitative research, with procedures for an action research whose analysis of the data is configured as Content Analysis. We refer to epistemological and didactic, in the studies: Piaget (1975, 1990), Vygotsky (1991, 2001), Bakhtin (2006), Freire (1974, 1994), Bicudo and Garnica (2006), Smole and Diniz (2001), Barbosa (2001), Burak (1992), Biembengut (2004), Bassanezi (2002), Carrasco (2006), Becker (2010), Zuin and Reyes (2010), among others. We understand that to acquire new knowledge one must learn to read and reading to learn it, this process is essential for the development of reading proficiency of a person. Modeling, in turn, is a process which enables contact with different forms of reading providing elements favorable to the development here mentioned. The evaluation parameters we use to analyze the level of reading proficiency of mathematical language proved to be effective and therefore a valuable tool that allows the teacher an efficient evaluation and whose results can guide you better in the planning and execution of their practice
Este artigo destina-se ao estudo das anlises que o filsofo Maurice Merleau-Ponty dedica ao tema da linguagem no livro Fenomenologia da percepo. O filsofo parte da discusso de pesquisas relativas psicopatologia da linguagem. Nelas, afirma-se que os doentes estariam limitados a uma atitude concreta e, portanto, impedidos de efetuar as formas do comportamento simblico. Merleau-Ponty adota uma postura crtica em relao inspirao intelectualista que perpassa essa caracterizao e estende suas crticas psicologia gentica de Piaget. ao registro do gesto que o filsofo vincula a linguagem, enfatizando o seu carter intencional.
Qu se piensa aqu, esencialmente, est a mapear el itinerario de la melancola creativa en el discurso de Dom Casmurro; es decir, aqul de el cual el valle narrativo de una sensacin de la angustia a alar l l las maneras de la representacin en el discurso de Dom Casmurro. El rbol bsico en el cual ste estimaba incurre en se basa en el acuerdo de eso que la actual melancola en el texto del machadiano se puede analizar por las estratagemas de la lengua creativa en la intencin de demostrar en l una especie del espacio virtual - el conducir de metforas, de ironies y del exacerbamento de imgenes - por cul se prepone el narrador construir su salvacin . El propsito es analizar el uso de el proyecto del alegrico y el irnico previstos por el autor en la intencin de descubrir pues tales procedimientos contribuyen para crear un texto ese desestabiliza el carcter malsano de la melancola. Puede propagar lengua creativa de tal manera cunto otras maneras de la representacin de eso las marcas del arte utilizan. Ms all de este traz potico, la contribucin de este trabajo tambin constituye: para componer una escena en la cual el teatralidade de la lengua de Dom Casmurro constituye drama y no tragedia. Despus de la pista de los conceptos de los benjaminianas de la melancola, alegoria, metalenguaje la irona, vimos que stos disalign de la voluntad que los estatutos se estabilizaron de las figuras del retrico para consistir mientras que las estrategias de los discursivas. Subyacente a este proceso es posible percibir el flash del rescate de la escritura melancholic, visto bajo luz del saturnine de una mirada que si desea alegrico, en la misma incandescencia de la risa del fustico
El poeta Jos de Anchieta, a travs de sus poesas, contribuy para la formacin de la literatura en suelo brasileo. Con eso, l proporcion un encuentro entre los dos mundos lo Nuevo y lo Viejo, Amrica y Europa representados en la unin entre los pares antagnicos que son constantes en la potica anchietana, como lo sagrado y lo profano, la muerte y la vida, lo simple y lo erudito. Su potica traduce, por lo tanto, las huellas de la antropofagia cultural, en que el indio y el blanco son uno slo; el pagano y el cristiano, juntos, caminan para el centro de sus ideologas concebidas por la catequesis y por el popular. En esa amalgama entre las culturas, l construye un nuevo cdigo cultural-lingstico-literario, formando una nueva identidad para la tierra brasilea, abriendo las puertas para el barroco. Sus poemas estn en cuatro lenguas: portugus, tup, latn y espaol. Y de ese conjunto, nuestra disertacin analiza el corpus en lengua espaola, que en el suelo americano deja de ser espaola y se vuelve ibero-americana. Como fuentes de estudio crtico-terico, nos basamos, como ejemplos, en las obras de Haroldo de Campos, Severo Sarduy, Eugnio D Ors, Lezama Lima, Oswald de Andrade, Alfredo Bosi, Massaud Moiss. As, esta disertacin muestra, por el medio de la poesa iberoamericana de Jos de Anchieta el rasgo del inicio de nuestra literatura as como del barroco americano y, adems, conjuga su poesa dentro del espacio de los Clsicos una vez que se comunica con estos desde el proceso de su produccin. En esa intercomunicacin, Jos de Anchieta promueve una apertura para la consciencia potica que hace parte de los grandes poetas de la Literatura Universal. l une el Brasil, con sus matas vrgenes, con su primitivismo, al Mundo, con su censura desmedida ante la visin del Paraso
Entitled Joana s several mask: the melancholy in Perto do corao selvagem, the work is divided in six parts: the first one consists of the elaboration of a theoretical sketch about the melancholy that it offers the presuppositions that orientate the work, it is a short introduction about the study of the melancholy, a report until our time, the against-depressive ones and the arrival of the melancholy in Brazil and their particularities; the second part raises the theme of the melancholy, deepening its conception until what is called creative melancholy spread by Walter Benjamin, it serves as anchor for Clarice s writing and as a potential force for the processes lived by the characters of this writer; the third part examines Clarice Lispector s method emphasizing important points of production related to the theme of the melancholy, her style is the psychological analysis; the last one parts (fourth, fifth and sixth parts) are divided in topics that illustrate the conflicts, in most of the time contradictory, of the protagonist Joana, as well as, her difficult interaction with the things and the people that surround her. The fragmentary writing, the being's essential searches, the proximity with the death, the multiplicity of voices of feminine, De profundis, surrealist images, the incessant search for the thing , trips, epiphany, the flaw in the language, the taste of the badly, everything starting from melancholy - transformation and creation tool. The work about melancholy (Freud, Benjamin, Kristeva), it s place of ambiguous and contradictory movements. It is a trip that leads to several corporal and psychological sensations of Joana, enigma-scenes to be deciphered and conflicting images that make you wake up for a critical vision of the modern society. Since the beginning, something pulses without stopping, an incessant memory and the search for something that is lost. We are before recyclings of the interior/exterior, pain/pleasure, visions, abyss, ecstasy in the future and an exit through the melancholic light
This paper aims, starting with the studies of languages in contact and communicative competence, to locate and describe the interlanguage, a linguistic phenomenon observed in the interaction between beach sellers and foreign tourists. We seek to discover whether those interacting use some kind of pidgin, or some code as a lingua franca. We also seek to identify the manner in which the features of communicative competence are presented by analyzing the various competences that composes it - linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and psycholinguistic. The analysis of speech acts, the maxims and conversational implicatures given in the corpus were important to verify whether those interacting were successful in their attempt at multilingual intercomprehension.
There is still a lot to be said about the relationship between culture, cognition and language. Within an embodied cognition perspective to language, it may be understood that the senses generated and used in discourse are built and negotiated not only linguistically, since they also involve stereotypes, schemes, frames, etc. These cognitive structures, in turn, would emerge from subjects experiences and interactions with a sociohistorically constituted environment. With that in mind, what would happen if someone had an altered view in the perception of such environment? The objective of this master s thesis was to understand the process of meaning construction, aiming at the activation of frames, in the discourse of people who have been diagnosed as schizophrenic and have been hospitalized, that is, individuals who have their socio-environmental perception affected. With that aim in mind, a speech corpus was generated with three schizophrenic patients from Professor Severino Lopes Psychiatric Hospital. The data were collected and analyzed qualitatively, based on the theoretical and analytical premises of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, of Simulation Semantic perspective. Therefore, it was possible to identify aspects related to meaning construction processes in the discourse of schizophrenic patients, understanding that language is integrated with cognition and culture. Therefore, the alteration in the way experiences are perceived by schizophrenic patients affect the linguistic production of these subjects. Finally, if we take into consideration that the mental disturbance caused by schizophrenia results in a change in perception of reality by these individuals, we can infer an implication of such factors in language and, subsequently, the interference of such issues in the meaning construction processes in the discourse of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia
Teaching and learning representations have been more and more investigated in the Brazilian applied linguistics field, as it allows the understanding of the teachers representations and how they conceive the learning process. This practice facilitates the planning of actions to improve the educational system. This study aims at identifying, interpreting and discussing some representations related to the identity and professional view of English as a foreign language teachers in different school contexts of Natal-RN. The theoretical and methodological foundation for this research is Halliday s Systemic- Functional Linguistics (1994; HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2004; EGGINS, 1994, among others). Our goal was to reveal the teachers representations embedded in their language, mainly through the ideational metafunction, as language is the tool we use to express ourselves about the external world (events, qualities, things, etc) and the internal world (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc). The research corpus is made of 21 teacher narratives, generated from a questionnaire sent to the teachers, who were divided in two groups: Group 1 (public schools teachers) and Group 2 (private schools and English course teachers). Most of the participants seemed to be satisfied with their professional choice. Many of them see the job as a challenge and an opportunity to transmit knowledge. All of them affirmed that the English teacher is a professional, for different reasons; however, the low professional appreciation was a recurrent aspect among the studied narratives. When asked about where they work, the private school teachers seemed to be more satisfied with the teaching-learning process than the ones from the public schools. We believe that the data analyzed in this study is important to show how some English teachers from Natal-RN see their profession. The results might be used in continuing education courses as food-for-thought in group discussions, as it is extremely important to emphasize and stimulate this practice
This study analyzes the processes of meaning construction in the Livro do Desassossego, by semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares - Fernando Pessoa. We use theoretical grounds from an interface between Cognitive Linguistics and Textual Linguistics to observe how certain linguistic mechanisms build a reality that tells us of a time, a being and his conceptions of language and writing. We focus on description and explanation of procedures of categorization and referentiation accomplished, for example, through metaphor and metonymy. For the construction of the intended theoretical interface, we use analytical categories proposed and developed by the Socio-cognitive Approach of Language, Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Mental Space Theory. Armed with this theoretical background, we observed the dynamics of language in relation to its social, cultural and historical features, as well as the cognitive aspects that underlie it. We seek, therefore, encourage discussions about the functioning of language considering primarily the creative processes that allow us to organize and shape our experiences. We also try to provide an approximation of Linguistics, Literature and Philosophy, with a view to relations between language structure, cognitive activity and socio-cultural organization. From the results obtained, we found that a literary text attests, with a particular property, the mutual relations between language, cognition and culture, as indicates cognitive approach to language studies
Rimbaud, de 16 20 ans, a promu le nouveau des ides et formes de la posie, en abandonnant la tradition par la recherche de l'inconnu, du nouveau verbe potique o je est un autre et contient Rimbauds, multiple. Selon cette perspective, nous limitons la premire partie de ce travail, un profil de ce Rimbauds qui concerne: son Adieu la posie sous la forme de silence: Je est un autre - dans laquelle nous avons galement parl du style, l'innovation et caractristiques, la question - projet potique?, et, enfin, le mimtisme littraire de ses premiers pomes. Dans la seconde partie, on aborde sa posie, en particulier ses deux proses majeures Une saison en enfer et Illuminations. De la Saison, ont fait des considrations sur ses proses, les proses narratives prcdants et les sept proses centrales, dont dtaille de la Nuit de l'enfer et illustrent deux caractristiques de Rimbaud: indcidabilit et incompossibilit. Des Illuminations on a saisi les pomes Ville et Villes I et II pour les tudier sous l optique du non-lieu. On travaille encore un autre concept, de la faon dont il est prsent, sept fois dans les Proses, la notion de l Orient :commme il apparat dans chaque livre, ce qu il signifie et o Rimbaud a cherch ces reprsentations
En esta investigacin, tratamos de poner de relieve los aspectos cognitivos y culturales que subyacen a las metforas en el lenguaje. Partimos de la premisa de que nuestra comprensin a cerca del mundo se construye socio-cognitivamente, sendo la metfora un elemento clave de esta construccin. Por lo tanto, tenemos la intencin de mirar debajo de la teora de la Teora Cognitiva de la Metfora, visto desde el anlisis del poema Morte e Vida Severina, de Joo Cabral de Melo Neto, la metfora de la vida y muerte, inferveis en el corpus forma patrones discursivos, llamado por nosotros como el Construccionismo del Bloques. Estas metforas se encuentran en el nivel conceptual de nuestro lenguaje, emitido por modelos cognitivos idealizados, y mostrar las relaciones entre la lengua, la cultura y la cognicin. Vemos una red de integracin que implica la metfora primaria llamada, elaborado a partir de los esquemas y los dominios conceptuales y metforas congruentes, con la participacin de la nocin de marco.
In this study, we analyzed the argumentative processes of written texts produced by UERN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) vestibulandos : (students who apply for University Entrance Examinations in Brazil). It has as its corpus twenty compositions by such students. These compositions, collected in UFRN COMPERVE (Permanent Commission of vestibular examinations) and written in 2005 examination, were selected in a random way. The theoretical support is based on Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca (1999; 2002), Reboul (2004), Bakhtin (1992), Faraco (2003), Plato e Fiorim (2003) e Geraldi (1997), and other scholars. The work aimed to investigate how vestibulandos make use of argumentative techniques in order to construct their arguments in the vestibular examination. In the analysis of the corpus we considered that the used argumentative techniques, the relationship with the thesis, the sense effects students wanted to produce and the type of the required speech. It showed that in the, discourse construction of argumentative texts, students made use, with more frequency, of the following argumentative techniques: pragmatic arguments, arguments of the definition, comparison arguments, division arguments, example arguments, argument of the model and authority arguments as means to support their theses. However it was not carried out in a conventional way, reason why it leads us to believe that schools, as part of human activity, responsible for education and for the insert of learners in the literate world, have a fundamental role concerning the offer of conditions, so that, the teaching of Portuguese Language leads students to a systematic and explicit preparation of the knowledge, regarding the social and functions of the language, as well as of the strategies of the construction of argumentative texts. This can lead learners to develop communicative competence and to feel more confident when working with text production
Always seen by others eyes, unknown of the languages and other "realities" that constitute, the Africa, specially Mozambique, now (re)invent itself, palimpsestly, in narratives of your griots, narrators and/or storytellers. Our thesis intend, by the review of novel Under the frangipani, to demonstrate that the mozambican writer Mia Couto intends to participate the (re)construction of a devasted nation by war and conflicts, based on belief that the role writer "is to create requisites of a more african thought, to the assessment of your place and your time won't be done from categories created by others" (COUTO, 2005). At first, we show how the mozambican literary system consists itself; then, the insertion of coutian narrative against the prevalence tradition and, also, by the analysis of the constituent elements of the chosen novel, the way how made piece of resistance to reification, objectification of the individuald in the contemporary world , your writing will be present in this sharing of the sensitive. Besides Mia Couto, in our work we'll counting on the lessons of Candido, Noa, Hernandez, Adorno, Paz, Fonseca, Secco, among others studious of african narrative and, specially, Mozambique narrative
This paper presents results concerning studies conducted during the master's research in the area of Applied Linguistics of the Graduate Program in Language Studies - PPgEL, linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. We approached this study the question of authorship, which has gained ground increasingly important in academic research, because the act of authoring, in view of the amount of circulating discourses socially, becomes increasingly questionable. We understand authorship as related to a positioning of the subject than to take responsibility, in the Bakhtinian sense, by its text, it makes their views, ideologies, beliefs and values, from ownership and restructuring of the speech of others. This research is methodologically inserted in a qualitative, interpretive in nature and has a corpus analysis of the ten productions written memoir genre of readings produced by students in 9th grade in elementary school. Research aimed to analyze the students' written productions held in the school environment, to identify these texts marks or evidence of authorship and investigate how the restructuring of ownership and voices of others in the process of authoring. We adopt a concept of language from bakhitinianas concepts and understand the text in a vision Geraldiana. The analyzes in this study showed that in most texts there is the strong presence of voices of others, either implicitly and/or explicit. That is, students, to build their sayings, if embraced the voices of others in various formats, in particular styles, namely, by what Bakhtin names as linear style and pictorial style. Some proved his statement highlighting their positions through direct quotes from authors of books, family, teachers, showing us that their voices are filled with voices of others with whom they approve, deny, analyze, think and reflect. We therefore conclude that students were constituted as subjects of their texts, authors, since they leave marked the voices of others so presentified and restructured voices of others who do not actually sounded like voices of others, but as present voices from a discursive restructuring producer