1000 resultados para Laurila, Maria: Suomen sanojen alkuperä. 2. osa


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The sub-fossil fauna from the Late Quaternary marine deposits of Santa Maria is made of more than 50 species of gastropods and bivalves, 19 of them collected recently and for the first time in the northern coast of the island (Lagoinhas Bay). The sub-fossil shells are found in deposits of beach sands, situated 2-3 meters above the present low tide. The carbonated sands from the basal part of the succession yield an autochthonous association of borers dominated by the bivalve Myoforceps aristata (Dillwin, 1817). Upwards, the marine sands contain concentrations of beach drift shells, including well-preserved supratidal and intertidal gastropods, among them a large number of Rissoidae. The bivalve fauna is dominated by disarticulated valves of Ervilia castanea (Montagu, 1803), a small infaunal coloniser of mobile sandy substrates. The composition of the fauna is made essentially of West European species, many of them common to the West Coast of Portugal. However, a few "warm guests" with West African or Caribbean affinities were also found, suggesting a close relation with some of the "Tyrrhenian" warm associations found in the Western Mediterranean.


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During a recent field work on the southern coast of the island of Santa Maria (Azores) a bulk sample of 37 shells and 25 fragments of Leptaxis vetusta was assembled from Late Pleistocene and Holocene slope deposits outcropping in the area. These specimens are the first of this rare subfossil species to be mentioned since the original descriptions of Arthur Morelet and Henri Drouet (1857). The purposes of our paper are a systematic and biometric description of L. vestuta. For the first time, the original type: locality was localized with accuracy over the southern downslopes of Pico do Facho, between Figueiral and Prainha. The subfossil specimens were collected in slope deposits and detritic fans, overlying a fossiliferous marine deposit situated over the 2-3 m abrasion platform of Praia and Prainha bay. The age and factors associated to the extinction of this species are discussed, including the destruction of the original laurel cover and the colonization by Otala lactea (Muller, 1774), a continental helicid introduced and widespread in Santa Maria.


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RESUMO: A síndrome de apneia hipopneia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS), pela sua prevalência e consequências clínicas, nomeadamente as de natureza cardiovascular, é actualmente considerada um problema de saúde pública. A patogénese da doença cardiovascular na SAHOS não está ainda completamente estabelecida, mas parece ser multifactorial, envolvendo diversos mecanismos que incluem a hiperactividade do sistema nervoso simpático, a disfunção endotelial, a activação selectiva de vias inflamatórias, o stress oxidativo vascular e a disfunção metabólica. A terapêutica com CPAP diminui grandemente o risco de eventos cardiovasculares fatais e não fatais. O CPAP está inequivocamente indicado para o tratamento da SAHOS grave, no entanto, não é consensual a sua utilização nos doentes com SAHOS ligeira/moderada sem hipersonolência diurna associada. Tendo em conta este facto, é fundamental que as indicações terapêuticas do CPAP nestes doentes tenham uma relação custo-eficácia favorável. Assim, dado o posicionamento do estado da arte relativamente ao estudo da disfunção endotelial e da activação do sistema nervoso simpático estar centrada maioritariamente nos doentes com SAHOS grave, desenvolvemos este estudo com o objectivo de comparar os níveis plasmáticos de nitratos, os níveis de catecolaminas urinárias e os valores de pressão arterial nos doentes com SAHOS ligeira/moderada e grave e avaliar a resposta destes parâmetros ao tratamento com CPAP durante um mês. Realizámos um estudo prospectivo, incidindo sobre uma população de 67 doentes do sexo masculino com o diagnóstico de SAHOS (36 com SAHOS ligeira/moderada e 31com SAHOS grave). O protocolo consistia em 3 visitas: antes da terapêutica com CPAP (visita 1), uma semana após CPAP (visita 2) e um mês após CPAP (visita 3). Nas visitas 1 e 3, eram submetidos a três colheitas de sangue às 11 pm, 4 am e 7 am para doseamento dos nitratos plasmáticos e na visita 2 apenas às 7 am. Nas visitas 1 e 3 era também efectuada uma colheita de urina de 24 horas para o doseamento das catecolaminas urinárias e eram submetidos a uma monitorização ambulatória da pressão arterial de 24 horas (MAPA). Foi ainda estudado um grupo controlo de 30 indivíduos do sexo masculino não fumadores sem patologia conhecida e sem evidência de SAHOS. Antes da terapêutica com CPAP, verificou-se uma diminuição significativa dos níveis de nitratos ao longo da noite quer nos doentes com SAHOS ligeira/moderada, quer nos doentes com SAHOS grave. No entanto, esta redução diferia nos 2 grupos de doentes, sendo significativamente superior nos doentes com SAHOS grave (27,6±20,1% vs 16,5±18,5%; p<0,05). Após um mês de tratamento com CPAP, verificou-se um aumento significativo dos valores de nitratos plasmáticos apenas nos doentes com SAHOS grave, mantendo-se os níveis de nitratos elevados ao longo da noite, já não existindo o decréscimo desses valores ao longo da mesma. Os valores de noradrenalina basais eram significativamente superiores nos doentes com SAHOS grave comparativamente com os doentes com SAHOS ligeira/moderada (73,9±30,1μg/24h vs 48,5±19,91μg/24h; p<0,05). Após um mês de terapêutica com CPAP, apenas se verificou uma redução significativa nos valores da noradrenalina nos doentes com SAHOS grave (73,9±30,1μg/24h para 55,4±21,8 μg/24h; p<0,05). Os doentes com SAHOS grave apresentaram valores de pressão arterial mais elevados do que os doentes com SAHOS ligeira/moderada, nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos valores de pressão arterial média, sistólica média de 24 horas, diurna e nocturna e diastólica média de 24 horas, diurna e nocturna. Após um mês de terapêutica com CPAP, verificou-se uma redução significativa dos valores tensionais apenas nos doentescom SAHOS grave, para a pressão média (-2,32+5,0; p=0,005), para a sistólica média de 24 horas (-4,0+7,9mmHg; p=0,009), para a pressão sistólica diurna (-4,3+8,8mmHg; p=0,01), para a pressão sistólica nocturna (-5,1+9,0mmHg; p=0,005), para a pressão diastólica média de 24 horas (-2,7+5,8mmHg; p=0,016), para a pressão diastólica diurna (-3,2+6,3mmHg; p=0,009) e para a pressão diastólica nocturna (-2,5+7,0mmHg; p=0,04). Os níveis tensionais dos doentes com SAHOS grave após CPAP atingiram valores semelhantes aos dos doentes com SAHOS ligeira/moderada, relativamente a todos os parâmetros avaliados no MAPA. Este estudo demonstrou que antes do tratamento com CPAP, existe uma redução dos níveis de nitratos ao longo da noite não só nos doentes com SAHOS grave mas também nos doentes com SAHOS ligeira/moderada. No entanto, a terapêutica com CPAP leva a um aumento significativo dos valores de nitratos plasmáticos apenas nos doentes com SAHOS grave, mantendo-se os níveis de nitratos elevados ao longo da noite, já não existindo o decréscimo desses valores ao longo da mesma. O tratamento com CPAP durante um mês, apenas reduz os níveis de noradrenalina urinária e os valores de pressão arterial nos doentes com SAHOS grave.------------ ABSTRACT: In severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) reduced circulating nitrate, increased levels of urinary norepinephrine (U-NE) and changes in systemic blood pressure (BP) have been described and are reverted by Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). However, the consequences of mild/moderate OSA on these parameters and the CPAP effect upon them are not well known. We aimed to: 1) compare the levels of plasma nitrate (NOx) and U-NE of mild/moderate and severe male OSA patients 2) compare BP in these patient groups; and 3) determine whether CPAP improves sympathetic dysfunction, nitrate deficiency and BP in these patients. This prospective study was carried out in 67 consecutive OSA patients (36 mild/moderate and 31 severe patients) and NOx (11 pm, 4 am, 7 am), 24-h U-NE and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring were obtained before and after 4 weeks of CPAP. Baseline: NOx levels showed a significant decrease (p<0.001) during the night in both groups of patients. The U-NE and BP were significantly higher in the severe group. Post CPAP: After one month of CPAP, there was a significant increase of NOx, a reduction of U-NE and BP only in severe patients. This study shows that in contrast to severe OSA patients, those with mild/moderate OSA, which have lower values of BP and U-NE at baseline, do not benefit from a 4 weeks CPAP treatment as measured by plasma nitrate, 24-h U-NE levels and BP.


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Dengue outbreaks have occurred in several Brazilian States since 1986 involving serotypes 1 (DEN-1) and 2 (DEN-2). In view of the few cases of double infection documented in the literature, we report here a case of simultaneous infection with DEN-1 and DEN-2 in a patient residing in the municipality of Miranda, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Western region of Brazil. DEN-1 was introduced in this State in 1989 and DEN-2 in 1996, both of them circulating in some municipalities. This double infection was identified by virus isolation and by indirect immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies and confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This is the first documented case of simultaneous infection with serotypes DEN-1 and DEN-2 in Brazil.


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Between 1992 and 1997, 790 blood donors with anti-HCV EIA-2 strongly reagent (relationship between the sample optical density/cut-off > 3) detected at the blood bank serological screening, were evaluated in ambulatory environment. They were all negative for Chagas disease, syphilis, hepatitis B (HBsAg) and AIDS. Blood samples were collected at the first ambulatorial evaluation, for hemogram, biochemical tests and new serological tests for HCV (anti-HCV EIA-2). In blood samples of 226 repeatedly reagent anti-HCV EIA-2 blood donors, supplementary "immunoblot" test for HCV (RIBA-2) was used. In 209 donors, the presence of HCV-RNA was investigated by the PCR test. The abdominal ultrasonography was realized in 366 donors. In 269 patients liver biopsy was performed for the histopathological study. The follow-up of blood donors showed that 95.6% were repeatedly EIA-2 reagent, 94% were symptomless and denied any hepatitis history, with only 2% mentioning previous jaundice. In 47% of this population at least one risk factor has been detected for the HCV transmission, the use of intravenous drugs being the main one (27.8%). Blood transfusion was the second factor for HCV transmission (27.2%). Hepatomegaly was detected in 54% of the cases. Splenomegaly and signs of portal hypertension have seldom been found in the physical examination, indicating a low degree of hepatic compromising in HCV. Abdominal ultrasound showed alterations in 65% of the subjects, being the steatosis the most frequent (50%). In 83.5% of the donors submitted to the liver biopsy, the histopathological exam showed the presence of chronic hepatitis, usually classified as active (89%) with mild or moderate grade in most of the cases (99.5%). The histopathological exam of the liver was normal in 1.5% of blood donors. The RIBA-2 test and the HCV-RNA investigation by PCR were positive in respectively 91.6 and 75% of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors. The HCV-RNA research was positive in 82% of the RIBA-2 positive subjects, in 37.5% of the indeterminate RIBA-2 donors and in 9% of the negative RIBA-2 donors. Chronic hepatitis has also been observed in 50% of the histopathological exams of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors which were indeterminate RIBA-2. Among 18 blood donors with minimal changes histopathological exam 11 (61%) were HCV-RNA positive. Our blood donors anti-HCV reagent generally had clinical, laboratorial and histopathological features observed in patients with chronic HCV hepatitis and a high proportion could be identified in interviews and medical evaluation realized in blood blanks. Generally, these HCV infected donors are identified and discharged only by the serological tests results.


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In 2001, an autochthonous case of dual viremia, resulting from naturally acquired dengue virus DEN-1 and DEN-2 infections was detected during the dengue outbreak that occurred in Barretos, a city with about 105,000 inhabitants in the North region of São Paulo State. Serotype identification was based on virus isolation to C6/36 mosquito cells culture and immunofluorescence assays using type-specific monoclonal antibodies. The double infection was also confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Comparative analysis of the 240-nucleotide sequences of E/NS1 gene junction region between the genome of DEN-1 and DEN-2 isolates of the corresponding reference Nauru and PR 159S1 strains, respectively, showed some nucleotide differences, mainly silent mutations in the third codon position. Results of maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of E/NS1 gene sequences indicated that both genotypes of DEN-1 and DEN-2 viruses recovered from double infection in Barretos belonged to genotypes I and III, respectively.


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Strain typing is a critical tool for molecular epidemiological analysis and can provide important information about the spread of dengue viruses. Here, we performed a molecular characterization of DEN-2 viruses isolated in Brazil during 1990-2000 from geographically and temporally distinct areas in order to investigate the genetic distribution of this serotype circulating in the country. Restriction site-specific polymerase chain reaction (RSS)-PCR presented the same pattern for all 52 Brazilian samples, showing the circulation of just one DEN-2 variant. Phylogenetic analysis using progressive pairwise alignments from 240-nucleotide sequences of the E/NS1 junction in 15 isolates showed that they belong to genotype III (Jamaica genotype).


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The genomic sequences of the Envelope-Non-Structural protein 1 junction region (E/NS1) of 84 DEN-1 and 22 DEN-2 isolates from Brazil were determined. Most of these strains were isolated in the period from 1995 to 2001 in endemic and regions of recent dengue transmission in São Paulo State. Sequence data for DEN-1 and DEN-2 utilized in phylogenetic and split decomposition analyses also include sequences deposited in GenBank from different regions of Brazil and of the world. Phylogenetic analyses were done using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Results for both DEN-1 and DEN-2 data are ambiguous, and support for most tree bipartitions are generally poor, suggesting that E/NS1 region does not contain enough information for recovering phylogenetic relationships among DEN-1 and DEN-2 sequences used in this study. The network graph generated in the split decomposition analysis of DEN-1 does not show evidence of grouping sequences according to country, region and clades. While the network for DEN-2 also shows ambiguities among DEN-2 sequences, it suggests that Brazilian sequences may belong to distinct subtypes of genotype III.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatistica e Gestão de Informação.


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The current diagnosis of human T-lymphotropic virus type-2 (HTLV-2) infection is based on the search of specific antibodies; nevertheless, several studies conducted in Brazil pointed deficiencies of the commercially available kits in detecting HTLV-2, mostly in HIV/AIDS patients. This study searched for the presence of HTLV-1 and -2 in 758 HIV/AIDS patients from Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Serum samples were screened for HTLV-1/2 antibodies using two EIA kits (Vironostika and Murex), and confirmed by WB (HTLV Blot 2.4, Genelabs). The results obtained by EIA disclosed 49 (6.5%) reactive sera: 43 positive by both EIA kits, and six with discordant results. WB confirmed HTLV-1 infection in seven samples (0.9%) and HTLV-2 in 21 sera (2.8%). Negative and indeterminate results were detected in four (0.5%) and 16 (2.1%) sera, respectively. Blood from 47 out of 49 HTLV seroreactive patients were collected and analyzed for the presence of env, LTR and tax genomic segments of HTLVs by PCR. PCR confirmed six cases of HTLV-1 and 37 cases of HTLV-2 infection (14 out of 16 that were found to be WB indeterminate). Restriction analysis of the env PCR products of HTLV-2 disclosed 36 isolates of HTLV-2a/c subtype, and one of HTLV-2b subtype. These results emphasize the need of improving serologic tests for detecting truly HTLV-2 infected patients from Brazil, and confirm the presence of HTLV-2b subtype in the South of this country.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ensino do Português como Língua Segunda e Estrangeira


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Com base no modelo de Resposta à Intervenção (RtI), este estudo centrouse em três objetivos: construir um instrumento vocacionado para a determinação do nível de competências fundamentais, do 1º ao 6º anos, na disciplina de Matemática; avaliar o valor preditivo do instrumento sobre a necessidade de intervenção; examinar o efeito de uma intervenção planeada com base na avaliação diagnóstica desse instrumento. Para dar resposta ao primeiro e segundo objetivos foram consideradas duas amostras de conveniência: a primeira, constituída por 5 docentes, avaliou a versão teste do instrumento e a segunda, constituída por 6 docentes, avaliou a sua versão final (perfazendo um total de 75 alunos). Recorrendo ao método kmeans, os resultados mostraram que o instrumento é de útil e fácil aplicação, permitindo aos docentes avaliarem e identificarem o grupo de desempenho a que pertence cada aluno, em relação à média dos resultados da respetiva turma. Relativamente ao terceiro objetivo, foi constituída uma amostra de 7 alunos de uma turma do 4º ano. A intervenção decorreu ao longo de 11 semanas, com 2 sessões semanais, cuja duração variou entre 10 a 35 minutos. Para avaliar os efeitos da intervenção, foi realizado um pré e um pós-teste, assim como 2 sessões de avaliação intermédia (checkpoints), tendo-se recorrido ao teste não paramétrico de Friedman e ao teste de Wilcoxon, para avaliar a significância das diferenças entre os tempos e os níveis de suporte, para o aluno resolver a tarefa com sucesso, respetivamente. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatiscamente significativas, particularmente entre as duas avaliações intermédia consideradas.


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The seroprevalence and geographic distribution of HTLV-1/2 among blood donors are extremely important to transfusion services. We evaluated the seroprevalence of HTLV-1/2 infection among first-time blood donor candidates in Ribeirão Preto city and region. From January 2000 to December 2010, 1,038,489 blood donations were obtained and 301,470 were first-time blood donations. All samples were screened with serological tests for HTLV-1/2 using enzyme immunoassay (EIA). In addition, the frequency of coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Chagas disease (CD) and syphilis was also determined. In-house PCR was used as confirmatory test for HTLV-1/2. A total of 296 (0.1%) first-time donors were serologically reactive for HTLV-1/2. Confirmatory PCR of 63 samples showed that 28 were HTLV-1 positive, 13 HTLV-2 positive, 19 negative and three indeterminate. Regarding HTLV coinfection rates, the most prevalent was with HBV (51.3%) and HCV (35.9%), but coinfection with HIV, CD and syphilis was also detected. The real number of HTLV-infected individual and coinfection rate in the population is underestimated and epidemiological studies like ours are very informative.


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SUMMARY The herpes simplex virus type 2 (HVS-2) is the most prevalent infection worldwide. It is a cofactor in the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the persistence of human papillomavirus (HPV). This study evaluated the prevalence of HSV-2, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and associated factors in patients treated at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) and Basic Health Units (BHU) in Rio Grande, Brazil. The observed prevalence of HSV-2 was 15.6%. Among the 302 women studied, 158 had received assistance in BHU and 144 were treated at FURG. The prevalence of HSV-2 in these groups was 10.8% and 20.8%, respectively, RR 1.9 and p = 0.012. Knowledge about the Pap smear, and the presence of lesions showed no association with HSV-2 infection. Multivariate analysis showed that the variable that most influenced the risk of HSV-2 infection was the presence of HIV infection, with a relative risk of 1.9 and p = 0.04. Discussion: Genital ulcers are an important entry point for HIV, and condom use is an important strategy to reduce transmission of HIV and HSV-2.


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There are few studies on the role of innate immune response in dermatophytosis. An investigation was conducted to define the involvement of Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) 2 and 4 in localized (LD) and disseminated (DD) dermatophytosis due to T. rubrum. Fifteen newly diagnosed patients, eight patients with LD and seven with DD, defined by involvement of at least three body segments were used in this study. Controls comprised twenty skin samples from healthy individuals undergoing plastic surgery. TLR2 and TLR4 were quantified in skin lesions by immunohistochemistry. A reduced expression of TLR4 in the lower and upper epidermis of both LD and DD patients was found compared to controls; TLR2 expression was preserved in the upper and lower epidermis of all three groups. As TLR4 signaling induces the production of inflammatory cytokines and neutrophils recruitment, its reduced expression likely contributed to the lack of resolution of the infection and the consequent chronic nature of the dermatophytosis. As TLR2 expression acts to limit the inflammatory process and preserves the epidermal structure, its preserved expression may also contribute to the persistent infection and limited inflammation that are characteristic of dermatophytic infections.