737 resultados para IDA


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The putative Ca2+-channel blocker LaCl3 prevented the gravitropic bending of cut snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) spikes (S. Philosoph-Hadas, S. Meir, I. Rosenberger, A.H. Halevy [1996] Plant Physiol 110: 301–310) and inhibited stem curvature to a greater extent than vertical and horizontal stem elongation at the bending zone. This might indicate that LaCl3, which modulates cytosolic Ca2+, does not influence general stem-growth processes but may specifically affect other gravity-associated processes occurring at the stem-bending zone. Two such specific gravity-dependent events were found to occur in the bending zone of snapdragon spikes: sedimentation of starch-containing chloroplasts at the bottom of stem cortex cells, as seen in cross-sections, and establishment of an ethylene gradient across the stem. Our results show that the lateral sedimentation of chloroplasts associated with gravity sensing was prevented in cross-sections taken from the bending zone of LaCl3-treated and subsequently gravistimulated spikes and that LaCl3 completely prevented the gravity-induced, asymmetric ethylene production established across the stem-bending zone. These data indicate that LaCl3 inhibits stem curvature of snapdragon spikes by preventing several gravity-dependent processes. Therefore, we propose that the gravitropic response of shoots could be mediated through a Ca2+-dependent pathway involving modulation of cytosolic Ca2+ at various stages.


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Different approaches were utilized to investigate the mechanism by which fusicoccin (FC) induces the activation of the H+-ATPase in plasma membrane (PM) isolated from radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seedlings treated in vivo with (FC-PM) or without (C-PM) FC. Treatment of FC-PM with different detergents indicated that PM H+-ATPase and the FC-FC-binding-protein (FCBP) complex were solubilized to a similar extent. Fractionation of solubilized FC-PM proteins by a linear sucrose-density gradient showed that the two proteins comigrated and that PM H+-ATPase retained the activated state induced by FC. Solubilized PM proteins were also fractionated by a fast-protein liquid chromatography anion-exchange column. Comparison between C-PM and FC-PM indicated that in vivo treatment of the seedlings with FC caused different elution profiles; PM H+-ATPase from FC-PM was only partially separated from the FC-FCBP complex and eluted at a higher NaCl concentration than did PM H+-ATPase from C-PM. Western analysis of fast-protein liquid chromatography fractions probed with an anti-N terminus PM H+-ATPase antiserum and with an anti-14–3-3 antiserum indicated an FC-induced association of FCBP with the PM H+-ATPase. Analysis of the activation state of PM H+-ATPase in fractions in which the enzyme was partially separated from FCBP suggested that the establishment of an association between the two proteins was necessary to maintain the FC-induced activation of the enzyme.


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The Ca2+-ATPase of the plasma membrane (PM) of germinating radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seeds was purified by calmodulin (CaM)-affinity chromatography using a batch procedure. PM purified by aqueous two-phase partitioning was solubilized with n-dodecyl β-d-maltoside and applied to a CaM-agarose matrix. After various washings with decreasing Ca2+ concentrations, the Ca2+-ATPase was eluted with 5 mm ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). The EDTA-eluted fraction contained about 25% of the loaded Ca2+-ATPase activity, with a specific activity 70-fold higher than that of the starting PM fraction. The EDTA-eluted fraction was highly enriched in a 133-kD polypeptide, which was identified as the PM Ca2+-ATPase by 125I-CaM overlay and fluorescein-isothiocyanate labeling. The PM Ca2+-ATPase cross-reacted with an antiserum against a putative Ca2+-ATPase of the Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast envelope.


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Discovering a History: The School of Art at the University of Denver explores the early history of art education in Denver, and the significance of visual art education at the University of Denver within that history beginning in 1865, when the first classes in art were offered, and ending in 1929 when the University acquired the Chappell School of Art—an independent art school—and appointed Vance Kirkland as director. This paper also explores competing art institutions, which at times posed great hindrances to the University. Further, it illustrates how the artists who taught at the University of Denver School of Art, such as Ida De Steiguer, Preston Powers, Emma Richardson Cherry, and Henry Read, were amongst the great contributors to Denver’s burgeoning artistic culture.


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En el siglo XIX, la función política primordial de las reinas era contribuir a la estabilidad y perpetuación de la dinastía y de la corona, como esposas de reyes y madres de futuros reyes; mantener el buen funcionamiento del sistema político como regentes y, como reinas madre, dar de nuevo credibilidad a la monarquía dejando paso a los nuevos reyes. María Cristina de Borbón y María Cristina de Habsburgo fueron dos mujeres, dos reinas, que vieron condicionada su trayectoria personal por el hecho de ser regentes y su labor política por el hecho de ser mujeres. A medida que avanzaba el siglo XIX, las familias reales se mostraron de forma creciente como familias burguesas, para contribuir a ofrecer una imagen próxima y moderna de la corona. Sin embargo, las diferencias en este sentido entre las dos reinas son destacables, pues los modelos de género evolucionaron a lo largo de la centuria. Por otra parte, encarnaron dos momentos muy diferentes de la monarquía decimonónica: el punto de partida –una monarquía absoluta– y el de llegada –una monarquía constitucional–. María Cristina de Borbón, con mucha angustia personal y pánico a la revolución, vivió, muy a su pesar, el tránsito definitivo entre el Antiguo Régimen y el régimen liberal, mientras que María Cristina de Habsburgo ocupó el trono en la época dorada de la Restauración liberal, aunque su regencia tuvo que afrontar la crisis de finales de siglo.


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En los años sesenta, dos organizaciones católicas con prestigio y poder ofrecieron espacios de actuación y modelos de comportamiento a las mujeres de clase media españolas: el Opus Dei y la Acción Católica. Ambas reproducían desde sus inicios discursos y prácticas de género jerarquizadas, de acuerdo con la cultura política nacionalcatólica. Sin embargo, las Mujeres de Acción Católica experimentaron una clara evolución hacia posiciones críticas con el poder y emancipatorias, que supusieron una reformulación de las identidades de género en clave igualitaria desde la cultura política conciliar. Por su parte, la sección femenina del Opus Dei mantuvo tesis propias de la cultura política nacionalcatólica integrista, un discurso que ensalzaba la domesticidad y una práctica de subordinación a los varones, reafirmando la identidad femenina católica tradicional bajo un ropaje moderno.


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Más allá del mito de la discreta regente de España, María Cristina de Habsburgo ofrece una imagen poliédrica que puede contribuir a calibrar la importancia política, cultural y social de la representación simbólica de la corona. Las imágenes —oficial, de la oposición y populares— de María Cristina son analizadas desde diversas perspectivas: la consolidación de una monarquía en crisis tras el fallecimiento de Alfonso XII pocos años después de la República, la creación de una identidad nacional todavía no afirmada y la conformación de los estereotipos de género en torno al discurso de la separación de esferas. Imágenes que daban respuestas muchas veces divergentes a las circunstancias que distinguían a Maria Cristina de otros monarcas: era regente y no reina por derecho propio, era extranjera pero ocupaba el trono español y era mujer pero desempeñaba la más alta magistratura del país.


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Os hemangiomas infantis são os tumores mais comuns da infância, ocorrendo em cerca de 3 a 10% das crianças com ida- de inferior a um ano de idade, com predomínio no sexo feminino. Apesar da frequência destes tumores, a sua patogénese permanece pouco compreendida e a melhor abordagem terapêutica é controversa. Têm uma história natural de crescimento rápido durante a primeira infância, seguida de involução gradual, muitas vezes levando à regressão completa. Devido à sua involução espontânea, a maioria dos hemangiomas infantis não requerem qual- quer intervenção. No entanto, em 10 a 15% dos casos é necessário tratamento devido às possíveis complicações locais, compromisso fisiológico ou estético a longo prazo elevado ou risco de vida.


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Collection primarily documents McCulloch's research on women's legal status, and her work with the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association, the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and the League of Women Voters. There is also documentation of women in the legal profession, of McCulloch's friendships with the other women suffragists and lawyers, and some biographical material. The papers contain little information about her family or social life.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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The EU Banking Union combines micro- and macro-prudential regulation. It aims at breaking the “doom loop” between banks and sovereign debt, promoting financial stability and mitigating the next financial shock to the real EU economy, at the lowest possible cost to the financial institutions and to the taxpayers. Success, or failure, is determined by how the banking union copes with the challenges to its two main pillars, the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). Under the SSM, in its new supervisory role, the ECB may be subject to conflicts between the objectives of price and financial stability, and the single-supervisor role may be sub-optimal. Two regulators might have been preferable and more focus on ECB accountability will now be required. The shock-absorbing Single Resolution Fund (SRF), which is part of the SRM, may not have the capacity to deal with a crisis of the size of the one of 2008. Especially as the nature and severity of a future financial crisis cannot be forecasted. The design of the banking union is not the result of theoretical studies, but a political compromise to deal with an acute crisis. The theoretical studies that are included in this paper are not supportive of the banking union in its current form. Nevertheless, there is a good chance that the EU Banking Union may succeed, as ECB supervision of the 123 systemically important banks should contain potential demands on the SRM. In the event of a crisis that is too severe for the banking union to absorb with its current capability, the crucial assumption is that there is political will to rapidly provide new resources. The same applies, if a major financial crisis develops before the banking union is fully operational.


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The EU Banking Union combines micro- and macro-prudential regulation. It aims at breaking the “doom loop” between banks and sovereign debt, promoting financial stability and mitigating the next financial shock to the real EU economy, at the lowest possible cost to the financial institutions and to the taxpayers. Success, or failure, is determined by how the banking union copes with the challenges to its two main pillars, the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). Under the SSM, in its new supervisory role, the ECB may be subject to conflicts between the objectives of price and financial stability, and the single-supervisor role may be sub-optimal. Two regulators might have been preferable and more focus on ECB accountability will now be required. The shock-absorbing Single Resolution Fund (SRF), which is part of the SRM, may not have the capacity to deal with a crisis of the size of the one of 2008. Especially as the nature and severity of a future financial crisis cannot be forecasted. The design of the banking union is not the result of theoretical studies, but a political compromise to deal with an acute crisis. The theoretical studies that are included in this paper are not supportive of the banking union in its current form. Nevertheless, there is a good chance that the EU Banking Union may succeed, as ECB supervision of the 123 systemically important banks should contain potential demands on the SRM. In the event of a crisis that is too severe for the banking union to absorb with its current capability, the crucial assumption is that there is political will to rapidly provide new resources. The same applies, if a major financial crisis develops before the banking union is fully operational.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz