996 resultados para Geographical images
Administrative systems such as health care registration are of increasing importance in providing information for statistical, research, and policy purposes. There is thus a pressing need to understand better the detailed relationship between population characteristics as recorded in such systems and conventional censuses. This paper explores these issues using the unique Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS). It takes the 2001 Census enumeration as a benchmark and analyses the social, demographic and spatial patterns of mismatch with the health register at individual level. Descriptive comparison is followed by multivariate and multilevel analyses which show that approximately 25% of individuals are reported to be in different addresses and that age, rurality, education, and housing type are all important factors. This level of mismatch appears to be maintained over time, as earlier migrants who update their address details are replaced by others who have not yet done so. In some cases, apparent mismatches seem likely to reflect complex multi-address living arrangements rather than data error.
«Realismo e Lirismo em Terra Sonâmbula e Chuva Braba» é um trabalho de leitura que reflecte a nossa percepção em relação a dois mundos particulares que se constroem a partir das obras dos dois escritores africanos. Com efeito, optamos por uma estrutura pragmática do estudo, centrando a nossa atenção na leitura e interpretação dos romances, sem incluirmos um capítulo específico de referências teóricas. Tal estratégia permitiu cruzar o quadro conceptual com as informações textuais resultantes do processo de análise e interpretação do «corpus» do trabalho. As duas obras estabelecem pontos de intersecção no domínio linguístico e cultural como consequência de partilha de um passado histórico, político e social. A localização geográfica de Cabo Verde, a fome prolongada, por um lado, e a guerra catastrófica que abalou Moçambique entre 1976 e 1992, por outro, permitiram extrapolar recorrências temáticas inspiradas em impressões e experiências dos autores, relacionadas com práticas e vivências que, no trato literário, ganharam uma dimensão lírico-realista de grande valor hermenêutico. A insularidade e a continentalidade que opõem Cabo Verde e Moçambique, assim como a fome e a guerra que os caracterizam respectivamente, a procura de um espaço literário a partir das marcas de crioulidade e moçambicanidade compõem um conjunto de valores estéticos que configuram o imaginário cultural dos dois países africanos de língua portuguesa. Esta tese pesquisa as imagens e os aspectos fundamentais ínsitos nos dois romances, procurando mostrar até que ponto, a partir de temáticas de fome e guerra se pode construir narrativas lírico-realistas. O estudo permitiu observar que as imagens de sofrimento, desolação e desassossego constituem, geralmente, o paradigma estético da escrita lírica e realista de Mia Couto e Manuel Lopes.
Nomadic Narratives, Visual Forces explores issues, questions, and problems emerging in the analysis of epistolary and visual narratives. This book focuses in particular on Gwen John's letters and paintings. It offers an innovative theoretical approach to narrative analysis by drawing on Foucault's theory of power, Deleuze and Guattari's analytics of desire, and Cavarero's concept of the narratable self. Furthermore, it examines the use of letters as documents of life in narrative research and highlights the dynamics of spatiality in the constitution of the female self in art. This study brings together theoretical insights that emerge from the analysis of life documents - some of them previously unpublished - combining innovative research with specific methodological suggestions on doing narrative analysis.
In this study, Artificial Neural Networks are applied to multistep long term solar radiation prediction. The networks are trained as one-step-ahead predictors and iterated over time to obtain multi-step longer term predictions. Auto-regressive and Auto-regressive with exogenous inputs solar radiationmodels are compared, considering cloudiness indices as inputs in the latter case. These indices are obtained through pixel classification of ground-to-sky images. The input-output structure of the neural network models is selected using evolutionary computation methods.
En 1986, Robert Berrouët-Oriol dénonçait le silence de la critique québécoise envers ce qu'il a appelé les écritures migrantes. Selon lui, on n'octroyait pas à ces textes la place qui leur était due au sein du discours critique. Seule une analyse exhaustive de la réception critique pourrait révéler les mécanismes d'exclusion en vigueur dans le champ littéraire québécois. Tel a été l'objectif de ce mémoire. Le premier chapitre présente une mise en contexte de la réalité vécue par les nouveaux arrivants au Québec. Un panorama des grands enjeux sociaux, politiques et culturels des dernières vingt-cinq années du XXe siècle est proposé. Ce tableau de l'époque se voit complété par un survol des différentes politiques d'intégration mises en place par les gouvernements pour accueillir les immigrants. Enfin, une rapide étude du phénomène des écritures migrantes, inscrites au coeur de la littérature québécoise, clôt ce chapitre. Par la suite, les données sociologiques des auteurs du corpus sont analysées de façon quantitative, afin d'obtenir de ces derniers un profil juste et signifiant. Selon cette même perspective quantitative, nous examinons également les articles colligés dans le but d'y déceler des tendances temporelles et des particularités propres à chacun des périodiques. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à une analyse de la terminologie utilisée par les critiques pour désigner les auteurs nés à l'étranger qui sont traités dans les pages des périodiques sélectionnés. Nous verrons à quels moments et dans quelles circonstances un auteur se voit attribuer une dénomination québécoise ou participant du marquage d'une altérité. Ce mémoire s'achève sur une étude approfondie des thématiques, tout autant celles abordées par les auteurs nés à l'étranger dans leurs ouvrages que relevées par les critiques qui en font la mention.
In this work, a comprehensive review on automatic analysis of Proteomics and Genomics images is presented. Special emphasis is given to a particularly complex image produced by a technique called Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis (2-DE), with thousands of spots (or blobs). Automatic methods for the detection, segmentation and matching of blob like features are discussed and proposed. In particular, a very robust procedure was achieved for processing 2-DE images, consisting mainly of two steps: a) A very trustworthy new approach for the automatic detection and segmentation of spots, based on the Watershed Transform, without any foreknowledge of spot shape or size, and without user intervention; b) A new method for spot matching, based on image registration, that performs well for either global or local distortions. The results of the proposed methods are compared to state-of-the-art academic and commercial products.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Económicas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014
Allergies to grass pollen are the number one cause of outdoor hay fever. The human immune system reacts with symptoms to allergens from pollen. Objective: We investigated the natural variability in release of the major group 5 allergen from grass pollen across Europe. Methods: Airborne pollen and allergens were simultaneously collected daily with a volumetric spore trap and a high-volume cascade impactor at 10 sites across Europe for 3 consecutive years. Group 5 allergen was determined with a Phl p 5 specific ELISA in two fractions of ambient air: Particulate Matter (PM) >10μm and 10μm>PM>2.5μm. Mediator release by ambient air was determined in FcεR1-humanized basophils. Origin of pollen was modeled and condensed to pollen potency maps. Results: On average grass pollen released 2.3 pg Phl p 5/pollen. Allergen release per pollen (potency) varied substantially, ranging from 0 to 9 pg Phl p 5/pollen (5 to 95% percentile). The main variation was locally day-to-day. Average potency maps across Europe varied between years. Mediator release from basophilic granulocytes correlated better with allergen/m3 (r2=0.80, p<0.001) than with pollen/m3 (r2=0.61, p<0.001). In addition, pollen released different amounts of allergen in the nonpollen bearing fraction of ambient air depending on humidity. Conclusion: Across Europe, the same amount of pollen released substantially different amounts of group 5 grass pollen allergen. This variation in allergen release is on top of variations in pollen counts. Molecular aerobiology, i.e. determining allergen in ambient air, may be a valuable addition to pollen counting.
In this study, we utilise a novel approach to segment out the ventricular system in a series of high resolution T1-weighted MR images. We present a brain ventricles fast reconstruction method. The method is based on the processing of brain sections and establishing a fixed number of landmarks onto those sections to reconstruct the ventricles 3D surface. Automated landmark extraction is accomplished through the use of the self-organising network, the growing neural gas (GNG), which is able to topographically map the low dimensionality of the network to the high dimensionality of the contour manifold without requiring a priori knowledge of the input space structure. Moreover, our GNG landmark method is tolerant to noise and eliminates outliers. Our method accelerates the classical surface reconstruction and filtering processes. The proposed method offers higher accuracy compared to methods with similar efficiency as Voxel Grid.
This article provides much needed understanding of destination images held by non-visitors. Recognizing the characteristics of non-visitor images and their formation is important in order to understand images more widely. This qualitative study assesses images of London. The views of three hundred people in the Czech Republic who have never visited London were obtained via an innovative open-ended research instrument. The study showed that non-visitors imagine destinations through comparisons with their own experiences of places. Findings indicate that images can be very persistent and that the first images formed of a destination endure over time. Although the research is based on people with no direct experience of London, the research highlights that a range of secondary ‘experiences’ influence image formation.
The emergence of science parks is a relatively new phenomenon in China. Apart from the widely debated topics of university–industry linkages, collaboration among firms and spontaneous/policy-driven science parks, the development of science parks in China also has several distinguishing characteristics, such as their ambiguous linkage with urban expansion and their hierarchical structuring pattern. This paper attempts to discuss the motivation and efficiency of spatial proximity in science park development and to explore the role of universities in science parks, the function of science parks as a government project and a case study of location choice by on-site firms. The qualitative analysis, based on in-depth interviews with tenant firm managers and district-level government officers in Jiangning, Nanjing, is used as a basis for discussion.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores