970 resultados para Fractais de Koch


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This study is part of interactional perspective, focusing on Conversation Analysis theories, from the Textual Interactive Perspective and Text Linguistics . This research, from its guiding questions, aims at understanding the interaction between teacher and students in the process of the knowledge construction as well as at describing, analyzing and understanding aspects of topical organization speech in the classroom in elementary school, observing the opening and closing procedures of the speech topics in that particular space. Considering that the procedures for opening and closing of discursive topics occur through language marks, we tried to identify which speech marks are used in the opening and closing of the topics studied in the classroom, in interaction during the collaborative process of the discourse established between teacher and students. Therefore, this study is based on authors who analyze specific questions of the text in real context of language use: Koch (1993, 1999), Jubran et al (1991), Jubran (2006), Pine (2005), Penhavel (2010), Galembeck (2012), Barros (1991), Marcuschi (1986 , 1990, 1991 , 1998 , 1999, 2003 , 2004a), Kerbrat - Orecchioni (2006), Favero (1999, 2002) and Galvão (2004, 2010). As a methodology of investigation, the study is focused on the postulates of ethnographic research in order to carry out data collection, through audio and video recordings which were transcribed, according to the NURC project proposal, with some adaptations. Data analysis showed that the procedures for opening and closing of the speech topics occurred by the use of discourse markers, in particular the marker "then", allowing us to understand that these elements are important in the topical organization speech, contributing to ensure textual cohesion and coherence. We conclude that the organization of the discursive topic in the classroom occurs through events that support the explicitness of the content of teaching and learning, considering the diverse necessity of an institutional academic plan, whose main objective is the construction of knowledge


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Neste trabalho, através de simulações computacionais, identificamos os fenômenos físicos associados ao crescimento e a dinâmica de polímeros como sistemas complexos exibindo comportamentos não linearidades, caos, criticalidade auto-organizada, entre outros. No primeiro capítulo, iniciamos com uma breve introdução onde descrevemos alguns conceitos básicos importantes ao entendimento do nosso trabalho. O capítulo 2 consiste na descrição do nosso estudo da distribuição de segmentos num polímero ramificado. Baseado em cálculos semelhantes aos usados em cadeias poliméricas lineares, utilizamos o modelo de crescimento para polímeros ramificados (Branched Polymer Growth Model - BPGM) proposto por Lucena et al., e analisamos a distribuição de probabilidade dos monômeros num polímero ramificado em 2 dimensões, até então desconhecida. No capítulo seguinte estudamos a classe de universalidade dos polímeros ramificados gerados pelo BPGM. Utilizando simulações computacionais em 3 dimensões do modelo proposto por Lucena et al., calculamos algumas dimensões críticas (dimensões fractal, mínima e química) para tentar elucidar a questão da classe de universalidade. Ainda neste Capítulo, descrevemos um novo modelo para a simulação de polímeros ramificados que foi por nós desenvolvido de modo a poupar esforço computacional. Em seguida, no capítulo 4 estudamos o comportamento caótico do crescimento de polímeros gerados pelo BPGM. Partimos de polímeros criticamente organizados e utilizamos uma técnica muito semelhante aquela usada em transições de fase em Modelos de Ising para estudar propagação de danos chamada de Distância de Hamming. Vimos que a distância de Hamming para o caso dos polímeros ramificados se comporta como uma lei de potência, indicando um caráter não-extensivo na dinâmica de crescimento. No Capítulo 5 analisamos o movimento molecular de cadeias poliméricas na presença de obstáculos e de gradientes de potenciais. Usamos um modelo generalizado de reptação para estudar a difusão de polímeros lineares em meios desordenados. Investigamos a evolução temporal destas cadeias em redes quadradas e medimos os tempos característicos de transporte t. Finalizamos esta dissertação com um capítulo contendo a conclusão geral denoss o trabalho (Capítulo 6), mais dois apêndices (Apêndices A e B) contendo a fenomenologia básica para alguns conceitos que utilizaremos ao longo desta tese (Fractais e Percolação respectivamente) e um terceiro e ´ultimo apêndice (Apêndice C) contendo uma descrição de um programa de computador para simular o crescimentos de polímeros ramificados em uma rede quadrada


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In this thesis we study some problems related to petroleum reservoirs using methods and concepts of Statistical Physics. The thesis could be divided percolation problem in random multifractal support motivated by its potential application in modelling oil reservoirs. We develped an heterogeneous and anisotropic grid that followin two parts. The first one introduce a study of the percolations a random multifractal distribution of its sites. After, we determine the percolation threshold for this grid, the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponents ß and v. In the second part, we propose an alternative systematic of modelling and simulating oil reservoirs. We introduce a statistical model based in a stochastic formulation do Darcy Law. In this model, the distribution of permeabilities is localy equivalent to the basic model of bond percolation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Systems whose spectra are fractals or multifractals have received a lot of attention in recent years. The complete understanding of the behavior of many physical properties of these systems is still far from being complete because of the complexity of such systems. Thus, new applications and new methods of study of their spectra have been proposed and consequently a light has been thrown on their properties, enabling a better understanding of these systems. We present in this work initially the basic and necessary theoretical framework regarding the calculation of energy spectrum of elementary excitations in some systems, especially in quasiperiodic ones. Later we show, by using the Schr¨odinger equation in tight-binding approximation, the results for the specific heat of electrons within the statistical mechanics of Boltzmann-Gibbs for one-dimensional quasiperiodic systems, growth by following the Fibonacci and Double Period rules. Structures of this type have already been exploited enough, however the use of non-extensive statistical mechanics proposed by Constantino Tsallis is well suited to systems that have a fractal profile, and therefore our main objective was to apply it to the calculation of thermodynamical quantities, by extending a little more the understanding of the properties of these systems. Accordingly, we calculate, analytical and numerically, the generalized specific heat of electrons in one-dimensional quasiperiodic systems (quasicrystals) generated by the Fibonacci and Double Period sequences. The electronic spectra were obtained by solving the Schr¨odinger equation in the tight-binding approach. Numerical results are presented for the two types of systems with different values of the parameter of nonextensivity q


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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In this thesis, we study the application of spectral representations to the solution of problems in seismic exploration, the synthesis of fractal surfaces and the identification of correlations between one-dimensional signals. We apply a new approach, called Wavelet Coherency, to the study of stratigraphic correlation in well log signals, as an attempt to identify layers from the same geological formation, showing that the representation in wavelet space, with introduction of scale domain, can facilitate the process of comparing patterns in geophysical signals. We have introduced a new model for the generation of anisotropic fractional brownian surfaces based on curvelet transform, a new multiscale tool which can be seen as a generalization of the wavelet transform to include the direction component in multidimensional spaces. We have tested our model with a modified version of the Directional Average Method (DAM) to evaluate the anisotropy of fractional brownian surfaces. We also used the directional behavior of the curvelets to attack an important problem in seismic exploration: the atenuation of the ground roll, present in seismograms as a result of surface Rayleigh waves. The techniques employed are effective, leading to sparse representation of the signals, and, consequently, to good resolutions


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In this work we present the principal fractals, their caracteristics, properties abd their classification, comparing them to Euclidean Geometry Elements. We show the importance of the Fractal Geometry in the analysis of several elements of our society. We emphasize the importance of an appropriate definition of dimension to these objects, because the definition we presently know doesn t see a satisfactory one. As an instrument to obtain these dimentions we present the Method to count boxes, of Hausdorff- Besicovich and the Scale Method. We also study the Percolation Process in the square lattice, comparing it to percolation in the multifractal subject Qmf, where we observe som differences between these two process. We analize the histogram grafic of the percolating lattices versus the site occupation probability p, and other numerical simulations. And finaly, we show that we can estimate the fractal dimension of the percolation cluster and that the percolatin in a multifractal suport is in the same universality class as standard percolation. We observe that the area of the blocks of Qmf is variable, pc is a function of p which is related to the anisotropy of Qmf


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The complexity of the Phenomenon of fluid flow in porous way causes a difficulty in its explicit description. Different in the cases where the flow is given through a pipe, where it is possible to measure the length and diameter of the pipe and to determine their ability to flow as a function of pressure, which is a complicated task in porous way. However, we try to approach clearly the equations used to conjecture the behavior of fluid flow in porous way. We made use of the Gambit to create a fractal geometry with the fluent we give the contour´s conditions we would want to analyze the data. The triangular mesh was created; it makes interactions with the discs of different rays, as barriers putted in the geometry. This work presents the results of a simulation with a flow of viscous fluids (oilliquid). The oil flows in a porous way constructed in 2D. The behavior evaluation of the fluid flow inside the porous way was realized with graphics, images and numerical results used for different datas analysis. The study was aimed in relation at the behavior of permeability (k) for different fractal dimensions. Taking into account the preservation of porosity and increasing the fractal distribution of the discs. The results showed that k decreases when we increase the numbers of discs, although the porosity is the same for all generations of the first simulation, in other words, the permeability decreases when we increase the fractality. Well, there are strong turbulence in the flow each time we increase the number of discs and this hinders the passage of the same to the exit. These results permitted to put in evidence how the permeability (k) is affected in a porous way with obstacles distributed in a diversified form. We also note that k decreases when we increase the pressure variation (P) within geometry. So, in front of the results and the absence of bibliographic subsidies about other theories, the work realized here can possibly by considered the unpublished form to explain and reflect on how the permeability is changed when increasing the fractal dimension in a porous way


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Difusive processes are extremely common in Nature. Many complex systems, such as microbial colonies, colloidal aggregates, difusion of fluids, and migration of populations, involve a large number of similar units that form fractal structures. A new model of difusive agregation was proposed recently by Filoche and Sapoval [68]. Based on their work, we develop a model called Difusion with Aggregation and Spontaneous Reorganization . This model consists of a set of particles with excluded volume interactions, which perform random walks on a square lattice. Initially, the lattice is occupied with a density p = N/L2 of particles occupying distinct, randomly chosen positions. One of the particles is selected at random as the active particle. This particle executes a random walk until it visits a site occupied by another particle, j. When this happens, the active particle is rejected back to its previous position (neighboring particle j), and a new active particle is selected at random from the set of N particles. Following an initial transient, the system attains a stationary regime. In this work we study the stationary regime, focusing on scaling properties of the particle distribution, as characterized by the pair correlation function ø(r). The latter is calculated by averaging over a long sequence of configurations generated in the stationary regime, using systems of size 50, 75, 100, 150, . . . , 700. The pair correlation function exhibits distinct behaviors in three diferent density ranges, which we term subcritical, critical, and supercritical. We show that in the subcritical regime, the particle distribution is characterized by a fractal dimension. We also analyze the decay of temporal correlations


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A posição que a renomada estatí stica de Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) ocupa no cenário cientifíco e incontestável, tendo um âmbito de aplicabilidade muito abrangente. Por em, muitos fenômenos físicos não podem ser descritos por esse formalismo. Isso se deve, em parte, ao fato de que a estatística de BG trata de fenômenos que se encontram no equilíbrio termodinâmico. Em regiões onde o equilíbrio térmico não prevalece, outros formalismos estatísticos devem ser utilizados. Dois desses formalismos emergiram nas duas ultimas décadas e são comumente denominados de q-estatística e k-estatística; o primeiro deles foi concebido por Constantino Tsallis no final da década de 80 e o ultimo por Giorgio Kaniadakis em 2001. Esses formalismos possuem caráter generalizador e, por isso, contem a estatística de BG como caso particular para uma escolha adequada de certos parâmetros. Esses dois formalismos, em particular o de Tsallis, nos conduzem também a refletir criticamente sobre conceitos tão fortemente enraizados na estat ística de BG como a aditividade e a extensividade de certas grandezas físicas. O escopo deste trabalho esta centrado no segundo desses formalismos. A k -estatstica constitui não só uma generalização da estatística de BG, mas, atraves da fundamentação do Princípio de Interação Cinético (KIP), engloba em seu âmago as celebradas estatísticas quânticas de Fermi- Dirac e Bose-Einstein; além da própria q-estatística. Neste trabalho, apresentamos alguns aspectos conceituais da q-estatística e, principalmente, da k-estatística. Utilizaremos esses conceitos junto com o conceito de informação de bloco para apresentar um funcional entrópico espelhado no formalismo de Kaniadakis que será utilizado posteriormente para descrever aspectos informacionais contidos em fractais tipo Cantor. Em particular, estamos interessados em conhecer as relações entre parâmetros fractais, como a dimensão fractal, e o parâmetro deformador. Apesar da simplicidade, isso nos proporcionará, em trabalho futuros, descrever estatisticamente estruturas mais complexas como o DNA, super-redes e sistema complexos


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Complex systems have stimulated much interest in the scientific community in the last twenty years. Examples this area are the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton and Contact Process that are studied in the first chapter this tesis. We determine the critical behavior of these systems using the spontaneous-search method and short-time dynamics (STD). Ours results confirm that the DKCA e CP belong to universality class of Directed Percolation. In the second chapter, we study the particle difusion in two models of stochastic sandpiles. We characterize the difusion through diffusion constant D, definite through in the relation h(x)2i = 2Dt. The results of our simulations, using finite size scalling and STD, show that the diffusion constant can be used to study critical properties. Both models belong to universality class of Conserved Directed Percolation. We also study that the mean-square particle displacement in time, and characterize its dependence on the initial configuration and particle density. In the third chapter, we introduce a computacional model, called Geographic Percolation, to study watersheds, fractals with aplications in various areas of science. In this model, sites of a network are assigned values between 0 and 1 following a given probability distribution, we order this values, keeping always its localization, and search pk site that percolate network. Once we find this site, we remove it from the network, and search for the next that has the network to percole newly. We repeat these steps until the complete occupation of the network. We study the model in 2 and 3 dimension, and compare the bidimensional case with networks form at start real data (Alps e Himalayas)


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Widow spiders (Latrodectus spp.), also known as "black widows", have a worldwide distribution and can cause latrodectism. To the best of our knowledge, in Brazil, only one case of Latrodectus geometricus (Koch, 1841) envenomation in a human has been reported. The aim of the present report is to describe a spider bite caused by Latrodectus geometricus in a patient who lives in Paranapanema, São Paulo state, Brazil.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine if antioxidant supplementation during pregnancy reduces the incidence of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM).STUDY DESIGN: A placebo-controlled, double-blind trial was conducted. PROM and preterm PROM (PPROM) were planned secondary outcomes of the trial. Women between 12(0/7) and 19(6/7) weeks of gestation and diagnosed to have chronic hypertension or a prior history of preeclampsia were randomized to daily treatment with both vitamin C (1000 mg) and E (400 IU) or placebo.RESULTS: Outcome data for PROM were available for 697 of 739 patients. The rates of PROM (37/349 [10.6%] vs 19/348 [5.5%]; adjusted risk ratio [RR] 1.89 [95.42% CI, 1.11-3.23]; P = .015), and PPROM (16/349 [4.6%] vs 6/348 [1.7%]; RR 2.68 [1.07-6.71]; P = .025) were increased in the antioxidant group.CONCLUSION: Contrary to expectations, vitamins C and E supplementation in this dose combination may be associated with an increased risk of PROM and PPROM.


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OBJECTIVE: We sought to compare the rates of superimposed preeclampsia and adverse outcomes in women with chronic hypertension with or without prior preeclampsia.STUDY DESIGN: We conducted secondary analysis of 369 women with chronic hypertension (104 with prior preeclampsia) enrolled at 12-19 weeks as part of a multisite trial of antioxidants to prevent preeclampsia (no reduction was found). Outcome measures were rates of superimposed preeclampsia and other adverse perinatal outcomes.RESULTS: Prepregnancy body mass index, blood pressure, and smoking status at enrollment were similar between groups. The rates of superimposed preeclampsia (17.3% vs 17.7%), abruptio placentae (1.0% vs 3.1%), perinatal death (6.7% vs 8.7%), and small for gestational age (18.4% vs 14.3%) were similar between groups, but preterm delivery <37 weeks was higher in the prior preeclampsia group (36.9% vs 27.1%; adjusted risk ratio, 1.46; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-2.03; P = .032).CONCLUSION: In women with chronic hypertension, a history of preeclampsia does not increase the rate of superimposed preeclampsia, but is associated with an increased rate of delivery at <37 weeks.