858 resultados para Consciousness.


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Three experiments examine the role of articulatory motor planning in experiencing an involuntary musical recollection (an “earworm”). Experiment 1 shows that interfering with articulatory motor programming by chewing gum reduces both the number of voluntary and the number of involuntary—unwanted—musical thoughts. This is consistent with other findings that chewing gum interferes with voluntary processes such as recollections from verbal memory, the interpretation of ambiguous auditory images, and the scanning of familiar melodies, but is not predicted by theories of thought suppression, which assume that suppression is made more difficult by concurrent tasks or cognitive loads. Experiment 2 shows that chewing the gum affects the experience of “hearing” the music and cannot be ascribed to a general effect on thinking about a tune only in abstract terms. Experiment 3 confirms that the reduction of musical recollections by chewing gum is not the consequence of a general attentional or dual-task demand. The data support a link between articulatory motor programming and the appearance in consciousness of both voluntary and unwanted musical recollections.


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The increased concern for the impacts of climate change on the environment, along with the growing industry of renewable energy sources, and especially wind power, has made the valuation of environmental services and goods of great significance. Offshore wind energy is being exploited exponentially and its importance for renewable energy generation is increasing. We apply a double-bound dichotomous Contingent Valuation Method analysis in order to both a) estimating the Willingness to Pay (WTP) of Greek residents for green electricity produced by offshore wind farm located between the islands of Tinos and Andros and b) identifying factors behind respondents’ WTP including individual’s behaviour toward environment and individual’s views on climate change and renewable energy. A total of 141 respondents participated in the questionnaire. Results show that the respondents are willing to pay on average 20€ every two months through their electricity bill in return for carbon-free electricity and water saving from the wind farm. Respondents’ environmental consciousness and their perception towards climate change and renewable energy have a positive effect on their WTP.


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Accessibility has become a serious issue to be considered by various sectors of the society. However, what are the differences between the perception of accessibility by academy, government and industry? In this paper, we present an analysis of this issue based on a large survey carried out with 613 participants involved with Web development, from all of the 27 Brazilian states. The paper presents results from the data analysis for each sector, along with statistical tests regarding the main different issues related to each of the sectors, such as: government and law, industry and techniques, academy and education. The concern about accessibility law is poor even amongst people from government sector. The analyses have also pointed out that the academy has not been addressing accessibility training accordingly. The knowledge about proper techniques to produce accessible contents is better than other sectors`, but still limited in industry. Stronger investments in training and in the promotion of consciousness about the law may be pointed as the most important tools to help a more effective policy on Web accessibility in Brazil.


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The issue of how children learn the meaning of words is fundamental to developmental psychology. The recent attempts to develop or evolve efficient communication protocols among interacting robots or Virtual agents have brought that issue to a central place in more applied research fields, such as computational linguistics and neural networks, as well. An attractive approach to learning an object-word mapping is the so-called cross-situational learning. This learning scenario is based on the intuitive notion that a learner can determine the meaning of a word by finding something in common across all observed uses of that word. Here we show how the deterministic Neural Modeling Fields (NMF) categorization mechanism can be used by the learner as an efficient algorithm to infer the correct object-word mapping. To achieve that we first reduce the original on-line learning problem to a batch learning problem where the inputs to the NMF mechanism are all possible object-word associations that Could be inferred from the cross-situational learning scenario. Since many of those associations are incorrect, they are considered as clutter or noise and discarded automatically by a clutter detector model included in our NMF implementation. With these two key ingredients - batch learning and clutter detection - the NMF mechanism was capable to infer perfectly the correct object-word mapping. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Much has been written about Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, but as far as I am aware no one has compared the two characters of Vladimir and Estragon in order to analyse what makes Vladimir more willing to wait than Estragon. This essay claims that Vladimir is more willing to wait because he cannot deal with the fact that they might be waiting in vain and he involves himself more in his surrounding than Estragon. It is Vladimir who waits for Godot, not Estragon, and Vladimir believes that Godot will have all the answers. This will be explored by examining four topics, all of which will be dealt with from a psychoanalytical point of view and in relation to waiting. Consciousness in relation to the decision to wait; Uncertainty in relation to the unknown outcome of waiting; Coping mechanisms in relation to ways of dealing with waiting; Ways of waiting in relation to waiting-time and two kinds of waiting-characters.


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This paper argues that popular history magazines may be a welcome complement toother forms of historical media in history teaching. By outlining a theoretical framework thatcaptures uses of history, the paper analyses popular history magazine articles from five Europeancountries all dealing with the outbreak of World War I. The study finds that while the studiedarticles provide a rather heterogeneous view of the causes of the Great War, they can be used todiscuss and analyse the importance of perspective in history, thus offering an opportunity tofurther a more disciplinary historical understanding.


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The purpose of this thesis is to study the literacy formed when a class blog is used as a tool for students studying history and explore how this particular literacy is used to generate historical knowledge. The study was conducted during the course of a project in which ninth-grade students contributed entries to a common blog in the form of a diary written by individuals who experienced the Second World War. Its three major objectives were to study the students' perception of the blog in relation to their gender and level of historical knowledge; how they and their teacher esta-blished and used the formed literacy; and how the students related to this in the production of historical knowledge. In analyzing the results, a concept of literacy was used based on seven writing practices all linked to the new medium and history education. The study was based on a questionnaire, interviews and various student texts. In order to perform a content analysis on the study results a theoretical frame­work for historical conscious-ness was included. The results show that in using the writing practices a literacy character­ized by colla-borative authorship was formed. The study concludes that this affects both what and how the students learn. Together they show each other that history is comprised of many small stories, not necessarily strictly co­herent with the general history as told by their textbooks. Examining the students’ blog entries made a new learning process visible that enabled the enhancement of their historical consciousness.  


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Schizophrenia is a disease whose physical cause is unknown despite the attempts of several research teams to discover a physical basis for it. Some success has been gained in genetic studies which indicate that schizophrenia is an inherited disability. However, since research tools are at present so sadly inadequate, the value of pursuing a genetic line of reasoning is questionable. To compensate for the lack of biochemical certainties in treating mental illness, psychological theories have been constructed to explain the schizophrenia syndrome. Normal personality is seen as the resultant of environmental and inherited influences. Involved in the formation of personality are the processes of differentiation and integration, maturation of inherited traits, and the learning processes. As personality develops. consciousness of the self, inferiority feelings, and compensatory mechanisms, and the transformation of interests into drives exert a decided influence upon personality growth. Finally, in the mature personality, an integrating philosophy of life, a large variety of interests, and the possibility of self-objectification become evident.


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A ausência de estudos de acompanhamento do desenvolvimento neurológico de crianças nascidas prematuras, em nosso meio, motivou a realização desta pesquisa. Com o intuito de estabelecer marcos desse desenvolvimento e de verificar as respostas apendiculares ao movimento do tronco e a uniformidade entre as funções motoras, perceptivas e de linguagem, foram avaliados prematuros aos 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses de idade corrigida, em um estudo de coorte não controlado, com enfoque prognóstico. As respostas apendiculares ao movimento do tronco foram estudadas por meio das reações de paraquedismo e de apoio lateral. A amostra foi constituída de 40 recém-nascidos (RN) prematuros, nascidos no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, que foram acompanhados no ambulatório do hospital aos 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses de idade corrigida. Foram incluídos no estudo RN com idade gestacional até 36 semanas e 6 dias, com 2.000g ou menos de peso no nascimento. Foram excluídos os RN com índices de Apgar <7 no 5o minuto, hemorragia cerebral, crises convulsivas, alterações no estado de consciência, infecção do sistema nervoso central (SNC), infecções congênitas, síndromes genéticas e intoxicações pré-natais. Também foram excluídos os RN que apresentaram intercorrências capazes de interferir no desenvolvimento neurológico e os que apresentaram exame neurológico alterado. As reações de paraquedismo e de apoio lateral estavam ambas presentes em 8,1% das crianças aos 6 meses de idade corrigida. Aos 9 meses de idade corrigida, a reação de paraquedismo estava presente em 87% das crianças e a reação de apoio lateral, em 90%. Aos 12 meses de idade corrigida, 100% dos casos apresentaram as reações posturais. Estes resultados não foram semelhantes aos encontrados em RN de termo de 6 e 9 meses de idade. O desenvolvimento do RN prematuro foi uniforme em relação às funções perceptivas e de linguagem para as idades corrigidas de 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses de idade corrigida. O desenvolvimento do equilíbrio estático foi o aspecto motor em desacordo com o esperado para cada idade corrigida. A evolução dos reflexos primitivos coincidiu com o esperado para cada idade corrigida; e o reflexo cutâneo-plantar se tornou flexor simultaneamente ao desaparecimento da preensão plantar.


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The purpose of this investigation was to examine the contributions that the Fundação Real Grandeza is giving toward the awareness of its managers on the relevance of leadership as a pertinent factor to activate the organization¿s transformation process to face the constant challenges of its mission. Relationships between theory and experience during the construction of this study were strongly based on bibliographic and documental research. The methodology was essentially qualitative in search for a better understanding of the organization in terms of leadership building and practices, through personal contact of the researcher with the people involved. The expected data was gathered through interviews with managers, some senior employees and experts as well as during an especially planned workshop, including one high staff member and a team of managers. Questionaries were also issued to employees, favouring the presentation of quantitative data. The results of this investigation indicate that the organization still presents some characteristics of a conservative culture but, at the present time, it also shows a growing process of self organizational consciousness among its managers in relation to the importance of acting as leaders to face present and future difficulties which are considered inherent to the nature of services that this organization deals with. Transformation is beginning to take place and manifestations of leadership already exist at the moment, although other concrete initiatives are necessary to enable the organization to be better prepared to compete in the emerging scenario of development and expansion of pension funds.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the Casa Brasil Project and its contribution for promoting actions related to citizenship in Vitoria and Vila Velha cities. The essay was led through a theoretical discussion about citizenship, public space, social participation and public politics. Thereafter thematic interviews based on a non-probabilistic method were done with seventeen people such as public power representatives, organized civilian society and community. The speech analysis was used for data treatment. Some negative and positive aspects referred to citizenship and public power were identified. The aim of the research was checking if there is any encouragement to a genuine and consciousness participation of the society for the structure and continuous citizenship practice. The Casa Brasil Project experience in Vitoria and Vila Velha demonstrates that its sustainability and effectiveness depend on how interacted and committed the strategic stakeholders are, since the condition of local institutions influences the model of social mobilization and individual participation. Besides, this essay shows it is necessary: to improve the citizen involvement ¿ by implementing the board of directors, which assures public participation in order to stimulate the community to take the unity control ¿ to grant democratic feature to the public power, and to increase citizenship.


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Este estudo se propôs a investigar as motivações que levaram os proprietários do Grupo Nova América a atuar de fonna socialmente responsável e os impactos dessas motivações na cultura da organização. Uma visita a estudiosos dos temas responsabilidade social, motivação e cultura organizacional, compôs o referencial teórico. A metodologia empregada foi interpretativa, buscando identificar as motivações dos proprietários do Grupo, as percepções dessas motivações pelos funcionários e como tais motivações foram incorporadas à cultura organizacional. Diante das possibilidades que impelem as empresas à prática de uma atuação socialmente responsável, as conclusões apontaram para a existência de uma efetiva consciência social e ecológica do Grupo Nova América, impactando favoravelmente na fonnatação e desenvolvimento da cultura dessa organização.


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O processo de modernização da cacauicultura desenvolvido na Microrregião Cacaueira da Bahia teve suas bases assentadas na década de 1930, consolidando-se na década de 1970, fazendo parte das estratégias de penetração do capitalismo no campo, para fortalecimento do modelo econômico brasileiro. Apesar dos seus limites, trouxe grandes repercussões econômicas, políticas e sociais para aquela sociedade regional. Baseando-se em critérios de racionalidade técnica e econômica, o processo caracterizou-se por um forte viés ideológico. Preconizava o aumento da renda da terra, pela substituição de técnicas de trabalho "atrasadas" na cacauicultura e pela elevação do nível de conhecimento dos agricultores, que levaria ao desenvolvimento de novos hábitos e atitudes e à criação de uma mentalidade comprometida com a modernização. Nessa perspectiva, a educação desempenha um papel importante no processo de modernização e na elaboração das representações sociais das classes populares rurais, que são o objeto de estudo desse trabalho. As práticas educativas sao consideradas como repercussão do processo de modernização e as representações sociais são caracterizadas pela dependência, conformismo e submissão, mas também como manifestações de consciência social, ainda que dissociadas de uma prática social mais concreta.


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O objetivo principal desse estudo foi o de verificar como se processou a influência norte-americana no sistema contábil do Brasil. Baseados na análise do estudo da American Accounting Association, dos documentos dos acordos MEC/USAID, para a modernização da Administração da Universidade Brasileira e para criação dos cursos de pós-graduação ligados à área econômica, e dos fatos que concorreram para a elaboração e promulgação da Lei 6.404 de 15 de dezembro de 1976, Lei das Sociedades por Ações, constatamos a grande relação da contabilidade enquanto instrumento de apoio à evolução econômica em nosso País. No Brasil, a influência americana foi de grande importância ao propiciar condições financeiras e culturais para a criação das bases para a concretização do modelo econômico vigente, introduzindo novas técnicas de ensino e de organização nos níveis: primário, secundário e superior. A partir dos anos 50, ampliou-se o número de estabelecimentos de ensino superior público e privado, implementando-se a pós-graduação nas áreas de economia, administração e ciências contábeis, realizaram-se as reformas na administração pública e universitária, culminando com a elaboração de uma série de Leis, sustentáculo da economia brasileira atual. Nesse sentido, torna-se imperativo, a adoção de uma postura questionadora no ambiente contábil, de forma a permitir a emergência de uma consciência crítica no contador, propiciando-lhes condições favoráveis ao exercício profissional, com vistas a uma participação, não alienada, nas decisões políticas, econômicas e jurídicas, que definem os caminhos da contabilidade.


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A Escola Pública de Macapá possui uma qualidade que justifica sua prevalência sobre a Particular. Além disso, ela tem sido o tipo de instituição predominante no atendimento da população em idade escolar. O presente estudo analisa a concepção dos educadores macapaenses sobre a importância da preservação da Escola Pública. Procurou-se verificar, também, o grau de consciência destes profissionais sobre o privilégio de usufruir do ensino público. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que visa chamar a atenção dos educadores para a importância de sua participação no resgate da credibilidade da Escola Pública em Macapá.