944 resultados para Apostolic succession.
AimGlobal environmental changes challenge traditional conservation approaches based on the selection of static protected areas due to their limited ability to deal with the dynamic nature of driving forces relevant to biodiversity. The Natura 2000 network (N2000) constitutes a major milestone in biodiversity conservation in Europe, but the degree to which this static network will be able to reach its long-term conservation objectives raises concern. We assessed the changes in the effectiveness of N2000 in a Mediterranean ecosystem between 2000 and 2050 under different combinations of climate and land cover change scenarios. LocationCatalonia, Spain. MethodsPotential distribution changes of several terrestrial bird species of conservation interest included in the European Union's Birds Directive were predicted within an ensemble-forecasting framework that hierarchically integrated climate change and land cover change scenarios. Land cover changes were simulated using a spatially explicit fire-succession model that integrates fire management strategies and vegetation encroachment after the abandonment of cultivated areas as the main drivers of landscape dynamics in Mediterranean ecosystems. ResultsOur results suggest that the amount of suitable habitats for the target species will strongly decrease both inside and outside N2000. However, the effectiveness of N2000 is expected to increase in the next decades because the amount of suitable habitats is predicted to decrease less inside than outside this network. Main conclusionsSuch predictions shed light on the key role that the current N2000may play in the near future and emphasize the need for an integrative conservation perspective wherein agricultural, forest and fire management policies should be considered to effectively preserve key habitats for threatened birds in fire-prone, highly dynamic Mediterranean ecosystems. Results also show the importance of considering landscape dynamics and the synergies between different driving forces when assessing the long-term effectiveness of protected areas for biodiversity conservation.
Following perturbation, an ecosystem (flora, fauna, soil) should evolve as a function of time at a rate conditioned by external variables (relief, climate, geology). More recently, biogeomorphologists have focused upon the notion of co-development of geomorphic processes with ecosystems over very short through to very long (evolutionary) timescales. Alpine environments have been a particular focus of this co-development. However, work in this field has tended to adopt a simplified view of the relationship between perturbation and succession, including: how the landform and ecosystem itself conditions the impact of a perturbation to create a complex spatial response impact; and how perturbations are not simply ecosystem destroyers but can be a significant source of ecosystem resources. What this means is that at the within landform scale, there may well be a complex and dynamic topographic and sedimentological template that co-develops with soil, flora and fauna. Here, we present and test a conceptual model of this template for a subalpine alluvial fan. We combine detailed floristic inventory with soil inventory, determination of edaphic variables and analysis of historical aerial imagery. Spatial variation in the probability of perturbation of sites on the fan surface was associated with down fan variability in the across-fan distribution of fan ages, fan surface channel characteristics and fan surface sedimentology. Floristic survey confirmed that these edaphic factors distinguished site floristic richness and plant communities up until the point that the soil-vegetation system was sufficiently developed to sustain plant communities regardless of edaphic conditions. Thus, the primary explanatory variable was the estimated age of each site, which could be tied back into perturbation history and its spatial expression due to the geometry of the fan: distinct plant communities were emergent both across fan and down fan, a distribution maintained by the way in which the fan dissipates potentially perturbing events.
The present article examines the final part of the regnal formulas in the Book of Kings, i.e. the epilogue formulary. Most reports of the kings of Israel and Judah end with an epilogue containing formulaic statements about the death of the king and his succession. Typically, the epilogue formula is introduced by the phrase (source reference): 'Now the rest of the acts of PN1, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah (of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel)?' and consists of three elements: 1. Dynastic notice ('PN1 slept with his fathers'); 2. Statement of burial; 3. Statement of succession. Sometimes one, two or all three of these elements are altered or lacking. The epilogue formulae of the Judean kings are more consistent than those of the Israelite kings; the latter often lacks a burial notice. Interestingly, the accounts of the deported (arrested) kings (Hoshea: 2 Kgs 17:6, Jehoahaz: 23:34, Zedekiah:25:7 and Jehoiachin: 25:27-30) do not contain an epilogue at all, nor the accounts of the reigns of Ahaziah and Athaliah which mark an episode of disruption in the history of the Davidic kingdom. For all these kings even the phrase 'Now the rest of the acts of PN1, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of... ?' is lacking. The absence of an epilogue in these cases is probably due to the fact that the king's succession (cf. element 3) is considered a constitutive and indispensable component of the epilogue. In the first instance, the approach of this study is descriptive and philological; it aims to contribute to the understanding of the notices. Secondly, the study addresses the question how the irregularities and variations within the formulae are to be explained. In particular, the study will pay attention to differences between the epilogue formulae concerning the kings of Israel and those concerning the Judean kings. At the end, questions concerning the epilogues formula's provenance and its formation date and concerning further redactional developments will be considered.
For manyyears, a major focus of interest has been the patient, in the context of a constantly changing society and increasingly complex medical practices. We propose to shift this focus on the physician, who is entangled in a similar, but less evident way. In these three articles, we explore, in succession, the lived experience of the contemporary physician, the ethos which brings together the medical community, and the education of the future physician, using research projects currently under way within the Service of Liaison Psychiatry at Lausanne University Hospital. In this first article, we particularly raise the question of what is the lived experience of the physician and sketch the outline of <physician-centered> research.
The present study shows that with liquid nitrogen stored inocula of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and standardized experimental procedure, flow microcalorimetry can be a valuable tool for monitoring in real time the alcoholic fermentation processes on line. The avaliation of cultural conditions contained different carbon sources for alcohol fermentation (sucrose, glucose, fructose, manose, maltose, galactose, molasses, honey and sugar cane) and their effects on the heat output recording is discussed. Some examples of diauxic growth is given, where the microcalorimeters serves to detect the temporal order of succession of alternating metabolic pathways.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää mitkä tekijät saavat naisyrittäjät kasvattamaan yritystään ja millä tekijöillä on suurin vaikutus kasvuaikomuksen syntyyn. Naisten kasvuorientaation tutkimuksen taustalla on ajatus siitä, että sukupolvenvaihdosten myötä naisyrittäjien määrä Suomessa kasvaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa naisyrittäjien kasvuorientaatioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä tutkitaan kasvun prosessimallin avulla. Kasvun prosessimallin mukaan kasvuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat kasvun henkilökohtainen houkuttelevuus, koetut sosiaaliset normit, koettu henkilökohtainen suoriutumiskyky ja koettu kollektiivinen suoriutumiskyky. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty kvantitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimus on toteutettu kyselytutkimuksena sähköisellä Webropol-järjestelmällä Naisyrittäjyyskeskuksen asiakkaiden keskuudessa. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan kasvun prosessimallin osatekijöistä kasvuaikomuksen kannalta tärkein on kasvun henkilökohtainen houkuttelevuus. Tätä tietoa voidaan hyödyntää suunniteltaessa naisia kasvuyrittäjyyteen kannustavia toimenpiteitä yhteiskunnassa.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää miten seurakuntien strategiaprosessista saadaan toimiva. Asian selvittämiseksi tutkittiin, miten seurakunnissa strategian laadintaprosessi nyt toteutetaan ja miten sitä johdetaan. Tarkastelunäkökulmina on käytetty strategialähtöistä organisaatiota sekä tietoperustaista strategianäkemystä. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus toteutettiin nettikyselynä ja se kohdistettiin otokseen valittujen seurakuntien kirkkoherroille. Vastauksia kyselyyn saatiin 61 kpl. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena. Tutkimustulokseksi saatiin, että tärkein seurakunnan strategiaprosessin toimivuutta edistävä tekijä on johdon asenteisiin vaikuttaminen. Tämän vaikuttamisen kautta edistetään seurakunnan strategian laadintatyöskentelyä, sen johtamista sekä strategiatyön jatkuvuutta seurakunnassa. Saadut vastaukset osoittivat selkeästi myös seurakuntien halun saada lisää koulutusta ja tukea strategiatyöskentelyn parantamiseksi. Tarkasteltaessa saatuja vastauksia kokonaisuutena, havaittiin että 64 % vastaajaseurakunnista sekä asenteet että olosuhteet ovat myönteisiä strategiatyöskentelyä kohtaan. Vain 8,7 % vastaajista asenteet strategiatyötä kohtaan olivat välinpitämättömät tai kielteiset. Koulutuksen ja tuen avulla voidaan parhaiten lisätä tietoutta strategian laadinnasta ja näin edistää seurakunnan strategiatyön menestyksellisyyttä.
[cat] En aquest article es documenta Pere Compte com a mestre major de la Seu de Tortosa(1490), fet que es relaciona amb la promoció del protonotari apostòlic Joan Girona i es compara amb la direcció de les obres de Pere Moragues, que tingué lloc un segle abans. D'altra banda, es proposa la hipòtesi que sigui Pere Compte el responsable del disseny de la capella del Roser de l'esmentat edifici. També s'apunta la possibilitat que fos Antoni Queralt el mestre encarregat de dirigir el dia a dia de l'obra mentre Compte n'era absent i es posa de manifest la importancia que va poder tenir aquest mestre, especialment a Tortosa i a Lleida, a l'entorn del 1500. Finalment, es dóna notícia de la presencia d'altres mestres importants a la Tortosa del canvi de segles paral·lelament a la de Compte i Queralt al front de les obres de la Seu.
Artificial reefs have barely been used in Neotropical reservoirs (about five studies in three reservoirs), despite their potential as a fishery management tool to create new habitats and also to understand fish ecology. We experimentally assessed how reef material (ceramic, concrete, and PVC) and time modulated fish colonization of artificial reefs deployed in Itaipu Reservoir, a large reservoir of the mainstem Parana´ River, Brazil. Fish richness, abundance, and biomass were significantly greater in the reef treatments than at control sites. Among the experimental reefs, ceramic followed by the concrete treatments were the materials most effectively colonized, harboring the majority of the 13 fish species recorded. Although dependent on material type, many of the regularities of ecological successions were also observed in the artificial reefs, including decelerating increases in species richness, abundance, mean individual size, and species loss rates with time and decelerating decreases of species gain and turnover rates. Species composition also varied with material type and time, together with suites of life history traits: more equilibrium species (i.e., fishes of intermediate size that often exhibit parental care and produce fewer but larger offspring) of the Winemiller-Rose model of fish life histories prevailed in later successional stages. Overall, our study suggests that experimental reefs are a promising tool to understand ecological succession of fish assemblages, particularly in tropical ecosystems given their high species richness and low seasonality
La mayoría de tratados de armonía enfocan las relaciones armónicas como el resultado de unas combinaciones concretas y hasta cierto punto aleatorias de sonidos y solamente muy de vez en cuando encontramos justificaciones de por qué unos determinados procesos armónicos tienen un resultado vivencial específico; incluso en esos casos, las explicaciones se quedan habitualmente en nada. En este trabajo estudiaremos a fondo cuáles son los fundamentos esenciales sobre los que se basa la música, entendida como un encadenamiento de frecuencias que, si bien es solamente una parte del todo musical, constituye un elemento muy importante. Para ello, la fenomenología de la música –el estudio del efecto de los sonidos sobre la conciencia humana– nos proporcionará las herramientas necesarias.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on oikeudellisten lähteiden systematisoinnilla tuottaa johdonmukainen kuvaus poliisin, rajavartiomiehen sekä ammattisotilaan virkavelvollisuuksista, oikeudellisesta vastuusta ja virkarikosten rangaistavuudesta. Päähuomio kohdistuu virkamiehen määräaikaiseen virantoimituksesta erottamiseen. Oikeudellisella argumentaatiolla pyritään esittämään lainmukainen ja hyväksyttävä tulkintakannanotto siihen, miten kyseistä säädöstä tulisi tulkita. Tutkimusmetodi työssä on oikeusdogmatiikka. Ensisijaisena aineistona tutkielmassa on voimassa oleva lainsäädäntö valmisteluaineistoineen. Toissijaisina lähteinä käytetään kirjallisuutta, viranomaisten kurinpitopäätöksiä ja haastatteluja. Määräaikainen erottaminen voidaan määrätä virkamiehelle, joka toimii vastoin virkavelvollisuuksiaan tai laiminlyö niitä. Säädös on tulkittavissa laajentavasti siten, että myös muut kuin selkeästi viranomaisen valvontavastuulle kuuluvat teot voidaan katsoa virkatehtävien vastaiseksi. Erityisen käyttäytymisvelvoitteen johdosta menettely on rangaistavaa myös vapaa-ajalla. Määräaikainen erottaminen sijoittuu rangaistusasteikossa varoituksen ja irtisanomisen väliin. Rangaistus ei edellytä erityisen painavia perusteita, joita vaaditaan virkamiehen irtisanomiseen. Uuden säädöksen myötä irtisanomisten määrä on vähentynyt Rajavartiolaitoksessa. Säädöksestä on muotoutunut kurinpidollinen lisärangaistus, joka on määrätty virkamiehelle hallinnollisella päätöksellä yleensä rikostuomion jälkeen. Säädös on kuitenkin tarkoitettu ja se mahdollistaa myös puuttumisen varsinaisten virkatehtävien laiminlyönteihin. Lainsäädännön selkeyttämiseksi määräaikaisen erottamisen säädös tulisi poistaa eri viranomaisten erityislainsäädännöstä ja liittää suoraan virkamieslakiin. Säädöksen soveltaminen tulisi ulottaa koskemaan myös muita virkamiehiä, jotka palvelevat kyseisissä viranomaisissa. Tutkimuksen kohteena oleva virkamiesryhmä alistuu virkamiesoikeudessa blankkorangaistusuhan alle. Virkamiehen on vaikea hahmottaa kaikkea rangaistavaa toimintaa, ja virantoimittamisvelvollisuus on usein täsmentymätön ja tulkinnanvarainen. Kokonaisharkinnassa korostuvat myös muut kuin oikeudelliset lähteet (esimerkiksi moraalikäsitykset, etiikka, ohjeet, virkamiehen elämäntilanne). Sotilaiden ja poliisin oikeudenhoito poikkeaa monilta osin muiden virkamiesten oikeudenhoitomenettelystä. Rajavartiolaitoksessa sotilasoikeudenhoidon määräykset ja ohjeet ovat selkeästi puutteelliset. Rajavartiolaitoksen tehtäväkentän ja toimivaltuudet huomioiden tulisi kurinpito- ja virkarikosten tutkinnoissa lähentyä poliisin mallia sekä hyödyntää rikostorjuntahenkilöstön ammattitaitoa oman henkilökunnan esitutkinnoissa. Erityisen turvallisuusviranomaisten virkarikoksiin erikoistuneen tutkintaorganisaation perustaminen voisi tehostaa ja parantaa esitutkintojen tasoa sekä lisätä oikeusvarmuutta.
The characterization of different ecological groups in a forest formation/succession is unclear. To better define the different successional classes, we have to consider ecophysiological aspects, such as the capacity to use or dissipate the light energy available. The main objective of this work was to assess the chlorophyll fluorescence emission of tropical tree species growing in a gap of a semi-deciduous forest. Three species of different ecological groups were selected: Croton floribundus Spreng. (pioneer, P), Astronium graveolens Jacq. (early secondary, Si), and Esenbeckia febrifuga A. Juss. (late secondary, St). The potential (Fv/Fm) and effective (deltaF/Fm') quantum efficiency of photosystem II, apparent electron transport rate (ETR), non-photochemical (qN) and photochemical (qP) quenching of fluorescence were evaluated, using a modulated fluorometer, between 7:30 and 11:00 h. Values of Fv/Fm remained constant in St, decreasing in P and Si after 9:30 h, indicating the occurrence of photoinhibition. Concerning the measurements taken under light conditions (deltaF/Fm', ETR, qP and qN), P and Si showed better photochemical performance, i.e., values of deltaF/Fm', ETR and qP were higher than St when light intensity was increased. Values of qN indicated that P and Si had an increasing tendency of dissipating the excess of energy absorbed by the leaf, whereas the opposite was found for St. The principal component analysis (PCA), considering all evaluated parameters, showed a clear distinction between St, P and Si, with P and Si being closer. The PCA results suggest that chlorophyll fluorescence may be a potential tool to differentiate tree species from distinct successional groups.
Brazil was the first country in Latin America to establish and regulate this type of reserve, and there are currently more than 700 Private Nature Heritage Reserves (RPPN in Portuguese) officially recognized by either federal or state environmental agencies. Together, these RPPN protect more than a half million hectares of land in the country. The coastal forests in the southern part of Bahia State extend 100 to 200 km inland, gradually changing in physiognomy as they occupy the dryer inland areas. The coastal forest has been subjected to intense deforestation, and currently occupies less than 10% of its original area. For this work the creation processes of the RPPN were consulted to obtain the data creation time, size of property, the condition of the remaining forest, succession chain and the last paid tax. After that, interviews with the owners were made to confirm this data. Sixteen RPPN have been established in this region until 2005. Their sizes vary from 4.7 to 800 ha. Ten of these RPPN are located within state or federal conservation areas or their buffer zones. In spite of the numerous national and international conservation strategies and environmental policies focused on the region, the present situation of the cocoa zone is threatening the conservation of the region's natural resources. The establishment of private reserves in the cocoa region could conceivably improve these conservation efforts. This type of reserve can be established under a uniform system supported by federal legislation, and could count on private organizations.
The objective of this study was to obtain homogeneous groups of species and information on their density, dominance and volume, in terms of ecological group and diameter structure of an area of Submontane Semideciduous forest (Mata do Mumbaça) in Dionísio, MG. This work was conducted with data of the diameter distribution per species from floristic and phytosociological (Mata do Mumbaça) survey of 120 plots with 10 x 10 m each one. The 120 plots were contiguous and corresponding to a total sample area of 12,000 m² distributed over the topographic units (Low Ramp, Lower Slope, Upper Slope and Hill Top). The topographic units Low Ramp, Lower Slope and Upper Slope were in the middle stage of succession as they presented incipient stratification into two strata (canopy and understory) i.e. canopy ranging from 5 to 12 m high. However, the stratum Hill Top was classified as intermediate/advanced succession because it had a total height equal to or greater than 12 m. The distribution of individual trees of the four strata on diameter classes showed a typical J-inverted pattern that is, high concentration of individuals in smaller diameter classes and a sharp reduction towards the larger classes. In relation to absolute dominance and total volume of species, the ecological group that stood out in the four strata (Low Ramp, Lower Slope, Upper Slope and Hill Top) was the initial secondary, which were in the intermediate stage of secondary, rapidly developing into the mature phase.