988 resultados para telecomunicazioni reti OpenFlow SDN NFV


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This thesis presents several data processing and compression techniques capable of addressing the strict requirements of wireless sensor networks. After introducing a general overview of sensor networks, the energy problem is introduced, dividing the different energy reduction approaches according to the different subsystem they try to optimize. To manage the complexity brought by these techniques, a quick overview of the most common middlewares for WSNs is given, describing in detail SPINE2, a framework for data processing in the node environment. The focus is then shifted on the in-network aggregation techniques, used to reduce data sent by the network nodes trying to prolong the network lifetime as long as possible. Among the several techniques, the most promising approach is the Compressive Sensing (CS). To investigate this technique, a practical implementation of the algorithm is compared against a simpler aggregation scheme, deriving a mixed algorithm able to successfully reduce the power consumption. The analysis moves from compression implemented on single nodes to CS for signal ensembles, trying to exploit the correlations among sensors and nodes to improve compression and reconstruction quality. The two main techniques for signal ensembles, Distributed CS (DCS) and Kronecker CS (KCS), are introduced and compared against a common set of data gathered by real deployments. The best trade-off between reconstruction quality and power consumption is then investigated. The usage of CS is also addressed when the signal of interest is sampled at a Sub-Nyquist rate, evaluating the reconstruction performance. Finally the group sparsity CS (GS-CS) is compared to another well-known technique for reconstruction of signals from an highly sub-sampled version. These two frameworks are compared again against a real data-set and an insightful analysis of the trade-off between reconstruction quality and lifetime is given.


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Progress in miniaturization of electronic components and design of wireless systems paved the way towards ubiquitous and pervasive communications, enabling anywhere and anytime connectivity. Wireless devices present on, inside, around the human body are becoming commonly used, leading to the class of body-centric communications. The presence of the body with all its peculiar characteristics has to be properly taken into account in the development and design of wireless networks in this context. This thesis addresses various aspects of body-centric communications, with the aim of investigating network performance achievable in different scenarios. The main original contributions pertain to the performance evaluation for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) at the Medium Access Control layer: the application of Link Adaptation to these networks is proposed, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance algorithms used for WBAN are extensively investigated, coexistence with other wireless systems is examined. Then, an analytical model for interference in wireless access network is developed, which can be applied to the study of communication between devices located on humans and fixed nodes of an external infrastructure. Finally, results on experimental activities regarding the investigation of human mobility and sociality are presented.


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Questo elaborato descrive in modo approfondito la natura e lo sviluppo di applicazioni mediante PhoneGap. Lo sviluppo web e lo sviluppo nativo oltre a una breve introduzione ad altri interessanti tools di sviluppo cross-platform


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Una delle tecnologie radio che negli ultimi anni ha subito il maggior sviluppo è quella dell’identificazione a radio frequenza (Radio Frequency Identification), utilizzata in un gran numero di ambiti quali la logistica, il tracciamento, l’autenticazione e i pagamenti elettronici. Tra le tecnologie specifiche legate all’RFID si ritrova la Near Field Communication (NFC). Questa è una tecnologia di trasmissione dati a corto raggio che rappresenta un’evoluzione dell’RFID. Una delle caratteristiche dell’NFC è quella di instaurare una comunicazione tra due dispositivi in maniera semplice e intuitiva. L’oggetto che instaura la comunicazione è il Reader, nell’ambito RFID è un dispositivo altamente specializzato, poiché può lavorare a diverse frequenze operative. L’elemento innovativo che ha consentito il successo dell’NFC è il fatto che questa tecnologia possa integrare il Reader in uno strumento di comunicazione di largo uso, ovvero lo smartphone. Questo permette di inizializzare lo scambio dati, sia esso di lettura di un circuito integrato passivo o una trasmissione peer-to-peer, a seguito del naturale gesto di avvicinare lo smartphone. Analisti ed esperti del settore sono convinti del successo dell’NFC, nonostante siano state smentite le attese che vedevano l’NFC integrato in oltre la metà dei cellulari entro il 2010. Tra le molteplici applicazioni NFC in questo elaborato ci si soffermerà in particolare sul cosiddetto Smart Poster. Questo utilizzo può essere molto efficace avendo una gamma di impiego molto vasta. Per l’immagazzinamento dei dati nei Tag o nelle Smart Card si è utilizzato un protocollo d’incapsulamento dati chiamato NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) trattato nel capitolo 3 di questa trattazione. Nella seconda parte dell’elaborato si è realizzata una sperimentazione per misurare le distanze di funzionamento di cellulari e Reader per PC. In questo ambito si è realizzato quello che si è definito lo Smart Brick, cioè un mattone che comunica con dispositivi NFC grazie all’installazione di un Tag al suo interno. Si parlerà della realizzazione e degli strumenti software/hardware che hanno permesso di realizzare e programmare questo ”mattone elettronico”.


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The aim of this thesis is the study of techniques for efficient management and use of the spectrum based on cognitive radio technology. The ability of cognitive radio technologies to adapt to the real-time conditions of its operating environment, offers the potential for more flexible use of the available spectrum. In this context, the international interest is particularly focused on the “white spaces” in the UHF band of digital terrestrial television. Spectrum sensing and geo-location database have been considered in order to obtain information on the electromagnetic environment. Different methodologies have been considered in order to investigate spectral resources potentially available for the white space devices in the TV band. The adopted methodologies are based on the geo-location database approach used either in autonomous operation or in combination with sensing techniques. A novel and computationally efficient methodology for the calculation of the maximum permitted white space device EIRP is then proposed. The methodology is suitable for implementation in TV white space databases. Different Italian scenarios are analyzed in order to identify both the available spectrum and the white space device emission limits. Finally two different applications of cognitive radio technology are considered. The first considered application is the emergency management. The attention is focused on the consideration of both cognitive and autonomic networking approaches when deploying an emergency management system. The cognitive technology is then considered in applications related to satellite systems. In particular a hybrid cognitive satellite-terrestrial is introduced and an analysis of coexistence between terrestrial and satellite networks by considering a cognitive approach is performed.


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This work presents exact algorithms for the Resource Allocation and Cyclic Scheduling Problems (RA&CSPs). Cyclic Scheduling Problems arise in a number of application areas, such as in hoist scheduling, mass production, compiler design (implementing scheduling loops on parallel architectures), software pipelining, and in embedded system design. The RA&CS problem concerns time and resource assignment to a set of activities, to be indefinitely repeated, subject to precedence and resource capacity constraints. In this work we present two constraint programming frameworks facing two different types of cyclic problems. In first instance, we consider the disjunctive RA&CSP, where the allocation problem considers unary resources. Instances are described through the Synchronous Data-flow (SDF) Model of Computation. The key problem of finding a maximum-throughput allocation and scheduling of Synchronous Data-Flow graphs onto a multi-core architecture is NP-hard and has been traditionally solved by means of heuristic (incomplete) algorithms. We propose an exact (complete) algorithm for the computation of a maximum-throughput mapping of applications specified as SDFG onto multi-core architectures. Results show that the approach can handle realistic instances in terms of size and complexity. Next, we tackle the Cyclic Resource-Constrained Scheduling Problem (i.e. CRCSP). We propose a Constraint Programming approach based on modular arithmetic: in particular, we introduce a modular precedence constraint and a global cumulative constraint along with their filtering algorithms. Many traditional approaches to cyclic scheduling operate by fixing the period value and then solving a linear problem in a generate-and-test fashion. Conversely, our technique is based on a non-linear model and tackles the problem as a whole: the period value is inferred from the scheduling decisions. The proposed approaches have been tested on a number of non-trivial synthetic instances and on a set of realistic industrial instances achieving good results on practical size problem.


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Questo lavoro si è occupato della ricerca e progettazione di un'antenna UWB per la realizzazione di un tag RFID e si colloca all'interno del progetto GRETA (GREen TAgs), finanziato dal MIUR. Le principali caratteristiche richieste al green tag sono: dimensioni complessive di massimo 4-5 cm, assenza di batterie e compatibilità con l'ambiente. L'eco-compatibilità viene garantita tramite la realizzazione dell'antenna al di sopra di un substrato di carta; i limiti derivanti dall'assenza di batterie vengono invece sopperiti tramite realizzazione di energy harvesting, al fine di raggiungere una completa autonomia energetica. Viene sfruttata la tecnica UWB per la comunicazione nella banda (3.1-4.8 GHz); l'energy harvesting si effettua invece a 868 MHz. Sono infine stati ricavati alcuni primi risultati relativi alla potenza rettificabile con la soluzione proposta, tramite realizzazione di un opportuno circuito rettificatore.


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The quest for universal memory is driving the rapid development of memories with superior all-round capabilities in non-volatility, high speed, high endurance and low power. The memory subsystem accounts for a significant cost and power budget of a computer system. Current DRAM-based main memory systems are starting to hit the power and cost limit. To resolve this issue the industry is improving existing technologies such as Flash and exploring new ones. Among those new technologies is the Phase Change Memory (PCM), which overcomes some of the shortcomings of the Flash such as durability and scalability. This alternative non-volatile memory technology, which uses resistance contrast in phase-change materials, offers more density relative to DRAM, and can help to increase main memory capacity of future systems while remaining within the cost and power constraints. Chalcogenide materials can suitably be exploited for manufacturing phase-change memory devices. Charge transport in amorphous chalcogenide-GST used for memory devices is modeled using two contributions: hopping of trapped electrons and motion of band electrons in extended states. Crystalline GST exhibits an almost Ohmic I(V) curve. In contrast amorphous GST shows a high resistance at low biases while, above a threshold voltage, a transition takes place from a highly resistive to a conductive state, characterized by a negative differential-resistance behavior. A clear and complete understanding of the threshold behavior of the amorphous phase is fundamental for exploiting such materials in the fabrication of innovative nonvolatile memories. The type of feedback that produces the snapback phenomenon is described as a filamentation in energy that is controlled by electron–electron interactions between trapped electrons and band electrons. The model thus derived is implemented within a state-of-the-art simulator. An analytical version of the model is also derived and is useful for discussing the snapback behavior and the scaling properties of the device.


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The new generation of multicore processors opens new perspectives for the design of embedded systems. Multiprocessing, however, poses new challenges to the scheduling of real-time applications, in which the ever-increasing computational demands are constantly flanked by the need of meeting critical time constraints. Many research works have contributed to this field introducing new advanced scheduling algorithms. However, despite many of these works have solidly demonstrated their effectiveness, the actual support for multiprocessor real-time scheduling offered by current operating systems is still very limited. This dissertation deals with implementative aspects of real-time schedulers in modern embedded multiprocessor systems. The first contribution is represented by an open-source scheduling framework, which is capable of realizing complex multiprocessor scheduling policies, such as G-EDF, on conventional operating systems exploiting only their native scheduler from user-space. A set of experimental evaluations compare the proposed solution to other research projects that pursue the same goals by means of kernel modifications, highlighting comparable scheduling performances. The principles that underpin the operation of the framework, originally designed for symmetric multiprocessors, have been further extended first to asymmetric ones, which are subjected to major restrictions such as the lack of support for task migrations, and later to re-programmable hardware architectures (FPGAs). In the latter case, this work introduces a scheduling accelerator, which offloads most of the scheduling operations to the hardware and exhibits extremely low scheduling jitter. The realization of a portable scheduling framework presented many interesting software challenges. One of these has been represented by timekeeping. In this regard, a further contribution is represented by a novel data structure, called addressable binary heap (ABH). Such ABH, which is conceptually a pointer-based implementation of a binary heap, shows very interesting average and worst-case performances when addressing the problem of tick-less timekeeping of high-resolution timers.


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This thesis investigates context-aware wireless networks, capable to adapt their behavior to the context and the application, thanks to the ability of combining communication, sensing and localization. Problems of signals demodulation, parameters estimation and localization are addressed exploiting analytical methods, simulations and experimentation, for the derivation of the fundamental limits, the performance characterization of the proposed schemes and the experimental validation. Ultrawide-bandwidth (UWB) signals are in certain cases considered and non-coherent receivers, allowing the exploitation of the multipath channel diversity without adopting complex architectures, investigated. Closed-form expressions for the achievable bit error probability of novel proposed architectures are derived. The problem of time delay estimation (TDE), enabling network localization thanks to ranging measurement, is addressed from a theoretical point of view. New fundamental bounds on TDE are derived in the case the received signal is partially known or unknown at receiver side, as often occurs due to propagation or due to the adoption of low-complexity estimators. Practical estimators, such as energy-based estimators, are revised and their performance compared with the new bounds. The localization issue is addressed with experimentation for the characterization of cooperative networks. Practical algorithms able to improve the accuracy in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channel conditions are evaluated on measured data. With the purpose of enhancing the localization coverage in NLOS conditions, non-regenerative relaying techniques for localization are introduced and ad hoc position estimators are devised. An example of context-aware network is given with the study of the UWB-RFID system for detecting and locating semi-passive tags. In particular a deep investigation involving low-complexity receivers capable to deal with problems of multi-tag interference, synchronization mismatches and clock drift is presented. Finally, theoretical bounds on the localization accuracy of this and others passive localization networks (e.g., radar) are derived, also accounting for different configurations such as in monostatic and multistatic networks.


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La Cognitive Radio è un dispositivo in grado di reagire ai cambiamenti dell’ambiente radio in cui opera, modificando autonomamente e dinamicamente i propri parametri funzionali tra cui la frequenza, la potenza di trasmissione e la modulazione. Il principio di base di questi dispositivi è l’accesso dinamico alle risorse radio potenzialmente non utilizzate, con cui utenti non in possesso di licenze possono sfruttare le frequenze che in un determinato spazio temporale non vengono usate, preoccupandosi di non interferire con gli utenti che hanno privilegi su quella parte di spettro. Devono quindi essere individuati i cosiddetti “spectrum holes” o “white spaces”, parti di spettro assegnate ma non utilizzate, dai quali prendono il nome i dispositivi.Uno dei modi per individuare gli “Spectrum holes” per una Cognitive Radio consiste nel cercare di captare il segnale destinato agli utenti primari; questa tecnica è nota con il nome di Spectrum Sensing e consente di ottenere essenzialmente una misura all’interno del canale considerato al fine di determinare la presenza o meno di un servizio protetto. La tecnica di sensing impiegata da un WSD che opera autonomamente non è però molto efficiente in quanto non garantisce una buona protezione ai ricevitori DTT che usano lo stesso canale sul quale il WSD intende trasmettere.A livello europeo la soluzione che è stata ritenuta più affidabile per evitare le interferenze sui ricevitori DTT è rappresentata dall’uso di un geo-location database che opera in collaborazione con il dispositivo cognitivo.Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di presentare un algoritmo che permette di combinare i due approcci di geo-location database e Sensing per definire i livelli di potenza trasmissibile da un WSD.


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Future wireless communications systems are expected to be extremely dynamic, smart and capable to interact with the surrounding radio environment. To implement such advanced devices, cognitive radio (CR) is a promising paradigm, focusing on strategies for acquiring information and learning. The first task of a cognitive systems is spectrum sensing, that has been mainly studied in the context of opportunistic spectrum access, in which cognitive nodes must implement signal detection techniques to identify unused bands for transmission. In the present work, we study different spectrum sensing algorithms, focusing on their statistical description and evaluation of the detection performance. Moving from traditional sensing approaches we consider the presence of practical impairments, and analyze algorithm design. Far from the ambition of cover the broad spectrum of spectrum sensing, we aim at providing contributions to the main classes of sensing techniques. In particular, in the context of energy detection we studied the practical design of the test, considering the case in which the noise power is estimated at the receiver. This analysis allows to deepen the phenomenon of the SNR wall, providing the conditions for its existence and showing that presence of the SNR wall is determined by the accuracy of the noise power estimation process. In the context of the eigenvalue based detectors, that can be adopted by multiple sensors systems, we studied the practical situation in presence of unbalances in the noise power at the receivers. Then, we shift the focus from single band detectors to wideband sensing, proposing a new approach based on information theoretic criteria. This technique is blind and, requiring no threshold setting, can be adopted even if the statistical distribution of the observed data in not known exactly. In the last part of the thesis we analyze some simple cooperative localization techniques based on weighted centroid strategies.


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L'attività di tesi consiste sia nella calibrazione di un banco di misura per analisi di rumore a basse frequenze nei dispositivi MOSFET di potenza, sia nella valutazione dei relativi e successivi dati sperimentali (con particolare attenzione anche ai processi di stress e recupero applicati ai dispositivi).


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Studio relativo alle correlazioni tra sisma e icestream nella zona antartica della terra Vittoria. Si presentano inoltre due studi approfonditi relativi a due reti gps presenti nei pressi di Talos Dome e Dome Concordia. Inoltre è presente anche una descrizione completa del sistema gps e di tutti gli strumenti utilizzati in campagna