829 resultados para relational pedagogies
Las rutinas de producción periodística se vieron alteradas con la aparición de Internet y la evolución de las fuentes 2.0. Se han extendido los espacios virtuales corporativos para los medios de comunicación, entendidos como herramienta básica de Relaciones Públicas. Los responsables de las organizaciones museísticas han entendido la necesidad de establecer un vínculo relacional con los periodistas en la red, a través de los sitios web oficiales de los museos. No obstante, concluimos que no facilitan los contenidos necesarios para transmitirlos de forma apropiada.
El present document recull la memòria que descriu el meu treball de final de grau d'enginyeria informàtica del àrea de bases de dades. Aquest projecte es centra en la realització del disseny, implementació i validació d'una base de dades relacional que donarà resposta a la necessitat de les empreses certificades amb l'ISO 9001, 13485 o que treballin sota la regulació GxP, de portar una gestió i control de les accions correctives i accions preventives, des d'ara anomenades CAPA, resultats d'observacions detectades en auditories de qualitat tant internes com externes. La validació d'aquesta base de dades s'ha realitzat sota l'estàndard quemarquen les GAMP5.
Este proyecto consiste en diseñar e implementar un sistema de información alojado en una base de datos Oracle, con el fin de dar respuesta al proyecto Big Data, cuyo objetivo es cruzar los datos de salud y los datos de actividad física de los ciudadanos europeos.
Treball de fi de carrera dins de l'àrea de bases de dades relacionals. Es tracta del desenvolupament d'un projecte informàtic consistent en el disseny i implementació d'una base de dades, que en l'àmbit de la Comunitat Europea, permeti emmagatzemar i consultar informació sobre l'activitat física i certes dades de salut dels seus ciutadans.
En aquesta investigació avaluem principalment la relació que hi ha entre les diferents empreses turístiques de la comarca del Pla d’Urgell. D’aquest estudi extraurem diferents connotacions sociològiques per tal d’establir quin paper té cadascun dels agents (empreses) dins d’una xarxa relacional, i quin grau d’implicació i rellevància assoleixen
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació que permeti gestionar l'avaluació de l'alumnat d'una escola de música. L'objectiu de l'aplicació és facilitar l'exercici d'avaluació contínua del procés d'ensenyament/aprenentatge.
Research studies in chemical education pose a communication problem for chemists. Unlike the findings from other specializations in chemistry the findings in chemical education tend to be reported in education journals that are not readily accessible to most chemists or chemistry teachers. This lecture is an attempt to remedy this gap in communication. Research studies fall into three broad categories. (i) issues related to the content of chemistry itself, that is, What content to teach? And What meaning of each topic is to be conveyed? (ii) issues related to how chemical content is taught, such as, the role of lectures, practical work, particular pedagogies, etc. and (iii) issues related to its learning, that is, learning of concepts, conceptual change, motivation, etc. Findings in each of these categories of research over the last twenty years have drawn attention to opportunities for improving the quality of chemical education in each of the levels of formal education where chemistry is taught. Sometimes the research findings seem small since they, in fact, merely diagnose the actual problem in teaching and learning. At other times, the research findings are large because they provide a solution to these problems. What remains to be done is to disseminate the findings so that appropriate teaching occurs more widely, with its consequent gains in the quality of learning. Research findings, of these small and large types will be used to illustrate the potential of research to make the practice of chemical education more effective.
Parte de la investigación en torno a la realidad educativa que se ha desarrollado durante los últimos años se caracteriza por intentar encontrar formas de interpretación orientadas a significar los procesos formativos centrados en las vivencias singulares de los agentes que participan de la educación así como en la posibilidad que éstas ofrecen de devenir experiencia, eso es,vivencia concienciada. A raíz de las mismas podemos observar como la biografía apunta a ser una de las más emblemáticas formalizaciones del proceso de narración de vivencias. Pero, aún cuando la misma se perfila como una de las narraciones que más promueven la interpretación e intercambio de vivencias, posibilitando la reflexión e, incluso, formación mediada, la biografía todavía presenta como forma teorética algunos escollos. Los cuales, pueden ser utilizados como preguntas base para formular una voz de las pedagogías de la experiencia. Justamente, interrogarse y repensar su factibilidad es el tema que se ensaya en el presente artículo.
Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin keskijohtajien ja työntekijöiden psykologisia sopimuksia OP-Pohjola-ryhmässä. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tuottaa uutta ymmärrystä henkilöstön ja organisaation suhteesta. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia psykologisia sopimuksia keskijohtajat ja työntekijät muodostavat, rikotaanko näitä sopimuksia ja kuinka haastateltavat reagoivat mahdollisiin rikkomuksiin. Lisäksi eri organisaatiotasojen käsityksiä ja näkemyksiä psykologisesta sopimuksesta vertailtiin keskenään. Tutkielma on laadullinen tutkielma, jonka tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua haastattelua. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin tekemällä kahdeksan haastattelua. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin neljää keskijohtajaa ja neljää työntekijää. Empiirisen aineiston analyysissa tulkinta pohjautuu tutkimuksen teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan haastateltujen keskijohtajien psykologiset sopimukset ovat luonteeltaan relationaalisia ja työntekijöiden sopimukset puolestaan transaktionaalisia. Molempien sopimukset sisältävät kuitenkin kumpiakin sopimusehtoja. Haastateltujen psykologisia sopimuksia on rikottu harvakseltaan. Rikkomuksiin on reagoitu keskustelemalla työnantajan kanssa tai olemalla vaiti ja sopeutumalla tilanteeseen. Tulokset myös osoittavat, että organisaatiossa vallitsee suuri luottamus ja asioista keskustellaan hyvin avoimesti.
Des de fa uns anys, des de l’EPS de la UVic, s’està duent a terme el desenvolupament d’un dispositiu electrònic que proporciona la capacitat de capturar dades sobre un niu d’ocells. El projecte e-niu, que es pot seguir a www.tutara.info/e-niu, està actualment en una fase de test., i s’ha desenvolupat sobretot la part hardware. Aquest projecte té com a objectiu principal crear un entorn web per poder gestionar les dades que s’obtenen del niu d’ocells informatitzat (e-niu). Les dades que ens arriben dels e-nius estan en un arxiu de text, i el que es pretén és que l’usuari que controla el niu, pugui fer diversos anàlisis de les dades d’aquest. A més de poder veure els resultats en diversos tipus de gràfics, també se li vol donar la opció de treure els resultats en format taula o en format Excel, un format aquest últim, molt interessant, ja que donaria a les dades una gran possibilitat de ser tractades posteriorment, com fer seleccions del tipus de dades, treure percentatges, crear altres tipus de gràfics, etc. L’altre gran objectiu és el fet de poder treballar en la creació d’un entorn web complert a nivell gairebé professional amb l’aprenentatge que això comporta, ja que s’ha aplicat la tecnologia client-servidor, és a dir, que el llenguatge de programació està dins el servidor, i quan algun usuari l’executa, el sistema només li envia la presentació en HTML. El sistema de programació que es fa servir és el de les tres capes. La capa de dades, que està formada per una base de dades relacional del tipus MySQL i és on emmagatzemarem tota la informació. La capa de programació de la que s’encarrega el llenguatge PHP, és on s’efectua tot el tractament de les dades i finalment, la capa de presentació, que és la que s’encarrega de mostrar les dades al client en el navegador mitjançant els templates de HTML.
El presente trabajo consiste en la creación de una base de datos para generar una aplicación que permita la gestión de un regalo grupal.
A research about the quality of life of the older persons of a municipality starting from the analysis of the perceptions, evaluations and expectations related to concrete spheres of their lives (familiar characteristics, housing, health, nearby environment, activities, needs and dependencies and persons helping them to satisfy needs) is presented. Answers to 1988 questionnaires obtained from two representative samples of older per - sons living in private homes in the city have been analysed: persons over 65 years old and a specific one composed by a sub-sample of the general one, with persons over 75 years living alone. Data shaping contextual indicators related to housing have been analysed. The auto - nomy to drive and the evaluation of on’s health seem to be positive indicators to take in account while sutying quality of life at these ages. Sentinel indicators of the physical and relational conditions in the family and indicators of dependency are analysed as well. The evaluations of the older persons about their own life conditions are also analysed through psychosocial indicators connected to housing, nearby environmenent, their activities andincomes. The results obtained are applicable in order to improve the decision making process in social intervention programmes developed in the field of ageing aiming to take into account their perspectives
Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on tarkastella aineettomien markkinointiresurssien – brändin, imagon ja maineen – määritelmiä sekä niiden etuja yrityksen liiketoiminnassa. Tarkastelu toteutetaan B2B-liiketoimintaympäristössä. Työ rakentuu viidestä osiosta, joista ensimmäisessä käsitellään aineettomia markkinointiresursseja ja niihin kuuluvaa suhdepääomaa. Toisessa, kolmannessa ja neljännessä osiossa käsitellään suhdepääomaan kuuluvien brändin, imagon ja maineen määritelmiä, etuja ja vaikutuksia yrityksen liiketoiminnassa. Viidennessä osiossa esitellään edellä mainittujen tekijöiden vaikutuksia asiakkaan ostopäätösprosessiin. Työssä käytetyn aineiston pohjalta tehtiin johtopäätös, että B2B-liiketoiminnassa toimiva yritys on yleensä itse brändi, jolla on sekä imago että maine. Brändi-imago ja brändin maine ovat merkittävässä roolissa asiakkaan ostopäätösprosessissa. Työn lopussa esitetään erilaisia asiakkaan ostopäätösprosessia kuvaavia malleja. Käytetyn aineiston ja mallien pohjalta on muodostettu malli brändi-imagon ja brändin maineen vaikutuksista asiakkaan ostopäätösprosessin eri tekijöihin.
Visual art practice has generally been described as a lonely affair, thinking about what an artist has experienced in the outside world. This study is an inquiry into a visual art practice of another kind: the relational one. The research purpose is twofold. The first purpose is to shed light on a visual artist’s conceptions of art, education and scholarship. The second purpose is to by reasoning on imagination and a rhizomatic formation interpret the relations created between art, multimodality and literacy learning as an aesthetic approach to education. By inquiry into a specific collaborated long-term art practice, the study conveys how the meaning making elements of an arts based learning practice gradually transform an artist’s and a teacher’s concepts of art education to an aesthetic approach to education. In the art practice examined the typical Finnish rye bread and a poem have represented a cultural theme that has been elaborated through art conventions. The poem and the rye bread have in the art practice been articulated as cultural representations of as well as symbolic projections on the Swedishspeaking minority culture in Finland. The study connects art informed inquiry to a hermeneutic research rationale where the research reasoning is generated through a rhizomatic alliance between empiric data and theories. The reasoning is constructed as an interpretation pattern that expands throughout the study. The study arguments that the rhizome as an aesthetic formation can be appropriate to refer to when articulating arts based meaning making and when creating arts based educational strategies, dialogues, aesthetic learning and multimodal literacy in education. The study investigates an aesthetic approach to research in education, which means that the art practice surveyed is interpreted through articulation appropriate to poetic aspects of art, education and research.
The study examines the internationalisation process of a contemporary SME firm and explores the impact of its business network on this development. The objective of the study is to understand SME internationalisation and its dynamics from a network perspective. The purpose of this research project is to describe and explore the development process of a firm and its business network by identifying the changes, critical events and influence factors that form this development. It is a qualitative case study, which focuses on a Finnish focal firm and its respective business network as it expands into the Greek market. It is a longitudinal research process, which covers a period of time from 1994 to 2004. The empirical study concentrates on the paper trading and converting business. The study builds on the network theory and the framework provided by Johanson and Mattsson's (1988) model on network internationalisation. The incremental internationalisation theories and network theories form the theoretical focus. The research project is organised according to a process view. The focal firm evolves from a domestically-oriented small subsidiary into an internationally experienced company, which has activities in several market areas and numerous business networks in various market segments and product categories. The findings illustrate the importance of both the domestic and foreign business network context in a firm's internationalisation process. The results of the study suggest theoretical modifications on a firm's internationalisation process by broadening the perspective and incorporating the strategic context of a firm. The findings suggest that internationalisation process is a non-linear process, which does not have a deterministic order in its development. The findings emphasise the significance of relational networks, both managerial and entrepreneurial, for establishing position in foreign markets. It implies that a firm's evolution is significantly influenced by its business network and by critical events. Business networks gain coherence due to common goals and they use accumulated capabilities to exploit market opportunities. The business network sets constraints and provides opportunities, which makes the related decision making strategically important. The firm co-evolves with its business network. The research project provides an instrumental case study with a description of an SME internationalisation process. It contributes to existing knowledge by illustrating dynamics in an international business network and by pinpointing the importance of suppliers, customers, partners, ownerships and competition to the internationalisation process.