909 resultados para indigenous knowledge systems


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The new computing paradigm known as cognitive computing attempts to imitate the human capabilities of learning, problem solving, and considering things in context. To do so, an application (a cognitive system) must learn from its environment (e.g., by interacting with various interfaces). These interfaces can run the gamut from sensors to humans to databases. Accessing data through such interfaces allows the system to conduct cognitive tasks that can support humans in decision-making or problem-solving processes. Cognitive systems can be integrated into various domains (e.g., medicine or insurance). For example, a cognitive system in cities can collect data, can learn from various data sources and can then attempt to connect these sources to provide real time optimizations of subsystems within the city (e.g., the transportation system). In this study, we provide a methodology for integrating a cognitive system that allows data to be verbalized, making the causalities and hypotheses generated from the cognitive system more understandable to humans. We abstract a city subsystem—passenger flow for a taxi company—by applying fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs). FCMs can be used as a mathematical tool for modeling complex systems built by directed graphs with concepts (e.g., policies, events, and/or domains) as nodes and causalities as edges. As a verbalization technique we introduce the restriction-centered theory of reasoning (RCT). RCT addresses the imprecision inherent in language by introducing restrictions. Using this underlying combinatorial design, our approach can handle large data sets from complex systems and make the output understandable to humans.


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Dieser Artikel bietet einen Überblick über die Entwicklung und Zusammenhänge der einzelnen Elemente der Fuzzy-Logik, wovon Fuzzy-Set-Theorie die Grundlage bildet. Die Grundproblematik besteht in der Handhabung von linguistischen Informationen, die häufig durch Ungenauigkeit gekennzeichnet sind. Die verschiedenen technischen Anwendungen von Fuzzy-Logik bieten eine Möglichkeit, intelligentere Computersysteme zu konstruieren, die mit unpräzisen Informationen umgehen können. Solche Systeme sind Indizien für die Entstehung einer neuen Ära des Cognitive-Computing, di in diesemArtikel ebenfalls zur Sprache kommt. Für das bessere Verständnis wird der Artikel mit einem Beispiel aus der Meteorologie (d. h. Schnee in Adelboden) begleitet.


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Der Begriff Smart City oder Ubiquitous City bezeichnet die Nutzung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in Städten und Agglomerationen, um den sozialen und ökologischen Lebensraum nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Dazu zählen z.B. Projekte zur Verbesserung der Mobilität, Nutzung intelligenter Systeme für Wasser- und Energieversorgung, Förderung sozialer Netzwerke, Erweiterung politischer Partizipation, Ausbau von Entrepreneurship, Schutz der Umwelt sowie Erhöhung von Sicherheit und Lebensqualität. Das Themenheft widmet sich der Vielfalt dieser webbasierten Entwicklungen und berichtet über erste Erfahrungen von Pionierprojekten aus den folgenden Anwendungsfeldern: Smart Mobility, Smart Energy, Smart Economy, Smart Environment, Smart Governance, Smart Participation und Smart Living. Das Heft soll dazu dienen, den State of the Art der intelligenten Nutzung von Webtechnologien für den urbanen Raum aufzuzeigen, um damit Chancen und Risiken aufzudecken.


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The article proposes granular computing as a theoretical, formal and methodological basis for the newly emerging research field of human–data interaction (HDI). We argue that the ability to represent and reason with information granules is a prerequisite for data legibility. As such, it allows for extending the research agenda of HDI to encompass the topic of collective intelligence amplification, which is seen as an opportunity of today’s increasingly pervasive computing environments. As an example of collective intelligence amplification in HDI, we introduce a collaborative urban planning use case in a cognitive city environment and show how an iterative process of user input and human-oriented automated data processing can support collective decision making. As a basis for automated human-oriented data processing, we use the spatial granular calculus of granular geometry.


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The main method of proving the Craig Interpolation Property (CIP) constructively uses cut-free sequent proof systems. Until now, however, no such method has been known for proving the CIP using more general sequent-like proof formalisms, such as hypersequents, nested sequents, and labelled sequents. In this paper, we start closing this gap by presenting an algorithm for proving the CIP for modal logics by induction on a nested-sequent derivation. This algorithm is applied to all the logics of the so-called modal cube.


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In this paper we continue Feferman’s unfolding program initiated in (Feferman, vol. 6 of Lecture Notes in Logic, 1996) which uses the concept of the unfolding U(S) of a schematic system S in order to describe those operations, predicates and principles concerning them, which are implicit in the acceptance of S. The program has been carried through for a schematic system of non-finitist arithmetic NFA in Feferman and Strahm (Ann Pure Appl Log, 104(1–3):75–96, 2000) and for a system FA (with and without Bar rule) in Feferman and Strahm (Rev Symb Log, 3(4):665–689, 2010). The present contribution elucidates the concept of unfolding for a basic schematic system FEA of feasible arithmetic. Apart from the operational unfolding U0(FEA) of FEA, we study two full unfolding notions, namely the predicate unfolding U(FEA) and a more general truth unfolding UT(FEA) of FEA, the latter making use of a truth predicate added to the language of the operational unfolding. The main results obtained are that the provably convergent functions on binary words for all three unfolding systems are precisely those being computable in polynomial time. The upper bound computations make essential use of a specific theory of truth TPT over combinatory logic, which has recently been introduced in Eberhard and Strahm (Bull Symb Log, 18(3):474–475, 2012) and Eberhard (A feasible theory of truth over combinatory logic, 2014) and whose involved proof-theoretic analysis is due to Eberhard (A feasible theory of truth over combinatory logic, 2014). The results of this paper were first announced in (Eberhard and Strahm, Bull Symb Log 18(3):474–475, 2012).


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We present applicative theories of words corresponding to weak, and especially logarithmic, complexity classes. The theories for the logarithmic hierarchy and alternating logarithmic time formalise function algebras with concatenation recursion as main principle. We present two theories for logarithmic space where the first formalises a new two-sorted algebra which is very similar to Cook and Bellantoni's famous two-sorted algebra B for polynomial time [4]. The second theory describes logarithmic space by formalising concatenation- and sharply bounded recursion. All theories contain the predicates WW representing words, and VV representing temporary inaccessible words. They are inspired by Cantini's theories [6] formalising B.


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In this article, we introduce the probabilistic justification logic PJ, a logic in which we can reason about the probability of justification statements. We present its syntax and semantics, and establish a strong completeness theorem. Moreover, we investigate the relationship between PJ and the logic of uncertain justifications.


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In this paper we present BitWorker, a platform for community distributed computing based on BitTorrent. Any splittable task can be easily specified by a user in a meta-information task file, such that it can be downloaded and performed by other volunteers. Peers find each other using Distributed Hash Tables, download existing results, and compute missing ones. Unlike existing distributed computing schemes relying on centralized coordination point(s), our scheme is totally distributed, therefore, highly robust. We evaluate the performance of BitWorker using mathematical models and real tests, showing processing and robustness gains. BitWorker is available for download and use by the community.


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This book attempts to synthesize research that contributes to a better understanding of how to reach sustainable business value through information systems (IS) outsourcing. Important topics in this realm are how IS outsourcing can contribute to innovation, how it can be dynamically governed, how to cope with its increasing complexity through multi-vendor arrangements, how service quality standards can be met, how corporate social responsibility can be upheld, and how to cope with increasing demands of internationalization and new sourcing models, such as crowdsourcing and platform-based cooperation. These issues are viewed from either the client or vendor perspective, or both. The book should be of interest to all academics and students in the fields of Information Systems, Management, and Organization as well as corporate executives and professionals who seek a more profound analysis and understanding of the underlying factors and mechanisms of outsourcing.


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Given the centrality of control for achieving success in outsourced software projects, past research has identified key exogenous factors that determine the choice of controls. This view of exogenously driven control choice is based on a number of assumptions; particularly, clients and vendors are seen as separate cognitive entities that combat opportunistic threats under environmental uncertainty by one-off choices or infrequent revisions of controls. In this paper we complement this perspective by acknowledging that an outsourced software project may be characterized as a collective, evolving process faced with the challenge of coping with cognitive limitations of both client and vendor through a continuous process of learning. We argue that if viewed in this way, controls are less subject of a deliberate choice but rather are subject of endogenously driven change, i.e. controls evolve in close interaction with the evolving software project. Accordingly, we suggest a complementary model of endogenous control, where controls mediate individual and collective learning processes. Our research contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics in outsourced software projects. It also spells out methodological implications that may help improve cross-section control research.