999 resultados para hydrological level


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Clarification-Oriented Psychotherapy (COP), an integrative treatment form with a basis in process-experiential psychotherapy, is particularly relevant for clients with Personality Disorders (PDs). We argue here that two related core therapeutic COP principles, "dual action regulation" and "interactional games" have consequences for symptom severity and therapeutic outcome for clients with PDs. A high quality COP clarification process requires that client's interactional games may be quickly assessed and treated in all (preferably early) therapy sessions. These processes can be observed and measured using the observer-rated Bochum Process and Relationship Rating Scales (BPRRS) which measure both clients' and therapists' contributions to the quality of the clarification processes engaged in therapy. This measure has been successfully applied to COP-therapies, but not, as yet, to therapies other than experiential, nor to specific client populations such as borderline personality disorder. The present study is a first attempt to evaluate the application of COP processes to other therapies and populations. We measured action regulation and interactional games using the BPRRS during intake sessions of a 10-session psychodynamic treatment of borderline personality disorder for a total of N = 30 clients and N = 8 therapists. Significant relationships were found between the client's degree of interactional games and both pretherapy symptom level and symptom change across therapy. These results are discussed in the context of Clarification-Oriented Psychotherapy, and more generally Person-Centered and Process-Experiential Psychotherapies. The potential relevance of the findings for psychodynamic psychotherapists are explored as well as the potential usefulness of taking into account a detailed analysis of interactional games for the training of psychotherapists working with any model of therapy working with clients presenting with BPD.


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Selostus: Ureoidun oljen soveltuvuus risteytysemojen talviruokintaan kahdella eri ruokintatasolla


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A new method is used to estimate the volumes of sediments of glacial valleys. This method is based on the concept of sloping local base level and requires only a digital terrain model and the limits of the alluvial valleys as input data. The bedrock surface of the glacial valley is estimated by a progressive excavation of the digital elevation model (DEM) of the filled valley area. This is performed using an iterative routine that replaces the altitude of a point of the DEM by the mean value of its neighbors minus a fixed value. The result is a curved surface, quadratic in 2D. The bedrock surface of the Rhone Valley in Switzerland was estimated by this method using the free digital terrain model Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) (~92 m resolution). The results obtained are in good agreement with the previous estimations based on seismic profiles and gravimetric modeling, with the exceptions of some particular locations. The results from the present method and those from the seismic interpretation are slightly different from the results of the gravimetric data. This discrepancy may result from the presence of large buried landslides in the bottom of the Rhone Valley.


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The process of comparing a fingermark recovered from a crime scene with the fingerprint taken from a known individual involves the characterization and comparison of different ridge details on both the mark and the print. Fingerprints examiners commonly classify these characteristics into three different groups, depending on their level of discriminating power. It is commonly considered that the general pattern of the ridge flow constitutes first-level detail, specific ridge flow and minutiaes (e.g. ending ridges, bifurcations) constitutes second-level detail, and fine ridge details (e. g. pore positions and shapes) are described as third-level details.In this study, the reproducibility of a selection of third-level characteristics is investigated. The reproducibility of these features is examined on serveral recordings of a same finger, first acquired using only optical visualization techniques and second on impressions developed using common firngermark development techniques. Prior to the evaluation of the reproducibility of the considered characteristics, digital images of the fingerprints were recorded at two different resolutions (1000 and 2000 ppi). This allowed the study to also examine the influence of higher resolution on the considered characteristics. It was observed that the increase in the resolution did not result in better feature detection or comparison between images.The examination of the reproducibility of a selection of third-level characteristics showed that the most reproducible features observed were minutiae shapes and pore positions along the ridges.


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In 63 patients with histologically proved gynecologie carcinoma, circulating carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was determined by radioimmunoassay before and at two intervals after treatment. Thirty-one patients of 63 had CEA values over 2.5 ng. per milliliter before treatment. In general, the CEA levels were low compared to those found in endodermal carcinoma. The percentage of elevated CEA values was slightly higher in cases of carcinoma of the cervix and corpus uteri than in those of carcinoma of the ovary. All patients with CEA levels greater than 2.5 ng. per milliliter treated by complete surgical resection of tumor showed a drop of CEA levels to below 2.5 ng. per milliliter seven weeks after operation. In contrast, patients with palliative therapy showed no change in CEA values. About half of the patients treated with a complete course of internal and external radiotherapy showed a drop of CEA levels to below 2.5 ng. per milliliter, whereas the other patients showed fluctuating CEA values. No correlation between clinical status and evolution of CEA levels in these patients could be drawn at the present time. The CEA test seems to be of little value for the earl of diagnosis of gynecologie carcinoma but appears to be interesting for the evaluation of therapy and the follow-up of patients with diagnosed cases.


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Female-specific expression of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene was reconstituted in vitro by addition of recombinant vaccinia-virus-produced estrogen receptor to nuclear extracts from male livers, in which this gene is silent. Transcription enhancement was at least 30 times and was selectively restricted to vitellogenin templates containing the estrogen-responsive unit. Thus, in male hepatocytes, estrogen receptor is the limiting regulatory factor that in the female liver controls efficient and accurate sex-specific expression of the vitellogenin gene. Furthermore, the Xenopus liver factor B, which is essential in addition to the estrogen receptor for the activation of this gene, was successfully replaced in the Xenopus extract by purified human nuclear factor I, identifying factor B of Xenopus as a functional homolog of this well-characterized human transcription factor.


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Chemokines are small chemotactic molecules widely expressed throughout the central nervous system. A number of papers, during the past few years, have suggested that they have physiological functions in addition to their roles in neuroinflammatory diseases. In this context, the best evidence concerns the CXC-chemokine stromal cell-derived factor (SDF-1alpha or CXCL12) and its receptor CXCR4, whose signalling cascade is also implicated in the glutamate release process from astrocytes. Recently, astrocytic synaptic like microvesicles (SLMVs) that express vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) and are able to release glutamate by Ca(2+)-dependent regulated exocytosis, have been described both in tissue and in cultured astrocytes. Here, in order to elucidate whether SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 system can participate to the brain fast communication systems, we investigated whether the activation of CXCR4 receptor triggers glutamate exocytosis in astrocytes. By using total internal reflection (TIRF) microscopy and the membrane-fluorescent styryl dye FM4-64, we adapted an imaging methodology recently developed to measure exocytosis and recycling in synaptic terminals, and monitored the CXCR4-mediated exocytosis of SLMVs in astrocytes. We analyzed the co-localization of VGLUT with the FM dye at single-vesicle level, and observed the kinetics of the FM dye release during single fusion events. We found that the activation of CXCR4 receptors triggered a burst of exocytosis on a millisecond time scale that involved the release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. These results support the idea that astrocytes can respond to external stimuli and communicate with the neighboring cells via fast release of glutamate.


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The current study proposes a new procedure for separately estimating slope change and level change between two adjacent phases in single-case designs. The procedure eliminates baseline trend from the whole data series prior to assessing treatment effectiveness. The steps necessary to obtain the estimates are presented in detail, explained, and illustrated. A simulation study is carried out to explore the bias and precision of the estimators and compare them to an analytical procedure matching the data simulation model. The experimental conditions include two data generation models, several degrees of serial dependence, trend, level and/or slope change. The results suggest that the level and slope change estimates provided by the procedure are unbiased for all levels of serial dependence tested and trend is effectively controlled for. The efficiency of the slope change estimator is acceptable, whereas the variance of the level change estimator may be problematic for highly negatively autocorrelated data series.


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Introduction: The field of Connectomic research is growing rapidly, resulting from methodological advances in structural neuroimaging on many spatial scales. Especially progress in Diffusion MRI data acquisition and processing made available macroscopic structural connectivity maps in vivo through Connectome Mapping Pipelines (Hagmann et al, 2008) into so-called Connectomes (Hagmann 2005, Sporns et al, 2005). They exhibit both spatial and topological information that constrain functional imaging studies and are relevant in their interpretation. The need for a special-purpose software tool for both clinical researchers and neuroscientists to support investigations of such connectome data has grown. Methods: We developed the ConnectomeViewer, a powerful, extensible software tool for visualization and analysis in connectomic research. It uses the novel defined container-like Connectome File Format, specifying networks (GraphML), surfaces (Gifti), volumes (Nifti), track data (TrackVis) and metadata. Usage of Python as programming language allows it to by cross-platform and have access to a multitude of scientific libraries. Results: Using a flexible plugin architecture, it is possible to enhance functionality for specific purposes easily. Following features are already implemented: * Ready usage of libraries, e.g. for complex network analysis (NetworkX) and data plotting (Matplotlib). More brain connectivity measures will be implemented in a future release (Rubinov et al, 2009). * 3D View of networks with node positioning based on corresponding ROI surface patch. Other layouts possible. * Picking functionality to select nodes, select edges, get more node information (ConnectomeWiki), toggle surface representations * Interactive thresholding and modality selection of edge properties using filters * Arbitrary metadata can be stored for networks, thereby allowing e.g. group-based analysis or meta-analysis. * Python Shell for scripting. Application data is exposed and can be modified or used for further post-processing. * Visualization pipelines using filters and modules can be composed with Mayavi (Ramachandran et al, 2008). * Interface to TrackVis to visualize track data. Selected nodes are converted to ROIs for fiber filtering The Connectome Mapping Pipeline (Hagmann et al, 2008) processed 20 healthy subjects into an average Connectome dataset. The Figures show the ConnectomeViewer user interface using this dataset. Connections are shown that occur in all 20 subjects. The dataset is freely available from the homepage (connectomeviewer.org). Conclusions: The ConnectomeViewer is a cross-platform, open-source software tool that provides extensive visualization and analysis capabilities for connectomic research. It has a modular architecture, integrates relevant datatypes and is completely scriptable. Visit www.connectomics.org to get involved as user or developer.


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This paper is about determinants of migration at a local level. We use data from Catalan municipalities in order to understand what explains migration patterns trying to identify whether they are main explained by amenities or economic characteristics. We distinguish three typologies of migration in terms of distance travelled: short-distance, short-medium-distance and medium-distance and we hypothesize whether migration determinants vary across these groups. Our results show that, effectively, there are some noticeable differences, suggest that spatial issues must be taken into account and provide some insights for future research. Keywords: population dynamics, spatial econometrics. JEL codes: C21, R0, R23


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The alternatives used for minimizing the usage of chlorine dioxide in bleaching sequences included a hot acid hydrolysis (Ahot) stage, the use of hot chlorine dioxide (Dhot) and ozone stages at medium consistency and high consistency (Zmc and Zhc), in addition to stages with atmospheric hydrogen peroxide (P) and pressurized hydrogen peroxide (PO). The results were interpreted based on the cost of the chemical products, bleaching process yields and on minimizing the environmental impact of the bleaching process. In spite of some process restrictions, high ISO brightness levels were kept around 90 % brightness. Additionally, the inclusion of stages like acid hydrolysis, pressurized peroxide and ozone in the bleaching sequences provided an increase in operating flexibility, aimed at reducing environmental impact (ECF Light). The Dhot(EOP)D(PO) sequence presented lower operating cost for ISO brightness above 92 %. However, this kind of sequence was not allowed for closing the wastewater circuit, even partially. For ISO brightness level around 91%, the AhotZhcDP sequence presented a lower operating cost than the others