958 resultados para free cash flow model
The measurement of flow through the prediction of differential pressure is widely used in industrial day-to-day, this happens mainly due to the fact that it is used for various types of fluids, such as gas flow and liquid with viscosity distinct even flow of fluids with particles in suspension. The suitability of this equipment for measuring mass flow in two-phase flow is of paramount importance for technological development and reliability of results. When it comes to two-phase flow the relationship between the fluids and their interactions are of paramount importance in predicting the flow. In this paper, we propose the use of concentric orifice plate used in small diameter pipes of 25.4 mm order where a two-phase flow flows between water-air. The measurement of single-phase flow was made with the use of data in NBR 5167-1 which was used to Stolz equation for measuring discharge coefficient. In the two-phase flow was used two correlations widely used in the prognosis of mass flow, the pattern of Zhang (1992) and the model of Chisholm (1967), to the homogeneous flow model. It was observed that the behavior found in Zhang model are consistent more realistic way the mass flow of two-phase flow, since the model Chisholm extrapolate the parameters for the downstream pressure P2, the orifice plate, and the rated discharge coefficient. The use of the change in pressure drop P1-P2 and discharge coefficient, led to a better convergence of the values obtained for the two-phase air-water stream.
Az átfogó és összehasonlító teljesítménymérés szükséges bemeneti feltétele a vállalati értékteremtés vizsgálatának. A szerzők tanulmányukban célul tűzték ki, hogy egy általános keretrendszert állítanak fel a vállalati értékteremtés vizsgálatához, figyelembe véve a vállalati versenyképesség pénzügyi aspektusait. A megvalósításhoz releváns külföldi szakirodalmakat és a témára vonatkozó korábbi kutatásaikat használják fel. Bemutatnak egy elemzési keretet, amelynek alapjait a teljesítménymérés nemzetközileg elfogadott pénzügyi mutatószámai képezik. A módszertant a magyar élelmiszeripari feldolgozó ágazat egy speciális részterületén tesztelik a válság utáni időszak éves beszámolóit felhasználva. A mintát az iparági koncentráció alapján olyan vállalatok alkotják, amelyek magas árbevétellel és diverzifikált termékszerkezettel rendelkeznek. A komplex és összehasonlító teljesítményértékelésen túl a kiemelkedő versenyképességű társaság esetében vállalati szabad cash flow-alapú és reálopciós értékteremtés becslést is végeznek. Fő kutatási kérdésük, hogy a vizsgált iparági minta alapján a kiváló pénzügyi teljesítménnyel rendelkező vállalat esetén kimutatható-e vállalati értékteremtés is.
O presente estudo configura-se como uma proposta de análise das diversificadas consequências jurídicas que a declaração de insolvência de uma empresa pode produzir na esfera jurídica dos trabalhadores ao seu serviço. Inicia-se o trabalho com um enquadramento factual e jurídico do conceito de insolvência, que significa a incapacidade de cumprimento das obrigações, associada a critérios de “cash flow”, que não deverá ser confundido com os conceitos de insolvabilidade e incumprimento. Segue-se a apresentação das repercussões da insolvência da empresa nos contratos de trabalho de que é titular. Para o efeito, e tendo presente que esses efeitos jurídicos variarão em função do destino dado à empresa insolvente, procede-se ao estudo separado dessas mesmas consequências jurídicas na hipótese de manutenção e recuperação da empresa pelo próprio devedor, no caso de encerramento definitivo da empresa,- e ainda na eventualidade de esta recuperação ser levada a cabo por um terceiro,- a quem a empresa tenha sido transmitida no âmbito do processo de insolvência (saneamento por transmissão). Posteriormente, pensando sobretudo na hipótese da extinção do contrato de trabalho, procede-se à caracterização pormenorizada da tutela jurídica conferida aos créditos dos trabalhadores. Tutela esta que, em primeira linha, se concretiza na atribuição de privilégios creditórios aos créditos laborais que lhes confere uma preferência de pagamento no confronto com outros créditos em concurso. Dentro das garantias dos créditos laborais, apreciaremos a garantia proporcionada pelo Fundo de Garantia Salarial, distinguindo-o do FCT e do FGCT, o qual antecipa e paga, parte ou a totalidade, dos créditos que o trabalhador não consiga cobrar do empregador insolvente, visando acautelar eficazmente a função alimentar desempenhada pelo salário, ao disponibilizar em tempo útil as importâncias em dívida para que o trabalhador possa satisfazer as suas necessidades pessoais e, eventualmente, as do seu agregado familiar. Por último analisaremos os efeitos dos acordos de recuperação celebrados no âmbito do PER e do SIREVE, bem como do plano de pagamentos, nos créditos laborais.
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Interpretation No. 46 (FIN 46), Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities – An Interpretation of ARB No. 51, in January 2003 and revised it in December 2003, with the objective to improve the transparency of financial information. Under FIN 46, companies are required to consolidate variable interest entities (VIEs) on financial statements if they are the primary beneficiaries of the VIEs. This dissertation empirically examines whether the implementation of this new financial reporting guidance affects firms’ accruals quality and investment efficiency. A manually collected sample comprised of firms affected by FIN 46 and firms disclosing no material impact from FIN 46 is used in the empirical analyses.The first part of the dissertation investigates the effects of FIN 46 on accruals quality. By using different accrual quality measures in prior studies, this study found that firms affected by FIN 46 experienced a decrease in accrual quality compared to firms reporting no material impact from FIN 46. Among the firms affected by FIN 46, firms consolidating VIEs were compared with firms terminating or restructuring VIEs. The accruals quality of firms consolidating VIEs was found to be lower than that of firms terminating or restructuring VIEs. These results are consistent in tests using alternative control samples.The second part of this dissertation examines the effects of FIN 46 on investment efficiency. Mixed results were found from using two different proxies used in prior literature. Using the investment-cash flow sensitivity to proxy for investment efficiency, firms affected by FIN 46 experienced a decrease in investment efficiency compared to firms reporting no material impact. It was also found that higher investment-cash flow sensitivity for firms consolidating VIEs during post-FIN 46 periods compared to both the no-impact firms and the matched pair control sample. Contrasting results were found when the deviation from expected investment is used as another proxy for investment efficiency. Empirical analyses show that FIN 46 firms experienced improved investment efficiency measured by the deviation from expected investment after their adoption of FIN 46. This study also provides explanations for the opposite results from the two different proxies.
In mixed sediment beds, erosion resistance can change relative to that of beds composed of a uniform sediment because of varying textural and/or other grain-size parameters, with effects on pore water flow that are difficult to quantify by means of analogue techniques. To overcome this difficulty, a three-dimensional numerical model was developed using a finite difference method (FDM) flow model coupled with a distinct element method (DEM) particle model. The main aim was to investigate, at a high spatial resolution, the physical processes occurring during the initiation of motion of single grains at the sediment-water interface and in the shallow subsurface of simplified sediment beds under different flow velocities. Increasing proportions of very fine sand (D50=0.08 mm) were mixed into a coarse sand matrix (D50=0.6 mm) to simulate mixed sediment beds, starting with a pure coarse sand bed in experiment 1 (0 wt% fines), and proceeding through experiment 2 (6.5 wt% fines), experiment 3 (10.5 wt% fines), and experiment 4 (28.7 wt% fines). All mixed beds were tested for their erosion behavior at predefined flow velocities varying in the range of U 1-5=10-30 cm/s. The experiments show that, with increasing fine content, the smaller particles increasingly fill the spaces between the larger particles. As a consequence, pore water inflow into the sediment is increasingly blocked, i.e., there is a decrease in pore water flow velocity and, hence, in the flow momentum available to entrain particles. These findings are portrayed in a new conceptual model of enhanced sediment bed stabilization.
This paper presents the first multi vector energy analysis for the interconnected energy systems of Great Britain (GB) and Ireland. Both systems share a common high penetration of wind power, but significantly different security of supply outlooks. Ireland is heavily dependent on gas imports from GB, giving significance to the interconnected aspect of the methodology in addition to the gas and power interactions analysed. A fully realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model coupled to an energy flow model of the gas supply network is developed. Extreme weather events driving increased domestic gas demand and low wind power output were utilised to increase gas supply network stress. Decreased wind profiles had a larger impact on system security than high domestic gas demand. However, the GB energy system was resilient during high demand periods but gas network stress limited the ramping capability of localised generating units. Additionally, gas system entry node congestion in the Irish system was shown to deliver a 40% increase in short run costs for generators. Gas storage was shown to reduce the impact of high demand driven congestion delivering a reduction in total generation costs of 14% in the period studied and reducing electricity imports from GB, significantly contributing to security of supply.
The European Union continues to exert a large influence on the direction of member states energy policy. The 2020 targets for renewable energy integration have had significant impact on the operation of current power systems, forcing a rapid change from fossil fuel dominated systems to those with high levels of renewable power. Additionally, the overarching aim of an internal energy market throughout Europe has and will continue to place importance on multi-jurisdictional co-operation regarding energy supply. Combining these renewable energy and multi-jurisdictional supply goals results in a complicated multi-vector energy system, where the understanding of interactions between fossil fuels, renewable energy, interconnection and economic power system operation is increasingly important. This paper provides a novel and systematic methodology to fully understand the changing dynamics of interconnected energy systems from a gas and power perspective. A fully realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model of the 2030 power systems in Great Britain and Ireland, combined with a representative gas transmission energy flow model is developed. The importance of multi-jurisdictional integrated energy system operation in one of the most strategically important renewable energy regions is demonstrated.
We present the market practice for interest rate yield curves construction and pricing interest rate derivatives. Then we give a brief description of the Vasicek and the Hull-White models, with an example of calibration to market data. We generalize the classical Black-Scholes-Merton pricing formulas, considering more general cases such as perfect or partial collateral, derivatives on a dividend paying asset subject to repo funding, and multiple currencies. Finally we derive generic pricing formulae for different combinations of cash flow and collateral currencies, and we apply the results to the pricing of FX swaps and CCS, and we discuss curve bootstrapping.
This article is the third in a series working towards the construction of a realistic, evolving, non-linear force-free coronal-field model for the solar magnetic carpet. Here, we present preliminary results of 3D time-dependent simulations of the small-scale coronal field of the magnetic carpet. Four simulations are considered, each with the same evolving photospheric boundary condition: a 48-hour time series of synthetic magnetograms produced from the model of Meyer et al. ( Solar Phys. 272, 29, 2011). Three simulations include a uniform, overlying coronal magnetic field of differing strength, the fourth simulation includes no overlying field. The build-up, storage, and dissipation of magnetic energy within the simulations is studied. In particular, we study their dependence upon the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field and the strength of the overlying coronal field. We also consider where energy is stored and dissipated within the coronal field. The free magnetic energy built up is found to be more than sufficient to power small-scale, transient phenomena such as nanoflares and X-ray bright points, with the bulk of the free energy found to be stored low down, between 0.5 - 0.8 Mm. The energy dissipated is currently found to be too small to account for the heating of the entire quiet-Sun corona. However, the form and location of energy-dissipation regions qualitatively agree with what is observed on small scales on the Sun. Future MHD modelling using the same synthetic magnetograms may lead to a higher energy release.
Pelien tekeminen on yleensä huomattavan kallista. Näin ollen pelien suunnittelussa tulee ottaa huomioon myos niiden rahoitusmallit. Yleensä mitä enemmänn pelillä on pelaajia, sitä paremmin sillä myös ansaitaan. Tämä on tärkeä lähtökohta ilmaispelien rahoitusmalleille, joihin tämä työ keskittyy. Tämän työn aikana tullaan viittaamaan useisiin eri peleihin. Ilmaispeleissä retentio, eli tieto siitä siitä kuinka monet pelaajat palaavat takaisin seuraavana päivänä, on erittäin tärkeä. Tämä johtuu siitä että pelaajat käyttävät vaihte¬levan määrän rahaa peliin pitkällä aikavälillä. Siksi ydinpelin suunnittelussa pitää ottaa huomioon miten peli-istuntojen määrää voidaan kasvattaa vähintään päivittäiseksi, mutta mielellään useaan kertaan päivässä. Retention lisäksi ilmaispelien suunnittelussa on myos muita tärkeitä mittareita, kuten päivittäiset aktiiviset käyttäjät tai keskimääräinen tuotto per pelaaja. Näitä muitakin mittareita käsitellään tässä tutkielmassa. Ilmaispelimallissa rahoitusmekaniikat voidaan kohdistaa erilaisiin pelaajaryhmiin tai sitten luoda ne tarpeeksi yleispäteviksi kaikille. Mekaniikat voidaan kohdistaa myös pelin sisällä tiettyihin kohteisiin, kuten eri pelimuotoihin.
The blast furnace is the main ironmaking production unit in the world which converts iron ore with coke and hot blast into liquid iron, hot metal, which is used for steelmaking. The furnace acts as a counter-current reactor charged with layers of raw material of very different gas permeability. The arrangement of these layers, or burden distribution, is the most important factor influencing the gas flow conditions inside the furnace, which dictate the efficiency of the heat transfer and reduction processes. For proper control the furnace operators should know the overall conditions in the furnace and be able to predict how control actions affect the state of the furnace. However, due to high temperatures and pressure, hostile atmosphere and mechanical wear it is very difficult to measure internal variables. Instead, the operators have to rely extensively on measurements obtained at the boundaries of the furnace and make their decisions on the basis of heuristic rules and results from mathematical models. It is particularly difficult to understand the distribution of the burden materials because of the complex behavior of the particulate materials during charging. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to clarify some aspects of burden distribution and to develop tools that can aid the decision-making process in the control of the burden and gas distribution in the blast furnace. A relatively simple mathematical model was created for simulation of the distribution of the burden material with a bell-less top charging system. The model developed is fast and it can therefore be used by the operators to gain understanding of the formation of layers for different charging programs. The results were verified by findings from charging experiments using a small-scale charging rig at the laboratory. A basic gas flow model was developed which utilized the results of the burden distribution model to estimate the gas permeability of the upper part of the blast furnace. This combined formulation for gas and burden distribution made it possible to implement a search for the best combination of charging parameters to achieve a target gas temperature distribution. As this mathematical task is discontinuous and non-differentiable, a genetic algorithm was applied to solve the optimization problem. It was demonstrated that the method was able to evolve optimal charging programs that fulfilled the target conditions. Even though the burden distribution model provides information about the layer structure, it neglects some effects which influence the results, such as mixed layer formation and coke collapse. A more accurate numerical method for studying particle mechanics, the Discrete Element Method (DEM), was used to study some aspects of the charging process more closely. Model charging programs were simulated using DEM and compared with the results from small-scale experiments. The mixed layer was defined and the voidage of mixed layers was estimated. The mixed layer was found to have about 12% less voidage than layers of the individual burden components. Finally, a model for predicting the extent of coke collapse when heavier pellets are charged over a layer of lighter coke particles was formulated based on slope stability theory, and was used to update the coke layer distribution after charging in the mathematical model. In designing this revision, results from DEM simulations and charging experiments for some charging programs were used. The findings from the coke collapse analysis can be used to design charging programs with more stable coke layers.
El presente trabajo de grado, tuvo como propósito identificar los riesgos presentes en la construcción de un proyecto de infraestructura vial y analizar cuál sería su impacto en la Tasa Interna de Retorno TIR, en caso de que estos se materialicen -- Para dar cumplimiento a estos objetivos se realizó el estudio de varios proyectos de infraestructura vial apoyado en visitas aprovechando las nuevas concesiones viales que surgen en el País como es el caso de las 4G o cuarta generación de concesiones viales, al igual que se utilizaron modelos de simulación, para representar los escenarios en los cuales los riesgos se puede presentar y afectar la inversión realizada, afectando los ingresos esperados a futuro
En este articulo se hace un análisis sobre la validez de la TBR (Total Bussines return) como medida de rentabilidad de unidades de negocio que pertenecen a un portafolio corporativo. Se establecen cuales son sus debilidades y en que casos es posible aceptarla como medida de rentabilidad asociada con la creación de valor. Se expone, la coincidencia matemática entre la TBR y el WACC (costo promedio ponderado de capital) a partir del descuento de flujos de caja proyectados y entre el CAV (creación adicional de valor) y la diferencia entre el ingreso económico obtenido y el ingreso económico esperado en un periodo determinado. También se evidencia la equivalencia entre el CAV y la variación del valor de las operaciones más la variación del flujo de caja del periodo. Posteriormente se realiza una aplicación para mostrar como puede utilizar la TBR y la teoría moderna de portafolio para que un gerente corporativo pueda controlar la relación rendimiento-riesgo existente entre las distintas unidades de negocio a cargo de su corporación.
Prior research has been divided regarding how firms respond to bankruptcy risk, largely revolving around two competing forces. On the one hand, asset substitution encourages firms to increase the riskiness of assets to extract value from creditors. On the other, firms want to minimize bankruptcy risk, either by reducing cash flow risk or through increasing the size of the firm. I test these two theories using a natural experiment of chemicals used in production processes being newly identified as carcinogenic to explore how firms may respond to potential negative cash flow resulting from litigation risk. I use plantlevel chemical data to study firm exposure to risk. I examine how responses between firms of differing levels of chemical exposure may vary within the industry, how firm financial distress affects firm response and whether public and private firms respond differently. In general, my research provides support for the asset substitution theory. My first paper studies how investment response varies based on level of carcinogenic exposure. I find that firms with moderate levels of exposure make efforts to mitigate their cash flow risk and reduce their exposure. At the same time, firms with high levels of exposure increase their exposure and riskiness of future cash flows. These findings are consistent with asset substitution theory. My second paper analyzes the interaction of financial distress and risk exposure. I find that firms in a stronger financial position are more likely to limit their exposure by reducing the number of exposed facilities. On the other hand, not only do firms in weaker financial position not decrease their exposure, I find that, in some instances, they increase their exposure to carcinogens. This work again supports the theory of asset substitution. Finally, in my third paper, I explore if public firms respond differently to a potential negative cash flow shock than do private firms. I test whether existing public firms are more likely to attempt to minimize their cash flow risk and thus reduce their carcinogen exposure than are private firms. I do not find evidence that public firms respond differently to this shock than do private firms.