801 resultados para counseling self-efficacy


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The aim was to explore the relationship between sources of stress and a range of coping behaviours on student
satisfaction and motivation. Most research exploring sources of stress construes stress as distress, with little
attempt to consider positive, good stress or ‘eustress’ experiences. A cohort of first-year psychology students (N=88)
were surveyed on a range of stressors. These were amended from the UK National Student Survey (NSS, 2011).
Published university league tables draw heavily on student course satisfaction but study results suggest there was
also merit in measuring students’ intellectual motivation and the extent to which they felt part of a learning
community. Using multiple regression analyses, it was found that even the attributes that normally help one to adjust to change, such as self-efficacy, do little to help the new student adjust to university life, such was the acuteness of perceived stress in the first year. Social opportunities within the university were important to help new students integrate into university life and to help them network and build support. Educators need to consider how course experiences contribute, not just to potential distress but to potential eustress.


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Students’ Engagement in School has been the focus of debate concerning academic success and school dropout, and pointed out as a mean to address the problems affecting our schools and their students, not only for having value in itself, but also for being an important mediator between several academic variables. This paper reviews the research and literature on this concept and its relations with personal and contextual variables, as well as with academic performance, with the aim of summarizing the main relationships found. Literature presents a significant number of studies which sustain that personal variables, such as self-efficacy and self-concept, as well as contextual - peers, school, family- are related with school engagement. The adoption of mastery goals, for instance, has a positive impact on school, as they are related with the use of cognitive and self-regulatory strategies by students. Positive relationships with peers, teachers support and the quality of family relations are associated with higher levels of engagement and academic performance, while negative experiences, such as bullying, are related with educational difficulties. Following this, we reflect about the relevance of studying engagement in school, in the context of widespread financial crisis, and emphasize the need to rethink educational institutions considering the paradigmatic changes that currently occur.


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Tomando como ponto de partida a relação entre música e matemática, nesta investigação temos como principal objetivo estudar a influência da aprendizagem musical no desempenho matemático. Pretendeu-se ainda observar o efeito de um conjunto de preditores no referido desempenho, mais concretamente do nível socioeconómico, da inteligência e de variáveis cognitivo-motivacionais (motivação, expectativas de autoeficácia e atribuições causais). Numa primeira parte, delineámos as linhas teóricas desta investigação. Começámos por relatar a relação entre música e matemática no âmbito da musicologia histórica, da teoria e análise musicais, da acústica e das tendências na composição musical, evidenciando os mecanismos de ligação entre elementos e conceitos musicais e tópicos e temas matemáticos. Relatámos os benefícios da exposição musical ao nível do desenvolvimento cognitivo e intelectual, destacando o aumento do raciocínio espacial, do desempenho matemático e da inteligência com a aprendizagem musical. De seguida, descrevemos o impacto das aulas de música no aumento do desempenho académico a várias disciplinas, nomeadamente a Matemática, enfatizando a associação da duração da aprendizagem musical com o aumento das capacidades matemáticas; para além do efeito da aprendizagem musical, procurámos ainda explicação de um desempenho académico melhorado com base em variáveis potenciadoras da performance, tais como o nível socioeconómico e a inteligência. Nesta linha de abordagem, explorámos os efeitos de variáveis influentes do desempenho académico fora do contexto musical, reportando-nos ao nível socioeconómico, à inteligência e às dimensões cognitivo-motivacionais (motivação, expectativas de autoeficácia e atribuições causais), destacando o poder preditivo da inteligência, seguido do nível socioeconómico e da motivação. Por fim, referimo-nos à interação entre música e encéfalo por meio das temáticas da plasticidade neural estrutural e funcional, do efeito da aprendizagem e performance musicais, da cognição musical e domínios não musicais, bem como dos fatores genéticos; sublinhamos a possibilidade de ligações entre a cognição musical e os domínios espacial e matemático. Numa segunda parte, apresentamos a investigação que desenvolvemos em contexto escolar com 112 alunos do 7º ano de escolaridade provenientes de 12 escolas do Ensino Básico. Nove são do Ensino Especializado de Música e três são do Ensino Regular. No total, as escolas enquadram-se nas zonas urbanas de Braga, Coimbra e Lisboa. O estudo possui carácter longitudinal e abrange três anos letivos, do 7º ao 9º anos de escolaridade. Após explanação dos objetivos, das hipóteses de investigação, da caracterização da amostra, da descrição dos instrumentos de avaliação e respetiva validação empírica, relatamos os resultados que encontrámos. Estes permitiram, por um lado, validar a hipótese de que os alunos submetidos ao ensino formal de música apresentam um desempenho matemático superior comparativamente aos alunos que não frequentaram este tipo de ensino (H1) e, por outro, sustentar que o número de anos de aprendizagem musical contribui para o aumento do desempenho matemático (H3). Sublinha-se, ainda, que os alunos de instrumento de teclado revelaram desempenho matemático mais elevado em relação aos seus pares que estudaram outros instrumentos. Já no que se refere ao poder preditivo do tipo de ensino (Ensino Especializado de Música vs. Ensino Regular), apurámos que a formação em música prevê melhores desempenhos a matemática; destaca-se que as variáveis em estudo, tais como o nível socioeconómico, a motivação, as expectativas de autoeficácia e a inteligência adicionam capacidade explicativa do desempenho matemático, sendo que a presença da aprendizagem musical perdeu aptidão preditiva apenas na presença da inteligência. Contudo, após controlo estatístico da inteligência, foi possível concluir que a aprendizagem musical mantém o poder preditivo no desempenho matemático (H2). Os resultados permitiram identificar em que tópicos e temas matemáticos relacionados com os elementos e conceitos musicais os alunos com aprendizagem musical apresentam melhores desempenhos, evidenciando-se os tópicos no âmbito da Geometria (H4). Observámos, também, que é possível prever o desempenho matemático a partir do raciocínio espacial dos alunos (H5). Finalmente, referimos as limitações, refletimos sobre as implicações que estes resultados poderão trazer no âmbito do ensino da música em Portugal e apontamos pistas conducentes ao desenvolvimento de investigações futuras.


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Tem sido frequentemente referido na literatura que os diplomados do ensino superior estão mal preparados para as exigências do mercado de trabalho. Face à situação económica actual, mais do que conhecimentos académicos, os estudantes necessitam desenvolver competências que promovam a sua empregabilidade e aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Isto é particularmente relevante no sector das Telecomunicações, face às constantes mutações tecnológicas e organizacionais. Estas competências são usualmente designadas por competências transversais, englobam o conjunto de competências que são comuns às diferentes actividades profissionais. Trata-se de competências imprescindíveis à empregabilidade, uma vez que permitem aos indivíduos agir numa multiplicidade de tarefas e funções. O presente trabalho propõe uma caracterização da construção das competências transversais no sector das Telecomunicações, tendo por base as percepções dos estudantes de engenharia, mas também as percepções das empresas do sector. No sentido de apoiar a fundamentação de estratégias práticas promotoras do desenvolvimento das competências transversais, o presente trabalho analisou os estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos de engenharia, tendo sido realizado um estudo para a adaptação do Index of Learning Styles (Felder & Soloman, n.d.) para a população portuguesa. No presente trabalho, 337 estudantes avaliaram o seu domínio num conjunto de competências transversais, bem como a sua importância para um futuro profissional. Desta avaliação foram identificados gaps de competências transversais que traduzem necessidades de desenvolvimento e formação. Foram também analisadas as relações entre as competências transversais e os estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes, e as relações entre as competências transversais e um conjunto de variáveis psicológicas relacionadas com o desempenho competente: auto-eficácia, auto-regulação e optimismo. Representantes de empresas do sector das Telecomunicações avaliaram a importância das mesmas competências transversais para as práticas de negócio. A interpretação dos resultados, bem como as possíveis implicações destes no desenvolvimento de estratégias promotoras da construção das competências transversais, são discutidos à luz da literatura relevante.


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All research involving the psychoactive compound lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was terminated globally following its prohibition more than 50 years ago, though illicit use remained fairly stable. A considerable resurgence of research interest in LSD has received considerable attention in various publications and professional fora. One of the main applications considered is LSD-assisted psychotherapy to address a number of difficulties like end-of-life anxiety, addiction/alcoholism, post-traumatic stress, and depression. However, due to the highly contradictory nature of early research findings and division in the literature, one is left uncertain as to whether psychology as a profession is currently equipped to critically evaluate these advances, let alone embrace them. The purpose of the present study was to contribute to current psychological knowledge on long-term LSD use. A group of long-term LSD users who claimed beneficial use were the focus here. A mixed methods design was employed. 110 users completed an online survey assessing for demographics, patterns of use, and specific personality traits through three psychometric measures, Big Five Inventory (BFI), General Self Efficacy scale (GSE) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Eight individual interviews were also conducted and analysed by Thematic Analysis (TA). Gaining different perspectives on reality and increasing self- awareness appeared to be essential elements of the belief system that these non-problematic long-term LSD users adopted in order to make sense of their LSD use. Qualitative findings also suggested the existence of a common set of life values, rules and the adoption of a hierarchical system between LSD users. Novices appeared to be tutored and guided by elders whose presence and input was valued and who were listened to and respected. A role for ‘wiser/elder’ users as those imparting valuable knowledge to novices was therefore also suggested. The underlying aim may possibly be an attempt to minimise risks and maximise potential benefits of LSD use. A prospective role for LSD as a deterrent of substance misuse, a ‘gateway drug to no drugs’ was also hinted and remains in need of iv further investigation. Claims regarding beneficial LSD use and ‘change’ through LSD use were confirmed by the participant sample. No noteworthy differences between psychometric scores of the LSD-using group and those of the general population (as suggested by normative data comparisons) were found, possibly due to methodological limitations, especially considering the highly subjective nature of the LSD experience and its effects. The determining role of extra-pharmacological variables or ‘set and setting’ in the outcome of LSD use suggested in earlier literature was re-validated. Knowledge on their specific components was enriched, and a potentially significant value for adopting a flexible, adaptable and solution-focused mind-set in order to better manage the effects of LSD was highlighted. Due to the highly selected nature of the participant sample, present findings should serve as suggestions for further research in order to clarify the aforementioned issues and to make explicit the mechanisms by which they operate. The complex nature of LSD, its use and its effects have been re-confirmed here. It is imperative that the current knowledge base on the substance is enriched before LSD is introduced in a clinical psychology professional context.


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Les athlètes sont nombreux à parier sur les sports et leurs connaissances en sport pourraient les amener à s’y sentir compétents. Les théories similaires de la perception d’efficacité personnelle (PEP) et de l’illusion de contrôle offrent des pistes de réflexion sur cette impression de compétence. Comme la PEP peut se généraliser entre tâches similaires, la PEP des athlètes à une tâche sportive pourrait se généraliser, sous forme d’illusions de contrôle, vers la PEP à des prédictions sportives. L’objectif principal du mémoire est de vérifier si la PEP à une tâche de basketball se généralise vers des prédictions. Un objectif secondaire est de vérifier le lien entre la PEP aux prédictions sportives et l’illusion de contrôle. Vingt-trois basketteurs de niveau collégial ou universitaire sont répartis aléatoirement en deux conditions : PEP augmentée et diminuée. Lors d’une tâche de basketball, les athlètes doivent statuer le nombre de paniers qu’ils croient réussir et tenter de l’atteindre. Pour manipuler la PEP, il est mentionné aux athlètes qu’ils ont deux minutes pour accomplir la tâche, mais ont plus ou moins 15 % de ce temps. Ils effectuent ensuite des prédictions sur le basketball et sur un autre sport. Les résultats révèlent l’augmentation et la diminution significative de la PEP à la tâche de basketball, sans généralisation aux prédictions, puisque les athlètes des deux conditions rapportent une PEP élevée aux prédictions sur le basketball et modérée sur l’autre sport. Aussi, le lien PEP − illusion de contrôle n’est pas significatif. Les résultats illustrent toutefois que les athlètes présentent une PEP et une illusion de contrôle plus élevées aux prédictions sur le basketball que sur l’autre sport. Il semble que les basketteurs se sentent plus compétents pour prédire des événements de basketball qu’un autre sport, et ce, indépendamment de leur PEP à une tâche motrice de basketball.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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This article reviews the literature regarding Student’s Engagement in School (SES), its relationship with personal variables, as well as with academic performance. Although SES’ conceptualization may vary across studies, there is general agreement concerning the multidimensional nature of this construct, encompassing three dimensions – cognitive, affective and behavioural. It is seen as an antecedent of several required outcomes, at academic level, but also as a valorous construct itself, both as mediator and product. More particularly, this concept has been the focus of debate concerning academic success and school dropout. There can also be found a significant number of studies which suggest that personal (self-efficacy, self-concept), as well as contextual (peers, school, family) factors are related with school engagement; additionally, the lack of engagement is linked with low academic performance, behavioural problems and school dropout. Thus, Student’s Engagement in School is perceived as a potentially effective response to the problems affecting schools and their students, and an aspect to be considered in preventing problematic patterns related to scholary contexts.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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In much educational literature it is recognised that the broader social conditions in which teachers live and work, and the personal and professional elements of teachers' lives, experiences, beliefs and practices are integral to one another, and that there are often tensions between these which impact to a greater or lesser extent upon teachers' sense of self or identity. If identity is a key influencing factor on teachers' sense of purpose, self‐efficacy, motivation, commitment, job satisfaction and effectiveness, then investigation of those factors which influence positively and negatively, the contexts in which these occur and the consequences for practice, is essential. Surprisingly, although notions of ‘self’ and personal identity are much used in educational research and theory, critical engagement with individual teachers' cognitive and emotional ‘selves’ has been relatively rare. Yet such engagement is important to all with an interest in raising and sustaining standards of teaching, particularly in centralist reform contexts which threaten to destabilise long‐held beliefs and practices. This article addresses the issue of teacher identities by drawing together research which examines the nature of the relationships between social structures and individual agency; between notions of a socially constructed, and therefore contingent and ever‐remade, ‘self’, and a ‘self’ with dispositions, attitudes and behavioural responses which are durable and relatively stable; and between cognitive and emotional identities. Drawing upon existing research literature and findings from a four‐year Department for Education and Skills funded project with 300 teachers in 100 schools which investigated variations in teachers' work and lives and their effects on pupils (VITAE), it finds that identities are neither intrinsically stable nor intrinsically fragmented, as earlier literature suggests. Rather, teacher identities may be more, or less, stable and more or less fragmented at different times and in different ways according to a number of life, career and situational factors.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia da Educação, especialidade em Contextos Educativos, 3 de Março de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientada por Professora Doutora Diana Margarida Pinheiro de Aguiar Vieira Esta dissertação não inclui as críticas e as sugestões feitas pelo júri


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Objectives: The aim of this article is to analyze the factors associated with HIV testing among 767 sexually active women. Methods: Participants were administered several self-report questionnaires that assessed behavioral and psychosocial measures. Results: Overall, 59.8% of the participants reported ever having tested for HIV. Results show that higher levels of education, being pregnant or having been pregnant, concern about AIDS, AIDS knowledge, self-efficacy in condom negotiation and perception of no risk in partner significantly predicted the likelihood of testing among women. Attending the mass was negatively associated with HIV testing. Conclusions: These findings provide information that can be used in the development of a focused gender sensitive HIV prevention program to increase HIV testing.


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Women account for 30% of all AIDS cases reported to the Health Ministry in Portugal and most infections are acquired through unprotected heterosexual sex with infected partners. This study analyzed socio-demographic and psychosocial predictors of consistent condom use and the role of education as a moderator variable among Portuguese women attending family planning clinics. A cross-sectional study using interviewer-administered fully structured questionnaires was conducted among 767 sexually active women (ages 18–65). Logistic regression analyses were used to explore the association between consistent condom use and the predictor variables. Overall, 78.7% of the women were inconsistent condom users. The results showed that consistent condom use was predicted by marital status (being not married), having greater perceptions of condom negotiation self-efficacy, having preparatory safer sexual behaviors, and not using condoms only when practicing abstinence. Living with a partner and having lack of risk perception significantly predicted inconsistent condom use. Less educated women were less likely to use condoms even when they perceive being at risk. The full model explained 53% of the variance in consistent condom use. This study emphasizes the need for implementing effective prevention interventions in this population showing the importance of taking education into consideration.