959 resultados para Zeta Psi Fraternity
The cellular FLICE inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) is an endogenous inhibitor of the caspase-8 proapoptotic signaling pathway downstream of death receptors. Recent evidence indicates that the long form of c-FLIP (c-FLIP(L)) is required for proliferation and effector T-cell development. However, the role of c-FLIP(L) in triggering autoimmunity has not been carefully analyzed. We now report that c-FLIP(L) transgenic (Tg) mice develop splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, multiorgan infiltration, high titers of auto-antibodies, and proliferative glomerulonephritis with immune complex deposition in a strain-dependent manner. The development of autoimmunity requires CD4(+) T cells and may result from impaired thymic selection. At the molecular level, c-FLIP(L) overexpression inhibits the zeta chain-associated protein tyrosine kinase of 70 kDa (ZAP-70) activation, thus impairing the signaling pathway derived from ZAP-70 required for thymic selection. Therefore, we have identified c-FLIP(L) as a susceptibility factor under the influence of epistatic modifiers for the development of autoimmunity.
Two lanes of a major four lane arterial street needed to be reconstructed in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The traffic volumes and difficulty of detouring the traffic necessitated closure for construction be held to an absolute minimum. Closure of the intersections, even for one day, was not politically feasible. Therefore, Fast Track and Fast Track II was specified for the project. Fast Track concrete paving has been used successfully in Iowa since 1986. The mainline portion of the project was specified to be Fast Track and achieved the opening strength of 400 psi in less than twelve hours. The intersections were allowed to be closed between 6 PM and 6 AM. This could occur twice - once to remove the old pavement and place the base and temporary surface and the second time to pave and cure the new concrete. The contractor was able to meet these restrictions. The Fast Track II used in the intersections achieved the opening strength of 350 psi in six to seven hours. Two test sections were selected in the mainline Fast Track and two intersections were chosen to test the Fast Tract II. Both flexural and compression specimens were tested. Pulse velocity tests were conducted on the pavement and test specimens. Maturity curves were developed through monitoring of the temperatures. Correlations were performed between the maturity and pulse velocity and the flexural strengths. The project was successful in establishing the feasibility of construction at night, with no disruption of traffic in the daytime, using fast Track II. Both the Fast Track II pavements were performing well four years after construction.
Conventional chemotherapy of ovarian cancer often fails because of initiation of drug resistance and/or side effects and trace of untouched remaining cancerous cells. This highlights an urgent need for advanced targeted therapies for effective remediation of the disease using a cytotoxic agent with immunomodulatory effects, such as shikonin (SHK). Based on preliminary experiments, we found SHK to be profoundly toxic in ovarian epithelial cancer cells (OVCAR-5 and ID8 cells) as well as in normal ovarian IOSE-398 cells, endothelial MS1 cells, and lymphocytes. To limit its cytotoxic impact solely to tumor cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME), we aimed to engineer SHK as polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) with targeting moiety toward tumor microvasculature. To this end, using single/double emulsion solvent evaporation/diffusion technique with sonication, we formulated biodegradable NPs of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) loaded with SHK. The surface of NPs was further decorated with solubilizing agent polyethylene glycol (PEG) and tumor endothelial marker 1 (TEM1)/endosialin-targeting antibody (Ab) through carbodiimide/N-hydroxysuccinimide chemistry. Having characterized the physicochemical and morphological properties of NPs, we studied their drug-release profiles using various kinetic models. The biological impact of NPs was also evaluated in tumor-associated endothelial MS1 cells, primary lymphocytes, and epithelial ovarian cancer OVCAR-5 cells. Based on particle size analysis and electron microscopy, the engineered NPs showed a smooth spherical shape with size range of 120 to 250 nm and zeta potential value of -30 to -40 mV. Drug entrapment efficiency was ~80%-90%, which was reduced to ~50%-60% upon surface decoration with PEG and Ab. The liberation of SHK from NPs showed a sustained-release profile that was best fitted with Wagner log-probability model. Fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry analysis showed active interaction of Ab-armed NPs with TEM1-positive MS1 cells, but not with TEM1-negative MS1 cells. While exposure of the PEGylated NPs for 2 hours was not toxic to lymphocytes, long-term exposure of the Ab-armed and PEGylated NPs was significantly toxic to TEM1-positive MS1 cells and OVCAR-5 cells. Based on these findings, we propose SHK-loaded Ab-armed PEGylated PLGA NPs as a novel nanomedicine for targeted therapy of solid tumors.
This article introduces a new interface for T-Coffee, a consistency-based multiple sequence alignment program. This interface provides an easy and intuitive access to the most popular functionality of the package. These include the default T-Coffee mode for protein and nucleic acid sequences, the M-Coffee mode that allows combining the output of any other aligners, and template-based modes of T-Coffee that deliver high accuracy alignments while using structural or homology derived templates. These three available template modes are Expresso for the alignment of protein with a known 3D-Structure, R-Coffee to align RNA sequences with conserved secondary structures and PSI-Coffee to accurately align distantly related sequences using homology extension. The new server benefits from recent improvements of the T-Coffee algorithm and can align up to 150 sequences as long as 10,000 residues and is available from both http://www.tcoffee.org and its main mirror http://tcoffee.crg.cat.
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin Helsingin ammattikorkeakoululle. Työssä käsitellään DVB-Tstandardiin perustuvan lähetyslaitteiston kokoonpanoa ja testaamista. Työ perustuu standardeihin, opetusmateriaaliin ja käytännön kokemuksiin. Työ suoritettiin käytännön tutkimuksena. Työssä käsitellään DVB-T-standardia, digitaalisissa tv-lähetyksissä käytettävää MPEG-2 standardia ja siihen liittyen MPEG-2-transport streamia: transport streamin koostumusta, multipleksaamista ja psi/si-taulujen rakennetta. Työssä käydään myös läpi digisovittimen rakennetta ja toimintaperiaatetta, ASIrajapintaa, digitaalisen lähetinyksikön rakennetta ja esitellään Stadian Multimedia Communications- laboratoriossa oleva lähetinyksikkö. Työssä esitetään kuinka moduuleista koostuvalla lähetinlaitteistolla on mahdollista lähettää DVB-T-standardin mukaista testilähetystä. Työn lopputuloksena Stadian laboratorion lähetyslaitteistolla kyettiin lähettämään onnistuneesti testimateriaalia, joka vastaanotettiin kaupallisella digisovittimella.
In this paper address we the question as to why participants tend to respond realistically to situations and events portrayed within an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) system. The idea is put forward, based on experience of a large number of experimental studies, that there are two orthogonal components that contribute to this realistic response. The first is"being there", often called"presence", the qualia of having a sensation of being in a real place. We call this Place Illusion (PI). Second, Plausibility Illusion (Psi) refers to the illusion that the scenario being depicted is actually occurring. In the case of both PI and Psi the participant knows for sure that that they are not"there" and that the events are not occurring. PI is constrained by the sensorimotor contingencies afforded by the virtual reality system. Psi is determined by the extent to which the system can produce events that directly relate to the participant, and the overall credibility of the scenario being depicted in comparison with expectations. We argue that when both PI and Psi occur, participants will respond realistically to the virtual reality.
Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkittiin fysikaaliskemiallisten olosuhteiden ja toimintaparametrien vaikutusta juustoheran fraktiointiin. Kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty heran ympäristövaikutusta, heran hyödyntämistä ja heran käsittelyä kalvotekniikalla. Kokeellinen osa on jaettu kahteen osaan, joista ensimmäinen käsittelee ultrasuodatusta ja toinen nanosuodatusta juustoheran fraktioinnissa. Ultrasuodatuskalvon valinta tehtiin perustuen kalvon cut-off lukuun, joka oli määritetty polyetyleeniglykoliliuoksilla olosuhteissa, joissa konsentraatiopolariosaatioei häiritse mittausta. Kriittisen vuon konseptia käytettiin sopivan proteiinikonsentraation löytämiseksi ultrasuodatuskokeisiin, koska heraproteiinit ovat tunnetusti kalvoa likaavia aineita. Ultrasuodatuskokeissa tutkittiin heran eri komponenttien suodattumista kalvon läpi ja siihen vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Herapermeaattien peptidifraktiot analysoitiin kokoekskluusiokromatografialla ja MALDI-TOF massaspektrometrillä. Kokeissa käytettävien nanosuodatuskalvojen keskimääräinen huokoskoko analysoitiin neutraaleilla liukoisilla aineilla ja zeta-potentiaalit virtauspotentiaalimittauksilla. Aminohappoja käytettiin malliaineina tutkittaessa huokoskoon ja varauksen merkitystä erotuksessa. Aminohappojen retentioon vaikuttivat pH ja liuoksen ionivahvuus sekä molekyylien väliset vuorovaikutukset. Heran ultrasuodatuksessa tuotettu permeaatti, joka sisälsi pieniä peptidejä, laktoosia ja suoloja, nanosuodatettiin happamassa ja emäksisessä pH:ssa. Emäksisissä oloissa tehdyssä nanosuodatuksessa foulaantumista tapahtui vähemmän ja permeaattivuo oli parempi. Emäksisissä oloissa myös selektiivisyys laktoosin erotuksessa peptideistä oli parempi verrattuna selektiivisyyteen happamissa oloissa.
In this study, a brief Work-Family Conflict (WFC) Questionnaire in the Spanish language is proposed that takes into account the two directions commonly reported in the literature: work interference with family (WIF), and family interference with work (FIW). The results obtained through exploratory factor analyses (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) with two independent samples, carried out for women and men, showed acceptable validity and reliability. A copy of the instrument in Spanish language is provided, together with the Amos 4 syntax to perform the factor invariance analysis for women and men. The suggested Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire (in Spanish, abbreviated as CCTF) may be useful in studies performed in the work setting, considering the special relevance of the concept in this line of research.
This article introduces a new interface for T-Coffee, a consistency-based multiple sequence alignment program. This interface provides an easy and intuitive access to the most popular functionality of the package. These include the default T-Coffee mode for protein and nucleic acid sequences, the M-Coffee mode that allows combining the output of any other aligners, and template-based modes of T-Coffee that deliver high accuracy alignments while using structural or homology derived templates. These three available template modes are Expresso for the alignment of protein with a known 3D-Structure, R-Coffee to align RNA sequences with conserved secondary structures and PSI-Coffee to accurately align distantly related sequences using homology extension. The new server benefits from recent improvements of the T-Coffee algorithm and can align up to 150 sequences as long as 10 000 residues and is available from both http://www.tcoffee.org and its main mirror http://tcoffee.crg.cat.
The aim of the present study was to develop novel daptomycin-loaded acrylic microparticles with improved release profiles and antibacterial activity against two clinically relevant methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (MSSA and MRSA, respectively). Daptomycin was encapsulated into poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and PMMA-Eudragit RL 100 (EUD) microparticles by a double emulsion-solvent evaporation method. For comparison purposes similar formulations were prepared with vancomycin. Particle morphology, size distribution, encapsulation efficiency, surface charge, physicochemical properties, in vitro release and biocompatibility were assessed. Particles exhibited a micrometer size and a spherical morphology. The addition of EUD to the formulation caused a shift in the surface charge of the particles from negative zeta potential values (100% PMMA formulations) to strongly positive. It also improved daptomycin encapsulation efficiency and release, whereas vancomycin encapsulation and release were strongly hindered. Plain and antibiotic-loaded particles presented comparable biocompatibility profiles. The antibacterial activity of the particles was assessed by isothermal microcalorimetry against both MSSA and MRSA. Daptomycin-loaded PMMA-EUD particles presented the highest antibacterial activity against both strains. The addition of 30% EUD to the daptomycin-loaded PMMA particles caused a 40- and 20-fold decrease in the minimum inhibitory (MIC) and bactericidal concentration (MBC) values, respectively, when compared to the 100% PMMA formulations. On the other hand, vancomycin-loaded microparticles presented the highest antibacterial activity in PMMA particles. Unlike conventional methods, isothermal microcalorimetry proved to be a real-time, sensitive and accurate method for assessment of antibacterial activity of antibiotic-loaded polymeric microparticles. Finally, the addition of EUD to formulations proved to be a powerful strategy to improve daptomycin encapsulation efficiency and release, and consequently improving the microparticles activity against two relevant S. aureus strains.
Membrane-permeable calmodulin inhibitors, such as the napthalenesulfonamide derivatives W-7/W-13, trifluoperazine, and calmidazolium, are used widely to investigate the role of calcium/calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) in living cells. If two chemically different inhibitors (e.g. W-7 and trifluoperazine) produce similar effects, investigators often assume the effects are due to CaM inhibition. Zeta potential measurements, however, show that these amphipathic weak bases bind to phospholipid vesicles at the same concentrations as they inhibit Ca 2 /CaM; this suggests that they also bind to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, reducing its negative electrostatic surface potential. This change will cause electrostatically bound clusters of basic residues on peripheral (e.g. Src and K-Ras4B) and integral (e.g. epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)) proteins to translocate from the membrane to the cytoplasm. We measured inhibitor-mediated translocation of a simple basic peptide corresponding to the calmodulin-binding juxtamembrane region of the EGFR on model membranes; W-7/W-13 causes translocation of this peptide from membrane to solution, suggesting that caution must be exercised when interpreting the results obtained with these inhibitors in living cells. We present evidence that they exert dual effects on autophosphorylation of EGFR;W-13 inhibits epidermal growth factordependent EGFR autophosphorylation under different experimental conditions, but in the absence of epidermal growth factor, W-13 stimulates autophosphorylation of the receptor in four different cell types. Our interpretation is that the former effect is due toW-13inhibition of Ca 2 /CaM, but thelatter results could be due to binding of W-13 to the plasma membrane.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin suodatukseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden vaikutusta suodatuksessa syntyvän kakun ominaisuuksiin sekä kakun ominaisuuksien vaikutusta syrjäytyspesun tehokkuuteen. Lisäksi määritettiin tärkeimmät suodatusparametrit sekä niiden riippuvuudet suodatusolosuhteista. Toissijaisena tavoitteena oli lisäksi tutkia, miten suodatusolosuhteita ja suodatettavan lietteen ominaisuuksia muuttamalla voidaan vaikuttaa suodatusjakson kestoon. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin aluksi yleisesti kiintoaineen erotusta nesteestä. Tämän jälkeen käsiteltiin yleisimmät suodatustekniikat ja tarkasteltiin yksityiskohtaisemmin painesuodatusta ja varsinkin syntyvän kakun rakenteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Lopuksi käytiin läpi kakulle suodatuksen jälkeen suoritettavat jälkikäsittelymenetelmät ja selvitettiin varsinkin syrjäytyspesun tehokkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä tarkemmin. Kokeellisessa osassa tehtiin koesuodatuksia lietteellä joka sisälsi hienojakoista pigmenttiä. Koesuodatukset tehtiin kahdella eri kankaalla panostoimisella piston press- laboratoriopainesuodattimella johon oli liitetty tiedonkeruuohjelmisto, joka keräsi tiedostoon paineet suodatuskammiossa, kankaan alapuolella ja työsylinterin syöttölinjassa sekä lisäksi männän korkeuden, lietteen lämpötilan ja suodosvaakalukeman. Lietteiden ominaisuuksia seurattiin analysoimalla niiden kiintoainepitoisuuksia, kloridipitoisuuksia, z-potentiaaleja ja partikkelikokojakau-mia siten että jokaisessa suodatuksessa käytetyn lietteen ominaisuudet olivat tiedossa. Suodatusten jälkeen syntyneistä kakuista määritettiin kiintoaine- sekä joissain tapauksissa myös kloridipitoisuudet. Suodatus- ja puristuspaineiden havaittiin vaikuttavan kakkujen huokoisuuksiin ja ominaisvastuksiin selvästi, joskin muutokset olivat melko pieniä. Vaikutus näkyi selvästi myös suodatusten kestoissa ja muutosten havaittiin olevan merkittävän suuruisia. Myös lietteen pH:n havaittiin vaikuttavan merkitsevästi suodatusten kestoihin ja kakkujen ominaisuuksiin. Pesutuloksen ja kakun ominaisuuksien välille löydettiin riippuvuus heikoksi jääneestä pesutuloksesta huolimatta. Myös koesuodatuksissa käytettyjen kankaiden välillä havaittiin selviä eroavaisuuksia.
Replication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) requires base pairing of the reverse transcriptase primer, human tRNA(Lys3), to the viral RNA. Although the major complementary base pairing occurs between the HIV primer binding sequence (PBS) and the tRNA's 3'-terminus, an important discriminatory, secondary contact occurs between the viral A-rich Loop I, 5'-adjacent to the PBS, and the modified, U-rich anticodon domain of tRNA(Lys3). The importance of individual and combined anticodon modifications to the tRNA/HIV-1 Loop I RNA's interaction was determined. The thermal stabilities of variously modified tRNA anticodon region sequences bound to the Loop I of viral sub(sero)types G and B were analyzed and the structure of one duplex containing two modified nucleosides was determined using NMR spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. The modifications 2-thiouridine, s(2)U(34), and pseudouridine, Psi(39), appreciably stabilized the interaction of the anticodon region with the viral subtype G and B RNAs. The structure of the duplex results in two coaxially stacked A-form RNA stems separated by two mismatched base pairs, U(162)*Psi(39) and G(163)*A(38), that maintained a reasonable A-form helix diameter. The tRNA's s(2)U(34) stabilized the interaction between the A-rich HIV Loop I sequence and the U-rich anticodon, whereas the tRNA's Psi(39) stabilized the adjacent mismatched pairs.
By theorems of Ferguson and Lacey ($d=2$) and Lacey and Terwilleger ($d>2$), Nehari's theorem is known to hold on the polydisc $\D^d$ for $d>1$, i.e., if $H_\psi$ is a bounded Hankel form on $H^2(\D^d)$ with analytic symbol $\psi$, then there is a function $\varphi$ in $L^\infty(\T^d)$ such that $\psi$ is the Riesz projection of $\varphi$. A method proposed in Helson's last paper is used to show that the constant $C_d$ in the estimate $\|\varphi\|_\infty\le C_d \|H_\psi\|$ grows at least exponentially with $d$; it follows that there is no analogue of Nehari's theorem on the infinite-dimensional polydisc.
Porous silicon (PSi) is a promising material to be utilized in drug delivery formulations. The release rate of the drug compound can be controlled by changing the pore properties and surface chemistry of PSi. The loading of a poorly soluble drug into mesoporous silicon particles enhances its dissolution in the body. The drug loading is based on adsorption. The attainable maximum loaded amount depends on the properties of the drug compound and the PSi material, and on the process conditions. The loading solvent also essentially affects the adsorption process. The loading of indomethacin into PSi particles with varying surface modification was studied. Solvent mixtures were applied in the loading, and the loaded samples were analyzed with thermal analysis methods. The best degree of loading was obtained using a mixture of dichloromethane and methanol. The drug loads varied from 7.7 w-% to 26.8 w-%. A disturbing factor in the loading experiments was the tendency of indomethacin to form solvates with the solvents applied. In addition, the physical form and stability of indomethacin loaded in PSi and silica particles were studied using Raman spectroscopy. In the case of silica, the presence of crystalline drug as well as the polymorph form can be detected, but the method proved to be not applicable for PSi particles.