961 resultados para WNV antibodies
The oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans expresses a surface protein, P1, which interacts with the salivary pellicle on the tooth surface or with fluid-phase saliva, resulting in bacterial adhesion or aggregation, respectively. P1 is a target of protective immunity. Its N-terminal region has been associated with adhesion and aggregation functions and contains epitopes recognized by efficacious antibodies. In this study, we used Bacillus subtilis, a gram-positive expression host, to produce a recombinant N-terminal polypeptide of P1 (P1(39-512)) derived from the S. mutans strain UA159. Purified P1(39-512) reacted with an anti-full-length P1 antiserum as well as one raised against intact S. mutans cells, indicating preserved antigenicity. Immunization of mice with soluble and heat-denatured P1(39-512) induced antibodies that reacted specifically with native P1 on the surface of S. mutans cells. The anti-P1(39-512) antiserum was as effective at blocking saliva-mediated aggregation of S. mutans cells and better at blocking bacterial adhesion to saliva-coated plastic surfaces compared with the anti-full-length P1 antiserum. In addition, adsorption of the anti-P1 antiserum with P1(39-512) eliminated its ability to block the adhesion of S. mutans cells to abiotic surfaces. The present results indicate that P1(39-512), expressed and purified from a recombinant B. subtilis strain, maintains important immunological features of the native protein and represents an additional tool for the development of anticaries vaccines.
Duffy binding protein (DBP), a leading malaria vaccine candidate, plays a critical role ill Plasmodium vivax erythrocyte invasion. Sixty-eight of 366 (18.6%) subjects had IgG anti-DBP antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in a community-based cross-sectional survey ill the Brazilian Amazon Basin. Despite Continuous exposure to low-level malaria transmission, the overall seroprevalence decreased to 9.0% when the Population was reexamined 12 months later. Antibodies from 16 of 50 (360%) Subjects who were ELISA-positive at the baseline were able to inhibit erythrocyte binding to at least one of two DBP variants tested. Most (13 of 16) of these subjects still had inhibitory antibodies when reevaluated 12 months later. Cumulative exposure to malaria was the strongest predictor of DBP seropositivity identified by Multiple logistic regression models in this population. The poor antibody recognition of DBP elicited by natural exposure to P. vivax in Amazonian populations represents a challenge to be addressed by vaccine development strategies.
The present study assessed the prevalence of anti-Leishmania spp antibodies in dogs from the city of Monte Negro, State of Rondonia, Brazil ELISA (NE >= 3) and IFAT (>= 1 40) were used to evaluate 161 serum samples collected from rural dogs from Monte Negro Forty-five (27 9%) dogs were positive by ELISA tests and five (3 1%) were positive by IFAT The present study showed for the first time the frequency of exposure to Leishmania spp in dogs in the State of Rondonia, Amazon Region
Glycosylation of the Ab molecule is essential for maintaining the functional structure of Fc region and consequently for Ab-mediated effector functions, such as binding to cells or complement system activation. Alterations in the composition of the sugar moiety can dramatically influence Ab activity; however, it is not completely clear how differences in the N-linked oligosaccharide structure impact the biological function of Abs. We have described that murine IgG1 Abs can be separated according to their ability to elicit in vivo anaphylaxis in a fraction of anaphylactic and other of non-anaphylactic molecules. Furthermore, we showed that the N-linked oligosaccharide chain is essential for the structural conformation of the anaphylactic IgG1, the binding to Fc gamma RIII on mast cells, and, consequently, for the ability to mediate anaphylactic reactions. In this study, we evaluated the contribution of individual sugar residues to this biological function. Differences in the glycan composition were observed when we analyzed oligosaccharide chains from anaphylactic or non-anaphylactic IgG1, mainly the presence of more sialic acid and fucose residues in anaphylactic molecules. Interestingly, the enzymatic removal of terminal sialic acid residues in anaphylactic IgG1 resulted in loss of the ability to trigger mast cell degranulation and in vivo anaphylactic reaction, similarly to the deglycosylated IgG1 Ab. In contrast, fucose removal did not affect the anaphylactic function. Therefore, we demonstrated that the ability of murine IgG1 Abs to mediate anaphylaxis is directly dependent on the amount of sialic acid residues associated to the oligosaccharide chain attached to the Fc region of these molecules. The Journal of Immunology, 2008, 181: 8308-8314.
The Duffy binding protein of Plasmodium vivax (DBP) is a critical adhesion ligand that participates in merozoite invasion of human Duffy-positive erythrocytes. A small outbreak of P. vivax malaria, in a village located in a non-malarious area of Brazil, offered us an opportunity to investigate the DBP immune responses among individuals who had their first and brief exposure to malaria. Thirty-three individuals participated in the five cross-sectional surveys, 15 with confirmed P. vivax infection while residing in the outbreak area (cases) and 18 who had not experienced malaria (non-cases). In the present study, we found that only 20% (three of 15) of the individuals who experienced their first P. vivax infection developed an antibody response to DBP; a secondary boosting can be achieved with a recurrent P. vivax infection. DNA sequences from primary/recurrent P. vivax samples identified a single dbp allele among the samples from the outbreak area. To investigate inhibitory antibodies to the ligand domain of the DBP (cysteine-rich region II, DBP(II)), we performed in vitro assays with mammalian cells expressing DBP(II) sequences which were homologous or not to those from the outbreak isolate. In non-immune individuals, the results of a 12-month follow-up period provided evidence that naturally acquired inhibitory antibodies to DBP(II) are short-lived and biased towards a specific allele.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies in sheep from Presidente Prudente, southeastern Brazil. Serum samples were obtained from 365 sheep of diverse breeds and different ages. Samples were collected at a slaughterhouse and at farms located in Presidente Prudente. Three groups of animal of different ages were evaluated according to age: Group I: between 1 and 6 months old; Group II: between 7 and 10 months old; and Group III: between 11 and 15 months old. An ELISA test was carried out to detect anti-Toxocara antibodies (IgG) using the excretory-secretory antigens of Toxocara canis (TES) larvae. In total, 183 out of 365 animals (50.1%) were positive for anti-Toxocara antibodies. The frequency of antibody detection was directly proportional to the age of the animals (p<0.0001). indicating a relationship between infection and aging. In Group III, there was a higher prevalence in females (p = 0.0041). The relevance of these animals to the epidemiology of toxocariasis in pets and human should be considered. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Strategies for the development of new vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae infections try to overcome problems such as serotype coverage and high costs, present in currently available vaccines. Formulations based on protein candidates that can induce protection in animal models have been pointed as good alternatives. Among them, the Pneumococcal Surface Protein A (PspA) plays an important role during systemic infection at least in part through the inhibition of complement deposition on the pneumococcal surface, a mechanism of evasion from the immune system. Antigen delivery systems based on live recombinant lactic acid bacteria (LAB) represents a promising strategy for mucosal vaccination, since they are generally regarded as safe bacteria able to elicit both systemic and mucosal immune responses. In this work, the N-terminal region of clade I PspA was constitutively expressed in Lactobacillus casei and the recombinant bacteria was tested as a mucosal vaccine in mice. Nasal immunization with L. casei-PspA 1 induced anti-PspA antibodies that were able to bind to pneumococcal strains carrying both clade 1 and clade 2 PspAs and to induce complement deposition on the surface of the bacteria. In addition, an increase in survival of immunized mice after a systemic challenge with a virulent pneumococcal strain was observed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
SOUZA,Roberto Mascarenhas et al.Presence of antibodies against Leishmania chagasi in haemodialysed patients.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,v. 103, p.749-751, 2009.
SOUZA, R. M. et al. Presence of antibodies against Leishmania chagasi in haemodialysed patients. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, v. 103, n.7, p. 749—751. ISSN 0035-9203.
Concanavalin A-Sandwich ELISA (Con A-S-ELISA) was developed for the detection of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) or chicken specific anti-viral antibodies. The antigen detection limit for the Con A-S-ELISA was 10(5,1) EID50/mL. Three homologous and four heterologous IBV strains were similarly detected. This assay was highly effective in detecting the virus after infected tissue homogenates were passed once in embryonated chicken eggs, showing a good agreement with virus isolation technique. The Con A-S-ELISA was also used to measure anti-IBV chicken antibodies and showed a high coefficient of correlation (r = 0.85) and an agreement of k = 0.80 with the commercially available Indirect-ELISA. The relative sensitivity and specificity between these two tests were, respectively, 92.86% and 95.65% with an accuracy of 93.39%. Thus, the Con A-S-ELISA proved to be able to detect alternatively homologous and heterologous IBV strains or specific chicken anti-IBV antibodies, using the Con A as capture reagent of this assay.
O presente trabalho estudou um ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) indireto para a detecção de anticorpos anti-Babesia canis no soro de cães, tendo a Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI), como teste de referência O antígeno utilizado no ELISA do presente estudo consistiu em uma preparação antigênica solúvel de merozoítas B. canis e as diluições ótimas do antígeno, soros e conjugado foram determinadas por titulação em bloco, utilizando soros de referência positivos e negativos. A preparação antigênica solúvel de B. canis ótima foi de 10 µg.mL-1, com soros de referência positivos e negativos em uma única diluição de 1:100, e conjugado a 1:4.000. Um total de 246 amostras séricas foram colhidas em cães, durante a campanha de vacinação anti-rábica em Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil e a presença de anticorpos anti-B. canis foi avaliada pelo ELISA e RIFI. Nestas condições, a média de absorbância dos soros de referência negativos foi de 0,129 ± 0,025, resultando em um ponto de corte de 0,323 (Nível de ELISA 3) e a média da absorbância dos soros de referência positivos foi de 2,156 ± 1,187. As amostras com sorologia positiva para B. canis por ELISA e RIFI foram 67,89% (n = 167) e 59,35% (n = 146), respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o ELISA descrito revelou-se um teste sorológico eficaz no diagnóstico da babesiose canina.
A survey for antibodies against Brucella abortus, and Leptospira interrogans was conducted on 17 pampas deer (Ozotocerus bezoarticus) from Pantanal Matogrossense (State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) and on 24 pampas deer from Parque Nacional de Emas (State of Goias, Brazil). Antibodies against B. abortus were detected by plate ag glutination, rose Bengal, and complement fixation tests, antibodies against Leptospira interrogans were detected by the microscopic agglutination test. All sera were negative for B. abortus antibodies and all deer sera from Parque Nacional de Emas were negative for L. interrogans antibodies. Four (24%) of 17 sera from Pantanal Matogrossense were positive for L. interrogans serovar (n = 2) hardjo, wolffi (n = 1) and mini (n = 1). While these diseases do not appear to be of major importance to the health status of Pampas deer, it appears that deer are reservoir for leptospirosis in one of the study areas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy (NIRS) is a particularly promising technique that is being used in recent years for many biomedical applications. Optical spectroscopy has gained increasing prominence as a tool for quantitative analysis of biological samples, clinical diagnostic, concentration measurements of blood metabolites and therapeutic drugs, and analysis of the chemical composition of human tissues. Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis in public health, and domestic cats are the most important transmitters of the disease. This disease can be detected by several serological tests, which usually have a high cost and require a long time. The goal of this work was to investigate a new method to diagnosis Toxoplasma gondii infections using NIRS. In order to confirm antibody detection, 24 cat blood scrum samples were analyzed by the Raman spectra, from which 23 presented positive serology to toxoplasmosis and one was a reference negative serum. Characteristic Raman peaks allowed differentiation between negative and positive sera, confirming the possibility of antibody detection by Raman spectroscopy. These results give the first evidence that this technique can be useful to quantify antibodies in cat sera.
A Saccharomyces cerevisiae-expressed nucleocapsid (N) polypeptide of the M41 strain of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) was used as antigen in a recombinant yeast-expressed N protein-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Y-N-ELISA). The Y-N-ELISA was rapid, sensitive, and specific for detecting chicken serum antibodies to IBV, and it compared favorably with a commercial ELISA.