805 resultados para VIDEO PROMOCIONAL


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Se muestra la necesidad de la creación de un estándar que facilite el intercambio de datos entre empresas productoras de vídeo y cadenas de distribución. Se muestra un posible modelo en la forma de transmisión, modelo de datos y procesado de datos.


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A highly parallel and scalable Deblocking Filter (DF) hardware architecture for H.264/AVC and SVC video codecs is presented in this paper. The proposed architecture mainly consists on a coarse grain systolic array obtained by replicating a unique and homogeneous Functional Unit (FU), in which a whole Deblocking-Filter unit is implemented. The proposal is also based on a novel macroblock-level parallelization strategy of the filtering algorithm which improves the final performance by exploiting specific data dependences. This way communication overhead is reduced and a more intensive parallelism in comparison with the existing state-of-the-art solutions is obtained. Furthermore, the architecture is completely flexible, since the level of parallelism can be changed, according to the application requirements. The design has been implemented in a Virtex-5 FPGA, and it allows filtering 4CIF (704 × 576 pixels @30 fps) video sequences in real-time at frequencies lower than 10.16 Mhz.


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Automatic analysis of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) video has the potential to drive new solutions that alleviate existing needs for safer surgeries: reproducible training programs, objective and transparent assessment systems and navigation tools to assist surgeons and improve patient safety. As an unobtrusive, always available source of information in the operating room (OR), this research proposes the use of surgical video for extracting useful information during surgical operations. Methodology proposed includes tools' tracking algorithm and 3D reconstruction of the surgical field. The motivation for these solutions is the augmentation of the laparoscopic view in order to provide orientation aids, optimal surgical path visualization, or preoperative virtual models overlay


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Systems relying on fixed hardware components with a static level of parallelism can suffer from an underuse of logical resources, since they have to be designed for the worst-case scenario. This problem is especially important in video applications due to the emergence of new flexible standards, like Scalable Video Coding (SVC), which offer several levels of scalability. In this paper, Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) of modern FPGAs is used to achieve run-time variable parallelism, by using scalable architectures where the size can be adapted at run-time. Based on this proposal, a scalable Deblocking Filter core (DF), compliant with the H.264/AVC and SVC standards has been designed. This scalable DF allows run-time addition or removal of computational units working in parallel. Scalability is offered together with a scalable parallelization strategy at the macroblock (MB) level, such that when the size of the architecture changes, MB filtering order is modified accordingly


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Automatic visual object counting and video surveillance have important applications for home and business environments, such as security and management of access points. However, in order to obtain a satisfactory performance these technologies need professional and expensive hardware, complex installations and setups, and the supervision of qualified workers. In this paper, an efficient visual detection and tracking framework is proposed for the tasks of object counting and surveillance, which meets the requirements of the consumer electronics: off-the-shelf equipment, easy installation and configuration, and unsupervised working conditions. This is accomplished by a novel Bayesian tracking model that can manage multimodal distributions without explicitly computing the association between tracked objects and detections. In addition, it is robust to erroneous, distorted and missing detections. The proposed algorithm is compared with a recent work, also focused on consumer electronics, proving its superior performance.


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In this paper we present a scalable software architecture for on-line multi-camera video processing, that guarantees a good trade off between computational power, scalability and flexibility. The software system is modular and its main blocks are the Processing Units (PUs), and the Central Unit. The Central Unit works as a supervisor of the running PUs and each PU manages the acquisition phase and the processing phase. Furthermore, an approach to easily parallelize the desired processing application has been presented. In this paper, as case study, we apply the proposed software architecture to a multi-camera system in order to efficiently manage multiple 2D object detection modules in a real-time scenario. System performance has been evaluated under different load conditions such as number of cameras and image sizes. The results show that the software architecture scales well with the number of camera and can easily works with different image formats respecting the real time constraints. Moreover, the parallelization approach can be used in order to speed up the processing tasks with a low level of overhead


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We analyze the effect of packet losses in video sequences and propose a lightweight Unequal Error Protection strategy which, by choosing which packet is discarded, reduces strongly the Mean Square Error of the received sequence


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Multimedia distribution through wireless networks in the home environment presents a number of advantages which have fueled the interest of industry in recent years, such as simple connectivity and data delivery to a variety of devices. Together with High-Definition (HD) contents, multimedia wireless networks have been proposed for several applications, such as IPTV and Digital TV distribution for multiple devices in the home environment. For these scenarios, we propose a multicast distribution system for High-Definition video over 802.11 wireless networks based on rate-limited packet retransmission. We develop a limited rate ARQ system that retransmits packets according to the importance of their content (prioritization scheme) and according to their delay limitations (delay control). The performance of our proposed ARQ system is evaluated and compared with a similarly rate-limited ARQ algorithm. The results show a higher packet recovery rate and improvements in video quality for our proposed system.


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This paper presents a mapping method for wide row crop fields. The resulting map shows the crop rows and weeds present in the inter-row spacing. Because field videos are acquired with a camera mounted on top of an agricultural vehicle, a method for image sequence stabilization was needed and consequently designed and developed. The proposed stabilization method uses the centers of some crop rows in the image sequence as features to be tracked, which compensates for the lateral movement (sway) of the camera and leaves the pitch unchanged. A region of interest is selected using the tracked features, and an inverse perspective technique transforms the selected region into a bird’s-eye view that is centered on the image and that enables map generation. The algorithm developed has been tested on several video sequences of different fields recorded at different times and under different lighting conditions, with good initial results. Indeed, lateral displacements of up to 66% of the inter-row spacing were suppressed through the stabilization process, and crop rows in the resulting maps appear straight


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Métrica de calidad de video de alta definición construida a partir de ratios de referencia completa. La medida de calidad de video, en inglés Visual Quality Assessment (VQA), es uno de los mayores retos por solucionar en el entorno multimedia. La calidad de vídeo tiene un impacto altísimo en la percepción del usuario final (consumidor) de los servicios sustentados en la provisión de contenidos multimedia y, por tanto, factor clave en la valoración del nuevo paradigma denominado Calidad de la Experiencia, en inglés Quality of Experience (QoE). Los modelos de medida de calidad de vídeo se pueden agrupar en varias ramas según la base técnica que sustenta el sistema de medida, destacando en importancia los que emplean modelos psicovisuales orientados a reproducir las características del sistema visual humano, en inglés Human Visual System, del que toman sus siglas HVS, y los que, por el contrario, optan por una aproximación ingenieril en la que el cálculo de calidad está basado en la extracción de parámetros intrínsecos de la imagen y su comparación. A pesar de los avances recogidos en este campo en los últimos años, la investigación en métricas de calidad de vídeo, tanto en presencia de referencia (los modelos denominados de referencia completa), como en presencia de parte de ella (modelos de referencia reducida) e incluso los que trabajan en ausencia de la misma (denominados sin referencia), tiene un amplio camino de mejora y objetivos por alcanzar. Dentro de ellos, la medida de señales de alta definición, especialmente las utilizadas en las primeras etapas de la cadena de valor que son de muy alta calidad, son de especial interés por su influencia en la calidad final del servicio y no existen modelos fiables de medida en la actualidad. Esta tesis doctoral presenta un modelo de medida de calidad de referencia completa que hemos llamado PARMENIA (PArallel Ratios MEtric from iNtrInsic features Analysis), basado en la ponderación de cuatro ratios de calidad calculados a partir de características intrínsecas de la imagen. Son: El Ratio de Fidelidad, calculado mediante el gradiente morfológico o gradiente de Beucher. El Ratio de Similitud Visual, calculado mediante los puntos visualmente significativos de la imagen a través de filtrados locales de contraste. El Ratio de Nitidez, que procede de la extracción del estadístico de textura de Haralick contraste. El Ratio de Complejidad, obtenido de la definición de homogeneidad del conjunto de estadísticos de textura de Haralick PARMENIA presenta como novedad la utilización de la morfología matemática y estadísticos de Haralick como base de una métrica de medida de calidad, pues esas técnicas han estado tradicionalmente más ligadas a la teledetección y la segmentación de objetos. Además, la aproximación de la métrica como un conjunto ponderado de ratios es igualmente novedosa debido a que se alimenta de modelos de similitud estructural y otros más clásicos, basados en la perceptibilidad del error generado por la degradación de la señal asociada a la compresión. PARMENIA presenta resultados con una altísima correlación con las valoraciones MOS procedentes de las pruebas subjetivas a usuarios que se han realizado para la validación de la misma. El corpus de trabajo seleccionado procede de conjuntos de secuencias validados internacionalmente, de modo que los resultados aportados sean de la máxima calidad y el máximo rigor posible. La metodología de trabajo seguida ha consistido en la generación de un conjunto de secuencias de prueba de distintas calidades a través de la codificación con distintos escalones de cuantificación, la obtención de las valoraciones subjetivas de las mismas a través de pruebas subjetivas de calidad (basadas en la recomendación de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones BT.500), y la validación mediante el cálculo de la correlación de PARMENIA con estos valores subjetivos, cuantificada a través del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Una vez realizada la validación de los ratios y optimizada su influencia en la medida final y su alta correlación con la percepción, se ha realizado una segunda revisión sobre secuencias del hdtv test dataset 1 del Grupo de Expertos de Calidad de Vídeo (VQEG, Video Quality Expert Group) mostrando los resultados obtenidos sus claras ventajas. Abstract Visual Quality Assessment has been so far one of the most intriguing challenges on the media environment. Progressive evolution towards higher resolutions while increasing the quality needed (e.g. high definition and better image quality) aims to redefine models for quality measuring. Given the growing interest in multimedia services delivery, perceptual quality measurement has become a very active area of research. First, in this work, a classification of objective video quality metrics based on their underlying methodologies and approaches for measuring video quality has been introduced to sum up the state of the art. Then, this doctoral thesis describes an enhanced solution for full reference objective quality measurement based on mathematical morphology, texture features and visual similarity information that provides a normalized metric that we have called PARMENIA (PArallel Ratios MEtric from iNtrInsic features Analysis), with a high correlated MOS score. The PARMENIA metric is based on the pooling of different quality ratios that are obtained from three different approaches: Beucher’s gradient, local contrast filtering, and contrast and homogeneity Haralick’s texture features. The metric performance is excellent, and improves the current state of the art by providing a wide dynamic range that make easier to discriminate between very close quality coded sequences, especially for very high bit rates whose quality, currently, is transparent for quality metrics. PARMENIA introduces a degree of novelty against other working metrics: on the one hand, exploits the structural information variation to build the metric’s kernel, but complements the measure with texture information and a ratio of visual meaningful points that is closer to typical error sensitivity based approaches. We would like to point out that PARMENIA approach is the only metric built upon full reference ratios, and using mathematical morphology and texture features (typically used in segmentation) for quality assessment. On the other hand, it gets results with a wide dynamic range that allows measuring the quality of high definition sequences from bit rates of hundreds of Megabits (Mbps) down to typical distribution rates (5-6 Mbps), even streaming rates (1- 2 Mbps). Thus, a direct correlation between PARMENIA and MOS scores are easily constructed. PARMENIA may further enhance the number of available choices in objective quality measurement, especially for very high quality HD materials. All this results come from validation that has been achieved through internationally validated datasets on which subjective tests based on ITU-T BT.500 methodology have been carried out. Pearson correlation coefficient has been calculated to verify the accuracy of PARMENIA and its reliability.


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INTRODUCTION: The EVA (Endoscopic Video Analysis) tracking system a new tracking system for extracting motions of laparoscopic instruments based on non-obtrusive video tracking was developed. The feasibility of using EVA in laparoscopic settings has been tested in a box trainer setup. METHODS: EVA makes use of an algorithm that employs information of the laparoscopic instrument's shaft edges in the image, the instrument's insertion point, and the camera's optical centre to track the 3D position of the instrument tip. A validation study of EVA comprised a comparison of the measurements achieved with EVA and the TrEndo tracking system. To this end, 42 participants (16 novices, 22 residents, and 4 experts) were asked to perform a peg transfer task in a box trainer. Ten motion-based metrics were used to assess their performance. RESULTS: Construct validation of the EVA has been obtained for seven motion-based metrics. Concurrent validation revealed that there is a strong correlation between the results obtained by EVA and the TrEndo for metrics such as path length (p=0,97), average speed (p=0,94) or economy of volume (p=0,85), proving the viability of EVA. CONCLUSIONS: EVA has been successfully used in the training setup showing potential of endoscopic video analysis to assess laparoscopic psychomotor skills. The results encourage further implementation of video tracking in training setups and in image guided surgery.


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The spreading of new systems of broadcasting and distribution of multimedia content has had as a consequence a larger need for aggregation of data and metadata to traditionally based contents of video and audio supply. Broadcasting chains of this type of channels have become overwhelmed by the quantity of resources, infrastructures and development needed for these channels to provide information. In order to avoid this kind of shortcomings, several recommendations and standards have been created to exchange metadata between production and distribution of taped programs. The problem lies in live programs, producers sometimes offer data to channels but most often, channels are not able to face required developments. The key to this problem is cost reduction. In this work, a study is conducted on added services which producers may provide to the media about content; a system is found by which additional communication expenses are not made and a model of information transfer is offered which allows low cost developments to supply new media platforms.


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ATM, SDH or satellite have been used in the last century as the contribution network of Broadcasters. However the attractive price of IP networks is changing the infrastructure of these networks in the last decade. Nowadays, IP networks are widely used, but their characteristics do not offer the level of performance required to carry high quality video under certain circumstances. Data transmission is always subject to errors on line. In the case of streaming, correction is attempted at destination, while on transfer of files, retransmissions of information are conducted and a reliable copy of the file is obtained. In the latter case, reception time is penalized because of the low priority this type of traffic on the networks usually has. While in streaming, image quality is adapted to line speed, and line errors result in a decrease of quality at destination, in the file copy the difference between coding speed vs line speed and errors in transmission are reflected in an increase of transmission time. The way news or audiovisual programs are transferred from a remote office to the production centre depends on the time window and the type of line available; in many cases, it must be done in real time (streaming), with the resulting image degradation. The main purpose of this work is the workflow optimization and the image quality maximization, for that reason a transmission model for multimedia files adapted to JPEG2000, is described based on the combination of advantages of file transmission and those of streaming transmission, putting aside the disadvantages that these models have. The method is based on two patents and consists of the safe transfer of the headers and data considered to be vital for reproduction. Aside, the rest of the data is sent by streaming, being able to carry out recuperation operations and error concealment. Using this model, image quality is maximized according to the time window. In this paper, we will first give a briefest overview of the broadcasters requirements and the solutions with IP networks. We will then focus on a different solution for video file transfer. We will take the example of a broadcast center with mobile units (unidirectional video link) and regional headends (bidirectional link), and we will also present a video file transfer file method that satisfies the broadcaster requirements.


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Immersion and interaction have been identified as key factors influencing the quality of experience in stereoscopic video systems. An experimental prototype designed to explore the influence of these factors in 3D video applications is described here1. The focus is on the real-time insertion algorithm of new 3D models into the original video streams. Using this algorithm, our prototype is aimed to explore a new interaction paradigm ? similar to the augmented reality approach ? with 3D video applications.


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The latest video coding standards developed, like HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding, approved in January 2013), require for their implementation the use of devices able to support a high computational load. Considering that currently it is not enough the usage of one unique Digital Signal Processor (DSP), multicore devices have appeared recently in the market. However, due to its novelty, the working methodology that allows produce solutions for these configurations is in a very initial state, since currently the most part of the work needs to be performed manually. In consequence, the objective set consists on finding methodologies that ease this process. The study has been focused on extend a methodology, under development, for the generation of solutions for PCs and embedded systems. During this study, the standards RVC (Reconfigurable Video Coding) and HEVC have been employed, as well as DSPs of the Texas Instruments company. In its development, it has been tried to address all the factors that influence both the development and deployment of these new implementations of video decoders, ranging from tools up to aspects of the partitioning of algorithms, without this can cause a drop in application performance. The results of this study are the description of the employed methodology, the characterization of the software migration process and performance measurements for the HEVC standard in an RVC-based implementation. RESUMEN Los estándares de codificación de vídeo desarrollados más recientemente, como HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding, aprobado en enero de 2013), requieren para su implementación el uso de dispositivos capaces de soportar una elevada carga computacional. Teniendo en cuenta que actualmente no es suficiente con utilizar un único Procesador Digital de Señal (DSP), han aparecido recientemente dispositivos multinúcleo en el mercado. Sin embargo, debido a su novedad, la metodología de trabajo que permite elaborar soluciones para tales configuraciones se encuentra en un estado muy inicial, ya que actualmente la mayor parte del trabajo debe realizarse manualmente. En consecuencia, el objetivo marcado consiste en encontrar metodologías que faciliten este proceso. El estudio se ha centrado en extender una metodología, en desarrollo, para la generación de soluciones para PC y sistemas empotrados. Durante dicho estudio se han empleado los estándares RVC (Reconfigurable Video Coding) y HEVC, así como DSPs de la compañía Texas Instruments. En su desarrollo se ha tratado de atender a todos los factores que influyen tanto en el desarrollo como en la puesta en marcha de estas nuevas implementaciones de descodificadores de vídeo; abarcando desde las herramientas a utilizar hasta aspectos del particionado de los algoritmos, sin que por ello se produzca una reducción en el rendimiento de las aplicaciones. Los resultados de este estudio son una descripción de la metodología empleada, la caracterización del proceso de migración de software, y medidas de rendimiento para el estándar HEVC en una implementación basada en RVC.