898 resultados para Two Approaches
Purpose – This paper aims to marry Michael Porter’s industrial cluster theory of traded and local clusters to Richard Florida’s occupational approach of creative and routine workers to gain a better understanding of the process of economic development. Design/methodology/approach – Combining these two approaches, four major industrial-occupational categories are identified. The shares of US employment in each – creative-in-traded, creative-in-local, routine-in-traded and routine-in-local – are calculated, and a correlation analysis is used to examine the relationship of each to regional economic development indicators. Findings – Economic growth and development is positively related to employment in the creative-in-traded category. While metros with a higher share of creative-in-traded employment enjoy higher wages and incomes overall, these benefits are not experienced by all worker categories. The share of creative-in-traded employment is also positively and significantly associated with higher inequality. After accounting for higher median housing costs, routine workers in both traded and local industries are found to be relatively worse off in metros with high shares of creative-in-traded employment, on average. Social implications – This work points to the imperative for the US Government and industry to upgrade routine jobs, which make up the majority of all employment, by increasing the creative content of this work. Originality/value – The research is among the first to systematically marry the industry and occupational approaches to clusters and economic development.
Geography has almost become obsolete. The world’s goods and services can now be accessed instantaneously by electronic commerce. Small and medium sized countries have felt the cold winds of change blowing, and have adopted the “safety in numbers” philosophy. Regional organisations throughout the world have sprung up, with their original raison d'être the encouragement and development of regional trading blocks. Two of the most developed regional groupings are the EU/EC and NAFTA. These two organisations represent two quite different philosophies of regional trade groupings, with contrasting legal structures. The advent of Trade Globalisation, with the founding of the WTO has brought these two approaches into confrontation, as each side of the Atlantic Ocean tries to influence the development on the naissant WTO. This paper examines the two contrasting legal structures, and the conflict on an inter regional level that they are engendering.
En raison du virage semi-autoritaire de l’État russe au début des années 2000, l’adaptation aux mesures contraignantes de l’État, qu’elle soit consciente ou inconsciente, constitue un aspect fondamental du quotidien des ONG de défense des droits de l’homme russes. Cependant, il s’agit d’une question jusqu’ici négligée dans la littérature scientifique. Ainsi, ce mémoire a pour objet d’examiner la démarche d’adaptation d’une ONG particulièrement active sur la scène russe, le Centre des droits de l’homme Memorial, entre 1999 et 2014. La recherche révèle que cette ONG emploie deux méthodes afin de s’adapter aux mesures étatiques et que celles-ci sont, en fait, des principes d’action adoptés par l’organisation au moment de sa création. Le premier principe d’action s’appuie sur la coopération et la solidarité développées par le Centre des droits de l’homme Memorial avec d’autres ONG russes, des ONG internationales et des organisations internationales. En partenariat avec ces organisations, le Centre des droits de l’homme Memorial élabore des activités de recherche et de plaidoyer et mène des missions de surveillance des droits de l’homme. Ce principe d’action renforce considérablement la capacité d’adaptation de l’ONG et favorise l’exercice de son rôle de contrepouvoir. Le second principe d’action se fonde sur la recherche de collaboration constructive avec l’État. Lors d’interactions ponctuelles avec les autorités, l’organisation exerce un rôle d’expert en matière de droits de l’homme et tente de réduire les entraves posées à la société civile. Outre sa propriété adaptative, cette méthode d’adaptation combine deux fonctions inhérentes à la société civile, soit la représentation des intérêts des citoyens auprès des instances étatiques et l’établissement d’un partenariat avec l’État dans le but d’amener ce dernier à adopter des pratiques démocratiques. Ce mémoire montre la capacité du Centre des droits de l’homme Memorial à se mouvoir d’une méthode d’adaptation à l’autre afin de maximiser son action.
Les zéolithes étant des matériaux cristallins microporeux ont démontré leurs potentiels et leur polyvalence dans un nombre très important d’applications. Les propriétés uniques des zéolithes ont poussé les chercheurs à leur trouver constamment de nouvelles utilités pour tirer le meilleur parti de ces matériaux extraordinaires. Modifier les caractéristiques des zéolithes classiques ou les combiner en synergie avec d’autres matériaux se trouvent être deux approches viables pour trouver encore de nouvelles applications. Dans ce travail de doctorat, ces deux approches ont été utilisées séparément, premièrement avec la modification morphologique de la ZSM-12 et deuxièmement lors de la formation des matériaux de type coeur/coquille (silice mésoporeuses@silicalite-1). La ZSM-12 est une zéolithe à haute teneur en silice qui a récemment attiré beaucoup l’attention par ses performances supérieures dans les domaines de l’adsorption et de la catalyse. Afin de synthétiser la ZSM-12 avec une pureté élevée et une morphologie contrôlée, la cristallisation de la zéolithe ZSM-12 a été étudiée en détail en fonction des différents réactifs chimiques disponibles (agent directeur de structure, types de silicium et source d’aluminium) et des paramètres réactionnels (l’alcalinité, ratio entre Na, Al et eau). Les résultats présentés dans cette étude ont montré que, contrairement à l’utilisation du structurant organique TEAOH, en utilisant un autre structurant, le MTEAOH, ainsi que le Al(o-i-Pr)3, cela a permis la formation de monocristaux ZSM-12 monodisperses dans un temps plus court. L’alcalinité et la teneur en Na jouent également des rôles déterminants lors de ces synthèses. Les structures de types coeur/coquille avec une zéolithe polycristalline silicalite-1 en tant que coquille, entourant un coeur formé par une microsphère de silice mésoporeuse (tailles de particules de 1,5, 3 et 20-45 μm) ont été synthétisés soit sous forme pure ou chargée avec des espèces hôtes métalliques. Des techniques de nucléations de la zéolithe sur le noyau ont été utilisées pour faire croitre la coquille de façon fiable et arriver à former ces matériaux. C’est la qualité des produits finaux en termes de connectivité des réseaux poreux et d’intégrité de la coquille, qui permet d’obtenir une stéréosélectivité. Ceci a été étudié en faisant varier les paramètres de synthèse, par exemple, lors de prétraitements qui comprennent ; la modification de surface, la nucléation, la calcination et le nombre d’étapes secondaires de cristallisation hydrothermale. En fonction de la taille du noyau mésoporeux et des espèces hôtes incorporées, l’efficacité de la nucléation se révèle être influencée par la technique de modification de surface choisie. En effet, les microsphères de silice mésoporeuses contenant des espèces métalliques nécessitent un traitement supplémentaire de fonctionnalisation chimique sur leur surface externe avec des précurseurs tels que le (3-aminopropyl) triéthoxysilane (APTES), plutôt que d’utiliser une modification de surface avec des polymères ioniques. Nous avons également montré que, selon la taille du noyau, de deux à quatre traitements hydrothermaux rapides sont nécessaires pour envelopper totalement le noyau sans aucune agrégation et sans dissoudre le noyau. De tels matériaux avec une enveloppe de tamis moléculaire cristallin peuvent être utilisés dans une grande variété d’applications, en particulier pour de l’adsorption et de la catalyse stéréo-sélective. Ce type de matériaux a été étudié lors d’une série d’expériences sur l’adsorption sélective du glycérol provenant de biodiesel brut avec des compositions différentes et à des températures différentes. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à ceux utilisant des adsorbants classiques comme par exemple du gel de sphères de silice mésoporeux, des zéolithes classiques, silicalite-1, Si-BEA et ZSM-5(H+), sous forment de cristaux, ainsi que le mélange physique de ces matériaux références, à savoir un mélange silicalite-1 et le gel de silice sphères. Bien que le gel de sphères de silice mésoporeux ait montré une capacité d’adsorption de glycérol un peu plus élevée, l’étude a révélé que les adsorbants mésoporeux ont tendance à piéger une quantité importante de molécules plus volumineuses, telles que les « fatty acid methyl ester » (FAME), dans leur vaste réseau de pores. Cependant, dans l’adsorbant à porosité hiérarchisée, la fine couche de zéolite silicalite-1 microporeuse joue un rôle de membrane empêchant la diffusion des molécules de FAME dans les mésopores composant le noyau/coeur de l’adsorbant composite, tandis que le volume des mésopores du noyau permet l’adsorption du glycérol sous forme de multicouches. Finalement, cette caractéristique du matériau coeur/coquille a sensiblement amélioré les performances en termes de rendement de purification et de capacité d’adsorption, par rapport à d’autres adsorbants classiques, y compris le gel de silice mésoporeuse et les zéolithes.
L’objectif du chapitre consiste à dresser un bilan des acquis concernant les relations entre lecture-compréhension et écriture-rédaction. Deux approches sont envisagées. La première s’appuie sur des évaluations globales des dimensions relatives dites au bas niveau (au code : écriture et décodage) et des dimensions de haut niveau (compréhension et production textuelle). Elle met en évidence des relations fortes entre les premières, mais plutôt faibles entre les secondes. La seconde approche procède à la mise en relation entre composantes des deux activités : lexique (en lecture et en production), syntaxe, structure des textes, etc. Elle fait apparaître une plus grande complexité des relations et une relative indépendance des composantes. Elle conduit à reposer la question des impacts respectifs et réciproques de la lecture-compréhension sur l’écriture-rédaction. Elle amène à s’interroger sur ce que seraient les effets d’une pratique accordant une priorité à la production plutôt qu’à la lecture-compréhension et à rechercher les modalités d’intervention visant à améliorer l’une à partir de l’autre, et réciproquement.
The relationship between career counseling and psychotherapy is not a new subject. The debate allows the affirmation of career counseling as a dimension of personal counseling and recognizes the close relationship between psychosocial and career issues (Blustein & Spengler, 1995). The connection between these two approaches paves the way for the integration of career counseling with psychotherapy. Indeed, the inseparability of mental health and career issues frequently leads psychotherapists to help their clients to deal with work satisfaction, underemployment or unemployment through psychotherapy. Moreover, when working with specific populations (e.g., people with intellectual disabilities and people with addiction or mental health problems), psychotherapy calls for occupational integration to consolidate and enhance therapeutic gains (Blustein, 1987; Jordan & Kahnweiler, 1995; Leff & Warner, 2006).
The increasingly strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions make the fuel economy a pressing factor for automotive manufacturers. Lightweighting and engine downsizing are two strategies pursued to achieve the target. In this context, materials play a key role since these limit the engine efficiency and components weight, due to their acceptable thermo-mechanical loads. Piston is one of the most stressed engine components and it is traditionally made of Al alloys, whose weakness is to maintain adequate mechanical properties at high temperature due to overaging and softening. The enhancement in strength-to-weight ratio at high temperature of Al alloys had been investigated through two approaches: increase of strength at high temperature or reduction of the alloy density. Several conventional and high performance Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys have been characterized from a microstructural and mechanical point of view, investigating the effects of chemical composition, addition of transition elements and heat treatment optimization, in the specific temperature range for pistons operations. Among the Al-Cu alloys, the research outlines the potentialities of two innovative Al-Cu-Li(-Ag) alloys, typically adopted for structural aerospace components. Moreover, due to the increased probability of abnormal combustions in high performance spark-ignition engines, the second part of the dissertation deals with the study of knocking damages on Al pistons. Thanks to the cooperation with Ferrari S.p.A. and Fluid Machinery Research Group - Unibo, several bench tests have been carried out under controlled knocking conditions. Knocking damage mechanisms were investigated through failure analyses techniques, starting from visual analysis up to detailed SEM investigations. These activities allowed to relate piston knocking damage to engine parameters, with the final aim to develop an on-board knocking controller able to increase engine efficiency, without compromising engine functionality. Finally, attempts have been made to quantify the knock-induced damages, to provide a numerical relation with engine working conditions.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a widespread arrhythmia, associated with higher risk of stroke, sleep disorders and dementia. In some conditions, electrical cardioversion (ECV) represents the best choice for rhythm control. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in developing new devices for screening and monitoring of AF patients. We aimed to improve acute efficacy of ECV procedure and to explore the feasibility of the use of new wearable devices for monitoring in candidates to AF ECV. We compared antero-apical pads vs antero-posterior patches approach for AF ECV, and we elaborated a decision algorithm to improve acute efficacy. After, we evaluated the feasibility of the use of new wearable devices for monitoring of candidates to AF ECV. In particular, we analysed the effect of AF ECV on heart rate variability and vascular age parameters derived from PPG signals registered with Empatica (CE 1876/MDD 93/42/EEC), and on EEG pattern registered with Neurosteer (Israel). From December 2005 to September 2019, 492 patients were enrolled. We evaluated acute efficacy of the two approaches for AF ECV and we elaborated a decision algorithm based on body surface area, weight, and height. The decision algorithm improved first shock efficacy (93.2% vs. 87.2%, p=0.025). From 1st November 2021 to 1st April 2022, 24 patients were enrolled in PPEEG-AF pilot study. Considering vascular age parameters, a significant reduction in TPR and a wave was observed (p<0.001). Considering sleep patterns, a tendency to higher coherence was observed in registrations acquired during AF, or considering signals registered for each patient independently from AF. The new decision algorithm improved acute efficacy and reduced costs associated with adhesive patches. Significant modifications were observed on vascular age parameters measured before and after ECV, and a possible AF effect on sleep pattern was noticed. More data are necessary to confirm these preliminary results.
In recent years, there has been exponential growth in using virtual spaces, including dialogue systems, that handle personal information. The concept of personal privacy in the literature is discussed and controversial, whereas, in the technological field, it directly influences the degree of reliability perceived in the information system (privacy ‘as trust’). This work aims to protect the right to privacy on personal data (GDPR, 2018) and avoid the loss of sensitive content by exploring sensitive information detection (SID) task. It is grounded on the following research questions: (RQ1) What does sensitive data mean? How to define a personal sensitive information domain? (RQ2) How to create a state-of-the-art model for SID?(RQ3) How to evaluate the model? RQ1 theoretically investigates the concepts of privacy and the ontological state-of-the-art representation of personal information. The Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) is the taxonomic resource taken as an authoritative reference for the definition of the knowledge domain. Concerning RQ2, we investigate two approaches to classify sensitive data: the first - bottom-up - explores automatic learning methods based on transformer networks, the second - top-down - proposes logical-symbolic methods with the construction of privaframe, a knowledge graph of compositional frames representing personal data categories. Both approaches are tested. For the evaluation - RQ3 – we create SPeDaC, a sentence-level labeled resource. This can be used as a benchmark or training in the SID task, filling the gap of a shared resource in this field. If the approach based on artificial neural networks confirms the validity of the direction adopted in the most recent studies on SID, the logical-symbolic approach emerges as the preferred way for the classification of fine-grained personal data categories, thanks to the semantic-grounded tailor modeling it allows. At the same time, the results highlight the strong potential of hybrid architectures in solving automatic tasks.
Bone disorders have severe impact on body functions and quality life, and no satisfying therapies exist yet. The current models for bone disease study are scarcely predictive and the options existing for therapy fail for complex systems. To mimic and/or restore bone, 3D printing/bioprinting allows the creation of 3D structures with different materials compositions, properties, and designs. In this study, 3D printing/bioprinting has been explored for (i) 3D in vitro tumor models and (ii) regenerative medicine. Tumor models have been developed by investigating different bioinks (i.e., alginate, modified gelatin) enriched by hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to increase printing fidelity and increase biomimicry level, thus mimicking the organic and inorganic phase of bone. High Saos-2 cell viability was obtained, and the promotion of spheroids clusters as occurring in vivo was observed. To develop new syntethic bone grafts, two approaches have been explored. In the first, novel magnesium-phosphate scaffolds have been investigated by extrusion-based 3D printing for spinal fusion. 3D printing process and parameters have been optimized to obtain custom-shaped structures, with competent mechanical properties. The 3D printed structures have been combined to alginate porous structures created by a novel ice-templating technique, to be loaded by antibiotic drug to address infection prevention. Promising results in terms of planktonic growth inhibition was obtained. In the second strategy, marine waste precursors have been considered for the conversion in biogenic HA by using a mild-wet conversion method with different parameters. The HA/carbonate ratio conversion efficacy was analysed for each precursor (by FTIR and SEM), and the best conditions were combined to alginate to develop a composite structure. The composite paste was successfully employed in custom-modified 3D printer for the obtainment of 3D printed stable scaffolds. In conclusion, the osteomimetic materials developed in this study for bone models and synthetic grafts are promising in bone field.
The domestication and selection processes in pigs and rabbits have resulted in the constitution of multiple breeds with broad phenotypic diversity. Population genomics analysis and Genome-wide association study analysis can be utilized to gain insights into the ancestral origins, genetic diversity, and the presence of lethal mutations across these diverse breeds. In this thesis, we analysed the dataset obtained from three Italian Pig breeds to detect deleterious alleles. We screened the dataset for genetic markers showing homozygous deficiency using two approaches single marker and haplotype-based approach. Moreover, Genome-wide association study analyses were performed to detect genetic markers associated with pigs' reproductive traits. In rabbits, we investigated the application of SNP bead chip for detection signatures of selection in rabbits using different methods. This analysis was implemented for the first time in different fancy and meet rabbit breeds. Multiple approaches were utilized for the detection of the selection of signatures including Fst analysis, ROH analysis, PCAdapt analysis, and haplotype-based analysis. The analysis in pigs was able to identify five putative deleterious SNPs and nine putative deleterious haplotypes in the analysed Italian Pig breeds. The genomic regions of the detected putative deleterious genomic markers harboring loss of function variants such as the Frameshift variant, start lost, and splice donor variant. Those variants are close to important candidate genes such as IGF2BP1, ADGRL4, and HGF. In rabbits, multiple genomic regions were detected to be under selection of signature. These genomic regions harbor candidate genes associated with coat color phenotype (MC1R, TYR, and ASIP), hair structure (LIPH), and body size (HMGA2 and COL2A1). The described results in rabbits and pigs could be used to improve breeding programs by excluding the deleterious genetic markers carriers and incorporating candidate genes for coat color, body size, and meat production in rabbit breeding programs to enhance desired traits
Aim of the present study was to develop a statistical approach to define the best cut-off Copy number alterations (CNAs) calling from genomic data provided by high throughput experiments, able to predict a specific clinical end-point (early relapse, 18 months) in the context of Multiple Myeloma (MM). 743 newly diagnosed MM patients with SNPs array-derived genomic and clinical data were included in the study. CNAs were called both by a conventional (classic, CL) and an outcome-oriented (OO) method, and Progression Free Survival (PFS) hazard ratios of CNAs called by the two approaches were compared. The OO approach successfully identified patients at higher risk of relapse and the univariate survival analysis showed stronger prognostic effects for OO-defined high-risk alterations, as compared to that defined by CL approach, statistically significant for 12 CNAs. Overall, 155/743 patients relapsed within 18 months from the therapy start. A small number of OO-defined CNAs were significantly recurrent in early-relapsed patients (ER-CNAs) - amp1q, amp2p, del2p, del12p, del17p, del19p -. Two groups of patients were identified either carrying or not ≥1 ER-CNAs (249 vs. 494, respectively), the first one with significantly shorter PFS and overall survivals (OS) (PFS HR 2.15, p<0001; OS HR 2.37, p<0.0001). The risk of relapse defined by the presence of ≥1 ER-CNAs was independent from those conferred both by R-IIS 3 (HR=1.51; p=0.01) and by low quality (< stable disease) clinical response (HR=2.59 p=0.004). Notably, the type of induction therapy was not descriptive, suggesting that ER is strongly related to patients’ baseline genomic architecture. In conclusion, the OO- approach employed allowed to define CNAs-specific dynamic clonality cut-offs, improving the CNAs calls’ accuracy to identify MM patients with the highest probability to ER. As being outcome-dependent, the OO-approach is dynamic and might be adjusted according to the selected outcome variable of interest.
Purpose: To evaluate changes in anterior corneal topography and higher-order aberrations (HOA) after 14-days of rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lens (CL) wear in keratoconus subjects comparing two different fitting approaches. Methods: Thirty-one keratoconus subjects (50 eyes) without previous history of CL wear were recruited for the study. Subjects were randomly fitted to either an apical-touch or three-pointtouch fitting approach. The lens’ back optic zone radius (BOZR) was 0.4 mm and 0.1 mm flatter than the first definite apical clearance lens, respectively. Differences between the baseline and post-CL wear for steepest, flattest and average corneal power (ACP) readings, central corneal astigmatism (CCA), maximum tangential curvature (KTag), anterior corneal surface asphericity, anterior corneal surface HOA and thinnest corneal thickness measured with Pentacam were compared. Results: A statistically significant flattening was found over time on the flattest and steepest simulated keratometry and ACP in apical-touch group (all p < 0.01). A statistically significant reduction in KTag was found in both groups after contact lens wear (all p < 0.05). Significant reduction was found over time in CCA (p = 0.001) and anterior corneal asphericity in both groups (p < 0.001). Thickness at the thinnest corneal point increased significantly after CL wear (p < 0.0001). Coma-like and total HOA root mean square (RMS) error were significantly reduced following CL wearing in both fitting approaches (all p < 0.05). Conclusion: Short-term rigid gas-permeable CL wear flattens the anterior cornea, increases the thinnest corneal thickness and reduces anterior surface HOA in keratoconus subjects. Apicaltouch was associated with greater corneal flattening in comparison to three-point-touch lens wear.
The use of substitute groups in biomonitoring programs has been proposed to minimize the high financial costs and time for samples processing. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the correlation between (i) the spatial distribution among the major zooplankton groups (cladocerans, copepods, rotifers, and testaceans protozoa), (ii) the data of density and presence/absence of species, and (iii) the data of species, genera, and families from samples collected in the Lago Grande do Curuai, Pará, Brazil. A total of 55 sample of the zooplanktonic community was collected, with 28 samples obtained in March and 27 in September, 2013. The agreement between the different sets of data was assessed using Mantel and Procrustes tests. Our results indicated high correlations between genus level and species level and high correlations between presence/absence of species and abundance, regardless of the seasonal period. These results suggest that zooplankton community could be incorporated in a long-term monitoring program at relatively low financial and time costs.