599 resultados para Nossa Senhora do Loreto


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The revolution caused by the internet and its various social networks eventually bring forth fruitful reflections on cyberculture and the power of identity construction. What seemed purely fashion has become way of being, representation of self, reality creation (Lévy, 1996). Considering language as a social phenomenon, which occurs through interaction, as explicit in Bakhtin (1929), the speech aired on social networks shapes the profile of their users, constructing identities which, according to Hall (2006), are multiple and non-permanent . This research seeks to examine the use of Twitter by school students, developing a reflection on the construction of their own identities in cyberspace. The subjects are students of Educandário Nossa Senhora das Vitórias, private school in Assú/RN, all graduates from high school. Understanding the Vestibular year as a decisive and a reflection engine ever present about their condition of students, subjects eventually express their anxieties, fears and perspectives in the virtual environment, providing us with enough material to analyze how they are high school students, expectations for appropriate selection processes, plus several representations belonging to the school environment. From the discourse conveyed on Twitter expressed in Featured posts, this study reveals the identities of high school students that emerge from it, which led the cast of some evidence. From them, despite the multiplicity of identities observed, presented some common aspects that corroborate the requirements provided for specific objectives, such as: feeling of belonging to a group - class and school; change of routine and behavior towards education; desecration of traditional teaching practices; changing the identity of students'writings. The analysis of postings enables us to know the perceptions of students regarding the school, the disciplines , the pace of studies, interest in school practices, and from such evidence, the perception of how vestibular modify your daily life and a fondness their identities as school students.


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Con la presente tesi viene esaminato un metodo per modificare la frequenza di risonanza di trasduttori piezoelettrici mediante applicazione di carichi elettrici esterni. L'elaborato inizia con la presentazione dei cristalli utilizzati nel lavoro di tesi, concentrandosi sul processo di fabbricazione di un bimorph cantilever impiegato come convertitore elettromeccanico di energia, la cui frequenza di risonanza è modellizzata analiticamente mediante la legge di Newton e il modello di Euler-Bernoulli. Su tale struttura vengono condotte misure mediante shaker elettrodinamico e analizzatore d'impedenza, ai fini di giusticare il modello analitico presentato. Con lo scopo di sincronizzare la frequenza di risonanza del cantilever con la vibrazione dell'ambiente per massimizzare la potenza disponibile, viene proposto un algoritmo MPPT secondo l'approccio Perturba e Osserva (P&O), al quale è fornita in ingresso la tensione efficace di un layer di materiale piezoelettrico. Valutare la sua risposta in tensione, presenta dei limiti applicativi che hanno portato a prendere in considerazione un approccio totalmente diff�erente, basato sullo sfasamento tra la tensione di un trasduttore piezoelettrico e il segnale di accelerazione impiegato come eccitazione. Misure sperimentali sono state condotte con l'obiettivo di validare l'efficacia di quest'ultimo approccio qualora si voglia sincronizzare la frequenza di risonanza dei piezo con segnali di vibrazione reali.


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Despite its central role in religious life of the region, the sculptural tradition of the Southern Chilean Chiloé Archipelago, ranging from the 17th century to the present day, has been vastly understudied. Isidoro Vázquez de Acuña’s 1994 volume Santeria de Chiloe: ensayo y catastro remains the only catalogue of Chilote sculpture. Though the author includes photographs of a vast array of works, he does not attempt to place the sculptures within a chronology, or consider their place within the greater Latin American context. My thesis will place this group of works within a chronological and geographical context that reaches from the 16th century to the present day, connected to the artistic traditions of regions as far afield as Paraguay and Lima. I will first consider the works brought to the Archipelago by religious orders – the Jesuits and Franciscans – as well as influences on artistic style and religious culture throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. I will focus in particular on three works generally considered to be from the 17th and 18th centuries – the Virgin of Loreto at Achao, the Saint Michael at Castro, and the Jesus Nazareno of Caguach – using visual analysis and sifting through generations of primary and secondary sources to determine from where and when these sculptures came. With this investigation as a foundation, I will consider how they inspired vernacular sculptural expression and trace ‘family trees’ of vernacular works based on these precedents. Vernacular artistic traditions are often viewed as derivative and lacking in skill, but Chilote sculptors in fact engaged with a variety of outside influences and experimented with different sculptural styles. I will conclude by considering which aspects of these styles Chilote artists chose to incorporate into their own work, alter or exclude, artistic decisions that shed light on the Archipelago’s religious and cultural fabric.


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Time use surveys -despite having represented a turning point in the study of inequalities between women and men- continue hiding care times and subtracting relevance to the qualitative dimensions of time. This due both, to the ideological conception that lies behind this type of studies that consider more relevant market process as to surveys methodology. This article analyzes the theoretical model that lies behind time use surveys and, consequently, the study of the conceptual aspects, the methodology and the potential of these surveys as an analytical instrument. The aim is to unraveling the limitations presented by the surveys to take in account the subjective dimensions of time related to the wellbeing of  people.


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This article studies the house of seclusion established for devout Indian and mestizo laywomen in the town of Pasig in 1740, and the dispute over tribute obligations that affected retreated or “pious” women. Founded outside of the Royal Patronato, this house of seclusion was extraordinarily attractive as a place for voluntary retreat and as an educational center. The dispute over tribute payments brought to light misgivings and conflicts of interest between the parties involved, while revealing the fundamental problem: the traditionally undefined juridical status of this type of establishment on the Islands. The solution given to the problem (tribute exemption) was to be extended to other similar centers in the Philippines. This article, realized with the use of unpublished documentation from the General Archives of the Indies, contributes therefore to our knowledge of the world of women in the Philippine archipelago; an ambit of great complexity that, as of yet, has been insufficiently studied.


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El presente trabajo tiene por objeto presentar la primera aproximación a las relaciones interétnicas en el escenario del Fuerte San José y el Puesto de la Fuente, desde una perspectiva histórica y arqueológica. En particular, presentaremos los primeros resultados de las investigaciones históricas respecto de la problemática mencionada, sobre la base de información inédita analizada hasta el momento. Para ello nos centraremos en los primeros diez años de vida en el Fuerte (1779-1789) y estableceremos una comparación con los otros dos asentamientos que formaron parte del plan de poblamiento español de las costa patagónica (siglo XVIII): el Fuerte Nuestra Señora del Carmen y la Nueva Colonia de Floridablanca, a los efectos de destacar la particularidad del Fuerte San José en el marco de la variabilidad de la estructuración de las relaciones interétnicas en las colonias patagónicas.


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[EN] Different types of fungi and bacteria have been isolated from hatched and non-hatched as well as failed and non-failed eggs in natural sea turtles nests (Marco et al. 2006, Phillott and Parmenter, 2001, Phillott et al. 2001). Microbiota infections are common in artificial incubation activities and they seem to have an important negative impact on embryo development (Phillott, 2002). However, no clear evidences of their pathogenic effects have been described. The aim of this study was to investigate whether fungi and bacteria represent pathogenic agents to sea turtle eggs, and to assess whether there exists a specific period during incubation in which eggs are more susceptible to microorganisms.


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ARAÚJO, M. M. ; Olivia M. de Medeiros Neta ; FIGUEIREDO, Franselma. Reverências à vida terrena e post-mortem (Caicó-RN, século XIX). Revista HISTEDBR On-line, v. 33, p. 179-193, mar. 2009


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[EN] The loggerhead population of Cape Verde is one of the most important in the world. Several islands from this archipelago capture nesting females for human consumption. This a widespread practice in the local population that can be killing more than 25% of nesting females every year. This activity is not relevant for the general economy of the country but can be important for some families.


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[EN] Because of the extensive migrations of marine turtles through the ocean, many aspects of their biology have been unknown for a long time. However, much information has been recently gained from genetic studies and population monitoring of female turtles at their nesting sites. In contrast, still very little is known on the genetic diversity, population structure and dispersal patterns of the male breeding population, mainly because of the difficulty of capturing and monitoring them at sea. The aim of this study is to assess the genetic patterns of the male breeding population of the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, using a non invasive approach and compare them to the female breeding population.


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[EN] Complex population structure has been described for the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), revealing lower levels of population genetic structure in nuclear compared to mitochondrial DNA assays. This may result from mating during spatially overlapping breeding migrations, or male-biased dispersal as previously found for the green turtle (Chelonia mydas). To further investigate these multiple possibilities, we carried out a comparative analysis from twelve newly developed microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA control region (~804 bp) in adult females of the Cape Verde Islands (n=158), and Georgia, USA (n=17).


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Background: Acute lower extremity compartment syndrome (CS) is a condition that untreated causes irreversible nerve and muscle ischemia. Treatment by decompression fasciotomy without delay prevents permanent disability. The use of intracompartmental pressure (iCP) measurement in uncertain situations aids in diagnosis of severe leg pain. As an infrequent complication of lower extremity trauma, consequences of CS include chronic pain, nerve injury, and contractures. The purpose of this study was to observe the clinical and functional outcomes for patients with lower extremity CS after fasciotomy. Methods: Retrospective chart analysis for patients with a discharge diagnosis of CS was performed. Physical demographics, employment status, activity at time of injury, injury severity score, fracture types, pain scores, hours to fasciotomy, iCP, serum creatine kinase levels, wound treatment regimen, length of hospital stay, and discharge facility were collected. Lower extremity neurologic examination, pain scores, orthopedic complications, and employment status at 30 days and 12 months after discharge were noted. Results: One hundred twenty‑four patients were enrolled in this study. One hundred and eight patients were assessed at 12 months. Eighty‑one percent were male. Motorized vehicles caused 51% of injuries in males. Forty‑one percent of injuries were tibia fractures. Acute kidney injury occurred in 2.4%. Mean peak serum creatine kinase levels were 58,600 units/ml. Gauze dressing was used in 78.9% of nonfracture patients and negative pressure wound vacuum therapy in 78.2% of fracture patients. About 21.6% of patients with CS had prior surgery. Nearly 12.9% of patients required leg amputation. Around 81.8% of amputees were male. Sixty‑seven percent of amputees had associated vascular injuries. Foot numbness occurred in 20.5% of patients and drop foot palsy in 18.2%. Osteomyelitis developed in 10.2% of patients and fracture nonunion in 6.8%. About 14.7% of patients underwent further orthopedic surgery. At long‑term follow‑up, 10.2% of patients reported moderate lower extremity pain and 69.2% had returned to work. Conclusion: Escalation in leg pain and changes in sensation are the cardinal signs for CS rather than reliance on assessing for firm compartments and pressures. The severity of nerve injury worsens with the delay in performing fasciotomy. Standardized diagnostic protocols and wound treatment strategies will result in improved outcomes from this complication.


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The object of this work is a fellowship of São Sebastião e Nossa Senhora do Rosário in the city of Jardim do Seridó (RN), that is, a black catholic fellowship on the sertão potiguar. The devotion to Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in colonial Brazil, organizes itself through black catholic men as fellowships. They blossomed in Brazil until the abolition, getting support from the Catholic church, from owners of slaves and from the population in general − unlike others afro-Brazilian religious expression. Today, these fellowships remain active, against the sentimental pessimism of the folklore studies, and they also have a highlight position in the calendar of many cities in Brazil, and in particular in Seridó. The research s foothold is the apparent valorization of the fellowship by the local elite, attitude that hides asymmetric relationships between the group of negros do Rosário and the local authorities, having as its consequence that the members occupy a subaltern position inside their own fellowship. This subalternity take place, mainly, in the public area, where the negros do Rosário cannot represent themselves neither political nor discursively. To discuss this idea, it s done a brief historical of these catholic institutions as well as a description of the relationship between the negros do Rosário and the elites of the city. Then, the phenomenon is analyzed as folklore and/or religion , under the perspective of many agents that participate in this process. In other moment, it is going to be presented how the group formulates their own representation of the history, of the devotional forms and of their own political-religious experiences. In this sense, an ethnography of the subalternity is understood as an analysis of the process that leads the negros do Rosário to become a subaltern group. It s also outlined the perception that the group has of its own position, through an ethnography essay of the subaltern subject. The research, focused in the group of Rosário, was done between August 2010 and January 2012 and includes other agents (like treasurers, priests and intellectuals). Besides that, as a methodological complement, there are documental research, photography, as well as shoots of the party days and public presentation


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El objeto de la invención es un captador solar constituido por un concentrador cilindroparabólico (CCP) aislado térmicamente (4), una cubierta de vidrio en su plano de apertura (1), un absorbedor tubular situado en su foco por el que circula un fluido caloportador (3), con o sin encapsulamiento de vidrio (2), y un mecanismo de lamas rotativas absorbedoras (5). El invento permite, mediante la rotación de las lamas, optar entre un modo de operación en concentración solar en el absorbedor focal para el aprovechamiento de la radiación solar directa (3) y un modo de operación en placa plana convencional para aprovechamiento de la radiación solar global (6). Su uso se propone como parte de instalaciones solares térmicas con el fin de a) alimentar con un solo elemento procesos que presentan demandas combinadas de baja y media temperatura en función de su programación temporal o estacional, b) permitir un aprovechamiento solar suplementario en instalaciones de CCP durante períodos de radiación directa reducida y c) contar con capacidad adicional de regulación de temperatura y radiación.