913 resultados para Mediaeval philosophy and theology
In his January 12, 2015 interview with Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard, Dennis Stamper shares his memories of being one of the first male, day students from 1969-1972. Stamper details his studies and professors from the Philosophy and Religion Department, as well as the Psychology Department. Stamper includes his perception of the atmosphere at Winthrop during a time of great change in the country, and how that experience coupled with his work in the Wesley Foundation and the influence he received from professors paved the way for he currently lives his life. Stamper concludes his interview detailing his studies and careers after Winthrop. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.
Este estudo demonstrou os impactos do E.C.R. ¿ Resposta Eficiente ao Consumidor na cadeia de suprimentos de uma empresa de varejo, precisamente do grupo Sendas, empresa esta que busca na logística um diferencial competitivo para sobreviver neste mercado acompanhando as mudanças e as melhorias operacionais no fluxo de produtos e das operações, causadas pela evolução tecnológica que o varejo vem sofrendo nos últimos anos. Para tanto foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográfica e documental, de forma a embasar conceitualmente e com informações relevantes a caracterização da empresa inserindo a mesma neste contexto de cadeia de suprimentos e foco no cliente, estabelecendo uma relação entre a empresa pesquisada e a aplicação da tecnologia existente. Quanto aos aspectos relacionados aos ganhos de eficiência, houve uma preocupação com a implantação das ferramentas do E.C.R. como um fator determinante para a perpetuação do negócio. Os ganhos de eficiência permitiram a empresa este diferencial competitivo na disputa pelo mercado, certamente outros aspectos como atendimento são relevantes para garantir a eficiência da cadeia, portanto, avaliamos as interfaces entre os participantes da cadeia (fabricantes, fornecedores), grupo Sendas (varejista) e consumidores. Assim, concluímos este estudo mapeando pontos fortes e fracos desta relação, identificando as barreiras a serem vencidas e algumas recomendações.
Resumo da dissertação apresentada à Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública - EBAP da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - EBAP, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Administração Pública A Participação do Empregado na Implantação de um Programa de Gerência da Qualidade Total: A Região Operacional da Embratel no Rio de Janeiro Clarissa de Souza Monteiro Campos Setembro, 1996 Centro de Formação Acadêmica e Pesquisa Orientador: Prof.: Paulo Reis Vieira O trabalho visa analisar um programa de Qualidade Total focalizando a questão da participação dos funcionários no mesmo. Através de uma pesquisa de campo, pretendeu-se levantar a questão da participação dentro dos programas de qualidade, bem como sua repercussão na adesão dos funcionários à filosofia do programa de Qualidade Total e no desenvolvimento do processo da melhoria contínua na organização. De cunho exploratório e caráter qualitativo, a pesquisa de campo desenvolvida não teve pretensões de generalização. Com metodologia qualitativa, a pesquisa objetivou produzir dados descritivos relativos à observação de comportamentos e palavras escritas das pessoas investigadas. Não houve preocupação de resolver os problemas ou avaliar acertos e contradições no processo de implantação do TQC. A pesquisadora baseou-se, para aplicação e avaliação dos dados coletados, na suposição de que: através das contradições podem-se ser configuradas possíveis saídas para problemas e, portanto, estas devem ser olhadas como ponto de partida para a implantação de melhorias no processo atual da organização. A experiência de implantação do Programa de Qualidade Total na Região Operacional do Rio de Janeiro na Embratel, até onde a limitação dos dados coletados permite concluir, teve mais pontos fortes do que fracos no que diz respeito a questão da participação dos funcionários. Pode-se acreditar que as limitações observadas pela pesquisa são passíveis de superação mediante um esforço de esclarecimento sobre os objetivos e, principalmente, sobre as metas do Programa, permitindo um possível aumento do grau de adesão dos funcionários no mesmo.
Dada a relevância do tema - Personalidade - em Psicologia e apesar da incompletude das diversas teorias até hoje existentes, resolveu-se estudá-la à luz de Kurt Goldstein. A escolha deste autor se deve a seu trabalho metodológico tanto quanto ao fato de ser ele desconhecido dentro do saber psicológico. Esta dissertação é de cunho teórico, embora se reconheça as limitações de só atuar em teoria. Conjuntamente à obra de Goldstein o conceito foi examinado dentro dos pressupostos gestálticos, tendo sido ele observado também fenomenologiacamente, ao nível da teoria dos sistemas, da filosofia e da abordagem holista no interior de um esquema interdisciplinar. A tentativa é de aproximar um modelo proposto por Goldstein. Conclui-se ser a personalidade um processo ininterrupto e em atividade constante. Funciona em favor da unidade organísmica dentro d'um tempo que lhe configura. Expressa-se em comportamentos privilegiados sendo representada mas n'uma representação de constituição pela linguagem. Faz parte da Personalidade interligar-se, manter relações e permanecer sempre inacabada.
A graduação de filosofia no Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro caracterizava-se, principalmente nos primórdios da década de 70, por uma orientação tradicional, dogmática e a-histórica, gerando no corpo discente a perplexidade e o desinteresse pelo curso. Orientação que, segundo os depoimentos de professores e alunos de períodos anteriores, não era específica da década de 70, mas que perpetuava-se a alguns anos no curso dessa instituição, "gerando, em alguns momentos históricos, o conflito entre a proposta oficial do curso e os anseios e interesses de seu corpo discente. Considerando a filosofia, não como um discurso teórico "perene", "imutável" e "a-histórico", mas como parte inerente à história, refletindo, assim, suas mudanças e contradições, buscam-se através de um estudo histórico que inicia-se no período colonial e vai até a década de 60 no século XX -as causas determinantes do imobilismo, do dogmatismo e da a-historicidade que caracterizaram a graduação de filosofia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Manteve-se sempre como pano de fundo dessa trajetória histórica o conflito entre a proposta oficial da graduação de filosofia e os anseios e interesses, enfim, a perspectiva dos alunos no que se refere ao ensino de filosofia. Conflito que evidencia a dicotomia ser/pensar perpetuada pelo ensino de filosofia no contexto educacional brasileiro.
Neste trabalho aborda-se o conceito de interação como fator de relevante importância para o desenvolvimento da psicologia. Para tanto, analisou-se a evolução da ciência ocidental desde suas raízes na Grécia Antiga até aos dias atuais, ressaltando as revoluções científicas que trouxeram alguma modificação ao pensamento científico. Esse enfoque permitiu verificar-se que duas características marcantes predominaram na ciência: o dualismo e o mecanicismo que a Revolução Científica do século XVII acentuou graças à filosofia de Descartes e à física de Newton. Segundo o paradigma cartesiano-newtoniano, interação, em psicologia nada mais é que a atuação de alguma coisa sobre outra e vice-versa; em outros termos, o ser humano é o resultante de forças, quer sejam internas, quer sejam externas, que atuam sobre ele e as quais ele reage. Logo, interação revela uma conotação mecanicista linear de causa e efeito. A visão fisicalista e reducionista impediu, de certa forma, o desenvolvimento da psicologia que sofre, como toda a ciência em geral, uma transformação e consequente reformulação e criação de conceitos. Assim concluiu-se que, neste novo quadro, a psicologia considerando o homem como um sistema, isto é, um conjunto cujas partes, todas relevantes, integram numa luta permanente de ser e não ser, de ordem e desordem em constante reorganização, salienta-se o conceito de interação como um fator de conhecimento maior, mais completo do homem, um ser tão paradoxal e contraditório segundo metodologias inadequadas para sua investigação.
A debate occurred in 1958 at the Harvard Law Review has become a landmark for contemporary philosophy of law. Still under the philosophical and moral impact of the Second World War, Herbert L. A. Hart published his version of legal positivism whitin the article entitled Positivism and the Separation of Law and Moral. The answer came from Lon Fuller’s Positivism and Fidelity to Law – A Reply to Prof. Hart. Much of the debate took place over a seemingly prosaic exemple: a rule prohibiting vehicles from a park. With this exemple, Hart argued that rules have a core of clear aplications, but this core meaning would be sorrounded by a penumbra of uncertainty. Fuller uses a counter-exemple to instist that legal language, by itself, cannot determine a certain outcome: it is necessary to understand the purpose for wich the rule was suppose to serve. This paper analyses this controversy from its most important features: i) the connection between legal philosophy and philosophy of language; ii) the possibility of legal interpretation; iii) and the different possibles points of view for the analysis of law. This paper argues that the study of these features sheds light on the problems we encounter in contemporary philosophy of law, especialy with regard to theories of legal argumentation and its relation with legal langague and legal interpretation.
This dissertation addresses the electronic surveillance theme in the banking context. The research that originated it, which was held in an organization called for the fiction name Banco Total, started from the following driving question: How do workers at a bank perceive electronic surveillance at their process of work? The research s main objective was to comprehend how workers perceive electronic surveillance at their process of work. The study adopted an interdisciplinary perspective, having Management as the original field, establishing a dialogue with others disciplines, like Philosophy and Sociology. About its methodology, it s a qualitative research that addressed its object in oral (interviews with live history elements) way. . Ten individuals were interviewed. The analytical process utilized the hermeneutical-dialectics technique.. From the analyses (hermeneutics) of the data, the following themes have emerged: (i) Acquiescence ; (ii) Monitoring; (iii) Time and Motion; (iv) Fear; (v) Interdiction; and (vi) Resistance . From the discussion (dialectic) of the results, this work presents three synthetic propositions that culminate in the following dimensions (i) control; (ii) acquiescence; (iii) corporative totalitarianism. It can be concluded that electronic surveillance is one mechanism of control emerged from the apply of technology at Total Bank; that information technology has been improving the control mechanisms of management theories; and that the imbrications between management and material technology control mechanisms at a context where there is acquiescence by workers contribute for the emergency of corporative totalitarianism components
The work presented here is about aspects of the constitutional extension in which is the public civil action with the objective of verifying its aptitute in tutelaging subjective situations derived from fundamental rights, especially right to health assistance. Thus, it offers a clear analysis of the practical functioning of most aspects of the public civil action (lawsuit), with philosophical foundation and necessary doctrinaire to your comphehension. How it once was (history), how it could be (reform suggestion), how it is (current interpretation of the law) and how it should be (critic analysis of the microsystem of collective tutelaging of rights, its perspectives, as well as the efficacy of the public cilvil action about accomplishment of the right to health as supraindividual right). The objective is to analyse the main version of the theme (for instance: the impacts caused to the dissociation of the Procurations theory), so that it can be extracted the philosophy and the general theory, of the public civil action and collective tutelaging in general, pragmatically applicable to study purposes. With this theorical fountain, the reader will be in a more solid position, not only being able to understand the subtilities of the public civil action, but mainly being able to recognize its faults and present solid reform proposals and improvement. It is know that the Juridical Power (Procuration) does not allow any more inactivity about negating accession to health in its collective dimension (lato sensu: spread, collective stricto sensu and homogeneous individuals), being imputed to it novel usage that consolidates in the assumption of the role instrument set aside to be used by all with organized instancy of solution to collective conflicts in large sense. This happens, overall, because of the current justice politization, understood as juridical activism, connected to the struggle between the groups defending their interests and the acceptance of the constitution about solidifying the public politics of quality health
The thesis presents the body poetry and its inscribing in the myth and Butô dance. The argumentation highlights the sensitive dimension present in these itineraries, as a possibility to operate the emergency of knowing inscribed in the body, bringing a kind of rationality that links the fragments, that allows the knowing to break through the barriers of disciplinary isolation, that abandons the certainties and goes through the ways of creation and that gives the body new space and time, featuring epistemological elements, ethical and esthetical, that can permit a sensitive education. All along the way, we comprehend by sensitive education, a education that considers the relinking of logical, analogical, symbolic and artistic knowledge and therefore reconsiders the own act of knowing as a continuous and inconcluded process. That sensitive education is also understood as retaking the body experience, its sensitive nature, as well as being meaningful to reading the world. It includes the body memory, its history and creativity, opening it to innovation, change, sense amplification and dialogue with other bodies and world, because it is within them. It is about an investigation of phenomenologic nature, that dialogues philosophy and art, pointing breakdowns of this reflection foe the body and education studies. We find it necessary to notice the body language, that allows one to think through movements, articulate a thought that is risen from articulations, guts and all the body. This incarnated reason starts the expressive body action, that makes us move to mean, communicate, inaugurate senses. Among these senses, we present a possibility of approach of the elements of Butô dance teaching and physical education, as ways of sensitive education showings of body poetry
The Nossa Senhora da Conceição Seminary, installed in 1894, by Dom Adauto Aurélio de Miranda Henriques, first Paraíba Bishop, and the Episcopal Seminary of the Sagrado Coração de Jesus, implanted in 1913, by Dom José Thomas Gomes da Silva, first Aracaju s Bishop diocese, were created as a result of lack of an official religious process proposed by the Brazilian Republic Proclamation, in 1889. With the appoint to enlarge the number of priests and change the image of the priest married and unrolled who used to identify the Catholic Church in the colonial and imperial Brazil. Such bishops developed into intellectuals in the government, dioceses and formation priest houses. I take as a study object, for this doctorate paper, the academic formation and priesthood developed in theses seminaries, from 1894 to 1933, once 1894 the year of João Pessoa Creation Seminar that was implied the Minor Course (preparation) and the Major one (built by Philosophy and God related studies) and the research limit year of 1933, is concerned about the Major Sergipe Seminary ending, which was created and has worked offering the Minor and Major courses, from 1913 to 1933. Showing the teaching models that guided and leaded the priest formation, referred as Seminaries, and the application result is the objective of this investigation. To comprehend the teaching models seminaries studied, my research line is the Catholic Church theme and priest formation in Brazil. In front of the object and the objective desired, I chose the historical comparative method and the scholars modals notions of Araujo de Barros (2004) and the Sirinelli intellectuals (1996). Such references allowed me to analyze the formation given in the seminary and seminarian participation and actions, included the sequence after the scholars formation. The thesis defended is that the teaching model developed in the Brazilian Seminaries, created after a non official religious process in the Brazilian government, deal with a model of one unique center (Seminary formation and aim pre arranged by Santa Sé), although adapted, presuming the local reality and formation structure (privileged not only spiritual and moral speaking, but intellectual also), was it responsible for intellectuals generations (teachers priests, educationalist priest, journalists priests and so on) that boost the education in Brazil. During the Republic first three decades, when, in thesis, the Government was becoming free religion, i.e., the government did not subsidize the Church anymore, and the Government, among others aspects, did not received any Church care to help the public teaching in the country. The investigation reveled accede, by bishops and their followers, such as by the Concílio de Trento pre concept, or by the others ideas, leading by the priests formation in Seminaries. By creating and stalling diocese Seminary, Bishop Dom Adauto and Dom José went further their functions, by the time they built inside themselves a teaching model thought from the main pedagogic logic, based on several religious exercises, moral and ethic, considered by themselves several knowledge connected to humanity, philosophy and God related studies). Following clearly rationalism principle (the way of teaching, which each subject has its own teacher and this class get together students with the same knowledge, regardless of age) and efficiency (trying to teach the whole content in each class), the Seminaries researched developed a whole education, allowed the structure of a spiritual education, moral and intellectual, for a quality developed by priests, including different levels that they used to performance. Their bottom line, actions and priest matter achievement allowed their broad fulfillment, in the way that priests matter were associated with cultural, educational, welfare assistance, at last, intellectuals
This master's thesis aims to ascertain how the Stakeholders interactions influence the adoption of green marketing strategies from the perspective of the Alpha Company, a furniture industry located in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The methodology has a qualitative approach and uses the exploratorydescriptive case study method as model of formal and systematic study. Following the theoretical and conceptual propositions of Polonsky (1995), Michell, Angle and Wood (1997) and Frooman (1999) as a reference base. This study identifies and assesses the importance degree of the relevant stakeholders, shows their expectations and needs and describes the tactics used by the company for the implementation of green marketing strategies. The study describes the reality of a furniture industry in Rio Grande do Norte, and shows his philosophy and background; identifies present stakeholders that influence the decision process of the company and also, analyzes the degree of importance of each group showing their needs and expectations and, finally, it states the changes in the organization with the implementation of green marketing strategies. The results it s concluded that stakeholders are taken into consideration in the adoption of green marketing strategies, even without a proper strategic perception from the company, an imperative to advance towards the adoption of the green marketing philosophy. This case study explores knowledge that may be used and suited to small companies that act in the strategic segment-trend of green marketing
The development of this work arises from the research of sociological and philosophical characters contemplating also other approaches which aims to answer the followingquestions: what is the responsibility of science teaching for the image one has about science? ; which scientific education should be designed for nowadays? . After considering the assumptions brought along by rationalism and the criticisms to the illuminist model proposed by sociology and philosophy of science, as well by the biology of the knowing process, going through discussions concerning post-modernity issues, one is given to understand that the image of science has become the central point of discussion in the last hundred years, including what concerns the area of science teaching, and that practically none of those discussions really reached natural science classes indeed. We adopt the term postontological to characterize the recent proposals on philosophy and sociology, because we evaluate that this term allows a better identification of the scientific realism crisis, which supports the existence of an ontological domain which science, and only science, is able to understand. One notices that the general public is not aware of those discussions, mainly if they are science teachers and students. So we believe that discussing the logic in which science is structured, the new understandings concerning the scientific undertaking, especially those of an externalist character, and the relationship between science and society, all of this contributes to build up a science teaching which contemplates a reflective contribution, besides allowing the inclusion of the study of other epistemologies in the educational practice. We argue that a revisionist posture seems to be the most appropriate for the contemporary scientific education, contemplating, besides the teaching of the usual science contents, discussions on the issues involving that knowledge, as well as respecting epistemologies alternative to the modern Western scientific one, in order one can work on the perception of local knowledge generated from other epistemological bases. We describe here practical activities we did involving teachers (short-term courses) and high-school students in an inland school in the Rio Grande do Norte state, in Brazil, as a way to demonstrate the possibility of interventions which can take those conceptions, discussions and changes to the classroom
This present research the aim to show to the reader the Geometry non-Euclidean while anomaly indicating the pedagogical implications and then propose a sequence of activities, divided into three blocks which show the relationship of Euclidean geometry with non-Euclidean, taking the Euclidean with respect to analysis of the anomaly in non-Euclidean. PPGECNM is tied to the line of research of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in the Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Treat so on Euclid of Alexandria, his most famous work The Elements and moreover, emphasize the Fifth Postulate of Euclid, particularly the difficulties (which lasted several centuries) that mathematicians have to understand him. Until the eighteenth century, three mathematicians: Lobachevsky (1793 - 1856), Bolyai (1775 - 1856) and Gauss (1777-1855) was convinced that this axiom was correct and that there was another geometry (anomalous) as consistent as the Euclid, but that did not adapt into their parameters. It is attributed to the emergence of these three non-Euclidean geometry. For the course methodology we started with some bibliographical definitions about anomalies, after we ve featured so that our definition are better understood by the readers and then only deal geometries non-Euclidean (Hyperbolic Geometry, Spherical Geometry and Taxicab Geometry) confronting them with the Euclidean to analyze the anomalies existing in non-Euclidean geometries and observe its importance to the teaching. After this characterization follows the empirical part of the proposal which consisted the application of three blocks of activities in search of pedagogical implications of anomaly. The first on parallel lines, the second on study of triangles and the third on the shortest distance between two points. These blocks offer a work with basic elements of geometry from a historical and investigative study of geometries non-Euclidean while anomaly so the concept is understood along with it s properties without necessarily be linked to the image of the geometric elements and thus expanding or adapting to other references. For example, the block applied on the second day of activities that provides extend the result of the sum of the internal angles of any triangle, to realize that is not always 180° (only when Euclid is a reference that this conclusion can be drawn)