979 resultados para Linguagem e línguas Estilo


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O objetivo da presente dissertao de Mestrado consiste em refletir sobre o conjunto das representaes e atitudes dos cabo-verdianos perante as línguas: o Crioulo e o Portugus. Como surgiu o Crioulo cabo-verdiano (daqui em diante Ccv)? Em que medida se pode falar da sua unidade e diversidade? Qual o futuro dessa lngua nacional? Como convive com a Lngua portuguesa (Lp daqui para frente), a lngua oficial do pas? Na verdade, pretendo retratar, usando os dados de todos conhecidos, a situao sociolingustica de Cabo Verde, sabendo-se que esse Arquiplago, situado ao largo da costa ocidental da frica, era desabitado at chegada dos portugueses no sculo XV. Com a colonizao e importao de escravos do continente, desenvolveu-se no Arquiplago uma lngua crioula de base lexical portuguesa, que hoje a lngua materna da grande maioria dos seus habitantes. Este olhar de fora sobre a situao lingustica cabo-verdiana, elaborado por um estrangeiro no-residente em Cabo Verde, fruto da investigao desenvolvida no mbito do mestrado em Estudos Regionais e Locais, tem como objetivo questionar o presente e o futuro do convvio entre o Crioulo e o Portugus nessa sociedade e cultura insulares de conformao mestia. Para o efeito, o estudo faz um levantamento de algumas questes associadas a esta rea da Lingustica (Sociolingustica e Poltica lingustica) e dos resultados da investigao ressaltam o bilinguismo com diglossia e o debate aceso entre alguns intelectuais falantes do Crioulo, em torno da oficializao da lngua materna em paridade com a lngua portuguesa, passados que foram trinta e oito anos (1975-2014), aps a independncia poltica do arquiplago de Cabo Verde.


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Este estudo descreve o estilo de vida e vulnerabilidade dos adolescentes do bairro Felipe Camaro em Natal-RN, a fim de compreender seus comportamentos, conforme vulnerabilidades identificadas. Foram aplicados 145 questionrios semi-estruturados entre os adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos, no perodo de janeiro, a abril de 2005. O estilo de vida descrito, conforme os dados colhidos, informa que 92,4% sabem da importncia de se alimentar bem, 86,9% tm sono preservado; 76,5% tm boa relao com seus pais. Porm, 86,9% afirmaram no haver rea de lazer/diverso no bairro, enquanto os 31,0% no responderam sobre higiene corporal; 41,4% consomem drogas lcitas (maioria lcool), enquanto 37,9%, as ilcitas (maioria cola); 51,7% dizem que no conversam sobre sexo, enquanto 30,3% conversam com suas mes; 38,0% esto sexualmente ativos, iniciados entre 13 a 16 anos. Os comportamentos de alguns adolescentes estudados indicam um estilo de vida saudvel, enquanto outros demonstram justamente o contrrio, atravs de prticas como: pouca participao no lazer, por falta de opo; consumo de drogas lcitas e ilcitas; a falta de dilogo com os pais sobre sexo; relacionamento sexual precoce, somados s condies econmicas e sociais desfavorecidas que os expem adoo de um estilo de vida que implica em vulnerabilidade


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The transformations economical, social and politics in you finish them decades of the century XX brought changes that didn't just limit to the production system. The flexible accumulation took many workers lost her/it their workstations and they look for her/it new survival forms, migrating for administrative activities, of services rendered and for the tourist activity of small and medium load. The State has been investing in the implantation of plans of tourist development in order to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of the tourist activity in Brazil, mainly in the Northeast. A space when it starts to present a predominant economical activity suffers a restructuring in their social and economical relationships. The restructuring of these relationships takes to the construction of a new espacialidade. In the city of Christmas, in Rio Grande do Norte, the neighborhood of Black Tip is the most representative of the public investments for the tourist development. After intense process of tourist urbanization, Black Tip passed interfering in the global context consolidating as the tourist locus in the city. The tourist urbanization of the neighborhood took to the transformation of the space in merchandise that is sold and consumed as such. The recreation of fragments of other cultures brought by social actors, resulting from migratory processes stimulated by the tourist development, it has been presenting ruled social relationships in the informational technology, consumption of global goods and in the fragmentation of the urban space characterized by the internationalization and cosmopolitizao. That process has been masking the inequalities partners and cultural as well as the territorial appropriation for an economical elite. The spaces are being appropriate for investors of the tourist section, private investors, agents and real estate producers, where the inequality is not just economical, but also cultural. The local population, mainly of the urban fraction of the Town of Black Tip, it doesn't participate of the productive process in function of the little or any professional qualification and he/she doesn't also have access to the consumption process. To the native ones it remains the fight for the preservation of his/her cultural identity and for the survival


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A epilepsia cursa com diversas comorbidades e, entre elas, esto as alteraes de linguagem, que levam a criana a problemas educacionais e sociais desfavorveis. A etiologia das alteraes de linguagem envolve aspectos orgnicos, cognitivos e sociais, ocorrendo, na maioria das vezes, uma interrelao entre todos esses fatores. A idade da primeira crise epilptica, o tipo de epilepsia, o uso de drogas antiepilpticas e a interveno medicamentosa em politerapia podem implicar na ocorrncia dessas alteraes em crianas. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi verificar a ocorrncia de alteraes de linguagem em crianas pr-escolares e escolares com diagnstico de epilepsia atendidas no setor de Neurologia Infantil do Hospital de Pediatria Professor Heriberto Ferreira Bezerra. Caracterizou-se como um estudo prospectivo e transversal realizado com 90 crianas com epilepsia, submetidas avaliao fonoaudiolgica de linguagem oral e de leitura e escrita e como pesquisa interdisciplinar uma vez que envolveu reas como a Fonoaudiologia, a Neurologia e a Psicologia. Os critrios de incluso foram: 1) diagnstico inequvoco de epilepsia, segundo a definio da ILAE (2005), 2) idade de 3 aos 12 anos, 3) padro neurolgico e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor normais; os de excluso: 1) diagnstico de epilepsia duvidoso, 2) padro neurolgico e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor alterados, 3) crianas com patologias peditricas associadas. Foram analisadas as seguintes variveis: sexo, idade da primeira crise epilptica, tipo de crise epilptica, regime de tratamento, presena de crise epilptica, frequncia escola, tipo de escola e repetncia. A anlise estatstica centrou-se na anlise descritiva; determinou-se a razo de chances (odds ratio), adotando-se um intervalo de confiana de 95%; e na aplicao do teste exato de Fisher, levando-se em considerao p<0,05. Portanto, no que se refere presena de alteraes de linguagem oral, pdese observar que o incio das crises epilpticas durante o perodo de aquisio e desenvolvimento da linguagem oral bem como o tratamento medicamentoso neste perodo podem interferir no desenvolvimento da linguagem devido imaturidade do sistema nervoso central alm dos aspectos socioambientais, uma vez que o estigma e as crenas errneas interferem negativamente no processo interacional to importante para a aquisio e desenvolvimento da linguagem, o que tambm repercute nas habilidades de leitura e escrita. Dessa forma percebe-se a importncia da atuao de uma equipe interdisciplinar (Fonoaudiologia, Psicologia e Neurologia Infantil) no processo avaliativo e no acompanhamento dos pacientes com epilepsia, o que trar benefcios psicosocioafetivos no que se refere reorganizao da sua qualidade de vida e, consequentemente, de seus familiares.


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Temticas emergentes e estratgicas da poltica de sade em nvel mundial tm suscitado reflexes para aes scio educativas com idosos. Esta pesquisa questiona as aspiraes desse segmento social face s experincias de qualidade proporcionadas pela atividade fsica. Objetivo: investigar as representaes sociais da atividade fsica na terceira idade. Mtodo: pesquisa de corte transversal com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. A amostra foi noprobabilstica e por convenincia apoiada na Teoria das Representaes Sociais e a Teoria do Ncleo Central. O estudo foi realizado com alunos de um projeto para a terceira idade com sede no Centro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica do Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET), no municpio de Natal/RN, Brasil. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se de questionrio semi-estruturado, composto de trs partes: A Parte I, para a caracterizao social da amostra e identificao da percepo da atividade fsica para a sade; a Parte II, com evocao livre de palavras e a Parte III, com uma questo aberta. Anlise dos dados: A explorao do material deu-se a partir dos seguintes softs: do SPSS para anlise de freqncia simples (parte I); do EVOC (parte II) e do ALCESTE (parte III). Complementarmente, foi utilizada a anlise de contedo a fim de inferir/corroborar sobre os ncleos de sentido da comunicao. Resultados: O ncleo central da representao foi composto por felicidade/sade/dana e ginstica, revelando diferentes entendimentos e mostrando tambm que o conhecimento construdo da atividade fsica assume um papel preponderante na vida de idosos, adquirindo gradativamente, a representao de vida com mais sade e qualidade na velhice . A composio do ncleo central ao considerar elaboraes mentais, emoes, prticas e explicaes oriundas do cotidiano que se introduzem na constituio da representao social em foco, poder influenciar as escolhas e estratgias de se desenvolver melhora nos padres de sade e na qualidade de vida dos idosos.


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This descriptive study aimed to investigate the relationship between expression of immunological (TCD4 +) and virological (viral load) parameters, lipodystrophy syndrome and lifestyle variables of people living with HIV who underwent a program of physicalexercise. Initially, the sample was composed by 17 persons, recorded at the Department of Giselda Trigueiro Hospital Care (GTH), Natal-RN . With the passing of the stages of intervention (physical training program- PTP) the number of participants has changed (17, 9, 8 and 7) as the training phases (I, II, III and IV). Data collected were on total cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and triglycerides. The % fat (% F), body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), lean mass (LM), central fat (BF), total (TF) and peripheral (PF), weight and height were used to measure the morphological parameters. For control of variables (TCD4 +, viral load, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, HDL), the information contained in the blood tests every four months were investigated. After Phase I and II, it was used a structured interview. Then sampling was carried out considering the pre-and post-tests 1, 2, 3 and 4 (after 16, 32, 48 and 64 weeks of training, respectively). Daily, the intensity of the work was checked by the scale of perceived exertion for exercises adapted to resistance34. Procedures used were descriptive statistics (dispersion, absolute and relative frequencies, means, standard deviations and minimum and maximum values) as well as Spearman linear correlation adopting a significance level of p &#8804; 0.05. Positive changes were observed for TCD4 + and viral load in all phases of the PTP. For the morphological components, the loss of central subcutaneous fat (CSF) and total subcutaneous fat (TSF) for both sexes and the decrease in % BF among women were the most dramatic results after the training phase I. For men, results were more significant to % F and LM in Phases I and II and peripheral subcutaneous fat (PSF) declined in all phases of the exercise. As for women, results were more expressive for % F and TM in the phases I and II and the PSF decreased in all phases of the exercise. Whereas for women, the waist/hip ratio (WCQ) and 0% F decreased and showed a positive association with triglycerides (WHR r * 0.82, p 0.042, r 0.88 TSF *, p 0.019 and r 1.00 ** CSF, p <0.001) and among men with limb subcutaneous fat (LSF)* r 0.65, p 0.029). The PTP provided improvement in the health, self-esteem and quality of life, proving to be a possible strategy to positively influence the expression of immunological parameters (TCD4 +) and virological (viral load) and morphological components of people living with HIV causing no deleterious effects in these parameters


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Brazilian Law n 9.615 of 24 March, 1998 established new paradigms in the employment relations existent between the soccer athlete and the sport association, both of whom are accustomed to the former legislation. They do not seem to have organized themselves in the sense of understanding the practical effects of the legal precepts currently in force, raising doubts that hinder the professional practice of the former and the performance of the latter in relation to managing these human resources. The purpose of this study is to analyze the degree of knowledge displayed by the professional soccer athlete about the legal recourses at his disposal in relation to the employment relations established in his work contract, as well as investigating the stress habits and stress situations that he most often experiences. This descriptive study consisted of a sample of 105 players under contract with clubs participating in the final phase of the state soccer championship. A questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument, whose analysis allows us to verify the lack of knowledge, on the part of the subjects studied, about the laws that regulate their profession, as well as identifying the stress habits and stress situations that are most reflected in their lifestyle. The lack of knowedge of regulate norms of their profession influences, in a negative way, in the lifestyle of soccer professional athlete from Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil


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Individual lifestyle includes health and risk behaviors that can altar health status. Excess weight is a public health problem of modern civilization and there is an estimated mean prevalence of 45% in European countries. In Spain, the Murcia Region is an area of high morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disorders. In this study we assess the differences in health and risk behaviors in ove/weight and normal weight undergraduates at the Universidad Catlica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). Methods: Transversal design of parallel groups (overweight - cases and normal weight - control) , formed using the anthropometric technique. A questionnaire applied to a sample of 471 undergraduates of either sex, between the ages of 18 and 29 years, enrolled in 4 bachelor degree courses (ADE, CA, PER, PUB) at UCAM. We performed a standardized measurement of body mass (weight in kg), height (in meters) using a Seca scale with calibrated stadiometer, waist and hip circumferences (in cm) with an inelastic tape and skinfolds thickness (triceps and subscapular in mm) with a Holtain caliper, to calculate body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and the sum of skinfolds (SSF). We applied a lifestyle questionnaire about alcohol and tobacco consumption, knowledge and behaviors related to health indicators (arterial pressure and cholesterol), diet and physical activity. The information was collected in April and May, 2001 at the UCAM laboratory of Applied Nutrition. Statistical analysis: analysis of independent groups, contingency tables that reveal which qualitativa variables show differences and associations between the groups, Pearson's chi-square,and a significance levei of p < 0.05 followed by a residual analysis (1.96). Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to establish the two groups: case and contrai with 65 men and 26 women each who had BMI < 25 kg/m2. Results: A total of 65 of the men assessed (14%) and 26 (6%) of the women were overweight. Mean body mass index of the case group was 27. 78 : 2.83 kg/m2 in the men and 26.26 1.37 kg/m2 in the women, while contrai group men had mean BMI of 22.36 1.72 kg/m2, while for the women it was 20.76 : 2.13 kg/m2. The self-declared values of weight and height were underestimated, but with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Thus, these can be used to calculate the BMI of overweight Spanish undergraduates. Regular vigorous physical activity was observed only in normal weight men. The analysis showed the following significant differences for the qualitativa variables of the two groups. The contrai group was interested in arterial hypertension, believed that they were not overweight, that they had no abdominal fat, and had not considered controlling 'fatty food consumption. Those who thought of controlling it sometimes, did so without professional help. However, part of the overweight group believed that they were overweight and had abdominal fat between average and considerable, had often or always considered controlling fatty foods and had often or always tried to control consumption with the help of professionals. They had always thought of engaging in physical activities, unlike the normal weight individuals. Nearly all (95%) of the overweight undergraduates and most (75%) of the normal weight group reported that they sometimes or always controlled fatty food ingestion. Mean physical activity was nearly twice as high in the summer than in the winter. Conclusions: The overweight undergraduates in this sample displayed a lifestyle with a greater number of healthy behaviors when compared to normal weight individuals


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Meu objetivo mostrar que as teses externalistas os significados no esto na cabea e os pensamentos no esto na cabea no implicam, necessariamente, a tese mais radical a mente no est na cabea. Trato dessa questo no mbito do Externalismo Social de Tyler Burge e Lynne Baker, argumentando que a importncia que esses pensadores atribuem linguagem nas questes relativas mente no significa, como uma leitura apressada poderia sugerir, a reduo da mente linguagem e, muito menos, a eliminao da mente. A minha concluso que o externalismo social lingustico no se constitui como uma estratgia eficaz de enfrentamento dos problemas da natureza da mente e de sua relao com o corpo.


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This research addresses the consumption of women's fashion, through an analysis of the contents of the Estilo magazine. This magazine is an licensing of American Instyle, directed at the female, published by Editora Abril in Brazil since 2002. To guide this research, in relation of the fashionable field, some relevants concepts and authors were worked, like Pierre Bourdieu, Gilda de Souza Melo, Georg Simmel, Gilles Lipovetsky among other fundamental to understanding both the consumption and fashion. Still in search of understanding the discourses that permeated the fashion world were done semi-structured interviews with two costume designers who work in two different shops specializing in fabrics in the Natal's city. Were analyzed Estilo magazines published from June 2008 to June 2009, relating to the data collected in interviews in order to understand how discourses are constructed and disseminated, becoming so efficient in the seduction of women's groups which is directed to achieve and consolidate the production of appropriate and acceptable form to wear


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior


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Pour beaucoup de chercheurs, il y a une crise l cole et dans l enseignement/apprentissage des langues qui est provoque par un enseignement cloisonn et dcontextualis de la ralit. Dans ce type d enseignement/apprentissage, le livre scolaire a une prsence si hgmonique qu il est la source quasi exclusive du discours pdagogique et on ne fait que trs rarement usage des langages du quotidien des apprenants. Le langage tlvisuel est un de ces langages qui pourraient tre utilis pour ciliter enseignement/apprentissage d une langue vivante, varie et en situation, car il permet l exploration de tous les composants de la comptence de communication. En mme temps, ce langage pourrait servir sensibiliser les apprenants une ducation aux mdias. Le journal tlvis peut favoriser un enseignement/apprentissage intgr de la langue maternelle et de la langue trangre, grce son format, similaire dans plusieurs cultures, et son importance en tant que reflet des valeurs socioculturels des socits. Ces qualits sont trs favorables pour stimuler le transfert des comptences entre la langue maternelle et la langue trangre, pour qu on puisse enseigner et apprendre une langue, et connatre une culture. Le journal tlvis est vu comme une source d information et son analyse en classe peut contribuer la formation d un apprenent/citoyen actualis, critique et conscient des problmes et des rpresentations des socits


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Ce travail se propose de discuter, dans les domaines de la linguistique applique, focaliss dans l enseignement-apprentissage de la langue maternelle, les processus didactique-pdagogique avec lesquels se construisent, interactivement, et s organisent les pratiques de lecture et d coute du genre roman, en tant qu objet enseign, dans le contexte du cours de langue portugaise. On cherche ici, spcifiquement, dcrire et interprter les diffrentes manires utilises par l enseignante pour apprendre la lecture et l coute du roman Le Petit Prince, d Antoine de Saint-Exupry, et, par consquent, la rception de ce genre du discours par les apprenants, rsultat des changes interactifs entre l enseignante et les apprenants pris dans le processus de transposition de savoirs propos de ce genre. La condition d existence de ces changes se trouve dans les procdures didactiques de l enseignant lorsqu il propose aux apprenants des activits de la lecture et de l coute des textes. Dans ce contexte, le corpus dont nous nous occupons se constitue des enregistrements en vido, audio et prises de notes dans les carnets de classe des cours de Portugais, pour la priode scolaire de 2005, avec un groupe de 5me anne de la formation fondamentale d une cole publique fdrale de Belm (PA). Du point de vue thorique-methodologique, nous nous inspirons des contributions de Moita-Lopes (2003) et Geertz (2006), surtout ce qui concerne la conception et les procdures de constitution et traitement des donnes selon les prsupposs de la recherche ethnographique. Encore du point de vue thorique et pour ce qui concerne l analyse des donnes, nous utilisons les contributions de Bakhtin (2003), sur les tudes nonciatif-discoursifs sous une conception dialogique du langage, les contributions issues des domaines des tudes appliques et des tudes en didactiques de langues, dans la section de Psychologie et Sciences de l ducation de l Universit de Genve, coordonne par Schneuwly, Dolz et ses collaborateurs (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 et 2005) envisageant la construction de l objet enseign par moyen d instruments didactiques, et, finalement, Rojo (2001 et 2002), et sa discussion sur l apprentissage des capacits de lecture essentielles la formation du lecteur et producteur l cole. L analyse des donnes obtenues nous a permis de relever la faon utilise par le professeur pour enseigner le genre roman, mettant en relief l apprentissage de la lecture par les apprenants travers les instruments didactiques capables de le faire devenir l objet enseign


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This production is a reflection about the practices/experiences involving the teaching of the dance developed by the teachers in the Ncleo de Educao Infantil (NEI/UFRN), with the children from 2 to 7 years old, having as objectives: describe and interpret the lived experiences with the dance focusing on the meaning of the dance and organization of the pedagogic job, identify blanks in the pedagogic practices of dance and appoint possible perspectives to the teaching of dance on the infant education. The way from the investigation has begun with the following question: Who do the teachers understand the dance and live it on the Ncleo de Educao Infantil? The research of phenomenological orientation toke as methodological reference the qualitative approach from the placed phenomenon type, this one has as beginning the interest on the phenomenon by the way as it happens on the lived experience from where comes the knowledge with we can present about the world, trying to interpret it, understand it on its essence/existence. The interviews showed that the researched subjects give to the dance different meanings and consequently present variations on the manner to organize the work around this knowledge. The most of the teachers recognizes the dance as a culture expression, being a priority on the school the job with the folkloric dances. They recognize too the dance as knowledge/content coming from the Arts and Physical Education areas and its relation with the knowledge from others areas on the pedagogic action. There were found different process on the way to conduct the job with the dance in relates from experiences done with dance at NEI and, therefore, of teach/learn this knowledge. Its perceptible that exists a systematic work with the objective of develop the dance and its various educative possibilities, starting from the research about its origins, the exploration of the movement, the contextualization until the artistic practice. Those possibilities are reinforced on the school s curricular propose. Some experiences have as a priority the free expression, the dance s vision without context or the reproduction of movements as stand manners of teaching dance, situations like those observed on the investigation as products from the blanks on the academic formation from the teachers with must be fixed. The interpretation of the experiences with dance, described by the teachers from NEI, connected with the theoretical referential from the investigation, allowed to appoint three perspectives to the work with dance in the infant education, having as main interlocutors Merleau-Ponty and Rudolf Laban: the dance as the body s language; the dance and its movement factors; imitate, improvise and play: manners of draw ways to dance. On those process are emphasized the dance on the scholar context, the elements that constitute this language and the forms of appropriate from it supported in a ludicrous, poetic and educative vision, having as focus the children s education on its peculiarities and possibilities


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We have been living in a world of packed products. The package and the labels support the companies to communicate with the customers in addition to give protection, storage and convenience in proportion to the products that move in the price list. The labels mainly add up a value which helps the companies differ their products and increase the value of the brands among the final customers. However, the information given in the label are not clear sometimes. It displays a verbal-visual defective language resulted from a poor visibility, legibleness and comprehensibleness of the verbal and visual marks. The aim of this research is to verify, according to the costumers&#8223; view, the level of the clarity in the informative texts, harmony and ergonomic conformity of the package labels in the chocolate powder of the Claralate brand, considering the linguistic aspects presented on the labels. The criteria to evaluate the chocolate package selected were based on the linguistic field: the organization and the structure of the text derided from the classification of the textual genre; the clarity and the comprehension of the language utilized on those labels. From the ergonomic view, the informative and ergonomic conformity, based on the following requirements: legibility, symbols, characters, reading fields and intermission of the written lines. Therefore, the research done july 2007 and added july 2011 had a structured questionnaire in the interview put to the 118 customers of the chocolate package that go shopping in one of the two supermarkets in Floriano, Piau So Jorge and/or Super Quaresma. The main results of the investigation show that the linguistic aspects in the informative texts of the labels provide the customers&#8223; expectancy partially, while the consideration of the informative ergonomic analyzed can contribute to the improvement of the information and consequent visual progress of those, on the labels of chocolate package investigated. As recommendation towards the maker of the product, the outcome of the research indicates: harmonize the proportion of the letters and numbers; enlarge the letters size; make the visual information more comprehensive determined by the reading field; put the expiry date in a better visual place