844 resultados para Frameworks
Technological developments in microprocessors and ICT landscape have made a shift to a new era where computing power is embedded in numerous small distributed objects and devices in our everyday lives. These small computing devices are ne-tuned to perform a particular task and are increasingly reaching our society at every level. For example, home appliances such as programmable washing machines, microwave ovens etc., employ several sensors to improve performance and convenience. Similarly, cars have on-board computers that use information from many di erent sensors to control things such as fuel injectors, spark plug etc., to perform their tasks e ciently. These individual devices make life easy by helping in taking decisions and removing the burden from their users. All these objects and devices obtain some piece of information about the physical environment. Each of these devices is an island with no proper connectivity and information sharing between each other. Sharing of information between these heterogeneous devices could enable a whole new universe of innovative and intelligent applications. The information sharing between the devices is a diffcult task due to the heterogeneity and interoperability of devices. Smart Space vision is to overcome these issues of heterogeneity and interoperability so that the devices can understand each other and utilize services of each other by information sharing. This enables innovative local mashup applications based on shared data between heterogeneous devices. Smart homes are one such example of Smart Spaces which facilitate to bring the health care system to the patient, by intelligent interconnection of resources and their collective behavior, as opposed to bringing the patient into the health system. In addition, the use of mobile handheld devices has risen at a tremendous rate during the last few years and they have become an essential part of everyday life. Mobile phones o er a wide range of different services to their users including text and multimedia messages, Internet, audio, video, email applications and most recently TV services. The interactive TV provides a variety of applications for the viewers. The combination of interactive TV and the Smart Spaces could give innovative applications that are personalized, context-aware, ubiquitous and intelligent by enabling heterogeneous systems to collaborate each other by sharing information between them. There are many challenges in designing the frameworks and application development tools for rapid and easy development of these applications. The research work presented in this thesis addresses these issues. The original publications presented in the second part of this thesis propose architectures and methodologies for interactive and context-aware applications, and tools for the development of these applications. We demonstrated the suitability of our ontology-driven application development tools and rule basedapproach for the development of dynamic, context-aware ubiquitous iTV applications.
The theoretical research of the study concentrated on finding theoretical frameworks to optimize the amount of needed stock keeping units (SKUs) in manufacturing industry. The goal was to find ways for a company to acquire an optimal collection of stock keeping units needed for manufacturing needed amount of end products. The research follows constructive research approach leaning towards practical problem solving. In the empirical part of this study, a recipe search tool was developed to an existing database used in the target company. The purpose of the tools was to find all the recipes meeting the EUPS performance standard and put the recipes in a ranking order using the data available in the database. The ranking of the recipes was formed from the combination of the performance measures and price of the recipes. In addition, the tool researched what kind of paper SKUs were needed to manufacture the best performing recipes. The tool developed during this process meets the requirements. It eases and makes it much faster to search for all the recipes meeting the EUPS standard. Furthermore, many future development possibilities for the tool were discovered while writing the thesis.
Abstract—Concept development and experimentation (CD&E) plays an important role in driving strategic transformation in the military community. Defence architecture frameworks, such as the NATO architecture framework, are considered excellent means to support CD&E. There is not much empirical evidence, however, to indicate how enterprise architectures (EA) are applied in the military community or particularly in military CD&E. Consequently, this paper describes and discusses empirical application of the EA approach in CD&E. The research method in the paper is a case study. Situational method engineering (SiME) is used as a framework to adapt the EA approach to the case project of the paper. The findings of the paper suggest that the EA is applicable to CD&E work, although all aspects of the original concept could not be expressed in the EA model of the case project. The results also show that the SiME method can support in applying the EA framework to the CD&E in the case project.
The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to widen and develop our theoretical frameworks for discussion and analyses of feedback practices in management accounting, particularly shedding light on its formal and informal aspects. The concept of feedback in management accounting has conventionally been analyzed within cybernetic control theory, in which feedback flows as a diagnostic or comparative loop between measurable outputs and pre-set goals (see e.g. Flamholtz et al. 1985; Flamholtz 1996, 1983), i.e. as a formal feedback loop. However, the everyday feedback practices in organizations are combinations of formal and informal elements. In addition to technique-driven feedback approaches (like budgets, measurement, and reward systems) we could also categorize social feedback practices that managers see relevant and effective in the pursuit of organizational control. While cybernetics or control theories successfully capture rational and measured aspects of organizational performance and offer a broad organizational context for the analysis, many individual and informal aspects remain vague and isolated. In order to discuss and make sense of the heterogeneous field of interpretations of formal and informal feedback, both in theory and practice, dichotomous approaches seem to be insufficient. Therefore, I suggest an analytical framework of formal and informal feedback with three dimensions (3D’s): source, time, and rule. Based on an abductive analysis of the theoretical and empirical findings from an interpretive case study around a business unit called Division Steelco, the 3Dframework and formal and informal feedback practices are further elaborated vis-á-vis the four thematic layers in the organizational control model by Flamholtz et al. (1985; Flamholtz 1996, 1983): core control system, organizational structure, organizational culture, and external environment. Various personal and cultural meanings given to the formal and informal feedback practices (“feedback as something”) create multidimensional interpretative contexts. Multidimensional frameworks aim to capture and better understand both the variety of interpretations and their implications to the functionality of feedback practices, important in interpretive research.
This thesis describes an approach to overcoming the complexity of software product management (SPM) and consists of several studies that investigate the activities and roles in product management, as well as issues related to the adoption of software product management. The thesis focuses on organizations that have started the adoption of SPM but faced difficulties due to its complexity and fuzziness and suggests the frameworks for overcoming these challenges using the principles of decomposition and iterative improvements. The research process consisted of three phases, each of which provided complementary results and empirical observation to the problem of overcoming the complexity of SPM. Overall, product management processes and practices in 13 companies were studied and analysed. Moreover, additional data was collected with a survey conducted worldwide. The collected data were analysed using the grounded theory (GT) to identify the possible ways to overcome the complexity of SPM. Complementary research methods, like elements of the Theory of Constraints were used for deeper data analysis. The results of the thesis indicate that the decomposition of SPM activities depending on the specific characteristics of companies and roles is a useful approach for simplifying the existing SPM frameworks. Companies would benefit from the results by adopting SPM activities more efficiently and effectively and spending fewer resources on its adoption by concentrating on the most important SPM activities.
This thesis examines innovation development needs of firms in a remote rural region. The perspective of the study is in strategic innovation management and three dimensions of innovation development: innovation environment, value delivery and innovation capability. The framework is studied with a theoretical and methodological approach in the context of the development of a regional innovation system and the defining of innovation development needs. The thesis is based on existing innovation management literature, expanding it by examining the features of the three dimensions. The empirical data of the study comprise 50 purposefully selected firms within the region of Pielinen Karelia located in Eastern Finland. Most of the firms (70%) included in the study represent manufacturing firms, and over 90% are small and medium-sized enterprises. The research data consist of two questionnaires and an interview, which were done during 2011 in the connection of a regional development project. The point of view of the research is in regional development and harnessing the innovation capability of the firms within the region. The principal research approach applies soft systems methodology. The study explores the means to foster the innovativeness of firms from the viewpoints of innovation environment, innovation capability and value delivery. In closer detail, the study examines relations between the innovation capability factors, differences in innovation development needs within the value delivery system, between sectors and between firm size categories. The thesis offers three major contributions. First, the study extends earlier research on strategic innovation management by connecting the frameworks of innovation capability, innovation environment and value delivery process to the defining of innovation development needs at the regional level. The results deepen knowledge especially concerning practice-based innovation, peripheral regions and smaller firms. Second, the empirical work, based on a case study, confirms the existence of a structural connection integrating five factors of innovation capability. Statistical evidence is provided especially for the positive impacts of the improvement of absorption capability, marketing capability and networking capability, which are the main weaknesses of firms according to the study. Third, the research provides a methodological contribution by applying the innovation matrix in the defining of the innovation development needs of firms. The study demonstrates how the matrix improves possibility to target policy instruments and innovation services more efficiently through indicating significant differences between the innovation support needs regarding various time horizons and phases of innovation process.
The purpose of this study is to determine what are the key barriers hampering ESCO service business success in Finland. Research approach for this study is qualitative. Data was collected using Delphi method with two questionnaire rounds. Internet based tool was applied in carrying out questionnaires. Respondents of the questionnaires were ESCO service experts and researchers, and people working for ESCO service providers. Characteristics of ESCO service and ESCO project implementation are analyzed by using transaction costs theory of service business. In terms of ESCO service in Finland, uncertainty and asset specificity are relevant dimensions of TCE. General uncertainty in world’s economy hinders demand for ESCO service, and asset specificity of ESCO contracts induces slight problems for project financiers. Also bounded rationalism and opportunism are present in Finnish ESCO business. The most significant barriers of success of ESCO service in Finland are problems in legislative and political frameworks, and in customers’ investment processes. ESCO service providers should move more strongly towards service dominant business logic and improve understanding of customer needs. Political barriers are unsuitable procurement processes, unclear and unpredictable laws, and lack of compelling factors in subsidy system. Investment process hurdles are caused by customers’ lack of interest to change course of action. These are things in which ESCOs can have influence in.
Työn tavoitteena on kehittää elektroniikka-alalla toimivan mittalaitteita valmistavan yrityksen projektivalmistuksen tiedonkulkua. Projektivalmistuksen tietovirrat halutaan keskittää sidosryhmille yhteiseen järjestelmään. Keskittämisen mahdollistamiseksi tutkimuksessa selvitetään ensin sidosryhmien tarpeet yhteiselle järjestelmälle, jonka jälkeen olemassa olevasta järjestelmästä kehitetään löydettyjä tarpeita vastaava. Tutkimuksen taustatiedoksi syvennytään kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin ohjeisiin informaatiosysteemin kehitysprojekteista, projektin onnistumiseen vaikuttavista seikoista ja asiakaslähtöisestä kehittämisestä. Avainasemassa tutkimuksen kehitysprojektin onnistumisessa on käyttäjien tarpeiden huomiointi järjestelmän kehityksessä. Tästä syystä tutkimus toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena, jolloin päästiin mahdollisimman syvälle kohdeorganisaation tarpeisiin. Tutkimuksen tuloksena projektivalmistuksen hallintajärjestelmä kehitettiin vastaamaan käyttäjiensä tarpeita ja tietovirrat keskitettiin järjestelmään. Yhteinen järjestelmä paransi tiedon laatua, poisti päällekkäisiä töitä sekä tarjoaa paremman näkyvyyden projektivalmistukseen. Näkyvyyden lisääntymisen myötä myös projektivalmistuksen jatkokehitys helpottuu.
Työn tavoitteena on sovittaa Qt opetussuunnitelmaan. Työ sisältää Qt:n lyhyen historian sekä katsauksen sen nykytilaan. Nykytilakatsaus sisältää kolme näkökulmaa: miten ja missä Qt:ta voidaan käyttää, sekä sen käyttötarkoitukset teollisuudessa ja opetuksessa. Työn tuloksena syntyy luentodemonstraatiota varten pieni ohjelma, joka on luotu C++:n ja Qt Designerin avulla ja käyttää olennaisia käyttöliittymäkirjaston olioita. Toisena tuotteena työssä syntyy luonnos Lappeenrannan Teknillisen Yliopiston ohjelmointikursseista, joissa Qt:ta voitaisiin käyttää avustamaan opiskelijoita näkemään, miten graafinen ohjelma luodaan sekä valmentaa heitä ymmärtämään viitekehyksien ja graafisten kirjastojen tuomat edut.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ollut arvioida ja kehittää tuotelaadunhallintamalli taajuusmuuttajien elinkaaripalveluja tarjoavassa ABB Oy, Drives, Drives Service liiketoimintayksikössä. ABB:n valmistamat taajuusmuuttajat säätävät asiakkaiden prosesseja ympäri maailman useissa erityyppisissä sovelluksissa. Vanhimmat varaosatuen piirissä olevat asennukset ovat 1980-luvulta. Aluksi työssä tarkastellaan niitä elementtejä, joista laatu muodostuu eli kokemusperäisiä elementtejä sekä kvantitatiivisia attribuutteja. Yhteistä molemmille on, että niitä voidaan aktiivisesti monitoroida ja hallita. Laadun hallitsemiseksi verkostoituneessa toimintaympäristössä tarvitaan ymmärrystä liiketoimintaverkostoista ja erilaisien komponenttitoimittajien ja jakeluverkostojen markkinakentästä. Laatua ja liiketoimintaverkostoja käsittelevien osuuksien jälkeen pureudutaan kunnossapitoon ja sen lainalaisuuksiin. Lopuksi muodostetaan varaosaliiketoimintaa tukeva tuotelaadunhallintamalli, joka pyrkii peilaamaan erilaisien viitekehysten avulla tarkoituksen mukaista toimintamallia varaosatoimitusten tuotelaadun vaalimiseksi.
Because of the increased availability of different kind of business intelligence technologies and tools it can be easy to fall in illusion that new technologies will automatically solve the problems of data management and reporting of the company. The management is not only about management of technology but also the management of processes and people. This thesis is focusing more into traditional data management and performance management of production processes which both can be seen as a requirement for long lasting development. Also some of the operative BI solutions are considered in the ideal state of reporting system. The objectives of this study are to examine what requirements effective performance management of production processes have for data management and reporting of the company and to see how they are effecting on the efficiency of it. The research is executed as a theoretical literary research about the subjects and as a qualitative case study about reporting development project of Finnsugar Ltd. The case study is examined through theoretical frameworks and by the active participant observation. To get a better picture about the ideal state of reporting system simple investment calculations are performed. According to the results of the research, requirements for effective performance management of production processes are automation in the collection of data, integration of operative databases, usage of efficient data management technologies like ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, data warehouse (DW) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and efficient management of processes, data and roles.
Suomalaisten ja saksalaisten arkikeskustelujen välillä on sekä yhtäläisyyksiä että eroja. Tässä saksalaisen filologian alaan kuuluvassa tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yhtä keskeistä arkikeskustelun toimintoa, puhelinkeskustelun lopetusta, suomen- ja saksanpuhujien tuottamana. Aineistona on käytetty suomen- ja saksankielisten äidinkielisten puhujien tätä tutkimusta varten nauhoittamia henkilökohtaisia luonnollisia puhelinkeskusteluja. Aineistoon valikoitui 12 suomalaista ja 12 saksalaista puhelua. Nauhoitteiden käyttöön on saatu asianmukainen lupa kaikilta osapuolilta. Puhelut on litteroitu saksalaisella kielialueella vakiintuneen GAT-litterointisysteemin mukaan. Teoreettis-metodisena kehyksenä on kaksi tutkimusalaa, vuorovaikutuslingvistiikka ja kielten vertailu. Vuorovaikutuslingvistinen tarkastelu keskittyy havaintoihin vuorojen ja puheen sekvenssien rakenteesta. Vuorojen merkitysten tulkinnassa hyödynnetään systemaattisesti prosodian antamia vihjeitä. Tuloksena on yksittäisten lopetusten keskustelunanalyyttinen lähikuvaus, jonka pohjalta määritellään kulloisenkin lopetuksen sekvenssirakenne. Kaikki lopetukset olivat siltä osin yhteneväisiä, että niissä kaikissa havaittiin ainakin aloittava, tulevaan tapaamiseen viittaava sekä lopputervehdyksiin johtava sekvenssi. Sekvenssirakenteen variaatioiden pohjalta aineiston lopetukset voidaan kuitenkin jaotella ryhmiin. Sekä suomen- että saksankielisessä aineistossa havaittiin kolmentyyppisiä lopetuksia: kompakteja, komplekseja ja keskeytettyjä lopetuksia. Ryhmittely kolmeen tyyppiin on avuksi seuraavassa kuvausvaiheessa, jossa verrataan suomen- ja saksankielisiä lopetuksia toisiinsa. Samanaikaisesti kun tutkimus valottaa kohtia, joissa kaksi aineistosettiä yhtenevät ja eroavat, se myös esittää, mitkä vuorovaikutuksen tasot soveltuvat kieltenvälisen vertailun kohteiksi. Pohdintaa siitä, mitä vuorovaikutuksen tasoja kieltenväliseen vertailuun voidaan sisällyttää, onkin toistaiseksi esitetty verrattain vähän. Työ siis rakentaa siltaa vuorovaikutuslingvistisen ja kontrastiivisen kielitieteen välille.
Understanding how firms create, communicate, and deliver value to customers is a key factor when firms seek to differentiate in increasingly competitive and commoditized business markets. As product and price have become less important differentiators in many industries, suppliers are increasingly seeking ways to differentiate themselves based on delivered customer value. Therefore, to gain a holistic understanding on what their offerings are worth to the customer, suppliers need to conduct customer value assessment, which quantifies the impact of a supplier´s offering to customers’ costs and returns. However, from a managerial perspective, customer value assessment is the single most critical challenge for firms in business markets. Consequently, developing holistic frameworks for customer value assessment is seen as one of the most important research priorities for marketing research. The purpose of this study is to explore the process of customer value assessment in business markets. Business markets represent a context where an increasing number of industrial firms are transitioning from basic product offerings towards service-based and solution-oriented hybrid offerings, which emphasize value co-creation and realization in the long term, thus making it difficult to quantify their monetary value. This study employs exploratory and qualitative research design by applying inductive and discovery-oriented grounded theory and multiple case research methods. The empirical data comprise interviews with 61 managers from 12 industrial firms, including seven best practice firms in customer value assessment. The findings of this study show that customer value assessment is essentially a crossfunctional process, which involves several organizational functions. The process begins well before and continues long after the actual delivery, often until the end of a supplier´s offering’s life-cycle. Furthermore, the findings shed light on alternative strategies that firms in business markets can adopt to implement the customer value assessment process. Overall, the findings contribute to customer value research, the sales and organizational management literature, the service marketing and solutions business literature, and suggest several managerial implications on how firms in business markets can adopt a holistic approach to assess value created for customers.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella ammatillisen koulutuksen yrittäjyyskasvatuksen käytännön opetuksen toteutusmahdollisuuksia. Tarkasteluun vaikuttaa vuonna 2015 voimaan astuva ammatillisen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmauudistus. Käytännön opetuksen toteutuksen viitekehykseksi valittiin synteesi pop up ja lean startup liiketoimintamallien viitekehyksistä. Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat viralliset opetussuunnitelmauudistuksen asiakirjat ja liiketoimintamalleja käsittelevä kirjallisuus. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin integoivaa narratiivista kirjallisuusanalyysiä. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin Atlas-ti ohjelmistoa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena muodostui kuva työelämälähtöisistä uudistuvista opetussuunnitelmista, missä yrittäjyyskasvatuksen rakenteet eivät todellisuudessa muutu entisestä merkittävästi. Sen sijaan, uutta tulevat olemaan opetuksen toteutukselle asetetut haasteet: yksilöllistetyt opintopolut ja opiskelumallien monipuolistamisen merkittävä kasvu. Yrittäjyyskasvatukselle asetetaan Suomessa yhteiskunnallisesti korkeita tavoitteita. Se, miten niihin päästään ja millaisella pedagogiikalla, jää eri ammatillisten oppilaitosten ratkaistavaksi paikallisesti. Pop up ja lean startup liiketoimintamallit tarjoavat tulevaisuuden kannalta merkittäviä mahdollisuuksia yrittäjyyden käytännön opetuksen viitekehyksiksi. Lisäksi ne sopivat nopeatempoiseen ja ajallisesti tiukkarajaiseen opetuksen viitekehykseen hyvin uudenaikaisina asiakaslähtöisinä innovaatio- ja liiketoimintamalleina.
The main strengths of professional knowledge-intensive business services (P-KIBS) are knowledge and creativity which needs to be fostered, maintained and supported. The process of managing P-KIBS companies deals with financial, operational and strategic risks. That is why it is reasonable to apply risk management techniques and frameworks in this context. A significant challenge hides in choosing reasonable ways of implementing risk management, which will not limit creative ability in organization, and furthermore will contribute to the process. This choice is related to a risk intelligent approach which becomes a justified way of finding the required balance. On a theoretical level the field of managing both creativity and risk intelligence as a balanced process remains understudied in particular within KIBS industry. For instance, there appears to be a wide range of separate models for innovation and risk management, but very little discussion in terms of trying to find the right balance between them. This study aims to shed light on the importance of well-managed combination of these concepts. The research purpose of the present study is to find out how the balance between creativity and risk intelligence can be managed in P-KIBS. The methodological approach utilized in the study is strictly conceptual without empirical aspects. The research purpose can be achieved through answering the following research supporting questions: 1. What are the characteristics and role of creativity as a component of innovation process in a P-KIBS company? 2. What are the characteristics and role of risk intelligence as an approach towards risk management process implementation in a P-KIBS company? 3. How can risk intelligence and creativity be balanced in P-KIBS? The main theoretical contribution of the study conceals in a proposed creativity and risk intelligence stage process framework. It is designed as an algorithm that can be applied on organizational canvas. It consists of several distinct stages specified by actors involved, their roles and implications. Additional stage-wise description provides detailed tasks for each of the enterprise levels, while combining strategies into one. The insights driven from the framework can be utilized by a vast range of specialists from strategists to risk managers, and from innovation managers to entrepreneurs. Any business that is designing and delivering knowledge service can potentially gain valuable thoughts and expand conceptual understanding from the present report. Risk intelligence in the current study is a unique way of emphasizing the role of creativity in professional knowledge-intensive industry and a worthy technique for making profound decisions towards risks.