986 resultados para European Social Services


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En este artículo analizamos el desarrollo de empresa social en España e Italia en el marco de la crisis económica y social, en términos de difusión y marco jurídico. De esta manera, definimos los confines del “ecosistema” de la empresa social en los dos países e identificamos elementos comunes y especifidades. La hipótesis es que la empresa social representa una herramienta de generación de respuestas proactivas a la crisis, impulsando trayectorias de innovación económica y social, y contribuyendo a un modelo de desarrollo económica y socialmente sostenible. La innovación surge de la capacidad de las empresas sociales de generar respuestas innovativas a demandas emergentes, de su capacidad de crear al mismo tiempo valor social y económico, de satisfacer necesidades individuales y colectivas, de activar dinámicas de cambio de medio y largo plazo, de estimular dinámicas de emprendimiento, de empoderamiento y de valorización en el territorio. Sin embargo, el carácter innovador de la empresa social no surge simplemente de una empresarializacción del Tercer Sector tradicional, y mucho menos como consecuencia de la transferencia de servicios fundamentales del estado a asociaciones, cooperativas y empresas sociales, si con eso se persigue el simple objetivo de reducción de los gastos públicos. Al contrario, detrás de la retórica de la innovación social se puedan esconder proyectos de reducción de los gastos de servicios a través de la reducción de los salarios y de la cualidad de los servicios. El artículo, a partir de la comparación de la difusión del fenómeno y de las perspectivas de desarrollo en España y en Italia, termina con una reflexión crítica sobre las luces y sombras, los riesgos y las oportunidades, relacionados con la difusión de la empresa social, o sea, de la integración de la acción solidaria y la acción económica en prácticas que son al mismo tiempo empresariales y con finalidades sociales.


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The essay explores the evolution of comparative law and the contribution of its more recent methodological results on the process of European social integration through law. The analysis of the comparative method in general glides on a discipline, such a as labour law, traditionally linked to the "nomos" of the nation state and looks at the process of its own supranationalization through the lens which is the comparative method; a method used mainly by the juridical format (national and supranational courts). The analysis focuses on the fixed term contract and on the vexing question of collective social fundamental rights vis a vis fundamental economic freedoms in the EU where national constitutional traditions and supranational principals risk collision due also to the comparative method.


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From the Introduction. The main difficulty of Theology lies in the fact that the very existence of its subject-matter, God, may be put into question. Talking about Social Europe has something of a theological dimension. The aim of this article is to contribute into the debate, by putting into perspective some of the latest manifestations of social Europe. The need for the pursuance of social policies at the European level is now more pressing than ever (para 2). The EU, however, as it now stands, is the direct evolutionary result of the predominantly economic entity created back in 1957. This explains that the social policies pursued at the European level are piecemeal and often impregnated with market concerns (para. 3). From an instrumental point of view, EU social policy is being pursued concomitantly by secondary legislation (hard law) in the fields where the EU does have the relevant competences and by softer means of cooperation (soft law) in several other fields. Hard law has given the occasion to the European Court of Justice (ECJ), in a series of recent judgments, of putting to the fore the concept of a ‘social market’ (para. 4). Soft cooperation has been formalised into the infamous Lisbon Strategy and has been the main object of experimentation with the open method of coordination (OMC) (para. 5). The advances achieved in the above ways, however, do not offer firm answers to basic questions concerning the future development of the European social identity (para. 6)


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The financial crisis that erupted in the eurozone not only affected the EU’s financial governance mechanisms, but also the very nature of state sovereignty and balances in the relations of member states; thus, the actual inequalities between the member states hidden behind their institutional equality have deteriorated. This transformation is recorded in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the member states’ constitutional courts, particularly in those at the heart of the crisis, with Greece as the most prominent example. It is the issue of public debt (sovereign debt) of the EU member states that particularly reflects the influence of the crisis on state sovereignty as well as the intensely transnational (intergovernmental) character of European integration, which under these circumstances takes the form of a continuous, tough negotiation. The historical connection between public debt (sovereign debt) and state sovereignty has re-emerged because of the financial crisis. This development has affected not only the European institutions, but also, at the member state level, the actual institutional content of the rule of law (especially judicial review) and the welfare state in its essence, as the great social and political acquis of 20th century Europe. From this perspective, the way that the Greek courts have dealt with the gradual waves of fiscal austerity measures and structural reforms from 2010 to 2015 is characteristic. The effect of the financial crisis on the sovereignty of the member states and on the pace of European integration also has an impact on European foreign and security policy, and the correlations between the political forces at both the national and European level, thus producing even more intense pressures on European social democracy. In light of the experience of the financial crisis, the final question is whether the nation state (given the large real inequalities among the EU member states) currently functions as a brake or as an engine for future European integration.


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There is an unmet demand for a more social Europe in the EU. Asked what would strengthen the feeling of being a European citizen, 32% of the respondents replied: “a European social welfare system harmonised between the Member States”. This answer ranked higher than any other possible response, such as being able to use your mobile phone in all EU countries at the same price (23%), a European emergency response service to fight international natural disasters (22%) and having a European ID card in addition to national ID cards (20%) (Eurobarometer, 2014).


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Basic grammatical categories may carry social meaning irrespective of their semantic content. In a set of four studies, we demonstrate that verbs – a basic linguistic category present and distinguishable in most languages – are related to the perception of agency, a fundamental dimension in social perception. In an archival analysis on actual language use in Polish and German, we found that targets stereotypically associated with high agency (men and young people) are presented in the immediate neighborhood of a verb more often than non-agentic social targets (women and old people). Moreover, in three experiments using a pseudo-word paradigm, verbs (but not adjectives and nouns) were consistently associated with agency (but not communion). These results provide consistent evidence that verbs, as grammatical vehicles of action, are linguistic markers of agency. In demonstrating meta-semantic effects of language, these studies corroborate the view of language as a social tool and of language as an integral part of social perception.


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Companion vol. to the author's State experiences in social services planning.


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Influenced by both conservative and left wing communitarian thinking, current debate about welfare governance in Australia reflects an inflated evaluation of the potential role of the third sector or civil society organisations in the production fo welfare. This paper gives an overview of twentieth century Australian Catholics social thinking about state, market and civil society relations in the production of welfare. It highlights the neglected, historical role of the Catholic Church in promoting a 'welfare society' over a 'welfare state' in Australia. It points to the reasons for the Church's later embrace of the welfare state and suggests that these reasons should make us deeply sceptical of the current communitarian fad.


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Commonwealth countries share their British social policy legacy in a variety of ways. Autstralia attempted to adopt the postwar new Fabian welfare state model at the very time when international economic circumstances undermined its Keynesian foundation. With Labor governments in power from 1983 to 1996, Australia diverged significantly from the neo-liberal reform path adopted in the United Kingdom. Australian governments looked increasingly to European social democracies for alternative social policy model In a manner anticipating the Third Way. the tendency was towards mixing neo-liberal economics with social democratic welfare. The Australian Third Way which resulted proved unstable. Current social reformers, the paper proposes, ought to revisit a neglected but characteristically British emphasis on the need for a measure of socialization of investment to underpin redistributive strategies.


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Este trabalho discutiu o desempenho do Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais CNPEM, que deu início às suas atividades como Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Luz Síncrotron - ABTLuS, Organização Social (OS), entidade da sociedade civil, sem fins lucrativos, disciplinada pela Lei 9.637 de 15 de maio de 1998, para gerir organismos públicos mediante a assinatura de contrato de gestão baseado em metas a serem cumpridas. O modelo nasceu concomitantemente com a criação do Ministério da Administração e Reforma do Estado MARE, na gestão do ministro Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira, no governo do presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso - FHC, tendo como princípio básico a prestação de serviços sociais, nas áreas de cultura, educação, pesquisa científica, proteção e preservação do meio ambiente e saúde, na expectativa de que ele pudesse prestar melhores serviços do que as empresas estatais e as entidades da administração direta. Hoje, dez anos se passaram e o CNPEM continua prestando serviços na área de pesquisa científica ao CNPq e ao MCT, apesar de não haver apoio para a criação de novas OS na esfera do governo federal, o que indicou ameaças ao seu ciclo de vida. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se através de estudo descritivo-exploratório, interpretando dados por intermédio do processo de hermenêutica para interpretação de dados retirados dos documentos institucionais, com conclusão favorável à continuidade do modelo, tendo em vista que a pesquisa demonstra que ele é legal, legítimo e competente no cumprimento das metas e missão, bem como está em plena forma física, sem ameaças ao seu ciclo de vida, demonstrando que tem muito a oferecer para a ciência brasileira e, como não poderia deixar de ser, a milhares de usuários espalhados pelo Brasil e o mundo.


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A pesquisa tem por finalidade estudar a presença pública das igrejas de missão batistas, metodistas e presbiterianas através das obras de serviço social atuantes na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. O objetivo é estudar como as igrejas, em seus esforços de trabalho e missão, estão cumprindo o seu papel pelo viés social, por meio de projetos realizados por instituições juridicamente constituídas e atuantes. Para isto, o estudo começa caracterizando histórica-sócio-economicamente a região, observando os antecedentes históricos das igrejas na cidade. Num segundo momento, mediante pesquisa de campo, espera-se apresentar como se deu a formação e desenvolvimento das igrejas de missão e suas obras sociais. Por último, a pesquisa se ocupa em analisar as obras de serviço social e a sua contribuição para uma práxis transformadora no cenário urbano. Uma das principais considerações obtidas ao fim da pesquisa é a de que as igrejas de missão têm sofrido um tipo de esvaziamento de sua ação social, motivado, sobretudo, pelas atuais transformações no campo religioso, pela ausência de um agir significativo no contexto urbano e pela falta de diálogo e apropriação do terceiro setor.


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A pesquisa tem por finalidade estudar a presença pública das igrejas de missão batistas, metodistas e presbiterianas através das obras de serviço social atuantes na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. O objetivo é estudar como as igrejas, em seus esforços de trabalho e missão, estão cumprindo o seu papel pelo viés social, por meio de projetos realizados por instituições juridicamente constituídas e atuantes. Para isto, o estudo começa caracterizando histórica-sócio-economicamente a região, observando os antecedentes históricos das igrejas na cidade. Num segundo momento, mediante pesquisa de campo, espera-se apresentar como se deu a formação e desenvolvimento das igrejas de missão e suas obras sociais. Por último, a pesquisa se ocupa em analisar as obras de serviço social e a sua contribuição para uma práxis transformadora no cenário urbano. Uma das principais considerações obtidas ao fim da pesquisa é a de que as igrejas de missão têm sofrido um tipo de esvaziamento de sua ação social, motivado, sobretudo, pelas atuais transformações no campo religioso, pela ausência de um agir significativo no contexto urbano e pela falta de diálogo e apropriação do terceiro setor.


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This thesis sets out to understand the act of migrating in a period of growing movement of people. It captures the subjective experience of individual migrants, as narrated in the migration stories of 32 “new” Polish migrants in the West Midlands region of England. Since the enlargement of the European Union in 2004, over half a million Poles have arrived and registered to work in the UK, constituting one of the largest migration movements in contemporary Britain and Europe. This influx of predominantly young migrants opened up public and academic debates regarding the social relations between the Polish migrants and the host society, their duration of stay, and the impact on the economy and social services. While a substantial amount of research has now been undertaken on this migration, this thesis highlights some of the significant features of migration to Britain and Europe today, namely its dynamic, fluid, complex and varied character. Through four themes of lived experience of migration, migration and mobility, gender, and return migration, this thesis uncovers and explores the phenomenon of post-2004 EU migration from the perspective of migrants themselves. Migrant stories in this thesis are linked with experiences and meanings of migration, but also migrants’ emotions, perceptions, views and opinions. By exploring individual journeys of migration and deliberating over the determinants and consequences of migration, this thesis asks how the processes of migration and mobility come into play in the everyday lives of migrant people, and how this impacts on questions of identity, home, belonging, gender, as well as return.


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This article presents the principal results of the doctoral thesis “Semantic-oriented Architecture and Models for Personalized and Adaptive Access to the Knowledge in Multimedia Digital Library” by Desislava Ivanova Paneva-Marinova (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics), successfully defended before the Specialised Academic Council for Informatics and Mathematical Modelling on 27 October, 2008.