665 resultados para Enclosed steppe


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Homobasidiomycete fungi display many complex fruiting body morphologies, including mushrooms and puffballs, but their anatomical simplicity has confounded efforts to understand the evolution of these forms. We performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of homobasidiomycetes, using sequences from nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal DNA, with an emphasis on understanding evolutionary relationships of gilled mushrooms and puffballs. Parsimony-based optimization of character states on our phylogenetic trees suggested that strikingly similar gilled mushrooms evolved at least six times, from morphologically diverse precursors. Approximately 87% of gilled mushrooms are in a single lineage, which we call the “euagarics.” Recently discovered 90 million-year-old fossil mushrooms are probably euagarics, suggesting that (i) the origin of this clade must have occurred no later than the mid-Cretaceous and (ii) the gilled mushroom morphology has been maintained in certain lineages for tens of millions of years. Puffballs and other forms with enclosed spore-bearing structures (Gasteromycetes) evolved at least four times. Derivation of Gasteromycetes from forms with exposed spore-bearing structures (Hymenomycetes) is correlated with repeated loss of forcible spore discharge (ballistospory). Diverse fruiting body forms and spore dispersal mechanisms have evolved among Gasteromycetes. Nevertheless, it appears that Hymenomycetes have never been secondarily derived from Gasteromycetes, which suggests that the loss of ballistospory has constrained evolution in these lineages.


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Salicylic acid (SA) is an important component of systemic-acquired resistance in plants. It is synthesized from benzoic acid (BA) as part of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Benzaldehyde (BD), a potential intermediate of this pathway, was found in healthy and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-inoculated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi-nc) leaf tissue at 100 ng/g fresh weight concentrations as measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. BD was also emitted as a volatile organic compound from tobacco tissues. Application of gaseous BD to plants enclosed in jars caused a 13-fold increase in SA concentration, induced the accumulation of the pathogenesis-related transcript PR-1, and increased the resistance of tobacco to TMV inoculation. [13C6]BD and [2H5]benzyl alcohol were converted to BA and SA. Labeling experiments using [13C1]Phe in temperature-shifted plants inoculated with the TMV showed high enrichment of cinnamic acids (72%), BA (34%), and SA (55%). The endogenous BD, however, contained nondetectable enrichment, suggesting that BD was not the intermediate between cinnamic acid and BA. These results show that BD and benzyl alcohol promote SA accumulation and expression of defense responses in tobacco, and provide insight into the early steps of SA biosynthesis.


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Photolithographic micromachining of silicon is a candidate technology for the construction of high-throughput DNA analysis devices. However, the development of complex silicon microfabricated systems has been hindered in part by the lack of a simple, versatile pumping method for integrating individual components. Here we describe a surface-tension-based pump able to move discrete nanoliter drops through enclosed channels using only local heating. This thermocapillary pump can accurately mix, measure, and divide drops by simple electronic control. In addition, we have constructed thermal-cycling chambers, gel electrophoresis channels, and radiolabeled DNA detectors that are compatible with the fabrication of thermocapillary pump channels. Since all of the components are made by conventional photolithographic techniques, they can be assembled into more complex integrated systems. The combination of pump and components into self-contained miniaturized devices may provide significant improvements in DNA analysis speed, portability, and cost. The potential of microfabricated systems lies in the low unit cost of silicon-based construction and in the efficient sample handling afforded by component integration.


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In the cerebral cortex, the small volume of the extracellular space in relation to the volume enclosed by synapses suggests an important functional role for this relationship. It is well known that there are atoms and molecules in the extracellular space that are absolutely necessary for synapses to function (e.g., calcium). I propose here the hypothesis that the rapid shift of these atoms and molecules from extracellular to intrasynaptic compartments represents the consumption of a shared, limited resource available to local volumes of neural tissue. Such consumption results in a dramatic competition among synapses for resources necessary for their function. In this paper, I explore a theory in which this resource consumption plays a critical role in the way local volumes of neural tissue operate. On short time scales, this principle of resource consumption permits a tissue volume to choose those synapses that function in a particular context and thereby helps to integrate the many neural signals that impinge on a tissue volume at any given moment. On longer time scales, the same principle aids in the stable storage and recall of information. The theory provides one framework for understanding how cerebral cortical tissue volumes integrate, attend to, store, and recall information. In this account, the capacity of neural tissue to attend to stimuli is intimately tied to the way tissue volumes are organized at fine spatial scales.


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A utilização de gradientes ambientais no estudo de comunidades vegetais possibilita a eleição de sítios onde há a predominância de um fator abiótico que determina o sucesso ou o fracasso de espécies ao longo de sua extensão. Entre as inúmeras ferramentas utilizadas no estudo de gradientes climáticos, se destaca a anatomia do lenho, pois, é um ramo da ciência que permite analisar, além dos aspectos espaciais, os aspectos temporais dos sítios por meio dos anéis de crescimento. Além disso, a ampla distribuição das plantas lenhosas ao longo do globo possibilita análises em praticamente todos os tipos de biomas e ecossistemas terrestres. Dentro desse contexto estão os bosques andino-patagônicos de Araucaria araucana (Pehuén) ao norte de sua distribuição na Argentina. Esses bosques ocupam territórios caracterizados por um acentuado gradiente de precipitação, que vai de cerca de 3000 a 100 milímetros anuais, entre a cordilheira do Andes e a estepe patagônica, que os define como bosques mésicos e xéricos, com diferenças ecológicas que condicionam a formação vegetal, dinâmica, estrutura, relações com o clima e vulnerabilidade em cenários de mudanças ambientais. O objetivo do projeto foi descrever e analisar comparativamente a estrutura anatômica do lenho de 33 espécies arbóreas e arbustivas ocorrentes ao longo de um gradiente de precipitação, entre a encosta da cordilheira dos Andes e a estepe Patagônica, para verificar possíveis alterações anatômicas que permitam a determinação de tendências e elucidem os limites de distribuição das espécies. Foram coletadas amostras não destrutivas de lenho durante três expedições para a Patagônia entre 2012 e 2014, seguidas de procedimentos laboratoriais de confeccção de lâminas histológicas, preparo de amostras para análises dendrocronológicas, captura de imagens com câmeras acopladas a microscópios óptico e eletrônico de varredura, mensurações, descrições e análises comparativas com o auxílio de softwares. Foram identificados caracteres anatômicos exclusivos de sítios secos e úmidos que permitiram a caracterização, posicionamento ao longo do gradiente de precipitação e grupamento de espécies xerófitas e mesófitas; A ultra-estrutura das pontoações de traqueídeos de Araucaria araucana apresentou diferenças marcantes na frequência e porosidade de suas membranas, sendo maior e menos porosas em sítios xéricos, e menor e mais porosas nos mésicos; a chave dicotômica microscópica permitiu a identificação das 32 espécies arbustivas, as espécies Chuquiraga oppositifolia e Nothofagus antarctica apresentaram potencial dendrocronológico, e foram identificadas tendências anatômicas latitudinais influenciadas pelo clima nos extremos da América do Sul. A anatomia do lenho se mostrou uma ferramenta confiável no estudo de um gradiente de precipitação na Patagônia argentina, e os resultados apontam para riscos de embolismos e morte induzida por falha no sistema hidráulico de Araucaria araucana ao longo de todo o gradiente, em função do atual cenário climático, e suas projeções em médio e longo prazos.


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A ilha de São Sebastião consta principalmente de rochas alcalinas que formam um maciço de 300 km2 aproximadamente, constituindo o terceiro em área no Brasil. Apresenta-se em um "stock" alongado segundo NE-SW, encaixado em estruturas de gnais. As formações geológicas encontradas consistem em 1 - Granitos e Gnais (ARQUEANO), 2 - Eruptivas básicas (RÉTICO), 3 - Eruptivas alcalinas (JURÁSSICO) e 4 - Depósitos recentes (HOLOCENO). O método de estudo empregado foi o petrográfico e a coluna geológica estabelecida em base de dados petrográficos, tectônicos e fisiográficos. O arqueano é determinado por definição dos seus tipos petrográficos (1- gnais facoidal, 2- oligoclásio-gnais, 3- hornblenda-gnais, 4- biotita-gnais e 5- microlina-granito) idênticos aos concorrentes no considerado arqueano do Brasil meridional. O triássico (rético) é conferido às rochas básicas (diabásios e basaltos) pela sua semelhança tectônica e petrográfica com as congêneres que cortam de maneira semelhante o arqueano no continente. A "mise-en-place" das eruptivas alcalinas (1- Nordmarkito, 2- Biotita-pulaskito, 3- Pulaskito, 4- Nefelina-sienito, 5- Foiaito, 6- Essexito-foiaito, 7- Essexito e 8- Teralito) pode ser considerada jurássica devido suas relações com as eruptivas básicas referidas réticas, pois na praia do Bonete (foto 14) observa-se um dique de nordmarkito cortando outro de diabásio. As eruptivas quartzo-dioríticas (quartzo-microdiorito e quartzo-andesito) cortam as alcalinas no cume do Zabumba, indicando sua idade mais moderna que estas. Além deste fato, preenchem linhas de fraturas tectônicas recentes, como as falhas ao longo do canal de São Sebastião, indicando que a topografia deveria ser a mesma que a atual para permitir rios efusivos ao nível do canal ou que pelo menos toda a zona de extrusão estivesse, como hoje está, em superfície. Os depósitos aluviais marinhos e continentais são considerados recentes, (holocênicos) pelo favor da topografia onde se dispõe, ocupando o fundo os vales e os bordos do atual modelado costeiro, idade esta conferida em base fisiográfica. A tectônica que afetou a ilha de São Sebastião participa da que atuou em todo o litoral meridional brasileiro. Pode-se distinguir duas fases distintas: na primeira ocorreram as erupções básicas e as alcalinas subsidiárias e na segunda deram-se os falhamentos escalonados em blocos basculados para NW, com as fraturas de tensão preenchidas pelas eruptivas quartzo-dioríticas. Toda a atividade tectônica foi regulada pela direção NE-SW privilegiada da estrutura do arqueano, correspondente a antigos eixos dos dobramentos laurencianos e huronianos. A geomorfologia da ilha consta de uma antiga superfície de erosão rematada até a senilidade, - o peneplano cretáceo, hoje reduzida às cristas culminares do maciço alcalino e às satélites das estruturas gnáissicas, desnivelada pelo falhamento em blocos e ligeiramente adernada para NW devido ao basculamento. Ao lado desta topografia vestigial existe o modelado atual da ilha caracterizado por uma juventude do estágio evolutivo. Esta escultura foi inaugurada com os últimos levantamentos epirogênicos que ascenderam as eruptivas alcalinas plutônicas a mais de 1.300 m sobre o nível do mar. O modelado costeiro apresenta uma costa típica de submergência com esculturas em rias, no estágio da juventude. A presença de terraceamentos marinhos de abrasão, atualmente elevados cerca de 20 a 30 m, lembra as oscilações epirogênicas ou eustáticas do litoral.


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We estimated the number of colors perceived by color normal and color-deficient observers when looking at the theoretic limits of object-color stimuli. These limits, the optimal color stimuli, were computed for a color normal observer and CIE standard illuminant D65, and the resultant colors were expressed in the CIELAB and DIN99d color spaces. The corresponding color volumes for abnormal color vision were computed using models simulating for normal trichromatic observers the appearance for dichromats and anomalous trichomats. The number of colors perceived in each case was then computed from the color volumes enclosed by the optimal colors also known as MacAdam limits. It was estimated that dichromats perceive less than 1% of the colors perceived by normal trichromats and that anomalous trichromats perceive 50%–60% for anomalies in the medium-wavelength-sensitive and 60%–70% for anomalies in the long-wavelength-sensitive cones. Complementary estimates obtained similarly for the spectral locus of monochromatic stimuli suggest less impairment for color-deficient observers, a fact that is explained by the two-dimensional nature of the locus.


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La steppe algérienne est confrontée depuis plusieurs décennies à un problème de dégradation induit par l’effet combiné de facteurs anthropiques et naturels. Les résultats obtenus dans la lutte contre ce phénomène, malgré les moyens mobilisés, restent très mitigés et révèlent l’inefficacité des approches et méthodes adoptées. Toute action de préservation et de réhabilitation de la steppe doit reposer dans un premier temps sur un diagnostic permettant d’identifier et d’évaluer le poids de chaque facteur dégradant. Parmi les facteurs souvent soulignés on note le climat, le parcours, le défrichement et la pratique d’une agriculture pluviale sans une justification ni estimation de cet impact. Le diagnostic ciblant et classant les principaux facteurs de régression des formations steppique de Stipa tenacissima est l’objectif assigné à cette publication. La démarche retenue traitera de l’état des formations steppiques face aux pressions pour une identification des facteurs causaux de cette situation et une évaluation de leur impact futur.


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A new classification of microtidal sand and gravel beaches with very different morphologies is presented below. In 557 studied transects, 14 variables were used. Among the variables to be emphasized is the depth of the Posidonia oceanica. The classification was performed for 9 types of beaches: Type 1: Sand and gravel beaches, Type 2: Sand and gravel separated beaches, Type 3: Gravel and sand beaches, Type 4: Gravel and sand separated beaches, Type 5: Pure gravel beaches, Type 6: Open sand beaches, Type 7: Supported sand beaches, Type 8: Bisupported sand beaches and Type 9: Enclosed beaches. For the classification, several tools were used: discriminant analysis, neural networks and Support Vector Machines (SVM), the results were then compared. As there is no theory for deciding which is the most convenient neural network architecture to deal with a particular data set, an experimental study was performed with different numbers of neuron in the hidden layer. Finally, an architecture with 30 neurons was chosen. Different kernels were employed for SVM (Linear, Polynomial, Radial basis function and Sigmoid). The results obtained for the discriminant analysis were not as good as those obtained for the other two methods (ANN and SVM) which showed similar success.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Música – Formação Musical e Música de Conjunto.


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In this letter, J. Hunnewell writes President Willard with estimates for a new roof for Massachusetts Hall. Hunnewell enclosed estimated costs from both a carpenter and a mason for slate and composition roofs. Estimates include supply and labor costs.


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This poem is about winter and appears to be an assemblage of passages from several published works along with Tudor's own compositions. On the verso, Tudor wrote "Abbott 2nd. March 1796." On the empty envelope is written: "Letters from my dear deceased friend J.H.T.," along with a note in another hand reading: "no letters found enclosed." It is unclear whether or not the envelope formerly held the poem.


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In this letter, Mauduit informs Oliver that he is preparing to ship several cases of books to Harvard, and that they will contain books from the estate of Dr. Avery and from Mauduit himself. He enclosed lists of the books being shipped, and those lists (along with a bill of lading) are in the following folders.


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One octavo-sized leaf containing a one-page handwritten draft of a resolution by a Harvard Corporation Committee appointed to "lay out an High Way thro' Rogers's Farm & determine about the Cost of the Sd way & the making the fences to enclose it." The resolution permits the town of Waltham to lay a highway on the farm's property as long as it is enclosed by a stone wall.


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The notebook contains the original six-page manuscript of the valedictory address composed in Latin by graduate Edward Winslow at the 1736 Harvard Commencement enclosed within 19th century blue notebook paper on which a second handwritten copy of the address is written. The original text includes edits and struck-through words.