969 resultados para ELECTROPOLISHING (EP)
We provide bounds on the upper box-counting dimension of negatively invariant subsets of Banach spaces, a problem that is easily reduced to covering the image of the unit ball under a linear map by a collection of balls of smaller radius. As an application of the abstract theory we show that the global attractors of a very broad class of parabolic partial differential equations (semilinear equations in Banach spaces) are finite-dimensional. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Localization and Mapping are two of the most important capabilities for autonomous mobile robots and have been receiving considerable attention from the scientific computing community over the last 10 years. One of the most efficient methods to address these problems is based on the use of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The EKF simultaneously estimates a model of the environment (map) and the position of the robot based on odometric and exteroceptive sensor information. As this algorithm demands a considerable amount of computation, it is usually executed on high end PCs coupled to the robot. In this work we present an FPGA-based architecture for the EKF algorithm that is capable of processing two-dimensional maps containing up to 1.8 k features at real time (14 Hz), a three-fold improvement over a Pentium M 1.6 GHz, and a 13-fold improvement over an ARM920T 200 MHz. The proposed architecture also consumes only 1.3% of the Pentium and 12.3% of the ARM energy per feature.
This paper proposes a parallel hardware architecture for image feature detection based on the Scale Invariant Feature Transform algorithm and applied to the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping problem. The work also proposes specific hardware optimizations considered fundamental to embed such a robotic control system on-a-chip. The proposed architecture is completely stand-alone; it reads the input data directly from a CMOS image sensor and provides the results via a field-programmable gate array coupled to an embedded processor. The results may either be used directly in an on-chip application or accessed through an Ethernet connection. The system is able to detect features up to 30 frames per second (320 x 240 pixels) and has accuracy similar to a PC-based implementation. The achieved system performance is at least one order of magnitude better than a PC-based solution, a result achieved by investigating the impact of several hardware-orientated optimizations oil performance, area and accuracy.
A systematic determination of the gluon distribution is of fundamental interest in understanding the parton structure Of nuclei and the QCD dynamics. Currently, the behavior of this distribution at small x (high energy) is completely undefined. In this Letter we analyze the possibility of constraining the nuclear effects present in Xg(A) using the inclusive observables which would be measured in the future electron-nucleus collider at RHIC. We demonstrate that the Study of nuclear longitudinal and charm structure functions allows to estimate the magnitude of shadowing and antishadowing effects in the nuclear gluon distribution. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We expect to observe parton saturation in a future electron-ion collider. In this Letter we discuss this expectation in more detail considering two different models which are in good agreement with the existing experimental data on nuclear structure functions. In particular, we study the predictions of saturation effects in electron-ion collisions at high energies, using a generalization for nuclear targets of the b-CGC model, which describes the ep HERA quite well. We estimate the total. longitudinal and charm structure functions in the dipole picture and compare them with the predictions obtained using collinear factorization and modern sets of nuclear parton distributions. Our results show that inclusive observables are not very useful in the search for saturation effects. In the small x region they are very difficult to disentangle from the predictions of the collinear approaches. This happens mainly because of the large uncertainties in the determination of the nuclear parton distribution functions. On the other hand, our results indicate that the contribution of diffractive processes to the total cross section is about 20% at large A and small Q(2), allowing for a detailed study of diffractive observables. The study of diffractive processes becomes essential to observe parton Saturation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Deviations from the average can provide valuable insights about the organization of natural systems. The present article extends this important principle to the systematic identification and analysis of singular motifs in complex networks. Six measurements quantifying different and complementary features of the connectivity around each node of a network were calculated, and multivariate statistical methods applied to identify singular nodes. The potential of the presented concepts and methodology was illustrated with respect to different types of complex real-world networks, namely the US air transportation network, the protein-protein interactions of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the Roget thesaurus networks. The obtained singular motifs possessed unique functional roles in the networks. Three classic theoretical network models were also investigated, with the Barabasi-Albert model resulting in singular motifs corresponding to hubs, confirming the potential of the approach. Interestingly, the number of different types of singular node motifs as well as the number of their instances were found to be considerably higher in the real-world networks than in any of the benchmark networks. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009
Cells are able to detect and respond to mechanical cues from their environment. Previous studies have investigated this mechanosensitivity on various cell types, including neural cells such as astrocytes. In this study, we have carefully optimized polyacrylamide gels, commonly used as compliant growth substrates, considering their homogeneity in surface topography, mechanical properties, and coating density, and identified several potential pitfalls for the purpose of mechanosensitivity studies. The resulting astrocyte response to growth on substrates with shear storage moduli of G` = 100 Pa and G` = 10 kPa was then evaluated as a function of coating density of poly-D-lysine using quantitative morphometric analysis. Astrocytes cultured on stiff substrates showed significantly increased perimeter, area, diameter, elongation, number of extremities and overall complexity if compared to those cultured on compliant substrates. A statistically significant difference in the overall morphological score was confirmed with an artificial intelligence-based shape analysis. The dependence of the cells` morphology on PDL coating density seemed to be weak compared to the effect of the substrate stiffness and was slightly biphasic, with a maximum at 10-100 mu g ml(-1) PDL concentration. Our finding suggests that the compliance of the surrounding tissue in vivo may influence astrocyte morphology and behavior.
In order to extend previous SAR and QSAR studies, 3D-QSAR analysis has been performed using CoMFA and CoMSIA approaches applied to a set of 39 alpha-(N)-heterocyclic carboxaldehydes thiosemicarbazones with their inhibitory activity values (IC(50)) evaluated against ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) of H.Ep.-2 cells (human epidermoid carcinoma), taken from selected literature. Both rigid and field alignment methods, taking the unsubstituted 2-formylpyridine thiosemicarbazone in its syn conformation as template, have been used to generate multiple predictive CoMFA and CoMSIA models derived from training sets and validated with the corresponding test sets. Acceptable predictive correlation coefficients (Q(cv)(2) from 0.360 to 0.609 for CoMFA and Q(cv)(2) from 0.394 to 0.580 for CoMSIA models) with high fitted correlation coefficients (r` from 0.881 to 0.981 for CoMFA and r(2) from 0.938 to 0.993 for CoMSIA models) and low standard errors (s from 0.135 to 0.383 for CoMFA and s from 0.098 to 0.240 for CoMSIA models) were obtained. More precise CoMFA and CoMSIA models have been derived considering the subset of thiosemicarbazones (TSC) substituted only at 5-position of the pyridine ring (n=22). Reasonable predictive correlation coefficients (Q(cv)(2) from 0.486 to 0.683 for CoMFA and Q(cv)(2) from 0.565 to 0.791 for CoMSIA models) with high fitted correlation coefficients (r(2) from 0.896 to 0.997 for CoMFA and r(2) from 0.991 to 0.998 for CoMSIA models) and very low standard errors (s from 0.040 to 0.179 for CoMFA and s from 0.029 to 0.068 for CoMSIA models) were obtained. The stability of each CoMFA and CoMSIA models was further assessed by performing bootstrapping analysis. For the two sets the generated CoMSIA models showed, in general, better statistics than the corresponding CoMFA models. The analysis of CoMFA and CoMSIA contour maps suggest that a hydrogen bond acceptor near the nitrogen of the pyridine ring can enhance inhibitory activity values. This observation agrees with literature data, which suggests that the nitrogen pyridine lone pairs can complex with the iron ion leading to species that inhibits RNR. The derived CoMFA and CoMSIA models contribute to understand the structural features of this class of TSC as antitumor agents in terms of steric, electrostatic, hydrophobic and hydrogen bond donor and hydrogen bond acceptor fields as well as to the rational design of this key enzyme inhibitors.
Kraft pulp is currently bleached largely by the elemental chlorine free (ECF) technology with oxygen, chlorine dioxide, and hydrogen as active agents. This technology brought about significant environmental improvements in relation to standard processes based on chlorine gas and hypochlorite, but there is still need for further improvements. This study presents a novel environmentally friendly bleaching stage - the so-called `hydrogen peroxide in supercritical carbon dioxide`, P((SC-CO2)) - that can be adapted to current ECF bleaching processes, with preference in cases where hydrogen peroxide is already used. In this study, the P((SC-CO2)) stage was evaluated as a replacement to the last peroxide stage of the D(EP)DP bleaching sequence and to the first peroxide stage of the D(EP)DP sequence, for an oxygen delignified eucalypt kraft-O(2) pulp. The P((SC-CO2)) stage was run with 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, at 15% consistency, 70 degrees C, and 73 bar. The reaction time was 30 min. The performances of regular P stages and the new P((SC-CO2)) stage were compared. Promising results were observed with the DEP((SC-CO2))DP sequence; the P((SC-CO2)) decreased kappa number from 2.7 to 2.1, and the hexenuronic acid groups from 17.0 to 12.4 mmol kg(-1). The P((SC-CO2)) stage showed poor performance when applied in the D(EP)DP((SC-CO2)) sequence. It is concluded that the process presents potential but requires further optimization to improve selectivity and efficiency.
This paper describes the development, electrochemical characterization and utilization of a cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc), modified multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), and paraffin composite electrode for the quantitative determination of epinephrine (EP) in human urine samples. The electrochemical profile of the proposed composite electrode was analyzed by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) that showed a shift of the oxidation peak potential of EP at 175 mV to less positive value, compared with a paraffin/graphite composite electrode without CoPc. DPV experiments in PBS at pH 6.0 were performed to determine EP without any previous step of extraction, clean-up, and derivatization, in the range from 1.33 to 5.50 mu mol L(-1), with a detection limit of 15.6 nmol L(-1) (2.86) of EP in electrolyte prepared with purified water. The lifetime of the proposed sensors was at least over 1000 determinations with 1.7 and 3.1 repeatability and reproducibility relative standard deviations, respectively. Human urine samples without any purification step were successfully analyzed under the standard addition method using paraffin/MWCNT/CoPc composite electrode. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Na última década, o uso de sistemas microventilados (sistema VMA) em biotérios possibilitou alojar animais com melhor qualidade sanitária devido ao maior controle ambiental fornecido por esses sistemas. Contudo, ainda é necessário uma melhor avaliação desses sistemas, principalmente no que tange às respostas dos animais. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a integridade do epitélio do trato respiratório superior (septo nasal e traquéia) de ratos mantidos em sistema VMA. Cem ratos, da linhagem Wistar-Hannover, heterogênicos, machos, de padrão sanitário convencional, foram mantidos durante 6 meses em dois distintos sistemas de ventilação: ventilação para conforto (grupo VGD, controle) e sistema VMA com intervalos de troca de cama variando de 3, 5, 7 e 9 dias (grupos IT3, IT5, IT7 e IT9, respectivamente). Após a eutanásia dos animais, fragmentos de septo nasal e traquéia foram coletados, processados com rotina de técnica histológica e corados com combinação de ácido periódico de Shiff e azul alciano (PAS-AB) e hematoxilina-eosina (HE). Os parâmetros morfométricos avaliados em septo nasal foram: 1) área de epitélio por unidade de superfície de membrana basal (EP/MB), 2) área de cílios por unidade de superfície de membrana basal (CI/MB), 3) número de núcleos por unidade de superfície de membrana basal (NN/MB), 4) área de muco ácido por unidade de superfície de membrana basal (MAc/MB), 5) área de muco ácido por área de epitélio (MAc/EP) e 6) número de núcleos por área de epitélio (NN/EP). Para NN/MB, o grupo VGD apresentou diferença estatística com os grupos IT3, IT5 e IT9. Para NN/EP, o grupo VGD teve diferença estatística com os todos grupos mantidos em VMA (IT3, IT5, IT7 e IT9). Em AE/MB observou-se diferença significativa do grupo VGD com os grupos IT7 e IT9. Para CI/MB notou-se diferença significativa entre os grupos IT3 e IT7. Embora não foi demonstrada diferença significativa entre os demais grupos, os dados sugerem que o grupo IT3 apresenta proporcionalmente maior área de cílios em relação aos demais grupos. Em MAc/MB e MAc/EP observou-se diferença significativa entre os grupos VGD e IT7. Na avaliação qualitativa da traquéia por escores, predominou a lesão inflamatória crônica, com intenso infiltrado de mononucleares (predominando neutrófilos). A presença e intensidade dessas lesões variaram de acordo com o sistema de ventilação sendo que somente no grupo VGD é que foram encontradas lesões severas (grau III). Com base nos resultados obtidos, os animais mantidos no sistema VMA, independente do intervalo de trocas de cama a que foram submetidos, apresentaram menor intensidade de lesões no septo nasal e na traquéia do que os animais mantidos em VGD. A maior integridade epitelial pode ser relacionado com a qualidade das condições ambientais fornecida aos animais alojados no sistema VMA, confirmando ser este o sistema mais adequado para a manutenção de ratos em experimentação.
Objetivo: Estudar a concordância no diagnóstico radiológico da doença respiratória aguda baixa (DRAB) em crianças. Métodos: Sessenta radiogramas do tórax de crianças menores de cinco anos foram avaliados, individualmente, por três médicos: um radiologista pediátrico (RP), um pneumologista pediatra (PP) e 1 pediatra experiente no atendimento de sala de emergências (PE). Todas as crianças tinham procurado atendimento por apresentar um quadro agudo de infecção respiratória com aparente participação pulmonar. Os avaliadores desconheciam os diagnósticos originais, mas receberam uma ficha padrão com dados clínicos e laboratoriais dos pacientes no momento da consulta inicial. Variáveis: Agrupadas em cinco categorias: a) qualidade técnica do filme; b) localização da alteração; c) padrões radiográficos; d) outras alterações radiográficas; e) diagnóstico. Análise Estatística: Para estudar a concordância entre as três duplas posíveis de observadores, utilizou-se a estatística de Kappa, aceitándo-se os valores ajustados para viés de prevalência (PABAK). Resultados: Os valores Kappa totais de cada dupla de observadores (RP x PP, RP x PE e PP x PE) foram 0.41, 0.43, e 0.39 respectivamente, o que representa em média, uma concordância interobservadores moderada (0.41). Outras variáveis: “qualidade técnica” teve uma concordância regular (0.30); com “localização”, foi moderada (0.48); com “padrões radiográficos” foi regular (0.29); com “outras alterações radiográficas” foi moderada (0,43); e com “diagnóstico”, regular (0.33). Quanto à concordância global intraobservadores, a mesma foi moderada (0.54), com valores menores dos descritos na literatura. Conclusões: A variabilidade interobservadores é inerente à interpretação dos achados radiológicos, e determinar o diagnóstico exato da DRAB nas crianças tem seus desafíos. Nossos resultados foram similares aos descritos na literatura.
Introdução: Sabe-se que a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica está associada com alteração dos mediadores inflamatórios e da função imunitária, com ativação precoce dos linfócitos que poderia ser responsável pela linfopenia e diminuição da atividade dos linfócitos no pós-operatório. A elevação enzimática está diminuída na cirurgia sem circulação extracorpórea mas este achado não está associado a melhor evolução clínica. Nesta tese, testamos a hipótese de que a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica realizada sem circulação extracorpórea pode levar a uma ativação linfocitária de menor intensidade do que a cirurgia com circulação extracorpórea. Métodos: A resposta da ativação linfocitária foi estudada durante o período trans e pósoperatório em 28 pacientes randomizados para cirurgia de coronária sem circulação extracorpórea (n=13) ou cirurgia convencional com circulação extracorpórea (n=15), utilizando citometria de fluxo para determinar a expressão de CD25, CD26, CD69 e DR em linfócitos T (CD3+) e B (CD19+), em sangue periférico. No mesmo período foram realizadas dosagens de troponina I por quimioluminescência e realizado ecocardiograma uni-bidimensional antes e após a cirurgia. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa para nenhum dos marcadores de ativação linfocitária quando comparados os grupos operados sem ou com circulação extracorpórea (ANOVA bicaudal para medidas repetidas, p>0,05). Considerando todos os pacientes estudados, houve uma elevação da expressão proporcional de CD25 e CD69 em linfócitos T (CD3+) e B (CD19+). Nos linfócitos T, o valor proporcional médio mais elevado (+ EP) de CD69 foi observado 6 horas após terem sido completadas as anastomoses (+75 + 476%) e CD25 teve uma elevação mais gradual, com o pico de seu valor médio (+48 + 24 %) ocorrendo 24 horas após a revascularização. Em linfócitos B, o pico do valor médio de CD69 (+104 + 269 %) ocorreu também após o fim das anastomoses. CD25 teve seu pico de valor médio (+150 + 773 %) 112 horas após a revascularização e seu último valor medido ainda estava elevado. A expressão de CD26 em linfócitos T teve um aparente declínio nos seus valores proporcionais médios (-42 + 32 %) 12 horas após o fim das anastomoses. Não houve diferença significativa na elevação enzimática entre os dois grupos (teste estatístico >0,05). No ecocardiograma, o grupo operado sem circulação extracorpórea apresentou diminuição do volume diastólico (p=0,001) de da fração de ejeção (P=0,012), enquanto no grupo com circulação extracorpórea, diminuíram os volumes diastólico (p=0,006) e sistólico (p=0,01). Conclusões: 1) Comparando a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica com circulação extracorpórea, a cirurgia sem circulação extracorpórea não reduz a ativação dos linfócitos. 2) A cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica produz uma ativação precoce dos linfócitos, com aumento da expressão de CD69 e CD25 em linfócitos T (CD3+) e B (CD19+), em sangue periférico. A elevação precoce de CD69, e elevação mais tardia de CD25, pode indicar duas partes de uma seqüência de ativação linfocitária. 3) O comportamento das enzimas cardíacas e dos achados ecocardiográficos não sugere benefício da cirurgia sem circulação extracorpórea sobre o dano miocárdio.
In the recent years Corporate Social Action (CSA) has become more and more relevant to corporate context. The aim is to benefit both poor communities and the donnor companies, as it meets the needs of their salient stakeholders. Nevertheless, there still exists considerable scepticism concerning CSA. In order to become a solid management practice, it is critcal to evidence the attained results. Up to now, the focus has been on process evaluation, that is, on the policies companies are adopting. Literature revision has shown a great need of studies related to results identification in this field. Therefore, using stakeholders` framework (according to Wood, 1991; Donaldson and Preston, 1995; Hopkins, 1997; Hamil, 1999), we have developped a methodology to evaluate CSA results, based on public and private effectiveness criteria. As we applied it to assess Xerox social action in Brazil we were able to identify the attainment degree of expected results related to the benefitted community (Mangueira) and also to some Xerox salient stakeholders (employees and clients).