736 resultados para Approaches to learning
El t??tulo aparece en espa??ol y, a continuaci??n, el t??tulo traducido al ingl??s: 'Approaches to Learning in Excellent and Average University Students. Their Evolution Throgouth the First Year of University'
The distinction between learning to perform on an instrument or voice and learning music in a wider sense is one that is made in many countries, and is especially pertinent in England in the context of recent policy developments. This article argues that, whilst this distinction has come to represent curricula based on the opposing paradigms of behaviourist and constructivist approaches to learning, this opposition does not necessarily extend to the pedagogy through which the curricula are taught. A case study of the National Curriculum in England highlights the characteristics of a curriculum based on constructivist principles, along with the impact this has when taught in a behaviourist way. It is argued that conceiving the curriculum in terms of musical competencies and pedagogy in terms of musical understanding would provide a basis for greater continuity and higher quality in the music education experienced by young people.
The aim of the Rural Medicine Rotation (RMR) at the University of Queensland (UQ) is to give all third year medical students exposure to and an understanding of, clinical practice in Australian rural or remote locations. A difficulty in achieving this is the relatively short period of student clinical placements, in only one or two rural or remote locations. A web-based Clinical Discussion Board (CDB) has been introduced to address this problem by allowing students at various rural sites to discuss their rural experiences and clinical issues with each other. The rationale is to encourage an understanding of the breadth and depth of rural medicine through peer-based learning. Students are required to submit a minimum of four contributions over the course of their six week rural placement. Analysis of student usage patterns shows that the majority of students exceeded the minimum submission criteria indicating motivation rather than compulsion to contribute to the CDB. There is clear evidence that contributing or responding to the CDB develops studentâ??s critical thinking skills by giving and receiving assistance from peers, challenging attitudes and beliefs and stimulating reflective thought. This is particularly evident in regard to issues involving ethics or clinical uncertainty, subject areas that are not in the medical undergraduate curriculum, yet are integral to real-world medical practice. The CDB has proved to be a successful way to understand the concerns and interests of third year medical students immersed in their RMR and also in demonstrating how technology can help address the challenge of supporting students across large geographical areas. We have recently broadened this approach by including students from the Rural Program at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. This important international exchange of ideas and approaches to learning is expected to broaden clinical training content and improve understanding of rural issues.
Purpose: The paper aims to explore the nature and purpose of higher education (HE) in the twenty-first century, focussing on how it can help fashion a green knowledge-based economy by developing approaches to learning and teaching that are social, networked and ecologically sensitive. Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents a discursive analysis of the skills and knowledge requirements of an emerging green knowledge-based economy using a range of policy focussed and academic research literature. Findings: The business opportunities that are emerging as a more sustainable world is developed requires the knowledge and skills that can capture and move then forward but in a complex and uncertain worlds learning needs to non-linear, creative and emergent. Practical implications: Sustainable learning and the attributes graduates will need to exhibit are prefigured in the activities and learning characterising the work and play facilitated by new media technologies. Social implications: Greater emphasis is required in higher learning understood as the capability to learn, adapt and direct sustainable change requires interprofessional co-operation that must utlise the potential of new media technologies to enhance social learning and collective intelligence. Originality/value: The practical relationship between low-carbon economic development, social sustainability and HE learning is based on both normative criteria and actual and emerging projections in economic, technological and skills needs.
Feedback is a key concern for higher education practitioners, yet there is little evidence concerning the aspects of assessment feedback information that higher education students prioritise when their lecturers’ time and resources are stretched. One recent study found that in such circumstances, students actually perceive feedback information itself as a luxury rather than a necessity. We first re-examined that finding by asking undergraduates to ‘purchase’ characteristics to create the ideal lecturer, using budgets of differing sizes to distinguish necessities from luxuries. Contrary to the earlier research, students in fact considered good feedback information the single biggest necessity for lecturers to demonstrate. In a second study we used the same method to examine the characteristics of feedback information that students value most. Here, the most important perceived necessity was guidance on improvement of skills. In both studies, students’ priorities were influenced by their individual approaches to learning. These findings permit a more pragmatic approach to building student satisfaction in spite of growing expectations and demands.
With rapid increases in student fees reflecting moves towards a QUASI Market model of Higher Education in the UK and across much of the Western World[1], many universities find themselves having to meet progressively higher levels of student expectations[2]. This is particularly the case at undergraduate level, where increases in fees over the past decade have far exceeded inflation. Yet with so much attention on ‘consumer savvy’ undergraduates, the question of whether Master’s level students’ expectations are matched by their experiences is one which remains largely unanswered. Grounded in an empirically grounded approach to learning and teaching developed by the paper authors[3], this paper sets out to being to answer this question. In doing so it makes a distinctive contribution to debates about graduate level engineering education and concludes with a number of recommendations. Discussion: The ‘MSc: Managing Expectations’ Project analyses the expectations and experiences of Graduate level Engineering Management Students over a two year period. Focusingon the ‘student experience’, three main concepts are identified as being particular relevant to enhancing learning [3]: Relationships: Variety: Synergy. Relationships: Based on empirical research, the significance of Relationships within the academic environment is discussed with particular attention being paid to the value of students’ social and academic support networks, including academic tutoring. Variety: Grounded in a statistical analysis of ‘engagement data’ together with survey and interview findings, the concept of variety critically examines students’ perspectives and experiencesof different approaches to learning and teaching. Synergy: Possibly the most important concept discussed within this paper, the need for constructively aligned curriculum is extended to reflect the students’ apriori knowledge and experienceas well as employer and societal demands and expectations. The conclusion brings the different concepts within the discussion together, providing a set of practical recommendations for colleagues working both at graduate and undergraduate level. References 1.Gibbs, P. (2001) "Higher education as a market: a problem or solution?." Studies in Higher Education 26. 1. pp. 85-94. 2.Tricker, T., (2005) Student Expectations-How do we measure up. University of Sheffield. Available from: http://www.persons.org.uk/tricker%20paper.pdf Accessed 9/10/14 3.Clark, R. & Andrews, J. (2014). Relationships, Variety & Synergy [RVS]: The Vital Ingredients for Scholarship in Engineering Education? A Case-Study. European Journal of Engineering Education. 39.6. pp. 585-600.
Las expectativas de los estudiantes y la calidad del servicio ofertado por la universidad de Sevilla
En este artículo se presenta un análisis diferencial de las expectativas de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla (España), en función de las ramas del conocimiento, agrupadas en las dimensiones personal, universidad, curricular y docencia. Las aportaciones han sido recogidas en un cuestionario aplicado a 1082 estudiantes de las áreas de humanidades, bio-sanitaria, económica-jurídica y científico-técnica, a través de un análisis de la varianza para la comparación de medias (asumiendo varianzas iguales y pruebas de Scheffé y Tukey). Se han contrastado los valores medios de cada rama, con el fin de determinar si las diferencias observadas resultan estadísticamente significativas. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que la dimensión personal y la de universidad son valoradas de forma similar en las cuatro ramas del conocimiento; en cambio en la dimensión curricular, las expectativas son más favorables para la rama bio-sanitaria y, en la docencia para la rama de humanidades. En definitiva, los resultados presentan las fortalezas y las debilidades en las dimensiones consideradas y permiten extraer conclusiones de las que derivan indicadores de interés para la mejora de la comunidad universitaria.
Students reflect more on their learning in course subjects when they participate in managing their teaching–learning environment. As a form of guided participation, peer assessment serves the following purposes: (a) it improves the student’s understanding of previously established learning objectives; (b) it is a powerful metacognitive tool; (c) it transfers to the student part of the responsibility for assessing learning, which means deciding which learning activities are important and choosing the degree of effort a course subject will require; (d) it emphasizes the collective aspect of the nature of knowledge; and (e) the educational benefits derived from peer assessment clearly justify the efforts required to implement activities. This paper reports on the relative merits of a learning portfolio compiled during fine arts-related studies in which peer assessment played an important role. The researchers analyzed the student work load and the final marks students received for compulsory art subjects. They conclude that the use of a closed learning portfolio with a well-structured, sequential and analytical design can have a positive effect on student learning and that, although implementing peer assessment may be complex and students need to become familiar with it, its use is not only feasible but recommendable.
Diskurse und Auseinandersetzungen mit den Fragen von Demokratie und Bildung und den Inhalten demokratischer Bildung sind in Österreich - so es sie überhaupt gibt - häufig verkürzt. Der Fokus liegt meist auf "Mitbestimmung". Fragen der Gestaltung der demokratischen Grundstrukturen und des demokratischen Grundverständnisses werden vernachlässigt. Das ist wohl u.a. auf die wenig aufgearbeitete autoritäre und faschistische Tradition in den meisten institutionellen Kontexten zurückzuführen. Die vorliegende Ausgabe des Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at fragt, was Demokratie kennzeichnet, wie viel und welche Art von Demokratie wir uns vorstellen können und wie viel Demokratie eine Gesellschaft braucht. Die Themenbeiträge entwickeln verschiedene, kritische, oft feministische Zugänge zum Demokratielernen und werden einerseits thematisch (critical science literacy, economic literacy), andererseits methodisch (Psychodrama, Legislatives Theater) mit direkten praktischen Bezügen ausgeführt. Die praxisorientierten Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit spezifischen Ansätzen (Anti-Bias-Ansatz, kritische Radioberichterstattung) und alten neuen Themen des Demokratielernens (politischer Extremismus, Geschlechterstereotype). Resümierend appellieren die Herausgeber, die institutionelle Einbindung zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationsformen in die Erwachsenenbildungslandschaft und auch die verkürzten Diskurse um demokratische Bildung in Österreich genauer zu untersuchen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.
A existência de relação entre as formas de conceptualizar a aprendizagem em geral (concepções de aprendizagem) e as formas de experienciar a aprendizagem em tarefas específicas (abordagens à aprendizagem) tem sido estabelecida pela literatura no domínio dos modelos SAL (Students Approaches to Learning). Neste estudo realizado com 920 estudantes do ensino superior procurou-se identificar as concepções e as abordagens à aprendizagem recorrendo ao COLI ( Conceptions of Learning Inventory) e ao ASI-r (Approaches to Study Inventory-revisto) adaptados para a população estudantil portuguesa. Os resultados indicaram correlações positivas entre as concepções e as abordagens à aprendizagem e, também, que os estudantes, de um modo geral, apresentam concepções mais profundas de aprendizagem adoptando, em simultâneo, abordagens profundas, superficiais e estratégicas. Encontram-se diferenças significativas ao nível da área científica, dos cursos, do ano de frequência e do género.
Paper presented at the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, 6-7 Sep. 2008 URL: http://www.academic-conferences.org/eckm/eckm2007/eckm07-home.htm
Int’l J. of Information and Communication Technology Education, 3(2), 1-14, April-June 2007
Paper presented at the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, 6-7 Sep. 2008 URL: http://www.academic-conferences.org/eckm/eckm2007/eckm07-home.htm
This paper appears in International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education edited by Lawrence A. Tomei (Ed.) Copyright 2007, IGI Global, www.igi-global.com. Posted by permission of the publisher. URL:http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=4287.