588 resultados para Andreu Castillejos


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2,360 titles, classified by centuries, subarranged chronologically by events, with indexes of authors, printers, places, etc.


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This study investigated the effect of providing free-access to several fat-modified foods on dietary energy and fat intake in free-living individuals with and without diabetes mellitus. Five low/no-fat products or their regular-fat versions were provided to volunteers to take home and use for 3 days. Energy and nutrient intakes of all foods consumed were determined through a weighed food diary and by weighing the food provided before and after consumption. Fifteen individuals with diabetes and 15 case-matched controls without diabetes participated in the study. Individuals with diabetes and controls responded similarly to the fat-modified foods. In both groups there was a significant reduction in the percent of kcals and grams of fat consumed during the low-fat condition compared to the regular-fat condition (p


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La verificación formal de un programa es la demostración de que este funciona de acuerdo a una descripción del comportamiento esperado en toda posible ejecución. La especificación de lo deseado puede utilizar técnicas diversas y entrar en mayor o menor detalle, pero para ganarse el título de formal esta ha de ser matemáticamente rigurosa. El estudio y ejercicio manual de alguna de esas técnicas forma parte del currículo común a los estudios de grado de la Facultad de Informática y del itinerario de Ciencias de la Computación de la Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, como es el caso de la verificación con pre- y postcondiciones o lógica de Hoare. En el presente trabajo se explora la automatización de estos métodos mediante el lenguaje y verificador Dafny, con el que se especifican y verifican algoritmos y estructuras de datos de diversa complejidad. Dafny es un lenguaje de programación diseñado para integrar la especificación y permitir la verificación automática de sus programas, con la ayuda del programador y de un demostrador de teoremas en la sombra. Dafny es un proyecto en desarrollo activo aunque suficientemente maduro, que genera programas ejecutables.


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Cuando hacemos referencia a la conducta antisocial nos referimos a una serie de comportamientos que infringen las normas o leyes establecidos; en el momento actual con una repercusión a nivel individual, clínico, familiar y a nivel social esto nos lleva a tener que poner mucho más empeño en poder poner de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar aquellos factores de riesgo que está influyendo en dicha conducta. Numerosos son los estudios que se han llevado a cabo sobre este asunto por distintos autores y conocedores de la materia, y en este recorrido ya se han podido vislumbran muchos factores no solo de riesgo sino de protección, que pueden llevarnos a comprender y entender de un modo más claro y conciso la naturaleza del fenómeno que estamos abordando. A pesar de todo lo anterior no existe, hasta el momento suficiente consenso sobre la conceptualización de la conducta antisocial, dado por ser un constructor complejo y su uso en la investigación es frecuentemente ambiguo ya que, en no pocas ocasiones, se emplea haciendo alusión a diferentes conductas sin una clara delimitación terminológica (Rutter, Giller y Hagell, 2000). En general, la conducta antisocial hace referencia a una diversidad de actos que generan daño en los demás, frecuentemente en forma de agresión, o que violan las normas sociales y los derechos de los demás (Burt y Donnellan, 2009; Peña y Graña, 2006). Sin embargo, el que una conducta se conceptualice como antisocial también está en función del juicio o valoración social acerca de la gravedad de los actos cometidos y de su alejamiento de las pautas normativas en una sociedad en concreto (Kazdin y Buela-Casal, 2002). En esta valoración intervienen multitud de factores tales como la edad del menor, su sexo, la clase social y otras circunstancias socio-contextuales (Pahlavan y Andreu, 2009; Romero, Sobral y Luengo, 1999; Vázquez, 2003)...


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El carácter innovador y feminista del mediometraje Margarita y el lobo (1969) supuso la censura total de la película y el ostracismo hacia su directora, la entonces estudiante de la EOC, Cecilia Bartolomé. En este artículo repasamos sus anteriores cortometrajes para desgranar los primeros matices de protesta así como la utilización de la expresión musical como vehículo del discurso feminista en Margarita y el lobo. A través de los planteamientos de la musicóloga Susan McClary que abordan sexualidad, género y feminismo concluimos con una visión del análisis de género en las obras musicales, al vincular sus es­tudios al film de Bartolomé. Del mismo modo, analizamos la función que cumple la música en el medio­metraje. Para ello, examinamos el repertorio de canciones presente en Margarita y el lobo para terminar reconociendo la función discursiva y referencial como piezas claves en la película de la directora.


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The recent crisis of the capitalistic economic system has altered the working conditions and occupations in the European Union. The recession situation has accelerated trends and has brought transformations that have been observed before. Changes have not looked the same way in all the countries of the Union. The social occupation norms, labour relations models and the type of global welfare provision can help underline some of these inequalities. Poor working conditions can expose workers to situations of great risk. This is one of the basic assumptions of the theoretical models and analytical studies of the approach to the psychosocial work environment. Changes in working conditions of the population seems to be important to explain in the worst health states. To observe these features in the current period of economic recession it has made a comparative study of trend through the possibilities of the European Working Conditions Survey in the 2005 and 2010 editions. It has also set different multivariate logistic regression models to explore potential partnerships with the worst conditions of employment and work. It seems that the economic crisis has intensified changes in working conditions and highlighted the effects of those conditions on the poor health of the working population. This conclusion can’t be extended for all EU countries; some differences were observed in terms of global welfare models.


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This article analyses the influence that different criticism stages of proceedings exert in the habits of theatre attendance. The study is based on the survey carried out specifically for this research in which 210 people, who attended a theatrical representation, were interviewed in three different theatres in the city of Valencia. The study has revealed the mouth to mouth importance in the decision of attending the theatre and its stronger influence on the audiences who less frequently go to theatrical representations. The results obtained have also made clear the existence of a narrow relation between the advice effect of the theatre critics and the patterns of attendance to the theatre, just like its bigger influence between theatres with commercial orientation and those which are addressed to the broad audiences.


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Esta investigación pretende analizar, desde un punto de vista documental, el tratamiento periodístico dado por los principales medios impresos españoles a las informaciones sobre el nuevo partido político Podemos en el momento de su eclosión. Podemos es un fenómeno social que en muy breve espacio de tiempo cambió los parámetros políticos de España. Por ello, queremos conocer cómo los principales medios de comunicación elaboraron sus informaciones en ese contexto de novedad que supuso su aparición. La documentación es el pilar de la información periodística de calidad, razón por la que nos servimos de ella para medir, dentro del marco de nuestra investigación, la calidad del periodismo que se practicó con dicha formación política.


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Between 1914 and 1923, and in general during the 1910s and 1920s, important changes occurred in the Asturian press that can be seen, for example, in the type of dailies which achieved certain readership levels. The form and number of pages evolved, images became more common, so-called citizen journalism was more freely practised, and there was a trend -when there was an opportunity- towards publishing articles which involved the author travelling to distant lands. Simultaneously, the consideration of sport as a show and the treatment given to other content both helped outline a new media scenario.


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Research on the relationship between reproductive work and women´s life trajectories including the experience of labour migration has mainly focused on the case of relatively young mothers who leave behind, or later re-join, their children. While it is true that most women migrate at a younger age, there are a significant number of cases of men and women who move abroad for labour purposes at a more advanced stage, undertaking a late-career migration. This is still an under-estimated and under-researched sub-field that uncovers a varied range of issues, including the global organization of reproductive work and the employment of migrant women as domestic workers late in their lives. By pooling the findings of two qualitative studies, this article focuses on Peruvian and Ukrainian women who seek employment in Spain and Italy when they are well into their forties, or older. A commonality the two groups of women share is that, independently of their level of education and professional experience, more often than not they end up as domestic and care workers. The article initially discusses the reasons for late-career female migration, taking into consideration the structural and personal determinants that have affected Peruvian and Ukrainian women’s careers in their countries of origin and settlement. After this, the focus is set on the characteristics of domestic employment at later life, on the impact on their current lives, including the transnational family organization, and on future labour and retirement prospects. Apart from an evaluation of objective working and living conditions, we discuss women’s personal impressions of being domestic workers in the context of their occupational experiences and family commitments. In this regard, women report varying levels of personal and professional satisfaction, as well as different patterns of continuity-discontinuity in their work and family lives, and of optimism towards the future. Divergences could be, to some extent, explained by the effect of migrants´ transnational social practices and policies of states.


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The hypothesis that the same educational objective, raised as cooperative or collaborative learning in university teaching does not affect students’ perceptions of the learning model, leads this study. It analyses the reflections of two students groups of engineering that shared the same educational goals implemented through two different methodological active learning strategies: Simulation as cooperative learning strategy and Problem-based Learning as a collaborative one. The different number of participants per group (eighty-five and sixty-five, respectively) as well as the use of two active learning strategies, either collaborative or cooperative, did not show differences in the results from a qualitative perspective.


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En este artículo presentamos un balance de la Antropología de la Conservación en el Estado español. Durante las últimas décadas, la protección de los espacios naturales ha aumentado de una manera exponencial en todo el mundo. A la vez que se extendía esta patrimonialización de la naturaleza, los trabajos etnográficos sobre las áreas protegidas han ido ganando terreno dentro de la disciplina y, en particular, en el campo de la Antropología Ambiental. La mencionada bibliografía ha puesto de relieve los múltiples aspectos derivados de las nuevas políticas territoriales de regulación, apropiación y mercantilización de la ‘naturaleza’. En este trabajo realizamos una revisión exhaustiva de la producción generada a raíz de este interés por las áreas protegidas en nuestro país subrayando sus principales aportaciones, características y debilidades. De este modo pretendemos reflexionar acerca de su continuidad, con el fin de evitar la mera reiteración y favorecer el avance en sus resultados.


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This paper deals with the relationship between different sets of archaeological legislation, material culture and communities. First it presents a historical sketch of the heritage legislation in the West and its contemporary uses. Secondly, it shows how alternative archaeological agencies, such as community archaeology, deal with these problems. The discussion is especially relevant in Brazil, where contract archaeology is presently overwhelming, and the issue is raised in the last part of the paper.