1000 resultados para papel aniônico
The use of natural dyes to demonstrate principles of paper chromatography is proposed. Extraction of the coloring compounds were performed in order to obtain the aglycone form of the anthocyanins present in the crude extracts. Separations were carried out on chromatographic paper with BAW (butanol/acetic acid/water) as mobile phase and the results compared with literature data. The crude extracts were obtained from Tibouchina granulosa, Rododhendron simsii, Impatiens walleriana flowers which are wildely found in Brazil and Phaseolus vulgaris L. grains skin which is the principal ingredient of the world famous "feijoada". Such species were chosen in order to attract the students attention since they are present in their quotidian, in agreement with the new proposals for Brazilian education.
In this work, the fruit extracts of Morus nigra - mulberry, Syzygium cuminii - jambolão, Vitis vinifera ¾ grape, Myrciaria cauliflora - jabuticaba are suggested as pH indicators in the form of either solutions or paper. The pH indicator solutions were prepared by soaking the fruits or their peels in ethanol 1:3 (m/V) for 24 h, followed by simple filtration. The pH indicator papers were prepared by imersion of the qualitative filter paper strips in the pH indicator solutions. The different pH leads to color changes in the indicator solutions or papers and it can be used for teaching elementary chemistry concepts.
The abatement of recalcitrant lignin macromolecules from effluents of pulp and paper industry was investigated by combined process. Flocculation and coagulation with aluminum sulfate and natural polyelectrolytes extracted from cactus Cereus peruvianus were used in the first step. After separation of solid residues by filtration, the photochemical methods using TiO2 as catalyst were employed for photocatalytic degradation of lignin compounds from solution. The abatement of lignin compounds after flocculation and coagulation was 46%, and after the overall process, the pollutants reduction observed were 66%. The remaining organic compounds may be removed by any biological treatment.
[spa] Desde principios de los noventa, nuestra sociedad está sufriendo una serie de cambios asociados al uso masivo de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). En este nuevo modelo social, conocido bajo el nombre de sociedad de la información, las Administraciones públicas han tenido que adaptarse, introduciendo las nuevas tecnologías en su actividad cotidiana. No obstante, la transformación de las Administraciones públicas va más allá del uso de las TIC, pues supone una auténtica transformación de una administración en papel a una verdadera administración electrónica. Todo ello conlleva modificaciones en el ordenamiento jurídico, así como en las relaciones entre la Administración con los ciudadanos. En este trabajo, analizamos el desarrollo de este proceso en las Administraciones públicas españolas.
Interlaboratorial programs are conducted for a number of purposes: to identify problems related to the calibration of instruments, to assess the degree of equivalence of analytical results among several laboratories, to attribute quantity values and its uncertainties in the development of a certified reference material and to verify the performance of laboratories as in proficiency testing, a key quality assurance technique, which is sometimes used in conjunction with accreditation. Several statistics tools are employed to assess the analytical results of laboratories participating in an intercomparison program. Among them are the z-score technique, the elypse of confidence and the Grubbs and Cochran test. This work presents the experience in coordinating an intercomparison exercise in order to determine Ca, Al, Fe, Ti and Mn, as impurities in samples of silicon metal of chemical grade prepared as a candidate for reference material.
Discurso de entrada a la Reial Acadèmia deFarmàcia de Catalunya, Barcelona. 04 de mayo de 2015
The chemical analysis of the acetone, chloroform, toluene and methanol extracts of a pitch sample was carried out by IR and GC-MS, leading to the identification of sixty nine compounds, including fatty acids, alcohols and hydrocarbons. Analysis of the acetone extractive of a eucalyptus wood used in Brazil for pulp production was also carried out, resulting in identification of fifty nine compounds, including mainly fatty acids, phenolic compounds, beta-sitosterol and other steroids. This analysis showed that pitch formation had a contribution from wood extractives and other sources of contamination. The results obtained and the methodology applied can be used by the pulp industry to develop new methods of pitch control.
Los años comprendidos entre 1987 y 1991 fueron intensos y estuvieron repletos de actos que significaron el inicio de recorridos que conducirían a la concreción de lo que después acabaría configurando la profesión de la Educación Social tal y cómo ahora la conocemos. Paciano Fermoso ha definido este tiempo como la etapa de consolidación de la Pedagogía social. Uno de los primeros desencadenantes de ese intenso proceso de maduración social podría considerarse que fue este"primer encuentro". Por lo menos en lo que a la Educación Especializada se refiere. Celebrado en mayo de 1987 en Barcelona, sirvió además para recordar la figura de Faustino Guerau de Arellano, fallecido en noviembre de 1986, uniendo su nombre a este fructífero evento. Este pequeño artículo, que además del componente de rescate y de balance a más de 25 años vista de ese momento y de su proyección histórica tiene también un cierto carácter vindicativo, quiere recordar sus objetivos, su desarrollo, su significado, los elementos más interesantes de los discursos e interpelaciones que generó y de las relaciones y consecuencias sociales que posibilitó. Pero también, hacer un pequeño homenaje a las educadoras y educadores que altruísticamente lo hicieron posible.
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering - SERS - underwent huge advances since a single-molecule Raman spectrum was obtained in 1997. New theoretical and experimental approaches emerged since then leading to a better understanding of the enhancement mechanisms and to a significant improvement in the Raman signal. This review presents the current status of the SERS effect and the promising ways of designing and preparing high performance SERS-active substrates.
Se desarrolló una actividad didáctica (Te’n recordes de les NCF?, eminentemente práctica, en dos formatos, multimedia y papel) para reafirmar y evaluar los conocimientos sobre Normas de Correcta Fabricación (NCF) de los alumnos de la asignatura Farmàcia Galènica III.Se describe el estudio llevado a cabo para estudiar si existían diferencias significativas en los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos debidas al empleo de un material interactivo (aplicación para el ordenador) o un material tradicional (ejercicio en papel y escrito).
El escaso diálogo entre perspectivas teóricas complica un análisis sistemático sobre el papel de las ONG en el proceso político y más en concreto en las políticas públicas. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una revisión de los diferentes enfoques sobre las ONG utilizados en la ciencia política y señalar algunas de las consecuencias de la fragmentación teórica. Se constata que las perspectivas de la sociedad civil, tercer sector, movimientos sociales y grupos de interés analizan esencialmente el mismo fenómeno: la acción colectiva a través de organizaciones de ciudadanos que defienden una causa concreta pero centrándose en diferentes aspectos de su función en el proceso político y en la definición de las políticas. Finalmente, se propone una definición operativa de las ONG a partir de los enfoques analizados.
Dregs is an alkaline solid by-product generated in the cellulose manufacturing industry that could be used to correct soil acidity. The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of this product and some of its properties. The dregs presented 354 g kg-1 of calcium, neutralization capacity of 80.3%, and pH 10.7, besides low concentration of sodium (10.2 g kg-1), lead (62.9 mg kg-1) and cadmium (5.6 mg kg-1). Thus, it is a product that can safely be used to increase the soil pH.
Gunpowder played a significant role in colonial Brazil. This reached a climax in the eighteenth century, when the country's large gold output enticed the greed of many. The French invasion of Rio de Janeiro in 1711 made the city's defense even more pressing to the metropolis. Brigadier Alpoim symbolized this reaction. He was a leading Luso-Brazilian engineer of that century, whose multiple activities set him apart in colonial life. These activities included a pioneer role in teaching the manufacture and use of gunpowder, about which he wrote extensively during the first half of the eighteenth century. His work is thus among the first to treat chemical technology in the colony at such an early age.
Glutathione (GSH) and related enzymes are pivotal for the normal functioning of several important biological processes. In this review we discuss the biosynthesis and the catalytic cycles of glutathione as well as the major GSH-related enzymes. We also present how glutathione and enzymes are involved in cancer and the chromatographic and non-chromatographic methods used to analyze glutathione and/or its derivatives.