944 resultados para motorcycle licensing
This is the report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 28th March, 1977. The report contains sections on fisheries income and expenditure, licensing of salmon dealers, sea patrol of estuaries, proposed fish pass at Branthwaite Weir, and fisheries activities. The section on sea patrol of estuaries looks at the possibility of bailiffs in Derwent, Ehen/Calder and Esk estuaries carrying out sea patrols in places where salmon netting takes place. The section on fisheries activities includes information on the spawning season in 1976; salmon and sea trout catches; restocking and fisheries investigations regarding water quality. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 2nd May 1978. The report contains the minutes of the last meetings of the Local Fisheries Advisory Committees, income and expenditure and the enforcement of licensing provisions. Also included is information on Stocks Reservoir, which includes the proposals for public angling. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 15th February, 1988. The report contains information on fishing licence duties, The National Rivers Authority, coarse fish close season, River Caldew fish passes, hatchery developments, salmon dealer licensing and Solway haaf nets. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o licenciamento ambiental das obras públicas de infraestrutura realizadas sob o Regime Diferenciado de Contratações Públicas (RDC), previsto pelaLei n 12.462/2011. A escolha do país para realizar a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 trouxe a necessidade de responder a encargos contratuais e ao esperado fluxo de turistas. Com isso, tornou-se ainda mais urgente promover melhorias na infraestrutura do país. Contudo, o estatuto legal das licitações e contratos administrativos era visto como inadequado, o que levou à criação do RDC. O novo regime revela-se cercado de controvérsias a respeito de suas benefícios e desvantagens, mas progressivamente vem tendo seu âmbito de aplicação estendido para além dos eventos desportivos internacionais. Ao longo do texto, examina-se a constitucionalidade da nova lei, bem como a proteção jurídica do meio ambiente, enfocando-se o licenciamento ambiental. Por fim, a partir da análise da Lei n 12.462/2011 em face da Constituição da República, propõe-se uma interpretação a respeito da compatibilização entre o RDC e o licenciamento ambiental, considerando a efetividade da legislação ambiental e o princípio da vedação do retrocesso.
O estudo partiu do diálogo entre as políticas públicas de meio ambiente e o referencial teórico crítico da educação e da justiça ambiental. Ancorada na filosofia da práxis, uma categoria central do materialismo-histórico, busca ir além dos aspectos teóricos. A pesquisa tem o objetivo de contribuir para o entendimento e melhoria dos processos complexos e contraditórios de implementação da educação ambiental como condicionante de licença de operação e produção da indústria de petróleo e gás no Brasil. Tais projetos mitigatórios são conduzidos e monitorados pelo órgão ambiental, mas devem ser implementados e executados pelos próprios empreendedores que causam os impactos socioambientais nas localidades. Em contrapartida, projetos de educação ambiental crítica e participativa, desenvolvidos compulsoriamente no licenciamento offshore, estão voltados para os grupos socioambientais impactados. Preconizam o fortalecimento e a integração desses grupos diante do Estado e do próprio empresariado e devem estimular participação em processos decisórios da gestão ambiental local. A tese a ser demonstrada é a de que, neste campo de disputas pelo uso e gestão do território, os PEAs em sua práxis educativa e enquanto política pública no âmbito do licenciamento, constitui-se em um instrumento em potencial na construção de cidadania política. Na busca por investigar a efetividade desses PEAs, implementados na maior bacia petrolífera do país, a bacia de campos, a pesquisa faz primeiramente um estudo documental e posteriormente um estudo empírico com os atores sociais participantes dos projetos. A pesquisa documental revelou que existiam cinco PEAs desenvolvidos entre os anos de 2010 e 2012: o Projeto Pólen e o NEA-BC (Petrobras); o PEA ObservAção (PetroRio, antiga HRT); o PEA FOCO (Statoil) e o QUIPEA (Shell). A pesquisa empírica foi feita nos municípios de São Francisco de Itabapoana, São João da Barra, Armação dos Búzios e Cabo frio, contemplados com 80% dos projetos desenvolvidos na região e percorreu 17 localidades dos municípios e foram realizadas 52 entrevistas. Esta etapa da pesquisa traz as motivações acerca dos projetos, opiniões sobre o processo formativo, as transformações práticas vividas pelos atores a partir das vivências nos projetos e aspectos da participação desses atores sociais dentro e fora dos PEAs. 70% dos entrevistados trazem as crenças nos projetos devido às: propostas, objetivos e metodologias (discussões participativas, encontros de comunidades) e à equipe de executores (com os quais os atores têm uma relação de afeto e admiração); 28% abarcam as descrenças: lentidão e subjetividade dos resultados; o não entendimento acerca da origem dos projetos (mitigatórios, compesatórios, etc); conflito nas relações entre os quilombolas e os empresários; gastos com os projetos e não com a comunidade. Outras categorias surgem: remuneração/contratação; Obtenção de uma sede para o projeto; a excelência no processo formativo (onde alguns métodos devem ser repensados); a interação e a articulação entre os projetos. O estudo também revelou que os participantes passaram a participar de instâncias da gestão pública de seus territórios. As questões são apontadas para que esses projetos possam ser aperfeiçoados, mesmo diante de todas as contradições, tensões e conflitos que isso impõe em uma sociedade desigual, reduzindo a natureza, a mercadoria e a relações precificadas.
This work compiled data and information previously reported on the shrimp fishery and stock, since the beginning of commercial fishery in 1965. It includes a fishery description, the evolution of the fishing effort, landing and catch rates. The main historical management measures implemented in the fishery are also described, which includes the licensing regime, minimum mesh size requirements, closed seasons and total allowable catch. The methodologies used for stock assessment are also presented.
Shrimp culture in Bangladesh has emerged as an important aquaculture industry over the last three decades although its culture in greater parts of the farming area is done in traditional ways. In the meantime, the government of Bangladesh has taken necessary measures along with the private sectors to increase production, upgrade processing industries and to promote export performance. Long supply chain in raw material collection, inadequate infrastructure facilities, poor level of cool chain and lack of adequate HACCP-based training on hygiene and sanitation of different groups of people involved in the field level are the main problems of quality loss of raw materials. Shortage of raw materials results in poor capacity utilization of the processing plants. The growth of bagda (P. monodon) hatchery has expanded rapidly over the last few years, remaining mostly concentrated in Cox's Bazar region is enough to meet the target production. However, there is a shortage of pelleted shrimp feed in Bangladesh. A large number of export processors are now producing increasing amounts of value-added products such as individually quick-frozen, peeled and divined, butterfly cut shrimp, as well as cooked products. The export earnings from value added products is about half of the total export value. About 95% of total fish products are exported to European countries, USA and Japan and the remaining to the Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Most of the EU approved shrimp processing industries have been upgraded with laboratory facilities and provided HACCP training to their workers. As of now, HACCP is applied on the processing plants, but to ensure the quality of raw materials and to reduce risks, shrimp farms are also required to adopt HACCP plan. There is increased pressure time to time from importing countries for fish processors to establish effective quality assurance system in processing plants. Fish Inspection and Quality Control (FIQC) of the Department of Fisheries while having moderately equipped laboratories with chemical, bio-chemical and microbiological testing facilities and qualified technical personnel, the creation of facilities for testing of antibiotics is underway. FIQC mainly supervises quality aspects of the processing plants and has little or no control over raw material supply chains from farm to processing plants. Bangladesh export consignments sometimes face rejection due to reported poor quality of the products. Three types of barriers are reported for export of shrimp to EU countries. These are:(1) government participation in trade and restrictive practices (state aid, countervailing duties, state trading enterprises, government monopoly practices), customs and administrative entry procedures (anti-dumping duties, customs valuation, classification, formalities, rules of origin); (2) technical barriers to trade or TBT (technical regulations, standards, testing, certification arrangement); (3) specific limitations (quantitative restrictions, import licensing, embargoes, exchange control, discriminatory sourcing, export restraints, measures to regulate domestic prices, requirements concerning marking, labeling and packaging).
The fish stocks of Lake Albert face immense exploitation pressure which has led to “fishingdown” of their fisheries, with some larger species having been driven to near-extinction, while others such as Citharinus citharus have almost disappeared. Both A. baremose (Angara) and H. forskahlii (Ngassia) historically formed the most important commercial species in Lake Albert until the early 2000s but recent Catch Assessment Surveys (2007-2013) revealed a sweeping decline in their contribution to the commercial catch from 72.7% in 1971 to less than 6% in 2013. The catch per unit effort also registered a two-fold decline from 45.6 and 36.1 kg/boat/day to 22.6 and 18.1 kg/boat/day for A. baremose and H. forskahlii respective between 1971 and 2007. Over 50% of illegal gillnets, below the legal minimum limit of four inches (101.6 mm) used on Lake Albert target the two species. Gillnet experiments found the three inch (76.2 mm) gill net mesh size suitable for sustained harvest of the two species. The study concludes that optimal utilization of the two species and probably other non target fish species is achievable through species specific management strategies, coupling species specific licensing, and controlling harvest of juvenile individuals, overall fishing effort and fish catch on Lake Albert and protecting the vulnerable fish habitats.
We study three contractual arrangements—co-development, licensing, and co-development with opt-out options—for the joint development of new products between a small and financially constrained innovator firm and a large technology company, as in the case of a biotech innovator and a major pharma company. We formulate our arguments in the context of a two-stage model, characterized by technical risk and stochastically changing cost and revenue projections. The model captures the main disadvantages of traditional co-development and licensing arrangements: in co-development the small firm runs a risk of running out of capital as future costs rise, while licensing for milestone and royalty (M&R) payments, which eliminates the latter risk, introduces inefficiency, as profitable projects might be abandoned. Counter to intuition we show that the biotech's payoff in a licensing contract is not monotonically increasing in the M&R terms. We also show that an option clause in a co-development contract that gives the small firm the right but not the obligation to opt out of co-development and into a pre-agreed licensing arrangement avoids the problems associated with fully committed co-development or licensing: the probability that the small firm will run out of capital is greatly reduced or completely eliminated and profitable projects are never abandoned.
This case study explores the interaction between domestic and foreign governmental policy on technology transfer with the goal of exploring the long-term impacts of technology transfer. Specifically, the impact of successive licensing of fighter aircraft manufacturing and design to Japan in the development of Japan's aircraft industry is reviewed. Results indicate Japan has built a domestic aircraft industry through sequential learning with foreign technology transfers from the United States, and design and production on domestic fighter aircraft. This process was facilitated by governmental policies in both Japan and the United States. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Urquhart, C., Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Fenton, R. & Armstrong, C. (2004). JUSTEIS: JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services Final report 2003/2004 Cycle Five. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: JISC
Spink, S., Urquhart, C., Cox, A. & Higher Education Academy - Information and Computer Sciences Subject Centre. (2007). Procurement of electronic content across the UK National Health Service and Higher Education sectors. Report to JISC executive and LKDN executive. Sponsorship: JISC/LKDN
null RAE2008
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, especialização em Marketing e Comunicação Estratégica.
The theme of this year’s colloquium is “Towards 2020: Environmental challenges and opportunities for the next decade” which reflects the many environmental targets that have been set for the year 2020 in areas of climate change, renewable energy, water protection and biodiversity. In relation to the latter, we are delighted to have Professor Michael Depledge (Former Chairman of UK Science Advisory Committee on the Environment & Climate Change) at ENVIRON 2011 to deliver the colloquium keynote address on “Health and the Value of Nature”. The colloquium plenary session has a number of high profile speakers who will address the colloquium theme of environmental challenges and opportunities for the next decade including Professor John Sweeney (NUI Maynooth), Ms Laura Burke (Director of EPA’s Office of Climate, Licensing Research and Resource Use) and Mr John Mullins (CEO of Bord Gais). The research programme has 95 oral presentations and 60 poster presentations in the themes of water quality, energy and climate change, marine and coastal research, environmental management, environmental technologies, environment and health, and biodiversity and ecosystems. In addition, for the first year, poster presenters have the opportunity to make a 1 minute oral presentation on their poster during the oral sessions in the relevant theme. The 2011 colloquium also sees an increase the number of workshops and seminars accompanying the programme with an emphasis on training and development for postgraduates in the environmental area. We are particularly pleased to have a link with the Environment Graduate Programme in the “Ocean Studies Workshop” which illustrates how the ENVIRON colloquium can support and benefit from the various graduate programmes currently being developed within Universities. Finally ENVIRON 2011 and the UCC 2011 Law and the Environment symposium have been deliberately scheduled together at the same time and location to allow delegates from both conferences to benefit from each other’s programmes.