947 resultados para inbound logistics


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Tämän diplomityön aiheena on palvelutarjooman kehittäminen elintarvikeketjussa toimivalle seutulogistiikan palveluyritykselle. Työn tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa uudenlaisen logistiikkapalvelun käynnistämisen tueksi. Työssä kartoitetaan kaakkoissuomalaisen elintarvikeketjun logistiikan toimintamalleja ja palvelutarpeita. Aineistona on käytetty 23 elintarvikeketjun osapuolen (tuottaja, jalostaja, myyjä) haastatteluja sekä olemassa olevia selvityksiä aiheesta. Työ sisältää katsauksen kaakkoissuomalaiseen ruokatuotantoon ja elintarvikeketjun eri vaiheiden nykytilaan. Tuloksena ovat jäsennetyt palvelutarpeet elintarvikkeiden toimitusketjun eri osapuolille. Lisäksi palveluyrityksen toimintaa selvennettiin rakentamalla sille liiketoimintamalli, joka sisältää arviot yrityksen tärkeimpien osa-alueiden sisällöstä ja toimintatavasta. Liiketoimintamallin ja eri osapuolien palvelutarpeiden pohjalta työssä rakennettiin kaksi palvelutarpeisiin perustuvaa vaihtoehtoista palvelutarjoomaa ja arvioitiin niiden ominaisuuksia ja toteutettavuutta Kaakkois-Suomessa. Työn sisältö ja lopputulokset ovat julkisesti hyödynnettävissä paikallisesti tuotetun ruoan tuottajien liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien ja palvelun parantamiseksi.


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Supply chain risk management has emerged as an increasingly important issue in logistics as disruptions in the supply chain have become critical issues for many companies. The scientific literature on the subject is developing and in many respects the understanding of it is still in its infancy. Thus, there is a need for more information in order for scholars and practitioners to understand the causalities and interrelations that characterise the phenomenon. The aim of this dissertation is to narrow this gap by exploring key aspects of supply chain risk management through two maritime supply chains in the immediate region of the Gulf of Finland. The study contributes to the field in three different ways. Firstly, it facilitates the identification of risks on different levels of the supply chain through a systematic analysis of the processes and actors, and of the cognitive barriers that limit the actors’ visibility and their understanding of the operations and the risks involved. There is a clear need to increase collaboration and information exchange in order to improve visibility in the chain. Risk management should be a collaborative effort among the individual actors, aimed at obtaining a holistic picture. Secondly, the study contributes to the literature on risk analysis through the use of systemic frameworks that illustrate the causalities and linkages in the system, thereby making it easier to perceive the vulnerabilities. Thirdly, the study enhances current knowledge of risk control in identifying actor roles, risk visibility and risk controllability as being among the key factors determining risk-management effectiveness against supply-chain vulnerability. This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part gives a general overview of the relevant literature, the research design and the conclusions of the study, and the second part comprises six research publications. Case-study methodology with systematic combining approach is used, where in-depth interviews, questionnaires and expert panel sessions are the main data collection methods. The study illustrates the current state of risk management in multimodal maritime supply chains, and develops frameworks for further analysis. The results imply that there are major differences between organizations in their ability to execute supply chain risk management. Further collaboration should be considered in order to facilitate the development of systematic and effective management processes.


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Tämä taktiikan tutkimus keskittyy tietokoneavusteisen simuloinnin laskennallisiin menetelmiin, joita voidaan käyttää taktisen tason sotapeleissä. Työn tärkeimmät tuotokset ovat laskennalliset mallit todennäköisyyspohjaisen analyysin mahdollistaviin taktisen tason taistelusimulaattoreihin, joita voidaan käyttää vertailevaan analyysiin joukkue-prikaatitason tarkastelutilanteissa. Laskentamallit keskittyvät vaikuttamiseen. Mallit liittyvät vahingoittavan osuman todennäköisyyteen, jonka perusteella vaikutus joukossa on mallinnettu tilakoneina ja Markovin ketjuina. Edelleen näiden tulokset siirretään tapahtumapuuanalyysiin operaation onnistumisen todennäköisyyden osalta. Pienimmän laskentayksikön mallinnustaso on joukkue- tai ryhmätasolla, jotta laskenta-aika prikaatitason sotapelitarkasteluissa pysyisi riittävän lyhyenä samalla, kun tulokset ovat riittävän tarkkoja suomalaiseen maastoon. Joukkueiden mies- ja asejärjestelmävahvuudet ovat jakaumamuodossa, eivätkä yksittäisiä lukuja. Simuloinnin integroinnissa voidaan käyttää asejärjestelmäkohtaisia predictor corrector –parametreja, mikä mahdollistaa aika-askelta lyhytaikaisempien taistelukentän ilmiöiden mallintamisen. Asemallien pohjana ovat aiemmat tutkimukset ja kenttäkokeet, joista osa kuuluu tähän väitöstutkimukseen. Laskentamallien ohjelmoitavuus ja käytettävyys osana simulointityökalua on osoitettu tekijän johtaman tutkijaryhmän ohjelmoiman ”Sandis”- taistelusimulointiohjelmiston avulla, jota on kehitetty ja käytetty Puolustusvoimien Teknillisessä Tutkimuslaitoksessa. Sandikseen on ohjelmoitu karttakäyttöliittymä ja taistelun kulkua simuloivia laskennallisia malleja. Käyttäjä tai käyttäjäryhmä tekee taktiset päätökset ja syöttää nämä karttakäyttöliittymän avulla simulointiin, jonka tuloksena saadaan kunkin joukkuetason peliyksikön tappioiden jakauma, keskimääräisten tappioiden osalta kunkin asejärjestelmän aiheuttamat tappiot kuhunkin maaliin, ammuskulutus ja radioyhteydet ja niiden tila sekä haavoittuneiden evakuointi-tilanne joukkuetasolta evakuointisairaalaan asti. Tutkimuksen keskeisiä tuloksia (kontribuutio) ovat 1) uusi prikaatitason sotapelitilanteiden laskentamalli, jonka pienin yksikkö on joukkue tai ryhmä; 2) joukon murtumispisteen määritys tappioiden ja haavoittuneiden evakuointiin sitoutuvien taistelijoiden avulla; 3) todennäköisyyspohjaisen riskianalyysin käyttömahdollisuus vertailevassa tutkimuksessa sekä 4) kokeellisesti testatut tulen vaikutusmallit ja 5) toimivat integrointiratkaisut. Työ rajataan maavoimien taistelun joukkuetason todennäköisyysjakaumat luovaan laskentamalliin, kenttälääkinnän malliin ja epäsuoran tulen malliin integrointimenetelmineen sekä niiden antamien tulosten sovellettavuuteen. Ilmasta ja mereltä maahan -asevaikutusta voidaan tarkastella, mutta ei ilma- ja meritaistelua. Menetelmiä soveltavan Sandis -ohjelmiston malleja, käyttötapaa ja ohjelmistotekniikkaa kehitetään edelleen. Merkittäviä jatkotutkimuskohteita mallinnukseen osalta ovat muun muassa kaupunkitaistelu, vaunujen kaksintaistelu ja maaston vaikutus tykistön tuleen sekä materiaalikulutuksen arviointi.


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Open innovation is becoming increasingly popular in academic literature and in business life, but even if people heard about it, they might not understand what it really is, they may over-estimate it thinking that it is savior or underestimate it, concentrating on limitations and risks. Current work sheds light on most important concepts of open innovation theory. Goal of current research is to offer business processes improvement for both inbound and outbound modes in case company. It is relevant as open innovation proved to affect firms‘ performance in general case and in case company, and Nokia planned to develop open innovation implementation since 2008 but still competitors succeed in it more, therefore analysis of current situation with open innovation in Nokia and recommendations how to improve it are topical. Case study method was used to answer the question ―How open innovation processes can be improved?‖. 11 in-depth interviews with Nokia senior managers and independent consultants were used to reach the goal of the thesis, as well as secondary sources. Results of current work are as-is and to-be models (process models of today and best practices models) of several open innovation modes, and recommendation for case company, which will be presented to company representatives and checked for practical applicability.


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Transportation and warehousing are large and growing sectors in the society, and their efficiency is of high importance. Transportation also has a large share of global carbondioxide emissions, which are one the leading causes of anthropogenic climate warming. Various countries have agreed to decrease their carbon emissions according to the Kyoto protocol. Transportation is the only sector where emissions have steadily increased since the 1990s, which highlights the importance of transportation efficiency. The efficiency of transportation and warehousing can be improved with the help of simulations, but models alone are not sufficient. This research concentrates on the use of simulations in decision support systems. Three main simulation approaches are used in logistics: discrete-event simulation, systems dynamics, and agent-based modeling. However, individual simulation approaches have weaknesses of their own. Hybridization (combining two or more approaches) can improve the quality of the models, as it allows using a different method to overcome the weakness of one method. It is important to choose the correct approach (or a combination of approaches) when modeling transportation and warehousing issues. If an inappropriate method is chosen (this can occur if the modeler is proficient in only one approach or the model specification is not conducted thoroughly), the simulation model will have an inaccurate structure, which in turn will lead to misleading results. This issue can further escalate, as the decision-maker may assume that the presented simulation model gives the most useful results available, even though the whole model can be based on a poorly chosen structure. In this research it is argued that simulation- based decision support systems need to take various issues into account to make a functioning decision support system. The actual simulation model can be constructed using any (or multiple) approach, it can be combined with different optimization modules, and there needs to be a proper interface between the model and the user. These issues are presented in a framework, which simulation modelers can use when creating decision support systems. In order for decision-makers to fully benefit from the simulations, the user interface needs to clearly separate the model and the user, but at the same time, the user needs to be able to run the appropriate runs in order to analyze the problems correctly. This study recommends that simulation modelers should start to transfer their tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge. This would greatly benefit the whole simulation community and improve the quality of simulation-based decision support systems as well. More studies should also be conducted by using hybrid models and integrating simulations with Graphical Information Systems.


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Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka kuitupuun otantamittausprosessia voidaan tehostaa osana sellutehtaan puunkäsittelyä toimitusketjun johtamisen keinoin Stora Enson Enocellin tehtaalla. Työssä syvennytään kuitupuun mittauksen perusteisiin ja menetelmiin sekä selvitetään mittausprosessin keskeisimmät ongelmakohdat kohdeympäristössä. Ongelmakohtien ratkaisemiseksi tutustutaan toimitusketjun johtamisen teorioihin, joiden avulla muodostetaan kuvaus parhaasta mahdollisesta vaihtoehdosta uudeksi otantamittausmenetelmäksi. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kohdeympäristöksi rajataan Enocellin tehdas, mutta uuden menetelmän laajemman soveltuvuuden selvittämiseksi tarkastellaan työn lopuksi myös muita määrättyjä Stora Enson tehtaita. Työn tuloksena on perusteltu päätelmä siitä, mikä otantamittausmenetelmä on sekä Stora Enson että tutkimuksen teettäjänä toimivan logistiikkapalveluita ja materiaalinkäsittelykoneita tuottavan Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy:n intresseihin parhaiten sopiva. Työn lopuksi annetaan suositukset parhaaksi valitun menetelmän käyttöönoton aikatauluksi ja toimiksi.


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The management of port-related supply chains is challenging due to the complex and heterogeneous operations of the ports with several actors and processes. That is why the importance of information sharing is emphasised in the ports. However, the information exchange between different port-related actors is often cumbersome and it still involves a lot of manual work and paper. Major ports and port-related actors usually have advanced information systems in daily use but these systems are seldom interoperable with each other, which prevents economies of scale to be reached. Smaller ports and companies might not be equipped with electronic data transmission at all. This is the final report of the Mobile port (MOPO) project, which has sought ways to improve the management and control of port-related sea and inland traffic with the aid of ICT technologies. The project has studied port community systems (PCS) used worldwide, evaluated the suitability of a PCS for the Finnish port operating environment and created a pilot solution of a Finnish PCS in the port of HaminaKotka. Further, the dry port concept and its influences on the transportation system have been explored. The Mobile Port project comprised of several literature reviews, interviews of over 50 port-related logistics and/or ICT professionals, two different kinds of simulation models as well as designing and implementing of the pilot solution of the Finnish PCS. The results of these multiple studies are summarised in this report. Furthermore, recommendations for future actions and the topics for further studies are addressed in the report. The study revealed that the information sharing in a typical Finnish port-related supply chain contains several bottlenecks that cause delays in shipments and waste resources. The study showed that many of these bottlenecks could be solved by building a port community system for the Finnish port community. Almost 30 different kinds of potential services or service entities of a Finnish PCS were found out during the study. The basic requirements, structure, interfaces and operation model of the Finnish PCS were also defined in the study. On the basis of the results of the study, a pilot solution of the Finnish PCS was implemented in the port of HaminaKotka. The pilot solution includes a Portconnect portal for the Finnish port community system (available at https://www.portconnect.fi) and two pilot applications, which are a service for handling the information flows concerning the movements of railway wagons and a service for handling the information flows between Finnish ports and Finland-Russian border. The study also showed that port community systems can be used to improve the environmental aspects of logistics in two different ways: 1) PCSs can bring direct environmental benefits and 2) PCSs can be used as an environmental tool in a port community. On the basis of the study, the development of the Finnish port community system should be continued by surveying other potential applications for the Finnish PCS. It is also important to study if there is need and resources to extend the Finnish PCS to operate in several ports or even on a national level. In the long run, it could be reasonable to clarify whether there would be possibilities to connect the Finnish PCS as a part of Baltic Sea wide, European-wide or even worldwide maritime and port-related network in order to get the best benefit from the system


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This Master´s thesis illustrates how growing a business ties up the company´s working capital and what the cost of committed capital. In order to manage a company´s working capital in rapid business growth phase, the thesis suggests that by monitoring and managing the operating and cash conversion cycles of customers´ projects, a company can find ways to secure the required amount of capital. The research method of this thesis was based on literature reviews and case study research. The theoretical review presents the concepts of working capital and provides the background for understanding how to improve working capital management. The company in subject is a global small and medium-sized enterprise that manufactures pumps and valves for demanding process conditions. The company is expanding, which creates lots of challenges. This thesis concentrates to the company´s working capital management and its efficiency through the supply chain and value chain perspective. The main elements of working capital management are inventory management, accounts receivable management and accounts payable management. Prepayments also play a significant role, particularly in project-based businesses. Developing companies´ working capital management requires knowledge from different kind of key operations´ in the company, like purchasing, production, sales, logistics and financing. The perspective to develop and describe working capital management is an operational. After literature reviews the thesis present pilot projects that formed the basis of a model to monitor working capital in the case company. Based on analysis and pilot projects, the thesis introduces a rough model for monitoring capital commitments in short time period. With the model the company can more efficiently monitor and manage their customer projects.


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Maritime transport moves around 6 billion tonnes of freight every year. The freight consists of liquid bulks (45%), dry bulks (23%) and general cargo (32%). Freight traffic and transports chains vary according to region, commodity and the origin and the destination of freight. In the European Union the ports sector handles over 90% of the trade with third countries. The share of intra-EU trade is approximately 30% of the total transportation and the number of passengers is over 200 million every year. The Baltic Sea has more than 50,000 vessels a year pass the Skaw at the northernmost tip of Denmark on their way into or out of the Baltic. Roughly 60% to 70% of these vessels are cargo vessels and 17% to 25% tankers. Ports and maritime transport play a crucial role in global commerce today. Today’s business environment is changing rapidly, and the constant changes create challenges for the transport industry and maritime traffic. Ports have to adapt to continuous changes in economic structures, logistics demands, and people’s travel and leisure patterns. In order to ensure the competitiveness of sea connections, the ports need to fully enhance multilateral cross-border understanding and cooperation. In this report the focus is on liner traffic between five ports in the Central Baltic Region: Stockholm, Tallinn, Helsinki Turku and Naantali. The report defines the drivers of the demand for cargo and passenger traffic and highlights the most important factors. The economic situation and foreign trade of each county are elaborated on with detailed information about the flows of traffic between the five ports. Based on expert interviews, the main characteristics of each port, including strengths and weaknesses, are presented. The report is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data was received through interviews and mail surveys. Secondary data was attained through a literature research, statistics, data given by the PENTA ports and webpages. The report is divided into two main parts: the drivers creating the demand for transport and the results of current cargo and passenger flows between PENTA ports.


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty osana Logproof-tutkimushanketta, joka keskittyy häiriöttömyyden hallintaan logistisissa monitoimijaverkostoissa. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää logistiikkaintensiivisten yritysten tarpeita kuljetusten häiriöiden analysoinnin ja hallinnan kehittämiseksi ja siten ennakoivan riskienhallinnan edistämiseksi. Asiakastarvetietoa on kerätty hyödyntäen puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja ja tietoa on analysoitu käyttäen hyväksi sisällönanalyysiä sekä tulkintataulukkoa. Kiinnostus kuljetusten häiriöitä ja niiden analysointia kohtaan on kasvamassa ja yrityksissä tiedostetaan hallintajärjestelmien ja analysoinnin tarve tulevaisuudessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja asiakastarpeiden kartoituksen avulla työssä on selvitetty yritysten nykytilaa kuljetusten häiriöiden hallinnan ja analysoinnin osalta ja tarkasteltu mahdollisia tulevaisuuden kehityssuuntia analysoimalla asiakkaiden näkyviä ja piileviä tarpeita. Työssä on edellisten lisäksi tarkasteltu, kuinka havaitut asiakastarpeet ovat sovitettavissa yhteen case-yrityksen, Oy Lars Krogius Ab:n, ARS (Analytic Rou-ting Solution) -palvelun ominaispiirteiden kanssa. Työ tarjoaa tarvetietoa palvelun tulevaisuuden kehitykselle.


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This thesis focuses on collaborative activities with regard to environmental issues both within the firm and outside the firm with the key suppliers and customers, i.e. internal and external environmental collaboration. Integrating environmental thinking into supply chain management has received increasing interest in recent years. The relational view and the natural resource-based-view together suggest that environmental capabilities can be built jointly with supply chain partners and used to gain sustained competitive advantage. Several studies have been undertaken to analyse the connection between environmental activities and firm performance but most studies have taken only economic performance into account. This study pays attention also to two other dimensions of firm performance, intra-firm supply chain performance and environmental performance, and aims at presenting the linkages between them and environmental collaboration. This thesis creates a research framework for the connections between environmental collaboration and firm performance and suggests approaches to analyse these. In order to find out the key concepts and their relationship, an extensive literature review is conducted. The research framework proposes a positive connection between internal and external environmental collaboration and all three dimensions of firm performance. In addition, environmental performance and intra-firm supply chain performance are expected to contribute positively to economic performance. Hence, firms are suggested to benefit from environmental collaboration both within the firm and outside the firm. Empirical testing of the developed research framework is out of the scope of this study. However, this thesis proposes using a mixed methods research approach, including survey research and multiple case studies. Finland State of Logistics 2012 survey commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications and conducted by Turku School of Economics is used as an example of data for the quantitative phase. The applicability of these two methods is discussed at a general level and with regard to analysing the research framework developed in the thesis. Future research will aim at the development of the research framework and the methods in order to confirm the connection between environmental collaboration and firm performance.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää erään paperitehtaan käyttöpääoman hallintaa tuotannonsuunnittelun ja varastonhallinnan keinoin. Tuotannonsuunnittelussa tutkitaan syklinpituuden vaikutusta lajinvaihtohylkyyn ja siitä aiheutuvan varastotason nousun hyötyjä ja haittoja. Tehtaan ylijäämätasot määritetään puolen vuoden aikajänteeltä ja pyritään löytämään kehitysehdotuksia niiden minimoimiseksi. Työssä keskitytään lisäksi satamasta palautettuihin rulliin ja haamurulliin. Työn aiheista tehdään nykytila-analyysit, joiden perusteella selvitetään kehityskohteet. Työssä hyödynnetään tehtaan omia tietojärjestelmiä osa-alueiden analysoimisessa. Analysoimisessa käytetään karkeasuunnitelmaa ja erilaisia raportteja varastoihin ja tuotantoon liittyen. Työn tulosten mukaan voidaan todeta, että syklinpituutta ei kannata varasto-ohjautuvalla tuotantomuodolla kasvattaa. Ylijäämiä syntyy paperiteollisuudessa vääjäämättä ja kyseisessä yrityksessä niiden hyödyntämisprosentit ovat varsin korkealla tasolla. Kokonaisuutena tehtaan käyttöpääoman hallinta on varsin hyvällä pohjalla eikä suuria toimintatapamuutoksia ole tarpeen tehdä. Satamapalautusongelman suuruudesta tehtaalla oli erilainen käsitys kuin asia todellisuudessaan oli. Työssä esitetään kehitysehdotuksia, joiden avulla ongelmaa voidaan edelleen pienentää ja saavuttaa konkreettisia säästöjä. Haamurullien määrä osoittautui minimaaliseksi.


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In this Master’s Thesis a global transport packaging guideline for selected business areas was compiled for the Fiskars the company, which provides branded consumer goods for home, garden and outdoor use. The business areas included were Home and Garden business areas. The aim of the guideline was to be a comprehensive guide for the suppliers, product development, operations and external vendors of the company. The guideline consists of written instructions, tables and illustrations that provide useful information for players working with transport packages from sourcing through to shipments. As the role of corporate responsibility and sustainability has grown, a part of responsible manufacturing strategy includes using materials that are re-usable, recyclable or recoverable as energy or through composting. Hence packaging waste management implementations of different regions were also inspected. The resulting guide covers a range of topics concerning packaging and its transport. The topics include legal requirements, restricted materials and substances, preferred materials, markings, labeling of boxes, logistics and distribution center requirements, physical testing and an inspection checklist.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää saapuvan tavaran vastaanottoprosessia poistaen siitä Lean-oppien mukaisesti hukkaa. Kehitys tehtiin lisäämällä vastaanoton tiedonsiirtoautomatiikkaa, ja toteutus tehtiin RFID-tekniikan avulla. Tutkielman teoreettisena taustana ovat Lean-opit, joiden avulla tavoitteena oli eliminoida hukka, suunnitella vastaanottoprosessi uudelleen ja kehittää sitä edelleen. Keskeisenä tehtävänä oli löytää ne tekniikan valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät, joilla case-yrityksessä saatiin käyttövarma RDIF-tekniikka käyttöön. Tutkielmassa kerrotaan myös, miten tekniikan käyttöönotto toteutettiin. Lopuksi esitetään tuloksia ja päätelmiä uudistetusta prosessista ja kerrotaan niistä jatkotoimenpiteistä, joiden avulla teknologian käyttöä voidaan edelleen laajentaa. The aim of this study was analyze and develop the inbound receiving process of removing waste according of Lean-thinking. Development was done by raising inbound transmission automation implementation done by RFID- technology. The theoretical background was Lean –thinking; how to re-design process further development to eliminate waste. The main task was to find a reliable RFID- technology and the choice of technology factors were taken into account in the case company and how the technology was implemented. Finally, the presented results and conclusions of re-design process and possibilities to expand the technology to the case company processes.


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The trend of concentrating to core competencies leads to outsourcing of non-core activities. One such activity is logistics, where the responsibility is given to third-party service providers. This means the service provider acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the end customer. This thesis concentrates on depicting the operational environment of one such service provider, Swissport Finland Ltd, and the improvement of their checked baggage irregularity service. The tools used for this work were service blueprinting, an illustrative method for service mapping, and failure modes and effects analysis. The theoretical part of the thesis offers a framework for using these tools for logistics services, while the empirical part consists of a study mostly qualitative in nature. Action research method was used for the service improvement research. According to the results of this study the combination of service blueprinting and FMEA can be used successfully for irregularity service improvement. The most important result was an enhanced irregularity process that has been found to alleviate earlier problems.