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Aims: To evaluate the associations of excision repair cross complementing-group 1 (ERCC1) (DNA repair protein) (G19007A) polymorphism, methylation and immunohistochemical expression with epidemiological and clinicopathological factors and with overall survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. Methods and results: The study group comprised 84 patients with HNSCC who underwent surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy without chemotherapy. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used. The allele A genotype variant was observed in 79.8% of the samples, GG in 20.2%, GA in 28.6% and AA in 51.2%. Individuals aged more than 45 years had a higher prevalence of the allelic A variant and a high (83.3%) immunohistochemical expression of ERCC1 protein [odds ratio (OR) = 4.86, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2-19.7, P = 0.027], which was also high in patients with advanced stage (OR= 5.04, 95% CI: 1.07-23.7, P = 0.041). Methylated status was found in 51.2% of the samples, and was higher in patients who did not present distant metastasis (OR = 6.67, 95% CI: 1.40-33.33, P = 0.019) and in patients with advanced stage (OR = 5.04, 95% CI: 1.07-23.7, P = 0.041). At 2 and 5 years, overall survival was 55% and 36%, respectively (median = 30 months). Conclusion: Our findings may reflect a high rate of DNA repair due to frequent tissue injury during the lifetime of these individuals, and also more advanced disease presentation in this population with worse prognosis.


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To assess adherence to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) treatment and associated variables in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Cross-sectional and prospective comprising 240 consecutive adult patients, diagnosed with GERD for whom continuous use of standard or double dose of omeprazole had been prescribed. Patients were ranked as ne-GERD (162: 67.5%) or e-GERD classified according to the Los Angeles classification as A (48:20.0%), B (21:8.6%), C (1:0.5%), D (1:0.5%), and Barrett's esophagus (7:2.9%). The Morisky questionnaire was applied to assess adherence to therapy and a GERD questionnaire to assess symptoms and their impact. Adherence was correlated with demographics, cotherapies, comorbidities, treatment duration, symptoms scores, endoscopic findings, and patient awareness of their disease. 126 patients (52.5%) exhibited high level of adherence and 114 (47.5%) low level. Youngers (P= 0.002) or married (O.R. 2.41, P= 0.03 vs. widowers) patients had lower levels of adherence; symptomatic patients exhibited lower adherence (P= 0.02). All other variables studied had no influence on adherence. Patients with GERD attending a tertiary referral hospital in Sao Paulo exhibited a high rate of low adherence to the prescribed PPI therapy that may play a role in the therapy failure. Age <60 years, marital status and being symptomatic were risk factors for low adherence.


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Abstract Background Infertility is a natural mechanism of selection intended to prevent the delivery of a child with malformations or mental retardation. Male infertility is closely related to chromosomal abnormalities. This study was focused on the analysis of meiotic segregation involving a Robertsonian translocation, 45,XY,der(13;13) [56]/45,XY,der(13;14) [44] and the evaluation of possible interchromosomal effects. Results Hybridisation with LSI 13q14 and subtelomere 14q probes and WCP13 SpectrumGreen and WCP14 SpectrumOrange probes showed a high proportion of unbalanced gametes, corresponding to 71.2% of the spermatozoa. The disomic frequencies of the sexual chromosomes and chromosome 18 of the patient were higher (5.28% and 2.55%, respectively) than those of the control (0.6% and 0.59%, respectively). Conclusion Meiotic segregation studies in sperm are an important tool for genetic counselling of chromosomal aberrations, allowing for a prediction of the risks and consequent implications for the reproductive life. The patient with this rare translocation exhibited meiotic segregation fidelity, and a high rate of unbalanced gametes with disomic spermatozoa.


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OBJECTIVE: Chagas' disease has spread throughout Latin America because of the high rate of migration among these countries. Approximately 30% of Chagas' patients will develop cardiomyopathy, and 10% of these will develop severe cardiac damage leading to heart failure. Beta-blockade improves symptoms and survival in heart failure patients; however, its efficacy has not been well established in Chagas' disease. We evaluated the role of carvedilol in cardiac remodeling and mortality in a Chagas' cardiomyopathy animal model. METHODS: We studied Trypanosoma cruzi infection in 55 Syrian hamsters that were divided into three groups: control (15), infected (20), and infected + carvedilol (20). Animals underwent echocardiography, electrocardiography, and morphometry for collagen evaluation in ventricles stained with picrosirius red. RESULTS: The left ventricular diastolic diameter did not change between groups, although it was slightly larger in infected groups, as was left ventricular systolic diameter. Fractional shortening also did not change between groups, although it was slightly lower in infected groups. Collagen accumulation in the interstitial myocardial space was significantly higher in infected groups and was not attenuated by carvedilol. The same response was observed in the perivascular space. The survival curve showed significantly better survival in the control group compared with the infected groups; but no benefit of carvedilol was observed during the study. However, in the acute phase (up to 100 days of infection), carvedilol did reduce mortality. CONCLUSION: Carvedilol did not attenuate cardiac remodeling or mortality in this model of Chagas' cardiomyopathy. The treatment did improve survival in the acute phase of the disease.


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In the green-veined white butterfly (Pieris napi), females obtain direct fitness benefits from mating multiply and studies have shown that fitness increases seemingly monotonically with number of matings. The reason is that at mating males transfer a large nutritious gift (a so called nuptial gift) to the females that the females use to increase both their fecundity and lifespan. In addition, if exposed to poor food conditions as larvae, females mature at a smaller size compared to males. Accordingly, it was suggested that smaller females could compensate for their size through nuptial feeding by, for instance, mating more frequently. We did not find any support for that hypothesis. On the contrary, larger females remated sooner and had a higher lifetime number of matings. Neither were smaller females able to compensate in any other way, because singly mated females and multiply mated females suffered to the same extent from their smaller size. This thesis also shows that despite the positive relationship between fitness and number of matings, there is a large variation in female mating frequency in wild populations and about every second female mates only once or twice. This variation is not dependent on how often females get courted by males, because female mating frequency was shown not to be affected by male courtship intensity. Hence, the reason for the low mating frequency could either be that males have evolved the ability to manipulate females to mate at a suboptimal rate as a measure of protection against sperm competition, or alternatively, that female mating rate is suppressed by some costs. Using two selection lines, artificially selected for either a high or a low mating rate, we showed that the variation in mating rate was mainly a female trait because which line the females were from affected their mating rate whereas which line the male was from did not. This implies that females mate at a low rate due to hidden costs or due to constraints. The same study also showed that females with a high "intrinsic" mating rate lived shorter, but only when denied remating. This led us to test the hypothesis that the cost females face is to have the ability to mate at a high rate but the cost is only paid when remating opportunities are scarce. However, we found no support for such an idea, because females with a high intrinsic mating rate held in a cold environment where the butterflies were prevented from flying and feeding did not live shorter. Neither was there an effect of a female’s mating rate on her ability to quickly break down and convert male nutrient gifts into egg material. Female mating rate did, on the other hand, affect dispersal tendency, with low mating rate females being more inclined to fly between different habitats. The underlying reason for this is still to be explored.


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In the era of monoclonal antibodies the role of autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in the management of follicular lymphoma (FL) is still debated. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of myeloablative therapy with rescue of purged or unpurged harvests in FL pts. At our institution form 1997 to 2007 28 pts with refractory/resistant FL were eligible for ASCT. Before high dose therapy they received 2-3 cycles of CHOP-like regimen (ACOD), followed by Cyclophosphamide 4g/mq to mobilize the stem cells (SC). After SC collection the pts underwent 3 cycles of subcutaneous Cladribine at a daily dose of 0,14-0,10 mg/Kg for Day 1-5 every 3-4 weeks. The conditioning regimen was based on Mitoxantrone 60mg/mq + Melphalan 180 mg/mq, followed by SC re-infusion 24-hours later and G-CSF starting 24 hours after re-infusion. In 19 pts the SC underwent purging: in 10 harvests the CD34+ were selected by immunomagnetic beads, while in the other 9 pts, only Rituximab was used as “purging in vivo” agent. The remaining 9 pts received unpurged SC. Before ASCT 11 pts were in complete response (CR), 9 in partial response (PR) and 2 in stable disease. Two pts were not eligible for ASCT because of progressive disease (PD). The remaining 25 pts were eligible for ASCT. The engraftment was at a median of 11 days for leucocytes and 14 days for platelets (>20.000/mmc), with a delay of one day in the pts, who received purged SC. Grade 3-4 mucositis was described in 8 pts. During aplasia a 48% infection rate was reported, without differences between pts with purged or unpurged SC. One patient in CR presented myelodysplastic syndrome at 18 months from ASCT. After ASCT 22 pts were in CR, 2 in PR and one patient were not valuable, because died before response assessment. Nine pts in CR showed PD at a median time of 14 months from ASCT. With a median follow up of 5 years (range 2 months -10 years), 22 pts are alive and 11 (44%) in CR. Ten pts died, 5 for progressive disease and 5 for treatment-related causes; in particular 7 of them received in-vitro purged SC. Conclusions: Our chemotherapy regimen, which included the purine analogue Cladribine in the induction phase, seems safe and feasible. The high rate of CR reported and the sustained freedom from progression up to now, makes such modality of treatment a valid option principally in relapsing FL patients. In our experience, the addition of a monoclonal antibody as part of treatment confirms its role “in vivo purging” without observing an increased incidence of infection.


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Introduction. Postnatal neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, can be modulated by numerous determinants, such as hormones, transmitters and stress. Among the factors positively interfering with neurogenesis, the complexity of the environment appears to play a particularly striking role. Adult mice reared in an enriched environment produce more neurons and exhibit better performance in hippocampus-specific learning tasks. While the effects of complex environments on hippocampal neurogenesis are well documented, there is a lack of information on the effects of living under socio-sensory deprivation conditions. Due to the immaturity of rats and mice at birth, studies dealing with the effects of environmental enrichment on hippocampal neurogenesis were carried out in adult animals, i.e. during a period of relatively low rate of neurogenesis. The impact of environment is likely to be more dramatic during the first postnatal weeks, because at this time granule cell production is remarkably higher than at later phases of development. The aim of the present research was to clarify whether and to what extent isolated or enriched rearing conditions affect hippocampal neurogenesis during the early postnatal period, a time window characterized by a high rate of precursor proliferation and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these effects. The experimental model chosen for this research was the guinea pig, a precocious rodent, which, at 4-5 days of age can be independent from maternal care. Experimental design. Animals were assigned to a standard (control), an isolated, or an enriched environment a few days after birth (P5-P6). On P14-P17 animals received one daily bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) injection, to label dividing cells, and were sacrificed either on P18, to evaluate cell proliferation or on P45, to evaluate cell survival and differentiation. Methods. Brain sections were processed for BrdU immunhistochemistry, to quantify the new born and surviving cells. The phenotype of the surviving cells was examined by means of confocal microscopy and immunofluorescent double-labeling for BrdU and either a marker of neurons (NeuN) or a marker of astrocytes (GFAP). Apoptotic cell death was examined with the TUNEL method. Serial sections were processed for immunohistochemistry for i) vimentin, a marker of radial glial cells, ii) BDNF (brain-derived neurotrofic factor), a neurotrophin involved in neuron proliferation/survival, iii) PSA-NCAM (the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule), a molecule associated with neuronal migration. Total granule cell number in the dentate gyrus was evaluated by stereological methods, in Nissl-stained sections. Results. Effects of isolation. In P18 isolated animals we found a reduced cell proliferation (-35%) compared to controls and a lower expression of BDNF. Though in absolute terms P45 isolated animals had less surviving cells than controls, they showed no differences in survival rate and phenotype percent distribution compared to controls. Evaluation of the absolute number of surviving cells of each phenotype showed that isolated animals had a reduced number of cells with neuronal phenotype than controls. Looking at the location of the new neurons, we found that while in control animals 76% of them had migrated to the granule cell layer, in isolated animals only 55% of the new neurons had reached this layer. Examination of radial glia cells of P18 and P45 animals by vimentin immunohistochemistry showed that in isolated animals radial glia cells were reduced in density and had less and shorter processes. Granule cell count revealed that isolated animals had less granule cells than controls (-32% at P18 and -42% at P45). Effects of enrichment. In P18 enriched animals there was an increase in cell proliferation (+26%) compared to controls and a higher expression of BDNF. Though in both groups there was a decline in the number of BrdU-positive cells by P45, enriched animals had more surviving cells (+63) and a higher survival rate than controls. No differences were found between control and enriched animals in phenotype percent distribution. Evaluation of the absolute number of cells of each phenotype showed that enriched animals had a larger number of cells of each phenotype than controls. Looking at the location of cells of each phenotype we found that enriched animals had more new neurons in the granule cell layer and more astrocytes and cells with undetermined phenotype in the hilus. Enriched animals had a higher expression of PSA-NCAM in the granule cell layer and hilus Vimentin immunohistochemistry showed that in enriched animals radial glia cells were more numerous and had more processes.. Granule cell count revealed that enriched animals had more granule cells than controls (+37% at P18 and +31% at P45). Discussion. Results show that isolation rearing reduces hippocampal cell proliferation but does not affect cell survival, while enriched rearing increases both cell proliferation and cell survival. Changes in the expression of BDNF are likely to contribute to he effects of environment on precursor cell proliferation. The reduction and increase in final number of granule neurons in isolated and enriched animals, respectively, are attributable to the effects of environment on cell proliferation and survival and not to changes in the differentiation program. As radial glia cells play a pivotal role in neuron guidance to the granule cell layer, the reduced number of radial glia cells in isolated animals and the increased number in enriched animals suggests that the size of radial glia population may change dynamically, in order to match changes in neuron production. The high PSA-NCAM expression in enriched animals may concur to favor the survival of the new neurons by facilitating their migration to the granule cell layer. Conclusions. By using a precocious rodent we could demonstrate that isolated/enriched rearing conditions, at a time window during which intense granule cell proliferation takes place, lead to a notable decrease/increase of total granule cell number. The time-course and magnitude of postnatal granule cell production in guinea pigs are more similar to the human and non-human primate condition than in rats and mice. Translation of current data to humans would imply that exposure of children to environments poor/rich of stimuli may have a notably large impact on dentate neurogenesis and, very likely, on hippocampus dependent memory functions.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: Cyclic Alternating Pattern (CAP) is a fluctuation of the arousal level during NREM sleep and consists of the alternation between two phases: phase A (divided into three subtypes A1, A2, and A3) and phase B. A1 is thought to be generated by the frontal cortex and is characterized by the presence of K complexes or delta bursts; additionally, CAP A1 seems to have a role in the involvement of sleep slow wave activity in cognitive processing. Our hypothesis was that an overall CAP rate would have a negative influence on cognitive performance due to excessive fluctuation of the arousal level during NREM sleep. However, we also predicted that CAP A1 would be positively correlated with cognitive functions, especially those related to frontal lobe functioning. For this reason, the objective of our study was to correlate objective sleep parameters with cognitive behavioral measures in normal healthy adults. METHODS: 8 subjects (4 males; 4 females; mean age 27.75 years, range 2334) were recruited for this study. Two nocturnal polysomnography (night 2 and 3 = N2 and N3) were carried out after a night of adaptation. A series of neuropsychological tests were performed by the subjects in the morning and afternoon of the second day (D2am; D2pm) and in the morning of the third day (D3am). Raw scores from the neuropsychological tests were used as dependent variables in the statistical analysis of the results. RESULTS: We computed a series of partial correlations between sleep microstructure parameters (CAP, A1, A2 and A3 rate) and a number of indices of cognitive functioning. CAP rate was positively correlated with visuospatial working memory (Corsi block test), Trial Making Test Part A (planning and motor sequencing) and the retention of words from the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (HVLT). Conversely, CAP was negatively correlated with visuospatial fluency (Ruff Figure Fluency Test). CAP A1 were correlated with many of the tests of neuropsychological functioning, such as verbal fluency (as measured by the COWAT), working memory (as measured by the Digit Span – Backward test), and both delay recall and retention of the words from the HVLT. The same parameters were found to be negatively correlated with CAP A2 subtypes. CAP 3 were negatively correlated with the Trial Making Test Parts A and B. DISCUSSION: To our knowledge this is the first study indicating a role of CAP A1 and A2 on behavioral cognitive performance of healthy adults. The results suggest that high rate of CAP A1 might be related to an improvement whereas high rate of CAP A2 to a decline of cognitive functions. Further studies need to be done to better determine the role of the overall CAP rate and CAP A3 on cognitive behavioral performances.


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The first part of the thesis is a brief review on the most important aspects of HEV infection in human and swine, followed by an update on the laboratory techniques currently in use for the diagnosis of HEV infections in humans and animals. The second part refers on the results of two investigations carried out on the presence of HEV infection in swine farms in Toscana and Piemonte and on the presence of HEV infection in pigs and humans in some rural communities in Bolivia. HEV strains isolated from swine herds in Toscana and Piemonte were all included in the genotype 3, showing particular homology with Dutch porcine isolates, Spanish porcine and human isolates and British human isolates. The investigation carried out, with a random sampling, in the province of Cuneo, detected HEV infection with a prevalence of 46% on farms with a number of pigs greater than 500. HEV was detected in pigs and humans in rural communities in Bolivia and all the viral isolate were included in the genotype 3. Aminoacidic homology of human and swine isolates was estimated to be 92%. Results on the development of a Real Time RT-PCR to detect HEV are also reported. The used Real Time RT-PCR protocols, one step and two steps, exhibited good sensitivity to detect several Italian swine HEV strains with high rate of genetic variability.


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Members of the genera Campylobacter and Helicobacter have been in the spotlight in recent decades because of their status as animals and/or humans pathogens, both confirmed and emerging, and because of their association with food-borne and zoonotic diseases. First observations of spiral shaped bacteria or Campylobacter-like organisms (CLO) date back to the end of the 19th century, however the lack of adequate isolation methods hampered further research. With the introduction of methods such as selective media and a filtration procedure during the 1970s led to a renewed interest in Campylobacter, especially as this enabled elucidation of their role in human hosts. On the other hand the classification and identification of these bacteria was troublesome, mainly because of the biochemical inertness and fastidious growth requirements. In 1991, the taxonomy of Campylobacter and related organisms was thoroughly revised, since this revision several new Campylobacter and Helicobacter species have been described. Moreover, thanks to the introduction of a polyphasic taxonomic practice, the classification of these novel species is well-founded. Indeed, a polyphasic approach was here followed for characterizing eight isolates obtained from rabbits epidemiologically not correlated and as a result a new Campylobacter species was proposed: Campylobacter cuniculorum (Chapter 1). Furthermore, there is a paucity of data regarding the occurrence of spiral shaped enteric flora in leporids. In order to define the prevalence both of this new species and other CLO in leporids (chapter 2), a total of 85 whole intestinal tracts of rabbits reared in 32 farms and 29 capture hares, epidemiologically not correlated, were collected just after evisceration at the slaughterhouse or during necroscopy. Examination and isolation methods were varied in order to increase the sensibility level of detection, and 100% of rabbit farms resulted positive for C. cuniculorum in high concentrations. Moreover, in 3.53% of the total rabbits examined, a Helicobacter species was detected. Nevertheless, all hares resulted negative both for Campylobacter or Helicobacter species. High prevalence of C. cuniculorum were found in rabbits, and in order to understand if this new species could play a pathological role, a study on some virulence determinants of C. cuniculorum was conducted (Chapter 3). Although this new species were able to adhere and invade, exert cytolethal distending toxin-like effects although at a low titre, a cdtB was not detected. There was no clear relationship between source of isolation or disease manifestation and possession of statistically significantly levels of particular virulence-associated factors although, cell adhesion and invasion occurred. Furthermore, antibiotic susceptibility was studied (chapter 4) in Campylobacter and in Escherichia coli strains, isolated from rabbits. It was possible to find acquired resistance of C. cuniculorum to enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and erytromycin. C. coli isolate was susceptible to all antimicrobial tested and moreover it is considered as a wild-type strain. Moreover, E. coli was found at low caecal concentration in rabbits and 30 phenotypes of antibiotic resistance were founded as well as the high rate of resistances to at least one antibiotic (98.1%). The majority of resistances were found from strains belonging to intensive farming system. In conclusion, in the course of the present study a new species isolated from rabbits was described, C. cuniculorum, and its high prevalence was established. Nevertheless, in hare samples no Campylobacter and Helicobacter species were detected. Some virulence determinants were further analyzed, however further studied are needed to understand the potential pathogenicity of this new species. On the other hand, antimicrobial susceptibility was monitored both in C. cuniculorum and indicator bacteria and acquired resistance was observed towards some antibiotics, indicating a possible role of rabbitries in the diffusion of antibiotic resistance. Further studies are necessary to describe and evaluate the eventual zoonotic role of Campylobacter cuniculorum.


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In the last years, sustainable horticulture has been increasing; however, to be successful this practice needs an efficient soil fertility management to maintain a high productivity and fruit quality standards. For this purpose composted organic materials from agri-food industry and municipal solid waste has been used as a source to replace chemical fertilizers and increase soil organic matter. To better understand the influence of compost application on soil fertility and plant growth, we carried out a study comparing organic and mineral nitrogen (N) fertilization in micro propagated plants, potted trees and commercial peach orchard with these aims: 1. evaluation of tree development, CO2 fixation and carbon partition to the different organs of two-years-old potted peach trees. 2. Determination of soil N concentration and nitrate-N effect on plant growth and root oxidative stress of micro propagated plant after increasing rates of N applications. 3. Assessment of soil chemical and biological fertility, tree growth and yield and fruit quality in a commercial orchard. The addition of compost at high rate was effective in increasing CO2 fixation, promoting root growth, shoot and fruit biomass. Furthermore, organic fertilizers influenced C partitioning, favoring C accumulation in roots, wood and fruits. The higher CO2 fixation was the result of a larger tree leaf area, rather than an increase in leaf photosynthetic efficiency, showing a stimulation of plant growth by application of compost. High concentrations of compost increased total soil N concentration, but were not effective in increasing nitrate-N soil concentration; in contrast mineral-N applications increased linearly soil nitrate-N, even at the lowest rate tested. Soil nitrate-N concentration influenced positively plant growth at low rate (60- 80 mg kg-1), whereas at high concentrations showed negative effects. In this trial, the decrease of root growth, as a response to excessive nitrate-N soil concentration, was not anticipated by root oxidative stress. Continuous annual applications of compost for 10 years enhanced soil organic matter content and total soil N concentration. Additionally, high rate of compost application (10 t ha-1 year-1) enhanced microbial biomass. On the other hand, different fertilizers management did not modify tree yield, but influenced fruit size and precocity index. The present data support the idea that organic fertilizers can be used successfully as a substitute of mineral fertilizers in fruit tree nutrient management, since they promote an increase of soil chemical and biological fertility, prevent excessive nitrate-N soil concentration, promote plant growth and potentially C sequestration into the soil.


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Palynologie und Sedimentologie der Interglazialprofile Döttingen, Bonstorf, Munster und Bilshausen Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden vier dem Holstein-Interglazial zugehörige Bohrkerne sowie ein rhumezeitlicher Bohrkern palynologisch und sedimentologisch bearbeitet. Die holsteinzeitlichen Bohrkerne stammen aus Kieselgurlagerstätten der Lüneburger Heide (Bonstorf und Munster) und aus einem Trockenmaar (Döttingen) in der Eifel. Der rhumezeitliche Kern stammt aus der Typlokalität Bilshausen im Harzvorland. Neben Prozentwertdiagrammen werden Pollendichte- und wenn möglich Polleninfluxwerte vorgestellt, die insbesondere für die Lokalitäten Hetendorf/Bonstorf und Munster/Breloh bisher nicht verfügbar waren. Mit dem Profil Döttingen konnte erstmals eine sowohl vollständige als auch nicht innerhalb des klassischen Aufkommens holsteinzeitlicher Fundstellen im norddeutschen Tiefland positionierte Holsteinsequenz aus dem deutschen Mittelgebirge dokumentiert werden. Das erhaltene Pollendiagramm bestätigt die aus den norddeutschen Profilen bekannte holsteintypische Vegetationsabfolge, durch die das Holstein gegenüber anderen Interglazialen wie Holozän, Eem oder Rhume palynologisch definiert ist. Neben der grundsätzlichen Übereinstimmung der Pollensequenz unterscheidet sich das Profil Döttingen aber deutlich im prozentualen Aufkommen der beteiligten Taxa von den norddeutschen Profilen. So wird eine hohe Alnus-Präsenz als Merkmal deutscher Holsteinprofile bestätigt, jedoch ist die, in den norddeutschen Lokalitäten durchhaltend hohe oder dominante Beteiligung von Pinus im deutschen Mittelgebirge nicht vorhanden und muss daher auf die Standortbedingungen Norddeutschlands zurückgeführt werden. Abies dagegen ist im Holstein der Mittelgebirge wesentlich präsenter als im norddeutschen Flachland. Im Profil Döttingen wurden insgesamt 10 Tephralagen gefunden. Auf eine dieser Tephren folgt ein „Birken-Kiefern-Gräser Vorstoß“, der palynostratigraphisch dem älteren „Birken-Kiefern Vorstoß“ in Munster/Breloh entspricht. Als eine Typologie des Holstein kann das in den Profilen Döttingen und Munster bestätigte intraholsteinzeitliche Carpinus-Minimum verstanden werden. An Hand sedimentologischer und palynologischer Befunde aus dem Bohrkern MU 2 muss die Existenz zweier, in der Literatur postulierter, postholsteinzeitlicher, „Nachschwankungen“ in Munster/Breloh in Frage gestellt, wenn nicht abgelehnt werden. In Kern MU 2 fallen palynostratigraphische Grenzen häufig mit Sandeinschaltungen zusammen. Eine dieser Sandeinschaltungen, nämlich unmittelbar vor dem älteren „Birken-Kiefern-Vorstoß“, korreliert in ihrer stratigraphischen Position mit der den „Birken-Kiefern-Gräser-Vorstoß“ im Profil Döttingen einleitenden Tephralage. Es gelang die Dauer des intraholsteinzeitlichen Carpinus Minimums auf etwa 1500±100 Jahre zu bestimmen und eine interne Zweigliederung zu dokumentieren. Im rhumezeitlichen Kern von Bilshausen (BI 1) konnten zahlreiche Störungen nachgewiesen werden. Insbesondere im Teufenbereich des Bilshausener „Birken-Kiefern-Vorstoßes“ deuten diese auf eine möglicherweise verfälschte Überlieferung. Der palynologisch markante „Lindenfall“ von Bilshausen liegt im Bereich einer isoklinalen Schichtenverfaltung. Die in der Literatur im Horizont des „Lindenfalls“ beschriebene „Bilshausentephra“ wurde nicht gefunden. Warvenzählungen an den Kernen MU 1, MU 2 und BI 1 ermöglichten Pollenzonendauern in Holstein- und Rhume-Interglazial zu bestimmen. Dabei wurde mittels den Warvenzählungen, unter zu Hilfenahme von Literaturdaten und von Schätzwerten eine Dauer für das Holstein-Interglazial sensu stricto (Pollenzonen I-XIV) von 15400-17800 Jahren und für das Rhume-Interglazial von wahrscheinlich 22000 Jahren bis maximal 26000 Jahren ermittelt.


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In der Vergangenheit wurde die Wichtigkeit von Iodverbindungen im Bezug auf die Aerosolbildung in Küstennähe wiederholt bestätigt. Durch Photolyse von flüchtigen iodorganischen Verbindungen (VOIs) können in der Atmosphäre Iodatome gebildet werden. Diese hochreaktiven Radikale wiederum können mit Ozon und/oder OH-Radikalen reagieren. Es werden so unter anderem schwerflüchtige Iodoxide gebildet, die in die Partikelphase übergehen können. Um ein Verständnis für die Mechanismen und chemischen Reaktionen zu bekommen, die zur Bildung von iodhaltigen Aerosolpartikeln führen, müssen auch Vorläufersubstanzen qualitativ und quanitativ bestimmt werden. Ob diese Reaktionen und chemischen Verbindungen auch über dem offenen Ozean einen Beitrag zu Aerosolbildung und somit zur Beeinflussung des weltweitem Klimas leisten, soll in dem EU-Projekt MAP geklärt werden, diese Arbeit ist Teil dieses Projekts. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die es zum einen möglich macht, anorganisches Iod in Meerwasser zu bestimmen. Zum anderen sollte eine Methode entwickelt werden, um elementares Iod in der maritimen Atmosphäre zu bestimmen. Es wurde eine Derivatisierungsmethode entwickelt, die es möglich macht elementares Iod in Anwesenheit von Stärke, a-Cyclodextrin oder RAMEA zu derivatisieren. Die Derivatisierung erfolgt zu 4-Iodo-N,N-Dimethylanilin. Durch Extraktion wird der Analyt in die organische Phase überführt. Die Quantifizierung erfolgt anschließend über die Analyse mit GC/MS und externer Kalibrierung. Die absolute Nachweisgrenze für Iod in Wasser beträgt 0,57nmol, für Iodid 0,014nmol und für Iodat 0,115nmol. Die absoluten Nachweisgrenzen für Iod in Anwesenheit eines Absorptionsmittel betragen für Stärke 0,24nmol, für a-Cyclodextrin 0,9nmol und für RAMEA 0,35nmol. Die Analysenmethoden wurden zunächst im Labor entwickelt und anschließend zur Analyse von Realproben verwendet. An verschiedenen Orten wurden Meerwasserproben (auf der Celtic Explorer und in der Nähe der Mace Head Messstation) genommen und deren Iod-, Iodid- und Iodatgehalt bestimmt. Keine der Proben enthielt elementares Iod. Iodid konnte in allen Proben detektiert werden. In Proben, die auf dem offenen Ozean an Bord der Celtic Explorer genommen wurden variierte die Menge zwischen 12µg/L und 90µg/L. Auffällig war hierbei, dass die Proben, die in Küstennähe genommen wurden höhere Iodidkonzentrationen aufwiesen. Ein Einfluss der Küste und der dort vorhandenen Makroalgen ist sehr wahrscheinlich. Meerwasserproben, die in der Nähe der MHARS genommen wurden wiesen höhere Konzentrationen und einen größeren dynamischen Bereich der Iodidkonzentrationen auf. Die Konzentrationen variierten von 29µg/L bis 630 µg/L. Der Iodatgehalt der Meerwasserproben wurde ebenfalls bestimmt. 1µg/L bis 90µg/L Iodat konnte in den Proben vom offenen Ozean detektiert werden. Die Küstenproben wiesen mit 150µg/L bis 230µg/L deutlich höhere Iodatkonzentrationen auf. Es konnte kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Tageszeit und den Iodid- oder Iodatkonzentrationen gefunden werden. Es konnte ebenso kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Fluoreszenz des Meerwassers und den Iodid- oder Iodatkonzentrationen gefunden werden. Auf der Celtic Explorer, wie auch in Mace Head wurden außerdem beschichtete Denuder zur Anreicherung von elementarem Iod aus Luft eingesetzt. Die Denuder, die auf dem Schiff verwendet wurden waren mit Stärke bzw. mit a-CD beschichtet. Die mit Stärke beschichteten Denuder geben so einen Überblick über die Iodkonzentration in Luft über einen längeren Zeitraum (ca. 2-3h), während die mit Cyclodextrin beschichteten Denuder die Iodkonzentration in der letzten halben Stunde der Probennahme widerspiegeln. In fast allen Denudern, die mit Stärke beschichtet waren, konnte mehr Iod nachgewiesen werden, als in denen, die mit a-CD beschichtet waren. Im Allgemeinen konnten in den Proben höhere Iodkonzentrationen gefunden werden, die nachts genommen wurden. Der Grund hierfür liegt in der sehr hohen Photolyserate des elementaren Iods während des Tages. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Konzentration von VOIs und dem Iodgehalt konnte nicht gefunden werden. Anhand der genommen Denuderproben von Mace Head konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Iodkonzentration in Denudern, deren Probenahme während Ebbe beendet wurde hoch deutlich höher sind, als die in anderen Denudern. Das lässt sich dadurch erklären, dass Makroalgen während Ebbe in direktem Kontakt zur Luft sind und somit mehr Iod in der Luft zu finden ist. Eine wichtige Frage, die im Zusammenhang mit der Iodchemie in maritimer Umgebung steht konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit geklärt werden. In der maritimen Grenzschicht über dem Nordatlantik konnte elementares Iod detektiert werden, d.h. es deutet sich an, dass Iod auch auf dem offenen Ozean einen Beitrag zur Partikelbildung liefern kann und es sich nicht ausschließlich um einen Küsteneffekt handelt.


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Laser shock peening is a technique similar to shot peening that imparts compressive residual stresses in materials for improving fatigue resistance. The ability to use a high energy laser pulse to generate shock waves, inducing a compressive residual stress field in metallic materials, has applications in multiple fields such as turbo-machinery, airframe structures, and medical appliances. The transient nature of the LSP phenomenon and the high rate of the laser's dynamic make real time in-situ measurement of laser/material interaction very challenging. For this reason and for the high cost of the experimental tests, reliable analytical methods for predicting detailed effects of LSP are needed to understand the potential of the process. Aim of this work has been the prediction of residual stress field after Laser Peening process by means of Finite Element Modeling. The work has been carried out in the Stress Methods department of Airbus Operations GmbH (Hamburg) and it includes investigation on compressive residual stresses induced by Laser Shock Peening, study on mesh sensitivity, optimization and tuning of the model by using physical and numerical parameters, validation of the model by comparing it with experimental results. The model has been realized with Abaqus/Explicit commercial software starting from considerations done on previous works. FE analyses are “Mesh Sensitive”: by increasing the number of elements and by decreasing their size, the software is able to probe even the details of the real phenomenon. However, these details, could be only an amplification of real phenomenon. For this reason it was necessary to optimize the mesh elements' size and number. A new model has been created with a more fine mesh in the trough thickness direction because it is the most involved in the process deformations. This increment of the global number of elements has been paid with an "in plane" size reduction of the elements far from the peened area in order to avoid too high computational costs. Efficiency and stability of the analyses has been improved by using bulk viscosity coefficients, a merely numerical parameter available in Abaqus/Explicit. A plastic rate sensitivity study has been also carried out and a new set of Johnson Cook's model coefficient has been chosen. These investigations led to a more controllable and reliable model, valid even for more complex geometries. Moreover the study about the material properties highlighted a gap of the model about the simulation of the surface conditions. Modeling of the ablative layer employed during the real process has been used to fill this gap. In the real process ablative layer is a super thin sheet of pure aluminum stuck on the masterpiece. In the simulation it has been simply reproduced as a 100µm layer made by a material with a yield point of 10MPa. All those new settings has been applied to a set of analyses made with different geometry models to verify the robustness of the model. The calibration of the model with the experimental results was based on stress and displacement measurements carried out on the surface and in depth as well. The good correlation between the simulation and experimental tests results proved this model to be reliable.


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Il presente lavoro analizza il ruolo ricoperto dal legislatore e dalla pubblica amministrazione rispettivamente nel delineare e attuare politiche pubbliche volte alla promozione di modelli di sviluppo economico caratterizzati da un elevato tasso di sostenibilità ambientale. A tal fine, il lavoro è suddiviso in quattro capitoli. Nel primo capitolo vengono presi in considerazione i principali elementi della teoria generale che costituiscono i piani di lettura del tema trattato. Questa prima fase della ricerca è incentrata, da un lato, sull’analisi (storico-evolutiva) del concetto di ambiente alla luce della prevalente elaborazione giuridica e, dall’altro, sulla formazione del concetto di sviluppo sostenibile, con particolare riguardo alla sua declinazione in chiave ambientale. Nella parte centrale del lavoro, costituita dal secondo e dal terzo capitolo, l’analisi è rivolta a tre settori d’indagine determinanti per l’inquadramento sistematico delle politiche pubbliche del settore: il sistema di rapporti che esiste tra i molteplici soggetti (internazionali, nazionali e locali) coinvolti nella ricerca di soluzioni alla crisi sistemica ambientale; l’individuazione e la definizione dell’insieme dei principi sostanziali che governano il sistema di tutela ambientale e che indirizzano le scelte di policy nel settore; i principali strumenti (giuridici ed economici) di protezione attualmente in vigore. Il quarto ed ultimo capitolo prende in considerazione le politiche relative alle procedure di autorizzazione alla costruzione e all’esercizio degli impianti per la produzione di energia alimentati da fonti energetiche rinnovabili, analizzate quale caso specifico che può essere assunto a paradigma del ruolo ricoperto dal legislatore e dalla pubblica amministrazione nel settore delle politiche di sviluppo sostenibile. L’analisi condotta mostra un elevato tasso di complessità del sistema istituzionale e organizzativo, a cui si aggiungono evidenti limiti di efficienza per quanto riguarda il regime amministrativo delle autorizzazioni introdotto dal legislatore nazionale.