896 resultados para ecologia da paisagem


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Com esse trabalho, visamos discutir a tentativa de estabelecer um equilíbrio entre o ser humano e natureza na área rural de Judá, pouco antes do reinado de Josias (640-609 a.C.). Nesse caso, pode-se perguntar: seria o mandamento de Deuteronômio 5,12-15 um discurso ecológico? A partir dos estudos de Frank Crüsemann e Haroldo Reimer se admite que partes das leis veterotestamentárias eram destinadas ao assim chamado grupo povo da terra de Judá, visando à manutenção de seu poder. O grupo teria assumido a liderança em Judá mediante um golpe político e, articulando-se, desde então, numa política de aliança para se conservar no poder, mesmo não o assumindo diretamente. Nesse contexto de política de alianças deve-se procurar a implementação do mandamento de Deuteronômio 5,12-15. Ele teria sido escrito por anciãos, um grupo junto ao qual o povo da terra teria se aliado para que ordenassem sentenças jurídicas para a acomodação social. Nesse caso, inicialmente o portão da cidade, espaço oficial para discussões, reclamações e propostas de intermediações, deve ter sido o lugar de elaboração de sentenças jurídicas sobre a utilização de técnicas na agricultura. Sendo elas posteriormente levadas ao tribunal do templo para passar pelas mãos dos sacerdotes, outro braço da coalizão. O uso dos animais de porte, cujo peso prejudicava as pequenas propriedades de terra de Judá, deve ter sido um motivo de incessantes conflitos entre pequenos e grandes proprietários de terra. Ressaltamos assim que apenas os homens mais abastados de Judá tinham acesso a esses animais. Esta solução, segundo se entende, liga o rodízio de culturas ao descanso do campo pertencente ao povo da terra de Judá. Liga-se o termo sábado com a vida da elite rural judaíta do período do reinado de Josias. Uma saída encontrada pelas elites de Judá, a qual nos leva a ponderar uma situação similar que ocorre na América Latina, diante da globalização. Se o texto Deuteronômio 5,12-15 é uma ponderação das elites hegemônicas de Judá que buscam o equilíbrio entre ser o humano e a natureza (ecologia), o discurso ecológico contemporâneo poderá ter neste texto um importante interlocutor. Esse discurso pode ocultar interesses econômicos, completamente diferentes, pois se trata de uma estratégia dominadora e não libertadora, objetivando-se, sobretudo, a reprodução social. O Brasil e os demais países da América Latina vêm sofrendo, há algum tempo, com essa distância entre a elite e o resto da sociedade. Nossas elites utilizam-se, há tempos, do discurso ecológico para se manterem no poder dessas sociedades. Por exemplo, vemos nos noticiários uma quantidade de programas e manchetes ligadas à destruição da natureza. Isso é interessante porque, após terem eles mesmo destruído a natureza, passam agora a defendê-la; controlando as reservas naturais, garantindo sua produtividade e seu status quo no sistema econômico atual.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa propõe-se a analisar a práxis pastoral litúrgica ecológica na Igreja Metodista. A práxis é a atividade reflexiva e material do ser humano, é ação transformadora, para uma pastoral ecoliturgica na dimensão pública da fé. A pesquisa consiste em estudar a interrelação que deve existir entre Liturgia e Ecologia, a partir dos conceitos bilbicos e a forma como a práxis pode influir e se articular para o desenvolvimento de uma ecoliturgia na realidade atual, tendo como espaço de referência a Igreja Metodista. A pesquisa se desenvolve em três etapas: Na primeira analisa conceitos teóricos de liturgia, sua história, mudanças e experiências do ser humano nas celebrações ligadas aos elementos da natureza; Na segunda, os conceitos de ecologia, sua crise e suas inter-relações com o Todo. Na terceira, os apontamentos para uma práxis pastoral ecolitúrgica na Igreja Metodista, como referencial para criar ações que conscientizem, mobilizem, para o reencantamento da espiritualidade, do sentido da vida e da ecologia, a fim de produzir esperança, diante das causas sociais que dizem respeito à vida integral do ser humano. O resultado será um conjunto de referenciais históricos e teóricos capazes de desconstruir, construir e reconstruir, a fim de sustentar uma práxis pastoral ecolitúrgica. Com o objetivo de realizar uma nova hermenêutica do tema num novo paradigma para as questões da realidade, tendo em vista a dimensão publica da fé na relação de Deus na criação e a práxis da igreja na sociedade. Na necessidade que o ser humano tem de se reencantar, reconhecer, saber cuidar, reconstruir tudo que nos garante a possibilidade da vida e a sustentabilidade no planeta.


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O programa Globo Ecologia está no ar há 15 (quinze) anos e tem como objetivo principal auxiliar a preservação do ambiente. A cada semana são exibidas matérias em lugares de difícil acesso ao homem como, por exemplo, comunidades indígenas, comunidades de pescadores, áreas que sofrem com o desmatamento e a poluição. Seu discurso está, aparentemente, todo voltado para a proteção ambiental. Com um formato jornalístico simples, tem por meta maior demonstrar que a Fundação Roberto Marinho se preocupa também com essa temática. No entanto, esse programa é veiculado em um horário sem muita audiência, com um tempo de duração curto. O Objetivo dessa pesquisa é avaliar, por intermédio de uma leitura subsidiada pela análise do discurso e avaliação dos recursos técnicos utilizados, a imagem que esse programa constrói da Ecologia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com o auxílio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, documental.(AU)


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The genus Hemidactylus Oken, 1817 has cosmopolite distribution, with three species occurring in Brazil, two of them native, H. brasilianus and H. agrius, and one exotic, H. mabouia. Considering the studies about ecology of lizards conducted in the Ecological Station of the Seridó, from 2001 to 2011, this study aimed (1) to re-evaluate the occurrence of the species of Hemidactylus in this ESEC; (2) to analyze ecological and biological aspects of the H. agrius population; and (3) to investigate the current and potential distribution of the native species of the genus in northeastern Brazil, analyzing the suitability of ESEC to this taxon. For the first two objectives, a sampling area consisting of five transects of 200 x 20 m, was inspected in alternating daily shifts for three consecutive days, from August 2012 to August 2013. For the latter objective, occurrence points of H. agrius and H. brasilianus from literature and from the database of Herpetological Collections of the UFRN and the UNICAMP were consulted to build predictive maps via the Maximum Entropy algorithm (MaxEnt). In ESEC Seridó, 62 H. agrius individuals were collected (25 females, 18 males and 19 juveniles), and two neonates were obtained from a communal nest incubated in the laboratory. No record was made for the other two species of the genus. Hemidactylus agrius demonstrated to be a nocturnal species specialized in habitats with rocky outcrops; but this species is generalist regarding microhabitat use. In the population studied, females had an average body length greater than males, and showed higher frequencies of caudal autotomy. Regarding diet, H. agrius is a moderately generalist species that consumes arthropods, especially insect larvae, Isoptera and Araneae; and vertebrates, with a case of cannibalism registered in the population. With respect to seasonal differences, only the number of food items ingested differed between seasons. The diet was similar between sexes, but ontogenetic differences were recorded for the total volume and maximum length of the food items. Significant relationships were found between lizard body/head size measurements and the maximum length of prey consumed. Cases of polydactyly and tail bifurcation were recorded in the population, with frequencies of 1.6% and 3.1%, respectively. In relation xv to the occurrence points of the native species, 27 were identified, 14 for H. agrius and 13 for H. brasilianus. The first species presented restricted distribution, while the second showed a wide distribution. In both models generated, the ESEC Seridó area showed medium to high suitability. The results of this study confirm the absence of H. brasilianus and H. mabouia this ESEC, and reveal H. agrius as a dietary opportunist and cannibal species. Further, the results confirm the distribution patterns shown by native species of Hemidactylus, and point ESEC Seridó as an area of probable occurrence for the species of the genus, the establishing of H. brasilianus and H. mabouia are probably limited by biotic factors, a fact yet little understood


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The Amazon savannas occur as isolated patches throughout extensive areas of forest in the states of Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, and Roraima. There is a considerable variation in the composition of anuran assemblages in the localities and phytophysiognomies of Amazon savannas and given the absence of studies on reproductive behavior, a systematic and geographically wide sampling has been carried out in the Amapá savanna, located in the Eastern Amazon. The study was conducted in a savanna area in the state of Amapá to examine the composition, ecology, and reproductive behavior of anuran amphibians. We carried out 24 field trips in each phytophysiognomy (gramineous-woody savana, gramineous-herbaceous-woody savana, park savana, and arboreal savanna); for analysis of reproductive behavior observations were made during the period January to December 2013, lasting four consecutive days. Samples were collected by active and acoustic search along 20 plots of 100x50 meters. Twenty-one anuran species were recorded, of which four are new records for the state of Amapá: Dendropsophus walfordi, Scinax fuscomarginatus, Pseudopaludicola boliviana e Elachistocleis helianneae. The KruskalWallis ANOVA revealed significant differences between richness and species diversity in the phytophysiognomies (p < 0.05). The Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient divided the phytophysiognomies into three groups: arboreal savana, gramineous-woody savanna and gramineous-herbaceous-woody savanna, and park savanna. According to the non-metric multidimensional scaling, the structure of the anuran community resulted in a separation into three phytophysiognomies, with significant differences in the structure of communities (ANOSIM, R = 0.823; p < 0.001). In the study of community ecology, the results obtained for spatial, temporal, and trophic niche breadth suggest that the assemblage of anurans of the Amapá savanna is not composed of predominantly generalist species. Also, the presence of other specialist anurans may explain the processes of speciation associated with the isolation of habitats, resulting in heterogeneity and spatial discontinuity in the phytophysiognomies with open formations. The null model analysis revealed that the community is structured based on temporal and trophic niche, indicating a significant influence of contemporary ecological factors on the assemblage. The absence of structure based on spatial niche might be explained by the spatial segregation in the distribution and occupation of anurans in the different phytophysiognomies of the Amapá savanna. Regarding the reproductive behavior of anurans, 11 species were classified as having a long breeding season, intrinsically associated with the rainy season and the reproductive mode of most species that lay egg clutches in lentic water bodies. Six reproductive modes were recorded and parental care was observed in Leptodactylus macrosternum and L. podicipinus, whose reproductive mode is characterized by foam nests. Regarding behavioral reproductive strategies, calling males were observed in all species of anurans, satellite males were recorded only for D. walfordi, Hypsiboas multifasciatus, S. nebulosus and S. fuscomarginatus; active search for females was observed for Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis and L. fuscus, and male displacement was recorded only for Rhinella major and R. margaritifera. Of the reproductive behaviors observed, throat and vocal sac display is associated with courtship and territorial behavior exhibited by males. In addition to courtship behavior, visual signals associated with courtship strategies were recorded for the anurans of the Amapá savanna.


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Bromeliads are an important microhabitat for the herpetofauna, for being widely used as refuge from predators and their leaf architecture allows humidity maintenance and relatively constant temperature inside, setting a favorable environment for amphibians and reptiles, especially in areas under hydric stress. However, studies addressing this relationship are still incipient and more concentrated in fitotelmatas bromeliad. For non-fitotelmatas rupicolous bromeliads of the gender Encholirium, which develops into rocky outcrops and contains species of semi-arid regions such as the Caatinga, animal-plant relationships are almost unknown. In this context, this study aimed to know the herpetological fauna inhabitant of macambiras bromeliads, Encholirium spectabile, analyzing occupation and use of these bromeliads by different taxa, and the behavioral ecology of the lizard Psychosaura agmosticha, seeking to identify factors associated with this strict relationship in Caatinga. An extensive review of the world literature on the subject “lizards in bromeliads” subsidized this study from the ecological perspective of this association. The field work was carried out at Fazenda Tanques, municipality of Santa Maria / RN, mesoregion of Agreste Potiguar. The observations and/or data collection in daytime and in the evening was conducted monthly during three consecutive days, from January 2011 to August 2012, totaling 450 hour.man of sampling effort. Sixteen species were registered: six lizards (Mabuyidae, Tropiduridae, Gekkonidae and Phyllodactylidae Families), six snakes (Boidae and Dipsadidae Families) and four of amphibians of Hylidae Family. The effect of the forest edge on the distribution of species along the outcrop was significant, with most species found in outcrop edges. Significant difference was found between some pairs of species concerning use of bromeliads, and almost total niche overlap in the use of microhabitat. 62.5% of the species are nocturnal and use these plants for sheltering, breeding and feeding. Regarding the relations between 4 the lizard Psychosaura agmosticha and macambiras bromeliads, behaviors of thermoregulation and foraging in the dry and wet seasons were recorded. Activity periods were concentrated between 7 and 10 am and between 3 and 5 pm in both seasons, showing a clear bimodal pattern. The species basically used the green leaves and there were no significant differences between males and females in the use of bromeliads. Positive associations were found between body temperature and temperatures of bromeliads and air. This species spent 1.95% ± 3.8 of the time moving (PTM) and moved on average 0:36 ± 2.1 seconds per minute (MPM), with significant differences between the wet and dry to PTM, and between the average time of stop and average duration of movements, being considered a sedentary forager. Psychosaura agmosticha, in the study area, is bromelicolous and uses macambiras primarily for thermoregulation and foraging. The results of this study elevate the rupicolous bromeliads Encholirium spectabile as key elements for the maintenance of amphibians and reptiles associated with it, and a clear advantageous association for the conservation of the groups involved.


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The trophic ecology studies issues related to the diet of individuals within a community .The relation between the body size of the predator and the prey size, individual specialization and niche breadth are some of the issues that can be discussed by it .I collected the lizards using pitfall trap, glue and active collecting traps in a fragment of Caatinga. The most common species in this community were Tropidurus hispidus, T. semitaeniatus and Cnemidophorus ocellifer. The visits to the farm also relied on collecting invertebrates at each season to understand how the nutritional resources of lizards were presented in each one of them. I tried to answer some questions : 1) If there was a positive relation between body size of the predator and the size of prey of the community ; 2) If in different seasons the relation of body size of the predator and the maximum and/or minimum size of the prey would be positive ; 3) If species with different foraging strategies have positive relation on the size of the predatorprey relation; 4) If the seasonality would influence on the individual expertise of lizards community and more common species; 5) If the breadth of the niche would be influenced by seasonality ; 6) If more individuals with different morphology between them would present less similar diet. I found that there was indeed a positive relationship between size of prey and predator, but nonexistent related to the minimum size of prey; Among the seasons relative size of predators and prey was different for the maximum and minimum size, but was positively related only to the size of the maximum prey. And comparisons between different foraging strategies had the maximum and minimum line inclination greater than zero and different from each other; individual specialization was not influenced by seasonality and the niche breadth was wider in the dry season only to T. semitaeniatus. At last I didn't find a significant negative relationship between morphological dissimilarity and similarity of diet.


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The coastal area of the city of Natal due to its location and natural potentialities has been an area where we have experienced big changes in its environment, at the expense of several forms of use and human occupation. On the coast of Via Costeira beach the process of use and land occupation was structured at the end of 1970s and early 1980s, as a result of the government policy which has developmental essence, based on the settlement of plenty big enterprises by the Parque das Dunas/Via Costeira Project. This project was created to install in Natal, capital of the state, infrastructure equipment on this stretch of coastline consisted of dune fields and many parts of ecosystems which have high natural relevance and fragility that used to present a semi-isolation in the urban city, for the development of tourist activities, which is considered as a viable economic solution capable of setting right serious socioeconomic problems that had persisted there. According to what was said so far, this study aimed to analyze the forms of use and land occupation besides the change of the landscape along the Via Costeira coast in the city of Natal/RN. These changes often take place without considering the complexity and fragility of natural ecosystems involved. The geoenvironmental study was based on the geosystemic theory, thus It was possible to analyze the human interventions in the superficial aspects of landscapes holistically. The practical procedures were contemplated with literature searches, followed by field work where were fulfilled the recognition and general characterization of the area in order to investigate and analyze the main types of land occupation and its use that have taken place there since big buildings began to come out, being supported by the legislation whose laws are about protection and conservation of coastal natural resources. The research also includes the identification and evaluation of the main types of negative impacts caused due to different forms of use that induce environmental and social conflicts nearby this shore. Thus, It was carried out a spatial and multitemporal analysis from orthophotos, aerial photographs and others taken during the field work besides satellite images too. The information which is taken out from these instruments was used to draw maps related to land occupation, spatial impacts and other thematic maps. We worked on a hypothesis that the implementation of mega enterprises on Via Costeira and many different forms of intensified use by human actions, has not considered the natural aspects and restrictions of use in this area, these ones would be the main factors that brought on the suppression and degradation in this environment and consequently the transformation of the natural landscape.


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Paisagens naturais tem sido afetadas dramaticamente pela perda de habitat e fragmentação, os quais transformam paisagens contínuas em manchas de habitat circundadas por áreas de não-habitat (matrizes). Essas matrizes, inóspitas ou não, afetam incontáveis processos ecológicos, como a dispersão. Uma das formas de compreender o efeito da matriz no processo de dispersão é estudando o alcance da percepção do habitat dos animais, o qual é definido como o alcance (distância) em que um animal pode perceber elementos da paisagem. Essa percepção está diretamente relacionada ao sucesso de chegada à um novo habitat, enquanto o animal navega por uma matriz. Nós avaliamos a percepção do habitat em Heliconius erato, uma borboleta tropical. Entretanto nós também estávamos interessados em avaliar o efeito da idade das borboletas e do tipo de matriz na percepção do habitat. Consequentemente, nós criamos borboletas em laboratório e pareamos com borboletas coletadas na floresta durante um experimento de soltura. Para determinar o alcance da percepção, nós realizamos solturas em duas diferentes matrizes (coqueiral e campo em regeneração) à três distâncias da floresta (0,30 e 100 metros) e medimos o ângulo final alcançado pelas borboletas. Nós encontramos que (I) borboletas soltas na borda se orientaram fortemente para a floresta; (II) quanto maior a distância de soltura, menor a habilidade de perceber o habitat e (III) há interação entre matriz e idade da borboleta. Borboletas inexperientes se orientaram melhor no campo aberto (alcance da percepção: 30-100 metros) e experientes se orientaram melhor no coqueiral (alcance da percepção entre 30-100 metros).


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Le present travail a pour objectif, discuter le dialogue entre deux des formes de penser le processos santé-maladie: la médécine traditionnelle et celle scientifique. Et cette dernière représentée par le Système Unique de Santé, particulièrement par une Équipe de Santé de la Famille. Partant du questionnement “quel est le rôle de chaque système de santé dans les problèmes sanitaires ainsi que dans la prévention des maladies?”, il s‟agit de vérifier si l‟ ”Écologie des Savoirs” discutée par Santos (2007) a été appliquée dans les deux manières de penser et pratiquer les politiques de santé; tenant em compte que chacune d‟elles ayant son champ de possibilites et d‟impossibilités agit directement sur le quotidien des aires géographiques concernés par la recherche: le District de São João do Abade dans le Municipe de Curuçá/PA et l‟Équipe de Santé de la Famille Abade localisée dans ce même district. Cette étude fut réalisée à partir d‟instruments de collecte de données comme la recherche de terrain, l‟observation directe et les interviews semi-structurés (HAGUETTE, 1997) e apports théoriques à partir de certains des concepts clés les plus utilisés par les Épistémologies du Sud où nous mettons en relief l' “Écologie des Savoirs” (Santos, 2007); le “travail de Traduction” (SANTOS, 2008); la “Sociologie des Absences et la Sociologie des Émergences” (SANTOS, 2004); le concept de “Santé-Maladie” (MINAYO, 1988); ainsi que les discussions autor des “Savoirs de la Tradition” (ALMEIDA, 2010; RAMALHO et ALMEIDA, 2011). La stratégie “Santé de la Famille fut pensée à travers la vision de Guedelha (2008) et Vilar et al. (2011) où à partir de cette dernière la discussion sur le concept de “Médécine Communautaire” (DONNANGELO e PEREIRA, 1976) comme recours importante dans la recherche de l‟ “Écologie des Savoirs” dans la Stratégie Santé de la Famille a été possible.


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Cervídeo Mazama gouazoubira é a espécie de veado que possui maior distribuição dentre as espécies sul americanas. Aspectos da vegetação, predação, competição, caça e perda de habitat são fatores importantes para compreender a distribuição espacial de herbívoros na paisagem. Dessa forma, considerando a falta de estudos de mamíferos de médio e grande porte na Caatinga, objetivamos compreender quais os fatores ambientais e antrópicos que influenciam a ocupação do veado-catingueiro (M. gouazoubira) na região semiárida do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em 10 áreas amostrais e utilizamos armadilhas fotográficas para amostragem e modelos de ocupação foram construídos representando nossas hipóteses biológicas. Os modelos foram ranqueados através dos valores obtidos do AIC. As variáveis cobertura vegetal de caatinga e densidade da vegetação mostraram maior efeito, já a caatinga arbórea mostrou um efeito menor, sugerindo que a espécie é altamente dependente da vegetação para ocorrer, possuindo menor dependência de caatinga arbórea. Esperamos que nossos resultados possam ser utilizados como suporte para planos de manejo e criação de novas unidades de conservação no estado.


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Habitat fragmentation and the consequently the loss of connectivity between populations can reduce the individuals interchange and gene flow, increasing the chances of inbreeding, and the increase the risk of local extinction. Landscape genetics is providing more and better tools to identify genetic barriers.. To our knowledge, no comparison of methods in terms of consistency has been made with observed data and species with low dispersal ability. The aim of this study is to examine the consistency of the results of five methods to detect barriers to gene flow in a Mediterranean pine vole population Microtus duodecimcostatus: F-statistics estimations, Non-Bayesian clustering, Bayesian clustering, Boundary detection and Simple/Partial Mantel tests. All methods were consistent in detecting the stream as a non-genetic barrier. However, no consistency in results among the methods were found regarding the role of the highway as a genetic barrier. Fst, Bayesian clustering assignment test and Partial Mantel test identifyed the highway as a filter to individual interchange. The Mantel tests were the most sensitive method. Boundary detection method (Monmonier’s Algorithm) and Non-Bayesian approaches did not detect any genetic differentiation of the pine vole due to the highway. Based on our findings we recommend that the genetic barrier detection in low dispersal ability populations should be analyzed with multiple methods such as Mantel tests, Bayesian clustering approaches because they show more sensibility in those scenarios and with boundary detection methods by having the aim of detect drastic changes in a variable of interest between the closest individuals. Although simulation studies highlight the weaknesses and the strengths of each method and the factors that promote some results, tests with real data are needed to increase the effectiveness of genetic barrier detection.


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Studies on the urban landscape and on the changes of the urban space are relevant, since they reveal the economic dynamics and the way of life in the cities. Research on small towns, in particular, can display particular aspects and by so doing broaden the comprehension of this theme. The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes in the urban landscape and in the way of life of the inhabitants of the town of Tenente Ananias-RN that have been taking place since the 1990s up to the present (2013) and which result mainly from the commercial activity of crediário. The study is, therefore, a reflection on the impact of crediário economy on the urban landscape and on the way of life of a small town located in the hinterland of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. For this reason, it was necessary to study the landscape and the way of life found in Tenente Ananias in two moments: a) before the rise of the crediário, a period of time ranging from the town‟s initial emergence until the beginning of the 1990s; b) during the progress of crediário activity, from the beginning of the 1990s, when it starts, up to the present (2013). For this research, primary data (interviews, local survey visits) and secondary data (books, articles, reports, census data) were used. As a result of this study, it was possible to conclude that crediário plays a fundamental role for the explanation of the changes taking place in Tenente Ananias-RN, especially in the urban landscape and in the way of life of people. We have attempted, through this research, to contribute to the studies of a historical, social and economic process related to the urban landscape and space of a small town in the State of Rio Grande do Norte


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The so-called "residential tourism" came to intensify the previous occupation of the coastal zones, characterized by traditional beach houses, and brought significant consequences for their spatial configuration, and especially for its scenic value of the landscape. Although there is the intention to regulate the activities of enterprising groups by some legal instruments to control the use and occupation of land, and to contain some negative effects, the actions of government are still inefficient in trying to follow the implications on the landscape from the accelerated growth of the real estate and touristic sectors. Supported in the speech of economic development and income generation, public managers prioritize areas to attract tourists to the detriment of preserving important physical attributes of the natural environment that contribute significantly to the quality of life. The result can be noticed in the use of natural elements as one of the major components in the land valorization, and in the immediate attraction of investors and enterprising. Therefore, the objective of this work is to contribute to the debate on the landscape preservation a little detailed thematic in view of their relevance in the current context - by indicating subsidies to the creation of a methodology for the evaluation and protection of coastal zones that may assist the government in creating new instruments, and better prepare it in control of the occupation of these areas. For such, was followed two ways to analysis: the indirect method and the direct method. The first is grounded in the evaluation of landscape attributes, which is based on the work of Raquel Tardin (2008) and Eduardo Cuesta, Encarnación Algarra and Isabel Pastor (2001). The second, based on the research of Leticia and Carlos Hardt (2010) and on the concepts of phenomenology - expressed by Antonio Christofoletti (1985) and Yi-Fu Tuan (1983) - considers the population perspective on the quality of the natural scenery. Developed through cartographic materials, photographic collections and quantitative tables, this dissertation utilized as a case study the beaches of Barra de Tabatinga and Camurupim, located in the city of Nísia Floresta/RN. Despite already being sighted spaces of advanced stage of landscape degradation in these locations, areas of remarkable scenic value can still be found, what reinforce the urgency in adopting preservationists actions. The absence of laws focused on the management and protection of the landscape singularities associated with the inefficiency of the government to invigilate the land occupation in coastal zones, encourage the excessive action of the real estate-tourism, and consequently make the government the main responsible for the environmental and landscape impacts in these areas - by its omission or by their connivance. Therefore, the legislation permeates this entire process and constitutes itself as the most effective way to guarantee the right to the landscape to present and future generations. Are also pointed some important considerations to build a methodology, especially concerning possibilities of improvements and adaptations of its applicability in each case


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O ser humano vive maior parte do seu tempo em contato direto com o ambiente construído, portanto tornou-se fundamental pesquisar as relações de alteridade, qualidade de vida e pertencimento dentro de um espaço específico, a casa. Ressaltando que a casa nesta pesquisa é todo e qualquer lugar de moradia, percebe-se que ela exprime um estilo de vida, ou seja, um modo de viver e conviver, de pensar, de sentir, e de se relacionar com as pessoas e com o espaço. A partir das relações de seis moradores do Município de Rio Grande com suas respectivas casas pudemos conhecer os processos que ali ocorrem e quais são os efeitos deles na vida e atitudes de cada morador dentro e fora da morada. O estudo é fundamentado primordialmente na Educação Ambiental e na Ecologia Onírica. Mais especialmente, na Educação Estética Ambiental e Educação Estética Onírica, porém também dialoga com outras áreas do conhecimento, como a Psicologia Ambiental. Esta avalia e compreende o homem, como ele reage, interpreta e sente os espaços, e consequentemente, como ele é constituído através de todas as experiências, vivências, memórias neste meio tão íntimo que é a casa de cada um. O objetivo da pesquisa foi, a partir das relações dos moradores entre si e com o espaço da casa, conhecer qual é o significado desta na vida dos seus moradores, despertar a valorização do espaço/morada e o sentimento de pertencimento a ela, promovendo através dessa consciência uma maior qualidade de vida dentro e fora de casa.