566 resultados para Regularity lemma


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To present research had for objective to study the quality of the employment in the maturation Laboratories and larviculture of the Beach of Barreta/RN, adopting for so much the criteria used by Reinecke(1999) to characterize a quality employment: surrender, benefits non salary, regularity and work reliability and of the wage, contractual status, social protection, work day, intensity of the work, risk of accidents and of occupational diseases, involvement in linked decisions to the section work, possibility for the development of professional qualifications. Of the exam of the data it was verified that the generated employments are considered employments of good quality. However, this result should be analyzed to the light of a context of extreme informality and of precarization of the work. Therefore, the results should be relativized. He/she/you imports to retain that one of the limitations of the study resides in the impossibility of generalizing the data for the whole section of the sea carcinicultura. In spite of that fact, he/she is considered that the objectives of the research were assisted fully and that the characterization of the profile of the employment generated by the section of the shrimpculture it is extremely important for the drawing of public politics gone back to foment this activity.


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We consider a (p, q)− equation (1 < q < p, p ≥ 2) with a parametric concave term and a (p − 1)− linear perturbation. We show that the problem have five nontrivial smooth solutions: four of constant sign and the fifth nodal. When q = 2 (i.e., (p, 2) equation) we show that the problem has six nontrivial smooth solutions, but we do not specify the sign of the sixth solution. Our approach uses variational methods, together with truncation and comparison techniques and Morse theory.


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The evaluation of public policies that promote Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) it s a multidisciplinary activity extremely relevant to the effectiveness of actions to legitimize the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the unit project Natal-RN Café do Trabalhador in promoting SAN to its users. The theoretical framework is based on the public and political and on the dimensions of the concept of FSN (quantity and quality-regularity). Through a qualitative approach, methodologically this was the work of an evaluation of efficiency of the unit Natal-RN of Café do Trabalhador project in light of the assumptions of the concept of SAN. Data collection was conducted through retrospective archival research in official documents of the project, semi-structured interviews with managers involved in its implementation (representative of the Secretary of State for Employment, Housing and Care of RN SETHAS and third party), socioeconomic questionnaire applied to the users of the unit, check the amount, regularity and quality of meals offered for 15 days (menu routine) using the descriptive form menu and form filling type checklist for verification of compliance with good practices . Methods of analysis, we used content analysis, descriptive statistics and compared to previously established parameters for the project. As categories of analysis were defined organizational arrangement, access, user, food quantity-regularity and food quality. The results show that, it was found in the category arrangement that will implement the project dismissed technical criteria for choosing the districts and the quantitative distribution of meals for each location. It was found that the valuation of the shares of the company outsources technical SETHA has not been performed. We observed in the access category, the unit has a strategic location, but lack of space in the refectory. The main obstacle to economic access for users is the lack of a register for the beneficiaries. In the category of users, it was identified that the clientele of the project it is predominantly men, with more than 51 years, low education, earning wages less 1 obtained through informal employment, which they move up through the unit transport collective, go to all days of operation due primarily to price. About the meals category quantity-regularity of food showed that the menu serves 95% of the desired needs, and that holidays and weekends are periods of disrupting the regularity of supply of meals. Regarding the category of food quality, it was found that the nutritional aspect on the menu are food sources rich in sodium, nitrates and low in fiber. In the aspect of hygiene and sanitation are the main limitations related to waste management, lack of exposure controls of food prepared and inadequacies of the physical structure. The results showed that in general and the institutional arrangement of the organs attached to the project should establish a systematic evaluation project is to establish as a promoter of and FSN overcome these obstacles


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A prática regular e bem orientada da atividade física (AF) na 3ª idade possui diversos benefícios na saúde mas para que tal aconteça, é necessária a existência de um PAF que seja desenvolvido por um profissional que conheça as limitações próprias desta idade e que direcione o programa especificamente para este público-alvo. Pretende-se com este estudo caraterizar os Programas de Atividade Física (PAF) inseridos nos diferentes contextos institucionais e se o impacto que têm é percecionado do mesmo modo por utentes e técnicos. A amostra é composta por 27 pessoas: 16 pessoas idosas institucionalizadas e 11 técnicos que conceberam ou dinamizam os PAF. Os dados foram recolhidos através da aplicação de entrevistas, realização de observação das aulas de ginástica e análise de documentos fornecidos pelas instituições Verificou-se que a participação nos PAF é feita essencialmente por utentes do sexo feminino. Os profissionais que coordenam ou dinamizam os PAF também são essencialmente mulheres. Os programas existentes têm estruturas, objetivos e atividades semelhantes. A avaliação inicial dos participantes é realizada na maioria dos PAF; a interna acontece em poucas instituições, também, e junto dos participantes só são utilizadas folhas de presença. Os PAF são totalmente gratuitos para os seus utentes. Apesar de os PAF pertencerem a contextos institucionais diferentes, no geral, seguem uma estrutura lógica e bem concebida. A AF deverá ser vista como mais do que um momento lúdico e para tal aconteça, as instituições que a desenvolvem, devem promover e aumentar a sua regularidade


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A proposta deste artigo foi estudar a evolução do tamanho das cidades dos estados do nordeste do Brasil para os anos de 1990, 2000 e 2010 através da regularidade empírica conhecida como lei de Zipf, a qual pode ser representada por meio da distribuição de Pareto. Por meio da análise na dinâmica da distribuição das populações através do tempo, o crescimento urbano revelou uma persistência hierárquica das cidades de Salvador, Fortaleza e Recife, enquanto que São Luís experimentou o quarto lugar no rankinging das maiores cidades, que persistiu nas duas últimas décadas. A lei de Zipf não se verificou quando se considerou as cidades do Nordeste em conjunto, que pode ser devido ao menor grau de desenvolvimento urbano das cidades dessa região. Na análise dos estados em separado, também não se observou a lei de Zipf, embora tenha se verificado a lei de Gibrat, a qual postula que o crescimento das cidades é independente de seu tamanho. Por fim, acredita-se que a instalação do complexo minerometalúrgico do Maranhão tenha contribuído para o desenvolvimento e para a redução da desigualdade urbana intracidade nesta área.


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Improvements in diagnostic techniques and, above all, breast cancer screening campaigns - essential for early diagnosis - have enabled the objectives of conservative surgery to be pursued: disease control, no or low incidence of recurrences and an excellent esthetic result. However, to reach these objectives, it is essential to ensure a careful evaluation of the medical history of every patient, a detailed clinical examination and the correct interpretation of imaging. Particular attention should be paid to all factors influencing the choice of treatment and/or possible local recurrence: age, site, tumor volume, genetic predisposition, pregnancy, previous radiotherapy, pathological features, and surgical margins. The decision to undertake conservative treatment thus requires a multidisciplinary approach involving pathologists, surgeons and oncological radiologists, as well, of course, as the patient herself.


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The authors describe the case of a patient with two particularly rare contiguous tumors, myofibroblastoma and osteosarcoma, in the same breast. Rare does not mean untreatable, and the chance of recovery is no less than with more common tumors. However, rare tumors do present a significant problem for pathologists due to diagnostic difficulties, and so an exact prognosis is not always possible.


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We develop a framework for proving approximation limits of polynomial size linear programs (LPs) from lower bounds on the nonnegative ranks of suitably defined matrices. This framework yields unconditional impossibility results that are applicable to any LP as opposed to only programs generated by hierarchies. Using our framework, we prove that O(n1/2-ε)-approximations for CLIQUE require LPs of size 2nΩ(ε). This lower bound applies to LPs using a certain encoding of CLIQUE as a linear optimization problem. Moreover, we establish a similar result for approximations of semidefinite programs by LPs. Our main technical ingredient is a quantitative improvement of Razborov's [38] rectangle corruption lemma for the high error regime, which gives strong lower bounds on the nonnegative rank of shifts of the unique disjointness matrix.


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Recursion is a well-known and powerful programming technique, with a wide variety of applications. The dual technique of corecursion is less well-known, but is increasingly proving to be just as useful. This article is a tutorial on the four main methods for proving properties of corecursive programs: fixpoint induction, the approximation (or take) lemma, coinduction, and fusion.


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Ehrenfeuchtin–Silbergerin ongelma kysyy, kuinka pitkä sana voi olla sen pisimpien reunattomien tekijöiden pituuden suhteen, ennen kuin sillä on sen lyhimmän jakson pituinen reunaton tekijä. Ongelman ratkaisu on sanan pisimpien reunattomien tekijöiden pituudesta riippuva raja, jolle kaikilla ainakin tämän pituisilla sanoilla on välttämättä lyhimmän jakson pituinen reunaton tekijä. Tutkielmassa esitellään tämän ongelman paras tunnettu ratkaisu. Lisäksi tarkastellaan muita ongelmaan läheisesti liittyviä tuloksia. Päälauseena todistetaan paras tunnettu raja pisimpien reunattomien tekijöiden suhteen. Todistus on peräisin Štěpán Holubin ja Dirk Nowotkan artikkelista The Ehrenfeucht–Silberger problem (Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A) sekä tämän artikkelin alustavasta versiosta ICALP 2009 -konferenssin proceedings-julkaisussa. Esitetty ratkaisu näytetään vakiotermiä vaille optimaaliseksi vertaamalla sitä parhaaseen tunnettuun esimerkkiin äärettömästä sanajoukosta, jonka jokaisen sanan pisimmät reunattomat tekijät ovat lyhyempiä kuin lyhin jakso ja jonka jokaisen sanan pituus pisimpien reunattomien tekijöiden pituuden suhteen on suurin tunnettu. Johdatteluna esitellään perustuloksia sanan jaksoista ja reunattomista tekijöistä sekä esitellään eräitä muita ehtoja sille, milloin sanalla on sen lyhimmän jakson pituinen reunaton tekijä. Toisaalta tarkastellaan myös ongelmaa, joka kysyy vastaavaa rajaa lyhimmän jakson suhteen. Uutena tuloksena parannetaan parasta aiemmin tunnettua rajaa yhtä pienemmäksi, jolloin saatu raja on optimaalinen. Lisäksi todistetaan, mitä muotoa ovat kaikki sanat, joilla ei ole lyhimmän jaksonsa pituista reunatonta tekijää ja jotka ovat lyhimmän jaksonsa suhteen mahdollisimman pitkiä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan kriittistä tekijöihinjakoa, joka liittää sanan lyhimmän jakson sen paikallisiin jaksoihin. Kriittisen tekijöihinjaon lauseesta esitetään eräs todistus. Tämän lisäksi todistetaan päälauseen todistuksessa tarvittava lemma, joka liittyy sanan konjugaatin tekijöihinjaon kriittisyyteen.


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Corecursive programs produce values of greatest fixpoint types, in contrast to recursive programs, which consume values of least fixpoint types. There are a number of widely used methods for proving properties of corecursive programs, including fixpoint induction, the take lemma, and coinduction. However, these methods are all rather low level, in that they do not exploit the common structure that is often present in corecursive definitions. We argue for a more structured approach to proving properties of corecursive programs. In particular, we show that by writing corecursive programs using a simple operator that encapsulates a common pattern of corecursive definition, we can then use high-level algebraic properties of this operator to conduct proofs in a purely calculational style that avoids the use of inductive or coinductive methods.


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Ehrenfeuchtin–Silbergerin ongelma kysyy, kuinka pitkä sana voi olla sen pisimpien reunattomien tekijöiden pituuden suhteen, ennen kuin sillä on sen lyhimmän jakson pituinen reunaton tekijä. Ongelman ratkaisu on sanan pisimpien reunattomien tekijöiden pituudesta riippuva raja, jolle kaikilla ainakin tämän pituisilla sanoilla on välttämättä lyhimmän jakson pituinen reunaton tekijä. Tutkielmassa esitellään tämän ongelman paras tunnettu ratkaisu. Lisäksi tarkastellaan muita ongelmaan läheisesti liittyviä tuloksia. Päälauseena todistetaan paras tunnettu raja pisimpien reunattomien tekijöiden suhteen. Todistus on peräisin Štěpán Holubin ja Dirk Nowotkan artikkelista The Ehrenfeucht–Silberger problem (Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A) sekä tämän artikkelin alustavasta versiosta ICALP 2009 -konferenssin proceedings-julkaisussa. Esitetty ratkaisu näytetään vakiotermiä vaille optimaaliseksi vertaamalla sitä parhaaseen tunnettuun esimerkkiin äärettömästä sanajoukosta, jonka jokaisen sanan pisimmät reunattomat tekijät ovat lyhyempiä kuin lyhin jakso ja jonka jokaisen sanan pituus pisimpien reunattomien tekijöiden pituuden suhteen on suurin tunnettu. Johdatteluna esitellään perustuloksia sanan jaksoista ja reunattomista tekijöistä sekä esitellään eräitä muita ehtoja sille, milloin sanalla on sen lyhimmän jakson pituinen reunaton tekijä. Toisaalta tarkastellaan myös ongelmaa, joka kysyy vastaavaa rajaa lyhimmän jakson suhteen. Uutena tuloksena parannetaan parasta aiemmin tunnettua rajaa yhtä pienemmäksi, jolloin saatu raja on optimaalinen. Lisäksi todistetaan, mitä muotoa ovat kaikki sanat, joilla ei ole lyhimmän jaksonsa pituista reunatonta tekijää ja jotka ovat lyhimmän jaksonsa suhteen mahdollisimman pitkiä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan kriittistä tekijöihinjakoa, joka liittää sanan lyhimmän jakson sen paikallisiin jaksoihin. Kriittisen tekijöihinjaon lauseesta esitetään eräs todistus. Tämän lisäksi todistetaan päälauseen todistuksessa tarvittava lemma, joka liittyy sanan konjugaatin tekijöihinjaon kriittisyyteen.


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In this document we explore the issue of $L^1\to L^\infty$ estimates for the solution operator of the linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation, \begin{align*} iu_t-\Delta u+Vu&=0 &u(x,0)=f(x)\in \mathcal S(\R^n). \end{align*} We focus particularly on the five and seven dimensional cases. We prove that the solution operator precomposed with projection onto the absolutely continuous spectrum of $H=-\Delta+V$ satisfies the following estimate $\|e^{itH} P_{ac}(H)\|_{L^1\to L^\infty} \lesssim |t|^{-\frac{n}{2}}$ under certain conditions on the potential $V$. Specifically, we prove the dispersive estimate is satisfied with optimal assumptions on smoothness, that is $V\in C^{\frac{n-3}{2}}(\R^n)$ for $n=5,7$ assuming that zero is regular, $|V(x)|\lesssim \langle x\rangle^{-\beta}$ and $|\nabla^j V(x)|\lesssim \langle x\rangle^{-\alpha}$, $1\leq j\leq \frac{n-3}{2}$ for some $\beta>\frac{3n+5}{2}$ and $\alpha>3,8$ in dimensions five and seven respectively. We also show that for the five dimensional result one only needs that $|V(x)|\lesssim \langle x\rangle^{-4-}$ in addition to the assumptions on the derivative and regularity of the potential. This more than cuts in half the required decay rate in the first chapter. Finally we consider a problem involving the non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In particular, we consider the following equation that arises in fiber optic communication systems, \begin{align*} iu_t+d(t) u_{xx}+|u|^2 u=0. \end{align*} We can reduce this to a non-linear, non-local eigenvalue equation that describes the so-called dispersion management solitons. We prove that the dispersion management solitons decay exponentially in $x$ and in the Fourier transform of $x$.


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The dissertation is devoted to the study of problems in calculus of variation, free boundary problems and gradient flows with respect to the Wasserstein metric. More concretely, we consider the problem of characterizing the regularity of minimizers to a certain interaction energy. Minimizers of the interaction energy have a somewhat surprising relationship with solutions to obstacle problems. Here we prove and exploit this relationship to obtain novel regularity results. Another problem we tackle is describing the asymptotic behavior of the Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility. By framing the Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility as a gradient flow in Wasserstein metric, in one space dimension, we prove its convergence to a degenerate parabolic equation under the framework recently developed by Sandier-Serfaty.


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We consider a parametric nonlinear Neumann problem driven by a nonlinear nonhomogeneous differential operator and with a Caratheodory reaction $f\left( t,x\right) $ which is $p-$superlinear in $x$ without satisfying the usual in such cases Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition. We prove a bifurcation type result describing the dependence of the positive solutions on the parameter $\lambda>0,$ we show the existence of a smallest positive solution $\overline{u}_{\lambda}$ and investigate the properties of the map $\lambda\rightarrow\overline{u}_{\lambda}.$ Finally we also show the existence of nodal solutions.