880 resultados para Psychology, Industrial|Education, Business
The present research examined whether in a test situation, the relation between trait test anxiety and state anxiety depends on the momentary availability of self-control strength. Since self-control strength is crucial for emotion regulation, we assume that trait test anxiety is more closely related to state anxiety if self-control strength is depleted than if it is not depleted. We conducted an experiment with 119 undergraduates in which we measured trait test anxiety, manipulated availability of self-control strength, and assessed state anxiety after a test announcement. Consistent with the assumption, multiple regression analyses revealed that trait test anxiety and state anxiety were positively related if self-control strength was depleted, but were not related if self-control strength was intact.
Need for cognition (NFC) reflects a relatively stable trait regarding the degree to which one enjoys and engages in cognitive endeavors. We examined whether the previously demonstrated one-dimensional structure of the German NFC Scale could be replicated in three samples of undergraduates and secondary school students. Moreover, we investigated the test-retest reliability of the German NFC Scale, which has not yet been tested. Further, we investigated whether the scale would be valid in a sample of secondary school students. Multigroup confirmatory factor analyses established the one-dimensional factor structure of the long form as well as the short form of the German NFC Scale for undergraduates (N = 559), students of academic track secondary schools (German Gymnasium; N = 555), and students of vocational track secondary schools (German Realschule; N = 486). The scale proved to have a high test-retest reliability in a university student sample (N = 43). For secondary school students, we again found a high test-retest reliability (N = 157), and also found the scale to be valid (N = 181).
In the present article, we analyzed the relationship between dispositional self-control capacity, trait anxiety, and coping styles. Since self-control is often crucial for adapting one’s behavior to be positive, we predicted that dispositional differences in the capacity to exert self-control play a role in determining individuals coping styles. To test this assumption, we assessed participants’ (N = 163) dispositional self-control capacity using the Self-Control Scale, and their dispositional coping styles by using the short version of the German Coping Questionnaire SVF78 (German: Stressverarbeitungsfragebogen). A path analysis supported our hypothesis; higher levels of dispositional self-control capacity were positively associated with positive coping style and negatively associated with negative coping style. Basing on attentional control theory, we further assumed that this relationship was mediated by trait anxiety. In a second study based on a sample of N = 98 participants, we additionally applied the trait version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The results of a path analysis revealed that trait anxiety mediated the relationship between dispositional self-control capacity and coping styles. The results suggest that it may be useful to take a closer look at the role of self-control in the anxiety-coping relationship.
Selbstkontrolle spielt in pädagogischen Kontexten oft eine entscheidende Rolle, beispielsweise wenn Lernende attraktiven Handlungsalternativen widerstehen müssen. Etliche Studien zeigen, dass die erfolgreiche Ausübung von Selbstkontrolle von der momentanen Verfügbarkeit an Selbstkontrollkraft abhängt. Zur Erfassung der momentanen Selbstkontrollkraft in deutschsprachigen Stichproben, wurde die State Self-Control Capacity Scale ins Deutsche adaptiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird über fünf Teilstudien berichtet, in denen die psychometrische Güte dieser Skala überprüft wurde. Über alle Studien hinweg erwies sich die eindimensionale Skala als sehr reliabel (Cronbachs Alphas ≥ .93). Bezüglich ihrer Validität zeigten sich erwartete Zusammenhänge mit Validitätskriterien (z. B. Angst, Stress, am gegenwärtigen Tag bereits in Lehrveranstaltungen verbrachte Zeit); zusätzlich gelang die empirische Trennung von verschiedenen Stimmungsaspekten. Des Weiteren bildete die neue Skala (quasi-) experimentell im Labor und im Feld (Hochschule) induzierte Unterschiede in der Selbstkontrollkraft ab. Auch eine aus zehn Items bestehende Kurzskala erwies sich als hinreichend reliabel und valide.
In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that individuals’ motivational tendency to engage in effortful information processing (i.e., their need for cognition; NFC) is positively related to their self-control capacity. This hypothesis was based on previous findings that effortful information processing and self-control both depend on a joint strength resource, and that this resource is boosted by frequent use. NFC was assessed via questionnaire. One week later, the participants (N = 46) completed a test of self-control capacity (Stroop Task). As expected, NFC was positively related to self-control capacity but unrelated to general processing speed.
The present research examined the prediction of school students' grades in an upcoming math test via their minimal grade goals (i.e., the minimum grade in an upcoming test one would be satisfied with). Due to its significance for initiating and maintaining goal-directed behavior, self-control capacity was expected to moderate the relation between students' minimal grade goals and their actual grades. Self-control capacity was defined as the dispositional capacity to override or alter one's dominant response tendencies. Prior to a scheduled math test, 172 vocational track students indicated their minimal grade goal for the test and completed a measure of self-control capacity. The test grade was assessed at a second time of measurement. As expected, minimal grade goals more strongly predicted the actual test grades the higher the students' self-control capacity. Implications can be seen in terms of optimizing the prediction and advancement of academic performance.
Self-control strength may affect state anxiety because emotion regulation is impaired in individuals whose self-control strength has been temporarily depleted. Increases in state anxiety were expected to be larger for participants with depleted compared to nondepleted self-control strength, and trait test anxiety should predict increases in state anxiety more strongly if self-control strength is depleted. In a sample of 76 university students, trait test anxiety was assessed, self-control strength experimentally manipulated, and state anxiety measured before and after the announcement of a test. State anxiety increased after the announcement. Trait test anxiety predicted increases in state anxiety only in students with depleted self-control strength, suggesting that increased self-control strength may be useful for coping with anxiety.
In the present work, we examine the role of self-control resources within the relationship between anxiety and cognitive test performance. We argue that self-control is required for keeping attention away from anxiety-related worries, which would otherwise distract a person from performing on the test. In Study 1 (N = 67) and Study 2 (N = 96), we found that state anxiety was negatively related to performance of verbal learning and mental arithmetic if participants' self-control resources were depleted, but it was unrelated if participants' self-control was intact. In Study 3 (N = 99), the worry component of trait test anxiety was more strongly related to perceived distraction by worries while performing an arithmetic task for participants with depleted self-control resources than for nondepleted participants. Furthermore, distraction by worries showed to be responsible for suboptimal performance. The findings may help to clarify the anxiety-performance relationship and offer a novel approach for counteracting performance decrements associated with test anxiety.
Die deutsche Kurzversion der State-Skala des State-Trait-Angstinventars (STAI-SKD) hat sich in Laborstudien als ökonomische Messung von Zustandsangst erwiesen. Ob sich das Messinstrument in echten Prüfungssituationen im pädagogischen Feld einsetzen lässt, wurde bislang jedoch noch nicht untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wies das STAI-SKD in universitären und schulischen Prüfungssituationen zufriedenstellende innere Konsistenzen auf und zeigte sich sensitiv bezüglich Situationen mit unterschiedlichem Bedrohungspotenzial. Es fanden sich zudem erwartungsgemäße Zusammenhänge mit Validitätskriterien (Geschlecht, selbsteingeschätzte Prüfungsleistung, Prüfungsängstlichkeit, schulisches Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept). Es ergaben sich keine Hinweise auf Deckeneffekte des STAI-SKD in Prüfungssituationen. Die Befunde sprechen für die Einsetzbarkeit und psychometrische Güte des STAI-SKD in echten Prüfungssituationen. Das ökonomische Messinstrument kann sowohl Forschenden als auch Lehrenden zur Angstdiagnostik im Feld dienen.
One of the earliest accounts of duration perception by Karl von Vierordt implied a common process underlying the timing of intervals in the sub-second and the second range. To date, there are two major explanatory approaches for the timing of brief intervals: the Common Timing Hypothesis and the Distinct Timing Hypothesis. While the common timing hypothesis also proceeds from a unitary timing process, the distinct timing hypothesis suggests two dissociable, independent mechanisms for the timing of intervals in the sub-second and the second range, respectively. In the present paper, we introduce confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to elucidate the internal structure of interval timing in the sub-second and the second range. Our results indicate that the assumption of two mechanisms underlying the processing of intervals in the second and the sub-second range might be more appropriate than the assumption of a unitary timing mechanism. In contrast to the basic assumption of the distinct timing hypothesis, however, these two timing mechanisms are closely associated with each other and share 77% of common variance. This finding suggests either a strong functional relationship between the two timing mechanisms or a hierarchically organized internal structure. Findings are discussed in the light of existing psychophysical and neurophysiological data.
Die Studie untersucht, inwiefern der Erfolg im Masterstudiengang Psychologie durch die Durchschnittsnoten der Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB) und die Leistungen im vorangegangenen Bachelorstudiengang vorhergesagt werden kann. Die HZB-Durchschnittsnote erwies sich als ein valider Prädiktor für die Bachelor- und Masterabschlussnote. Die Bachelorabschlussnote sagte die Masterabschlussnote vorher, und diese Vorhersage wurde durch zwei Bacheloreinzelfachnoten noch verbessert. Diese Verbesserung der Vorhersage durch Bacheloreinzelfachnoten hielt jedoch einer näheren statistischen Überprüfung nicht stand. Über die Bachelorabschlussnote hinaus verbesserte die HZB-Durchschnittsnote die Vorhersage der Masterabschlussnote nicht. Die Ergebnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund praktischer Anwendungsfelder wie Studierendenberatung und Studierendenselektion diskutiert.
Es wurde kürzlich gezeigt, dass die Stärke des Zusammenhangs zwischen Angst und Leistung von der momentan vorhandenen Selbstkontrollkraft abhängt. Wir untersuchten an einer Stichprobe aus Wirtschaftsschülern (N = 136), ob dieser Befund auf den Abruf von Wissen generalisierbar ist. Die Leistungsängstlichkeit der Teilnehmenden wurde erfasst und deren Selbstkontrollkraft experimentell manipuliert, woraufhin sie einen standardisierten Wortschatztest bearbeiteten. Während das Wissen nicht von der Leistungsängstlichkeit oder der Selbstkontrollkraft abhing, sagte die Interaktion aus beiden Variablen das gezeigte Wissen vorher. Übereinstimmend mit früheren Studien fiel die Leistung von Schülern mit niedriger Selbstkontrollkraft umso geringer aus, je leistungsängstlicher sie waren. Bei Schülern mit hoher Selbstkontrollkraft hingen die Leistungsängstlichkeit und die Wortschatzleistung hingegen nicht zusammen. Wir interpretieren dieses Muster dergestalt, dass Leistungsängstlichkeit den Wissensabruf nur dann behindert, wenn Selbstkontrolle nicht zur Kompensierung angstbezogener Aufmerksamkeitsdefizite herangezogen werden kann. Die Befunde implizieren, dass gründliche Vorbereitung keine guten Testnoten garantiert.