1000 resultados para Movimento pessoal


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The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to the field of human resources for health in Brazil. The assumption is that this organization not only influenced the development of this field, but but that it was also influenced by Brazilian institutions and by national political movements, through the interaction of its consultants with these movements. Four projects were selected, through which the contribution of PAHO was evaluated: the Program for the Strategic Preparation of Health Personnel (PPREPS), the Project for the Large Scale Formation of Middle and Low Level Personnel (Large Scale Project), the Project for Qualification in the Development of Human Resources in Health (CADRHU) and the Project for the Managerial Development of Basic Units of the National Health System (GERUS). To operacionalize the study, we used three basic complementary procedures: a bibliographic research, documental research and an interview. The time frame considered was from 1975, the year an agreement was signed between PAHO, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture, establishing PPREPS. It was through this program that the first PAHO team of national human resource consultants was contracted. The period between 1975 and 1999 was marked by political and social movements that changed the course of health in the country; among these was the Movement of Sanitary Reform in Brazil, which culminated in the implementation of the National Health System (SUS). This paper shows the connections of the PAHO consultants with this movement and the implications that this had for the Program of Cooperation in the Development of Human Resources of PAHO/Brazil. It also demonstrates that as the program became contaminated by national movements of health system reorganization and of democratization of Brazilian society, it proposed, in cooperation with national institutions, an organization of determinate areas of operation of these same institutions. The manuscript further reveals that, with the Large Scale Project, the human resources program determined the pedagogical and methodological option that would be the model for various other educational projects undertaken by a number of Brazilian institutions with the technical cooperation of PAHO. And finally, the repercussions and contributions of these projects, which strengthened the the field of human resources in the public health services of the country, are identified. Data analysis was based mainly on the theories of Bourdieu, Gramsci and Freire


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This work articulates a discussion about the role of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the social policies scenario, privileging the basic education directed to the poor in Brazil, in the period from 1992 to 2002. It is a relevant theme, particularly due to the importance of the NGOs in both the national and international scope actions. The study assumes that the NGOs are instruments of control (social control) that filter the social demands towards the State, specially regarding the basic education directed to the poor. It also discusses the process of acknowledgement e expansion of the NGOs as a result of the political and economic conjuncture leading to the State reform, which had an impact on the field of social policies. A close examination of these complex relations was only possible through the understanding of the third sector establishment, having the NGOs as the main means. In this movement, relevant information of the reality are considered in order to delimit the extents of this phenomenon, with a brief reference to its origins, to the marks of its conjunctural relations, registering the multiple faces of these Organizations and the constutive elements of the debate among different visions regarding the third sector, having the NGOs as a part of its composition. With this approach, documents and publications by the NGOs and the government are researched. Based on this material, the purposes announced by these organizations are analyzed, considering the Brazilian social, political and economic conjuncture. The State of Maranhão has been chosen as an example of this context, due to the high levels of poverty and low school performance, and also given that a great many NGOs actions are more and more being held in that location in order to promote social policies. It has been concluded that the NGOs help strengthen the theses that show the decrease in the State responsibilities on free, public and quality education, and that such principle is being negotiated through the partners actions


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The thesis: "autobiographical narrative as practical continuous training and updating of itself: the groups-reference and the reflexive group in the mediation of identity construction of teaching" begins in the founder matter: "What are the implications of groups-reference in the process of identity formation and the teaching role of teachers which is participating of the research? This object of study deals with the continuing education of teachers of Basic Education and the role of the reflective group as space-time of (re) construction of educational knowledge, for the recognition of yourself. The thesis defends that the autobiographical narrative, as a pedagogical tool and research, for the initial and continuous training, is presented as theoretical and methodological foundation necessary for identity formation of the teacher. The research is limited to the qualitative approach with a focus on the autobiographical narrative. The participants are six teachers, three teachers and three students-teachers. The corpus comprises six autobiographical narratives, six reports of successful experiences, two studies on the biographical work, and six individual testimonials about the impact in personal and professional life. The data analysis was to reference Dausien and Alheit (2006), Bruner (1997), Contreras (2002), Delory-Momberger (2007), Freire (2005), Giddens (2002), Josso (2004), new (1988, 2002), Passeggi (2001, 2002), Pineau (2004), Ricoeur (2004), Souza (2006), Tardif (2002) and Vygotsky (2005). The research revealed that the formation of identity as a teachers of the educators occurred in the reference group, involving the formal, non-formal and informal of the processes of knowledge , in a movement of alternation training that includes yourself, the other and the ambient. Also revealed that the pedagogical choices of the teachers studied aimed at minimizing educational gaps that were lived in both field personal and social; that the personal identity is configured as an identity narrative and the methodology of the biographical work, through the mimesis of continuing education, provided the passage from the group reflective to the group of reference


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This work is an analysis about the teacher's formation starting from certain aspects of its culture. It is supposed that the teacher is constituted in an individual that acts starting from singular aspects, in an individual point of view, but at the same time it interacts with other individuals in an environment strongly marked by the culture. Those two dimensions are representatives of the socio-cultural characteristics and they can be seen in the perspective of the individual and collective identity. Based on those presuppositions we chose, as reference, four environment of formation: the family, the school, the work and the Movement of the Rural Workers Without-Soil/MST (MST: The without-soil-ones in Portuguese) observing as the teachers refers to those environment highlighting, mostly, the formative aspects stood out. The individuals researched are teachers involved in the education of settled communities, who are students of the Earth Pedagogy course of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/UFFRN. For our analyses, we used narrative texts, written by the teachers, as conclusion of the discipline History of the Brazilian Education in which they tell their life histories. The speeches show as the environments of reference influence in their world conceptions, attitudes and values that not just mix in an individual dimension, but also collective. The research make us reflect about the possibility to think on the educational action starting from that understanding of wide formation considering the present elements in the courses of teacher's life


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This work examines the connection Syndicate/teachers profession trying to unveil the important role taken over by the Syndical movement in the process of professionalization of the militant teachers. For that, it describes and analyses the historical course of three Syndicates representatives of the teachers category Associação dos Professores Licenciados da Bahia APLB; Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação de Pernambuco SINTEPE; Sindicato dos Servidores Municipais de Petrolina SINDSEMP acting in the micro-region of the San Francisco Valley, especially, in the municipalities of Juazeiro Bahia , and of Petrolina Pernambuco. It concentrates its interests on the contribution of the Syndicates for the professional development of these teachers in this region analysing the aspects related to emerging conflicts into the Syndical organization, to the attitude of these entities before the educational reality to their reinvindicative struggles to the formative dimension of the group actions. This study tries to answer the following questions: How has this syndical movement of teachers of state school of S. Francisco Valley been characterized? How do their actions reflect in the formation and professionalization of the teachers? Do teachers recognize the syndicate as a constructive space for the teaching profession? The methodological trajectory was directed through a qualitative approach of an etnomethodological character, using instruments for the understanding of this reality, The treatment of the data was based on the interpretative analysis of the speeches present in documents and through answers of the interviwees, having as a reference in this analysis the theoretical studies about syndicalism and the teacher professionalization. For a conceptual construction of this work it was studied these two categories from their genesis, from the social historical evolution of their concepts and the up to date discussions that give explanations about the teachers syndical movement and about the process of teachers professionalization. As thesis of this study it was defended the idea of that the teachers syndicates have contributed expressively in the process of the construction of the teacher profession of the militant teachers of this in the micro-region of the S. Francisco Valley. Once the teachers participate actively in this movement promoted by the syndical entities, the teachers develop the critical sense of the educational realty; improve their formation and reinvindicate from the State this condition as a Right; fight for better conditions in the work; reinvindicate the salary valuation and, try to construct an image of teacher basing on a professional model. The contribution of the Syndicate in the process of teachers profissionalization, is more evident in its external dimension that chacterizes the profissionalism, on the related aspects: to the forms of participation in the definition and the management of the educational politics; to the political struggles for the achievements of the professional status, to the recognition and of his eventual valuation. The syndical actions have repercussions with less intensity in the inside dimension that defines the profissionality, in the related aspects: to the administratation of the pedagogical processes in schools and in the classroom; to the acquisition of branches of knowledges; to the epistemological criticism of the acquirements mobilized in the teaching; the curricular question to the mediation that make possible the learning at school and in the classroom


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This work was developed in the course of Pedagogy, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Aims to understand the process of identity construction of teachers and educators in initial training. We started from the idea that such process was made by a complex and interdependent movement, once it was an inventive phenomenon wrought by individuals who are authors and actors of the story of their "real life" (KAUFMANN). This identity is rooted in the trajectories and social biographical experiences (FERREIRA), relationships with the constructed and accumulated knowledge in this route (CHARLOT) and in the developing of a sense of cultural belonging institutionally constructed (Luckmann, Berger). Then, the training involves relationships with knowledge in several instances, considering the effects, in one hand, the historic-social production and, in another hand, from the positions of subject and their biographical itinerary, existential and formative. We used the methodology of the Comprehensive Interview (KAUFMANN; SILVA), associated with a network of theoretical references, empirical and very analytical and interpretive activity. She researcher also relied on the "sensitive listening" (BARBIER), empathic attitude of "listening / seeing" the subject, and the notion of "intellectual artisan" (MILLS). The individual interviews were supplemented by the Focus Group. The approach was multi-referential (ARDOINO; MACEDO), with the intertwining of different perspectives, allowing a more complex configuration and less reductionist. In the analysis and interpretation we located the starting point, genesis of identity whose dynamics is not rigidly determined, but localized in space-time that precedes entry into the initial training. It is the time of concerns, questions and reflections about what you want to be in the future professional life. In sequence, we saw the route, multifaceted process whose the direction is the increasing involvement of individuals with their training. This training is engendered by the relations with the curricular, extracurricular and discursive knowledge, as simultaneous dynamics of self training and socio training. The self training of the individuals, understanding the critical, ethic and authority reading of their own experiences, is also seen as an exercise of shared responsibility, it assumes that the relationship with others meanings and professor mediation. The socio training refers to the collective subject and turns to the historical production and diversified knowledge, and comprehension of the various training instances. Self training and socio training are both objects of negotiation, because they are provocative of new designs, and cultural and identity maps, mobilizing the senses towards new meanings of themselves and the professional reality. It is in this interdependence between what is historically produced and the experiences of the subjects, who we located the arrival, considering it as a radically incomplete process of the professional identity and the building itself.


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This work examines the connection Syndicate/teachers profession trying to unveil the important role taken over by the Syndical movement in the process of professionalization of the militant teachers. For that, it describes and analyses the historical course of three Syndicates representatives of the teachers category Associação dos Professores Licenciados da Bahia APLB; Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação de Pernambuco SINTEPE; Sindicato dos Servidores Municipais de Petrolina SINDSEMP acting in the micro-region of the San Francisco Valley, especially, in the municipalities of Juazeiro Bahia , and of Petrolina Pernambuco. It concentrates its interests on the contribution of the Syndicates for the professional development of these teachers in this region analysing the aspects related to emerging conflicts into the Syndical organization, to the attitude of these entities before the educational reality to their reinvindicative struggles to the formative dimension of the group actions. This study tries to answer the following questions: How has this syndical movement of teachers of state school of S. Francisco Valley been characterized? How do their actions reflect in the formation and professionalization of the teachers? Do teachers recognize the syndicate as a constructive space for the teaching profession? The methodological trajectory was directed through a qualitative approach of an etnomethodological character, using instruments for the understanding of this reality, The treatment of the data was based on the interpretative analysis of the speeches present in documents and through answers of the interviwees, having as a reference in this analysis the theoretical studies about syndicalism and the teacher professionalization. For a conceptual construction of this work it was studied these two categories from their genesis, from the social historical evolution of their concepts and the up to date discussions that give explanations about the teachers syndical movement and about the process of teachers professionalization. As thesis of this study it was defended the idea of that the teachers syndicates have contributed expressively in the process of the construction of the teacher profession of the militant teachers of this in the micro-region of the S. Francisco Valley. Once the teachers participate actively in this movement promoted by the syndical entities, the teachers develop the critical sense of the educational realty; improve their formation and reinvindicate from the State this condition as a Right; fight for better conditions in the work; reinvindicate the salary valuation and, try to construct an image of teacher basing on a professional model. The contribution of the Syndicate in the process of teachers profissionalization, is more evident in its external dimension that chacterizes the profissionalism, on the related aspects: to the forms of participation in the definition and the management of the educational politics; to the political struggles for the achievements of the professional status, to the recognition and of his eventual valuation. The syndical actions have repercussions with less intensity in the inside dimension that defines the profissionality, in the related aspects: to the administratation of the pedagogical processes in schools and in the classroom; to the acquisition of branches of knowledges; to the epistemological criticism of the acquirements mobilized in the teaching; the curricular question to the mediation that make possible the learning at school and in the classroom


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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L'objectif de cette étude est de comprendre la relation entre les situations didactiques faisant appel aux connaissances historiques et la construction de l'identité personnelle pour les enfants dans l'éducation de la petite enfance. Sa question centrale se demande si les connaissances sont offrent des contributions à la construction de l'identité personnelle par les enfants de la petite enfance. Se distingue, lui aussi, entend contribuer à élargir le débat sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des thèmes historiques dans l'éducation des enfants, et permettre un dialogue avec d'autres enseignants dans cette étape de l'éducation. Ont été analysés par des principes théoriques et méthodologiques de qualité et a assumé les orientations méthodologiques de la recherche collaborative. Il a été constaté que la systématisation des situations didactiques impliquant la connaissance historique dans l'éducation de la petite enfance contribue à la construction de l'identité personnelle de l'enfant. Ceci, pour prendre possession de ces connaissances, ils recueillent des renseignements qui permet le plus large éventail de relations, afin de comparer les pratiques culturelles de son temps avec des pratiques à d'autres moments. Ainsi orientée, l'enfant cherche à raconter son histoire avec le thème historique à laquelle elle a eu accès, d'organiser et de construire des réponses des explications sur leur environnement et de lui-même. Tout cela montre à la réalisation que le processus d'internalisation des connaissances historiques de l'enfant est construit comme un sujet et, par conséquent, cette connaissance peut être conçu comme un médiateur dans la formation de l'identité personnelle


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This work contains the problematic of sub-education among the population that was excluded from school attendance in the regular time, contributing to knowledge production about educational practices developed in EJA (the Young and Adult Education). It focuses on the Pedagogical proposal and on the experience in young and adult literacy in the context of the mobilization of people affected by dam building. It depicts the international, national and regional mobilization against huge dams building and the emergence of the Movement of Dam Affected People (MAB), highlighting their general project and registering their teaching performance, particularly in young and adult literacy. In methodological and theoretical approaches, two interconnected categories are considered: the historical entirety, essentially theoretical, and the young and adult education practice. Based on the entirety, it outlines a contextualized explanation about the stakeholder s situation and, respecting the second category, which is part of the first one, places literacy as one of the basic aspects of an omnilateral man upbringing. The study broaches a wide context of dams in the world, placing the socio-environmental effects resulting from dams building in Brazil, in Northeast region and in Paraíba, and emphasizing the consequences of Acauã Dam building in the Paraíba cities of Aroeiras, Itatuba and Natuba. It presents the particular context of the population affected by Acauã, summarizing a panoramic view about the involved Paraíba cities and learning the conditions of residents relocation. It appraises the educational project and the National-MAB literacy proposal, operationalized by Paraíba-MAB in resettlements sited on Acauã s surroundings. It ensures that, besides public policies including financing, the feasibility of literacy problem solution can be completed with Pedagogical actions attached to the target people peculiarities and immediate necessities, respecting actions connected through one comprehensive and contextualized educational project. It evaluates the young and adult literacy project developed in the restricted Paraíba-MAB area, as an example of a Pedagogical action minimally contextualized. Eventually, it recommends researchers and teachers in general, that are committed to this work perspective, to pay attention to the way they articulate discussions and participation, so as to contemplate these communities expectations and necessities in Pedagogical projects and spaces based on discussion, dialogue and collective reflection


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This paper analyzes the policy of upgrading the teaching profession in relation to financing basic education, with a view to participation of the Union of Education Workers of Rio Grande do Norte - SINTE / RN and the state government in the implementation of Professional Base Salary the National Professional Teaching Public Basic Education - Law 11738/2008, the public state of Rio Grande do Norte. The participation of civil society, through the union movement presents itself as an important process of implementation of Professional Base Salary. The participation of SINTE / RN occurred since the fight to pass the plan, careers and Compensation (2006) until the implementation of the Base Salary (2009) highlighting the power relations established between the Union and State Government. To this end, there were actions such as public hearings and strikes by education professionals. In order to raise issues relevant to the issue of enhancement of teaching and participation of unions as a collective representation has been taken as a theoretical and methodological literature on the financing of basic education, enhancing teaching and participation as well as policy guidelines governing the career of teaching. Was used as a methodological procedure to document analysis and information gathering through semi-structured interviews. The results indicate the participation and the power relationship between the trade union movement and the state government in the implementation of the Base Salary. However, the current issues concerning the limitations of recovery of the teaching profession in order to implement the policy floor, not only merit of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, but the decisions that have been taken by the Supreme Court (STF) relating to the unconstitutionality of Action (ADI) filed by five governors. This fact greatly reduced the possibility of recovery of the teaching of the state, considering that the government was limited to decisions of the Supreme Court. Therefore, the enhancement of teaching remains a challenge for the union movement


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The research aims to analyze Professor Education in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil in the period of 1908 to 1971. The work falls under the theme History of Scholar Institutions as well as Professor Education. The research investigates the evolution of the so called Normal School, a school that aimed professor education. It was based on assumptions by works of Chartier (1990), Chervel (1990), Elias (1994), Nóvoa (1987), Schriewer (2000), amongst others. The research dealt with a great array of documents in different institutions such as Minutes, Public Instruction Management Reports, Laws, newspaper articles (from the newspaper A Capital, A Ordem e A República), magazines such as Pedagogium (1921-1940); all of which present in the Geographical and Historical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. In the State´s public archive it was possible to find a book called Livro de Honra (1914-1919) as well as class diaries and books that contained details related to Scholar group Inscriptions. In the Atheneu Memorial the Atheneu Congregation of Normal School (1897) document was analyzed. In the Kennedy Superior Institute the researcher analyzed the Professor Nominal Graduation Registry Book. The work proposes a comparative study regarding the genesis present in the Lisbon Primary Normal School and the ones situated in Natal. The analysis dealt with institutional meanings attributed by educators. Documents from The Portuguese National Library as well as the Lisbon Superior Education School were analyzed. In this in environment, it was possible to analyze documents such as Minutes, Books, Manuals, Internal Regiments related to Pedagogy. The study allowed acknowledging that these Normal Schools emerged from the same historical substrate and present consonance between the two countries regarding once both were associated with politicians, professors, doctors, hygienists and professionals evolved with education. It was also possible to acknowledge that there is a presence of a pedagogical discourse attached to the primary school universe and professor education. The Natal Normal School was present in different contexts and was consolidated as an institution that was responsible for the education and preparation of primary school teachers. The school was considered a locus where it was possible to produce and work with specific knowledge in a peculiar fashion. This knowledge provided the necessary support for professor education and was in accordance with the world´s professional pedagogical movement as well as ideas, discussions and reflections. This school was considered a space for pedagogical activities, professional affirmation allowing action reflection enabling professor representation as knowledge producers legitimating professor instruction


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This work is about the historical and cultural assumptions inserted in the contents of literacy of the Campanha de Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler, a movement of culture and popular education, developed in the State of Rio Grande do Norte in the period between 1961 and 1964. The hypothesis is the one of the existence of a romantic-political ideology which permeated a national developmentalist conception sited in its didactic-pedagogic instrument of literacy, the Book of Lecture of De Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler/RN (1963). It has the aim to understand how the popular critical consciousness marked by conceptions of culture and popular education in its social, cultural and ideological relations, happened. Analyses the object of study by the symbolical cartography, methodological procedures which have as principles to retire from an antecedent source implicit meanings that can discover new realities, articulating the keywords of that document to the ideology that surrounded the Campanha de Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler /RN. As results, the research showed that, considering the historical-cultural assumptions of the national developmentalist thought sited in the studied Book of Lecture, the conditions of the political-cultural context and of the advance of the Brazilian national industry on the beginning of the 1960th , admitted a process of social integration lavished by the popular literacy on the Campanha de Pé no Chão/RN, linked with the possibility of transition of the popular conscience, in a romantic-political perspective of the culture and the popular education


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Study about the national politics on the professional education, under responsibility of the brazilian Work Department in 1990 years. Purposes to apprehend the results of the actions of the professional education in a basic level, offered by the National Plan of the worker qualification ( PLANFOR ), as well as the effects on the assisted exits, starting from the experience appreciated on the Plan of Qualification developed in the state of Maranhão between 1996 to 2000. It adopts a theoretical-methodological conception by an ontological nature, if being worth of categories as the one of totality and of mediation that together, makes possible the apprehension of a dialectical movement that happens among the analysis object, the professional education politics in a basic level, performed by PLANFOR and your context, the underdevelop and heterogeneous Brazilian capitalism and the consequent job market generalized precarious and informal, making possible that the reality investigated become to understood rationally. This paper uses the indirect documentation technique, instruments of the bibliographical research and documental research. This study is based on those that aren´t part of PLANFOR, qualified by professional education courses in basic level,they didn't get to be inserts at the formal job market, just occupying precarious occupations in the informal job market. Aims to presents and discusses the productive process and your restructuring globally in progress. It focuses at the impacts on the workers, the precariousness of the work that appears like a new phenomenon calls new informality. Talks about the particularity process of productive restructuring assumed in Brazil highlights, showing that the informality, was always a structural phenomenon in the country. Discusses about the professional qualification in the contemporary capitalism, specifying some of your theses. Shows in a historical view the process of appearance of the employment notions and competence, and the influence that it exercised on the reforms of the basic and professional education, as well as the implications of both in the politics of professional education in the country. Rescues the process of creation of PLANFOR, your official formulations and your organized bases, starting from the second half of the 1990 decade. Shows yet the continuos changes in the job market of Maranhão state, for after, starting from the reports expresses at the Plans of Qualification from the state, elaborated by the Group of Evaluation and Studies of the Poverty and the Politics addressed to the poverty from the Master degree Program in Public Politics, from the Federal University of Maranhão, analyzing the acting of PLANFOR in the State, your probable deficiencies, as results the changes verified in the conditions of occupation and the gains of the exits from the professional education courses in basic level