1000 resultados para Itä-Eurooppa - kommunistit
Tavoitteena oli tutkia Suomen autoverotusta Eurooppa-oikeuden, talouden ja ympäristön näkökulmasta.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä IT-palveluita ja miten yrityksen kannattaa ulkoistaa sekä arvioida ulkoistamiseen liittyviä välillisiä kustannuksia. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen taustan muodostavat transaktiokustannusteoria ja Simonsin päätöksentekomallista johdettu IT-palveluiden ulkoistamisprosessia kuvaava malli. Empiirisessä osassa käytetään esimerkkinä yritystä, joka on valikoivasti ulkoistanut IT-palveluitaan. Ulkoistamistapauksista kerättiin tietoja teemahaastatteluin. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan onnistuneen IT-palvelun ulkoistamisen tekijöitä ovat pohjatyön tekeminen ja vertailupohjan rakentaminen, sopimuksen tarkkuus, toimittajan toiminnan mittaaminen sekä IT-osaston välittävän roolin huomioiminen sopimuksen jälkeisessä toiminnassa.
The aim of this study was to analyze and give proposals for the case-company how to optimize cash management in China. The purpose of the theoretical part was to enlighten the liquidity and cash management practices in an international environment and apply these into the different, regulated environment of China. In the theoretical part both domestic and international literature, articles and journals were used. The results of the empirical part are based on the in-formation from the case-company and its associates. Information was gathered mainly via internal questionnaire which was sent to the case com¬pany's subsidiaries involved with the study. Mainly company-internal factors were studied. The main result of the study implies that China is a challenging environment to optimize cash management, as the structures used elsewhere can not be applied to China as such. The study clarified the picture of the current cash management situation within the case company's China units. Can be seen, that by optimizing their cash management it is possible to especially increase control, and interest earnings and utilize internal liquidity more efficiently.
This paper tests the robustness of estimates of market access impact on regional variability in human capital, as previously derived in the NEG literature. Our hypothesis is that these estimates of the coefficient of market access, in fact, capture the effects of regional differences in the industrial mix and the spatial dependence in the distribution of human capital. Results for the Spanish provinces indicate that the estimated impact of market access vanishes and becomes non-significant once these two elements are included in the empirical analysis.
Whipple's disease is a chronic, systemic, bacterial infection caused by Tropheryma whipplei. Its cardinal symptoms include intermittent and recurrent arthralgia or arthritis together with chronic diarrhoea, abdominal pain and weight loss. It may mimick many chronic inflammatory diseases, and the diagnosis remains a challenge. Salivary and faecal quantitative PCR for T. whipplei should be ensued, if positive, by an upper endoscopy for duodenal biopsies. The treatment consists of a combination of oral doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine for 12 months followed by life-long doxycycline. Whipple's disease, although rare, is an entity that should be considered regularly, as its progression may be fatal if left untreated.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Trimodal therapy (TMT) is considered the most effective bladder-sparing approach for muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (MIBC) and an alternative to radical cystectomy. The purpose of this article was to review and summarize the current knowledge on the equivalence of TMT and radical cystectomy based on the recent literature. RECENT FINDINGS: TMT consists of a maximal transuretral resection of the bladder, followed by a concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy, limiting salvage radical cystectomy to nonresponder tumors or muscle-invasive recurrence. In large population studies, less than 6% of the patients with nonmetastatic MIBC receive a chemoradiation therapy and this rate is stable. A growing body of evidence exists that TMT provides good oncologic outcomes with low morbidity when compared with radical cystectomy. TMT requires, however, a close follow-up because of the high risk of local recurrence and salvage radical cystectomy in up to 30% of the patients. Salvage radical cystectomy can be performed with adequate results but does not offer the same opportunity of reconstruction and functional outcomes than primary radical cystectomy. SUMMARY: Although radical cystectomy is still the treatment of reference for most of the patients with localized MIBC, TMT represents a reasonable alternative in highly selected patients. Any firm conclusion on the equivalence or superiority of one treatment to the other is still limited by the lack of randomized controlled trials and the heterogeneity of the available literature. Future studies and multidisciplinary approach are mandatory to optimize the patient selection and regimen of TMT.
En s'appuyant sur la littérature scientifique et l'état de la recherche, cet article a pour objectif de montrer pourquoi la prise en compte du sentiment de gratitude peut s'avérer utile dans le contexte palliatif en mettant en évidence dans quelle mesure cette émotion ou disposition individuelle: 1) entre en résonance avec le concept de croissance posttraumatique et certains enjeux relationnels chez les patients en fin de vie; 2) représente un facteur favorisant le bien-être et la qualité de vie; 3) peut être considérée comme un facteur protecteur contre les troubles psychopathologiques. Based on the scientific literature and the state of research, this article aims to show why the feeling of gratitude may represent a point of interest for palliative care. We will highlight the following in this article: 1) why this feeling of gratitude resonates with the concept of post-traumatic growth and relational challenges in end-of-life patients; 2) in which measure this feeling represents a factor contributing to well-being and quality of life; 3) in which measure this feeling may be considered as a protective factor against psychopathological troubles.