564 resultados para INTRAPLATE EARTHQUAKES
Tsunamis occur quite frequently following large magnitude earthquakes along the Chilean coast. Most of these earthquakes occur along the Peru-Chile Trench, one of the most seismically active subduction zones of the world. This study aims to understand better the characteristics of the tsunamis triggered along the Peru-Chile Trench. We investigate the tsunamis induced by the Mw8.3 Illapel, the Mw8.2 Iquique and the Mw8.8 Maule Chilean earthquakes that happened on September 16th, 2015, April 1st, 2014 and February 27th, 2010, respectively. The study involves the relation between the co-seismic deformation and the tsunami generation, the near-field tsunami propagation, and the spectral analysis of the recorded tsunami signals in the near-field. We compare the tsunami characteristics to highlight the possible similarities between the three events and, therefore, attempt to distinguish the specific characteristics of the tsunamis occurring along the Peru-Chile Trench. We find that these three earthquakes present faults with important extensions beneath the continent which result in the generation of tsunamis with short wavelengths, relative to the fault widths involved, and with reduced initial potential energy. In addition, the presence of the Chilean continental margin, that includes the shelf of shallow bathymetry and the continental slope, constrains the tsunami propagation and the coastal impact. All these factors contribute to a concentrated local impact but can, on the other hand, reduce the far-field tsunami effects from earthquakes along Peru-Chile Trench.
A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo a análise do comportamento do nó viga-pilar, com a finalidade de dimensionar uma solução de reforço sísmico a aplicar em nós de estruturas antigas de betão armado. Uma parte considerável das construções em betão armado construídas em Portugal até 1970 são muito frágeis relativamente às ações sísmicas. Devido a este fato, os edifícios estão associados a uma conceção desajustada face à regulamentação atual pois à época não estava prevista a consideração de ações sísmicas na execução dos projetos de estruturas. Nesse período, era prática comum na construção o uso de armadura lisa conjugada com uma má pormenorização das armaduras e baixa resistência mecânica do betão. Tal levava a que as estruturas de betão armado construídas em Portugal até à década de setenta, possuírem uma baixa capacidade para resistir a solicitações cíclicas, como as induzidas pelos sismos. Os nós viga-pilar das estruturaras de betão armado são considerados as zonas mais crítica e vulnerável a ações sísmicas. Por isso é frequente em estruturas antigas, a necessidade de as reforçar, para melhorar a performance do edifício durante os sismos. Têm sido estudadas por investigadores várias técnicas e soluções para reforçar os nós viga-pilar de estruturas antigas de betão armado. Serão analisados nesta dissertação os danos observados em dois nós viga-pilar ensaiados experimentalmente, onde são simuladas as ações cíclicas horizontais dos sismos. Com base nestes dados, é proposta e detalhada uma solução de reforço para melhorar o comportamento histerético dessa ligações, de forma a conferir uma maior capacidade resistente e/ou ductilidade.
The partial collapse of a building in Colombia caused severe damage to its structural components -- An implosion was realized to induce the collapse of 50% of the deteriorated building -- To evaluate the influence of the implosion on the remaining structure, a monitoring survey was realized using triaxial accelerometers -- Time signals associated with ambient, seismic and forced vibration were obtained -- A study of the records in the time and the frequency domain was made -- The analysis of the information allowed determining some structural properties that were useful to calibrate the analytical model of the structure
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
The Telesia Archaeological Project is an initiative that will make a significant contribution to thi historical and archaeological knowledge of the urban area of the Roman city of Telesia, located near Benevento (S. Salvatore Telesino). The first and second season of the Telesia Archaeological Project (2014-2015), conducted under the supervision of the Archaeological Superintendence, and thanks to the indispensable collaboration of a private landowner, provided results of great scientific interest. There was the possibility to investigate part of a significant building of imperial age, richly decorated, identified with the basilica of the city. It was possible to establish, in addition, that this large building (36 by 21 m ca) was opened, through a great brick colonnade, to the forum, localized in summer 2015 with certainty for the first time. The extraordinary large double colonnade (porticus duplex), 9 meters wide, covering the entire façade of that public building, was erased in the fifth century AD, probably after two earthquakes that seriously damaged the city in 346 and 375 AD.
Observations from three deep focus earthquakes, of focal depth 600 km, originating in the Fiji Islands region, have permitted to trace the travel-time curves for the longitudinal waves travelling through the earth's core. Of principal importance is the travel-time table for the phase PKP1 which has been given upto 158° and for which the data so far were incomplete. Other important phases observed between 103 and 143° have been illustrated and their travel-time curves drawn.
According to the authors, T waves recorded at Nhatrang from Philippine Islands earthquakes may present 3 important phases: F and G, T. and M. If h is the depth of the earthquake, a and b the land paths of T waves respectively near the epicenter and the station, these phases may be noted as: ph-Sofar-SV sub(b) for F and G; P sub(a)-Sofar-SV sub(b) for T sub(2) and problably S in sediments, for M. Sofar waves velocity in China sea, between Philippine and Vietnam, has been determined as to be: 1.48 ± 0.03km
During the years 1957-64, eight local earthquakes have been recorded at the station of Nhatrang. A description of these quakes has been done and a drawing of experimental travel-time curves of different phases has been attempted
Six earthquakes (magnitude 6 to 7) in the Fiji Islands, New Hebrides and Sulawesi, divided in two groups of depth h=100 to 200 km and h= 600 km, were studied through more than a thousand of seismographic observations in 16 months.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Geologia do Ambiente e Sociedade, 15 de Junho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
La conservación preventiva se ha convertido en la única vía para salvaguardar la memoria histórica de los pueblos. Existen múltiples definiciones de conservación preventiva, lo que con frecuencia la convierten en centro de discusiones interminables, pero casi todos coincidimos en que por conservación preventiva podemos entender todas las acciones que se dirigen a disminuir el riesgo de deterioro de las colecciones. Y he aquí que el término riesgo ocupa un sitio de gran importancia para la conservación. Entendemos por riesgo la contingencia ó proximidad de un daño, en otras palabras la probabilidad de sufrir un evento peligroso ó indeseable, que en el caso del patrimonio documental se traduce en deterioro o pérdida de valores.El riesgo de deterioro de un documento, esta dado por la relación de dos aspectos, la vulnerabilidad del objeto, y las amenazas a la que está expuesto.
Subduction of a narrow slab of oceanic lithosphere beneath a tightly curved orogenic arc requires the presence of at least one lithospheric scale tear fault. While the Calabrian subduction beneath southern Italy is considered to be the type example of this geodynamic setting, the geometry, kinematics and surface expression of the associated lateral, slab tear fault offshore eastern Sicily remain controversial. Results from a new marine geophysical survey conducted in the Ionian Sea, using high-resolution bathymetry and seismic profiling reveal active faulting at the seafloor within a 140 km long, two-branched fault system near Alfeo Seamount. The previously unidentified 60 km long NW trending North Alfeo Fault system shows primarily strike-slip kinematics as indicated by the morphology and steep-dipping transpressional and transtensional faults. Available earthquake focal mechanisms indicate dextral strike-slip motion along this fault segment. The 80 km long SSE trending South Alfeo fault system is expressed by one or two steeply dipping normal faults, bounding the western side of a 500+ m thick, 5 km wide, elongate, syntectonic Plio-Quaternary sedimentary basin. Both branches of the fault system are mechanically capable of generating magnitude 6-7 earthquakes like those that struck eastern Sicily in 1169, 1542, and 1693.
Este artículo muestra los resultados del estudio realizado en la Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica con estudiantes de grado y egresados de la carrera de bibliotecología y documentación.La propuesta se basa en el estudio teórico, el análisis del currículo aplicado, principios del modelo pedagógico de la Universidad Nacional y en la gestión curricular de la Escuela, durante los últimos cuatro años.
Extreme natural events, like e.g. tsunamis or earthquakes, regularly lead to catastrophes with dramatic consequences. In recent years natural disasters caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, destruction of infrastructure, disruption of economic activity and loss of billions of dollars worth of property and thus revealed considerable deficits hindering their effective management: Needs for stakeholders, decision-makers as well as for persons concerned include systematic risk identification and evaluation, a way to assess countermeasures, awareness raising and decision support systems to be employed before, during and after crisis situations. The overall goal of this study focuses on interdisciplinary integration of various scientific disciplines to contribute to a tsunami early warning information system. In comparison to most studies our focus is on high-end geometric and thematic analysis to meet the requirements of smallscale, heterogeneous and complex coastal urban systems. Data, methods and results from engineering, remote sensing and social sciences are interlinked and provide comprehensive information for disaster risk assessment, management and reduction. In detail, we combine inundation modeling, urban morphology analysis, population assessment, socioeconomic analysis of the population and evacuation modeling. The interdisciplinary results eventually lead to recommendations for mitigation strategies in the fields of spatial planning or coping capacity. © Author(s) 2009.