889 resultados para História da Educação. Higienismo. Discurso. Imprensa periódica. Jornal das Moças (1926)
This article discusses the establishment of the school inspection service in the Province of Sao Paulo between the implementation of the Provincial Legislature in 1835 and the last years of the monarchy. In this work, were taken as sources - the Collection of Laws and Decrees of the Province of São Paulo (1835-1889); Speeches of the Presidents of the Province given annually at the opening of the Assembly of S„o Paulo (1835-1889), and the reports of the General Inspectors presented to the President of the Province (1851-1889). To give theoretical support to this analysis, we used the categories of Weberian bureaucratic organization.
After two decades advertising and defending the synthetic method, João Köpke became active disseminator of analytical method for teaching reading. In five te xts published between 1896 and 1917, produced in different circumstance s for different publics readers, Köpke seeks the support of American and European authors, for their principles as well as for the education experience, to his analytical method. as by theirs principles as by theirs educational experiences. Among those authors: J. Jacotot, A. Bain, A. Meiklejohn, J. Froebel, C. Parker, G. Stanley Hall and J. Chubb. In this article, attention is given to repeated American references with special emphasis on the psychology of Stanley Hall and the method of teaching reading of Meiklejohn, highlighted and placed on convergence by Köpke in his final writings.
Na presente publicação apresenta-se análises de um conjunto de manuais escolares que circularam na Escola Normal brasileira e portuguesa entre meados do século XIX e meados do século XX a partir de diferentes olhares, reeditando em outra chave o processo original de circulação de ideias entre Brasil e Portugal no qual esses materiais se inserem. Orientados por outros estudos que tratam do mesmo tema, os autores realizaram recolha nos dois países a fim de comprovar a circulação do corpus empírico que, ao final, foi definido como fonte. Assim, chegou-se ao seguinte conjunto de manuais didáticos: Elementos de Pedagogia de Affreixo & Freire (1870); Curso Prático de Pedagogia Destinado aos Alunos-Mestres das Escolas Normaes Primarias e aos Instituidores em Exercício de Daligault (1874); Lições de Pedagogia Geral e de História da Educação de Pimentel Filho (1875); Lições de Pedologia e Pedagogia Experimental de Faria de Vasconcelos (1910); Lições de Metodologia, de Fonseca Lage (1920); A arte da leitura, de Mário Gonçalves Viana (1949) e Lições de Pedagogia, de Aquiles Archêro Junior (1955). Os pesquisadores utilizam diferentes lentes para tecer suas análises e, cada um segundo sua especialidade de pesquisa, aprofunda aspectos que, juntos, compõem um painel interpretativo sobre o processo de escolarização e seus espaços, a normatização do trabalho docente, os princípios que nortearam a seleção cultural para a escola primária, a constituição de modos e métodos de ensino para realizar os objetivos educacionais e a especificidade que assumem os materiais e o ensino da leitura e da escrita nessa instituição. Todas as análises reiteram a importância dos impressos na consolidação da escola primária portuguesa e brasileira, notadamente no que se refere às prescrições feitas nos manuais escolares que, em trânsito, configuram-se como palavras viajeiras.
In order to contribute to the understanding of the history of the teaching of reading and writing and the history of political movement of textbooks in Sao Paulo, Brazil, we present the results of the analysis of the documents produced by the Review Commission Textbook, established in 1918 by the General Board of Education of São Paulo State. This commission aimed to review which books among the already approved by previous committees, should continue as recommended for use in elementary schools in São Paulo. For this, the commission has prepared various reports, which are representative of the actions of the state government to control the circulation and use of textbooks in elementary schools in the early twentieth century.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Apresentando uma síntese histórico-sociológica do panorama rural brasileiro, da constituição do ensino técnico, e do desenvolvimento do ensino técnico agrícola, este artigo defende que as escolas técnicas agrícolas sofrem uma dupla marginalização, por um lado proveniente de sua natureza profissionalizante e, por outro, dada sua vinculação com o meio rural brasileiro.
The central focus of this paper is to establish that the Brazilian Education Programa to prepare professionals in Technical-Agricultural Schools is suffering a kind of marginalization which comes from two distinct perspectives: the intention to prepare professionals (being a branch of Technical Education) and the relationship to the countryside (a community space historically seen as peripheral in its relation to urban culture). The paper discusses – from a historical and sociological point of view and using Oral History as methodological approach – the experiences of Math’s teachers in their daily struggles against some conceptions of other teachers (mainly those of technical areas) and against all the “regular” schooling system.
The aim of this paper is to present an experience of inclusion of individuals with mental disabilities in a religious community in the city of Londrina, north Paraná state. Called here Special Catechesis this was an evangelizing held inside a Catholic Church with the mental disabilities people The project, which five years and five classes per year, allowed the development of a pedagogical action with goals of evangelization and catechesis, where all people were successful. It was also an action to raise the consciousness among parents of these children in order to allow their children could participate in the project. Special Catechesis was evaluated for us as significant experience because it allowed a relative and positive inclusion of the classes in religious and social activities of the local community.
Um conjunto de depoimentos coletados oralmente e de fontes escritas disponíveis no arquivo inativo de um antigo Grupo Escolar paulista é analisado em paralelo à literatura sobre o Movimento Escolanovista visando a compreender os modos como um ideário se impõe, no cotidiano das práticas escolares, num ritmo constante de avanços e resistências, alterações e manutenções. Ao mesmo tempo, defende-se que o Movimento Escolanovista – ou qualquer proposta educacional – não é um bloco maciço de significados fixos, mas uma leitura, uma mobilização, uma apropriação que, segundo os vários significados a ele atribuídos, implica a efetivação de algumas práticas no interior da escola.
The main goal of this paper is to discuss the production of meaning of the Modern Math Movement. The main sources were data available in school archives and interviews with former teachers that we use in order to focus on the diversity of perspectives -that complement it or oppose it-, which comes up when teachers refer to the Movement. Using this process of signification, teachers whether accept it, invalidate it or adapt it to guidelines imposed to them in their teaching activities. We establish a methodology by following the premises of Oral History to gather oral testimonies. The theoretical foundations in which this article is written are the guidelines of Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics, John Thompson’s Depth Hermeneutics and Bolívar’s narrative analysis.
According to our conceptions, to study the so called Projeto Minerva (PMi) – an action of Brazilian Military Dictatorship, implemented in the 1970s, which intended to provide access to Primary and Secondary Schools for thousands of Brazilians throughout the country, using a cheap, and at that time a widely -spread medium, the radio – implies to study not only a unique education strategy, but a variety of circumstances that allows it to be created and developed throughout its 10 years of existence in various Brazilian locations. Each circumstance, each region, each way of doing of each person involved in its development constitutes a different Minerva – that’s why we choose the plural to treat it: the Minerva ProjectS. In this paper we present one of the many possible histories about such project. Synthetically, we present some historiographical aspects of its creation, development and extinction and, based on a study about one of its lessons (related to Analitic Geometry), we try to evidence differences between a spoken mathematics and a written mathematics. According to the the oretical framework used in this text, inspired by the Wittgenstein's language philosophy, the Project articulates various mathematics, what is different of saying that the project deals with the "usual" Mathematics merely changing the way of communicate it.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)