799 resultados para Health status indicators.


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex and heterogeneous condition characterized by occasional exacerbations. Identifying clinical subtypes among patients experiencing COPD exacerbations (ECOPD) could help better understand the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in exacerbations, establish different strategies of treatment, and improve the process of care and patient prognosis. The objective of this study was to identify subtypes of ECOPD patients attending emergency departments using clinical variables and to validate the results using several outcomes. We evaluated data collected as part of the IRYSS-COPD prospective cohort study conducted in 16 hospitals in Spain. Variables collected from ECOPD patients attending one of the emergency departments included arterial blood gases, presence of comorbidities, previous COPD treatment, baseline severity of COPD, and previous hospitalizations for ECOPD. Patient subtypes were identified by combining results from multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. Results were validated using key outcomes of ECOPD evolution. Four ECOPD subtypes were identified based on the severity of the current exacerbation and general health status (largely a function of comorbidities): subtype A (n = 934), neither high comorbidity nor severe exacerbation; subtype B (n = 682), moderate comorbidities; subtype C (n = 562), severe comorbidities related to mortality; and subtype D (n = 309), very severe process of exacerbation, significantly related to mortality and admission to an intensive care unit. Subtype D experienced the highest rate of mortality, admission to an intensive care unit and need for noninvasive mechanical ventilation, followed by subtype C. Subtypes A and B were primarily related to other serious complications. Hospitalization rate was more than 50% for all the subtypes, although significantly higher for subtypes C and D than for subtypes A and B. These results could help identify characteristics to categorize ECOPD patients for more appropriate care, and help test interventions and treatments in subgroups with poor evolution and outcomes.


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O Ministério da Saúde (MS), através de sua política de incentivos financeiros, vem promovendo um processo de reorganização da atenção à saúde bucal, com a implantação das Equipes de Saúde Bucal (ESB) na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), no âmbito da atenção básica, e dos Centros de Especialização Odontológica (CEO) e Laboratório Regional de Próteses Dentárias (LRPD), na atenção secundária. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação foca o processo de reorganização da atenção à saúde bucal em Cascavel e nos demais municípios pertencentes à 10 Regional de Saúde do Estado do Paraná. Consideramos que, em tese, este processo de regionalização deve ser orientado pelas diretrizes da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal (PNSB), que priorizam a atenção básica em saúde bucal através da ESF e trazem ainda como proposta a ampliação da média e alta complexidade em saúde bucal. Foi realizada ampla pesquisa nas bases de dados do DATASUS, relativos à produção das ações de saúde bucal dos 25 municípios pertencentes à 10 Regional de Saúde do Estado do Paraná, no período de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2007. Os dados foram cotejados com aqueles disponibilizados pelo Departamento de Atenção Básica (DAB) relativos à implantação das ESB, CEO e LRPD. Os resultados demonstram que, no âmbito da 10 RS, ocorreu ampliação do acesso e da oferta de ações e serviços de saúde bucal. No entanto, a despeito da ampliação do acesso, há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para que haja avanços significativos nas condições de saúde bucal da população, tal como é a proposta da PNSB.


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O trabalho tem como tema central o estudo teórico e a pesquisa empírica das variáveis esperança, crenças esperançosas e sentido de vida em pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer. No plano teórico, objetivou estudar a Teoria Antropológica La Espera y la Esperanza, de Laín Entralgo, procurando aplicá-la à experiência profissional em Psico-Oncologia; estabelecer uma relação teórica entre o conceito de esperança, de Laín Entralgo, e o conceito psicológico de crença; buscar um vínculo entre o conceito de esperança de Laín Entralgo e o conceito de sentido da vida de Viktor Frankl; e, desvelar a complementaridade da contribuição de Buber ao conceito de sentido de vida, de Frankl, no sentido de que a análise do encontro seria favorecedora do sentido da vida ou de uma mudança de um sentido já acolhido. No plano empírico, investigou os possíveis efeitos psicológicos e sua repercussão no estado de saúde geral do paciente oncológico, decorrente de uma intervenção psicológica fundamentada por esses princípios teóricos. Foi conduzido um estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, baseado na estratégia da pesquisa-ação. Participaram, voluntariamente, quatro homens, com diagnóstico de neoplasia maligna (câncer de próstata = 2; câncer de intestino = 1; câncer de língua = 1), média de idade 62,8 (4,3) e escolaridade 6,8 (3,4). As informações foram coletadas através de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, com frequência semanal e duração de 1h30. Empregou-se o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) para rastreio de déficit cognitivo e o Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI) para identificação de presença de sintomatologia depressiva. O resultados obtidos no MEEM (28,31,7) revelaram ausência de declínio cognitivo. Os escores do BDI indicaram ausência de sintomas significativos de depressão. Os depoimentos dos participantes foram analisados com base no método de Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin), através da técnica de Análise Temática. Os achados indicam que: crenças esperançosas vinculam o sentido da vida à esperança; a busca de um sentido para a existência é variável importante quando se trata das condutas consequentes da esperança: passividade e atividade; o caráter complementar da contribuição de Buber ao conceito de sentido de vida de Frankl evidencia-se na convivência, em especial na relação dialógica, que se mostra favorecedora da descoberta do sentido da vida ou de uma mudança de um sentido já acolhido; os pacientes esperançosos são mais ativos sob diversos aspectos no sentido físico, psicológico e social, quando o seu estado físico assim o permite, do que aqueles que se mostram desesperançados; as pessoas esperançosas tendem a resignar-se e a encontrar alternativas psicologicamente mais saudáveis em face da doença do que aquelas que se mostram mais desesperançadas. Considerando a natureza da pesquisa, o reduzido número de participantes, usuários do SUS e sob os cuidados do mesmo médico, estes achados devem ser examinados com cautela posto que representam indícios reveladores de que exista uma relação entre crenças esperançosas e a evolução do câncer, favorecida pelo sentido da vida.


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Buscamos detectar evidências da presença de genes envolvidos na produção de Enzimas Modificadoras de Aminoglicosídeos (EMAs), Beta-lactamases de espectro estendido (ESBLs) e Mecanismos Plasmidiais de Resistência a Quinolonas (PMQRs) em cepas de K. pneumoniae, K. ozaenae e E. coli isoladas de amostras de água de rios afluentes da Baía de Guanabara e de materiais clínicos de origem hospitalar, além de avaliar o "status sanitário" dos corpos aquáticos abordados no tocante à contaminação fecal recente e indicações de contaminação hospitalar e por outros ambientes de alta seletividade. As cepas de materiais clínicos foram selecionadas entre Maio e Julho de 2010, a partir da semeadura em meio de cultura contendo 8g/mL de gentamicina. As amostras de água foram coletadas em Abril e em Julho de 2009. Realizamos testes de colimetria, empregando para tal, a metodologia convencional e outra, na qual adicionamos 32g/mL de cefalotina e 8g/mL de gentamicina aos caldos Lactosado e Escherichia coli (caldo EC), a fim de detectar e quantificar coliformes resistentes. Para o isolamento das cepas empregamos meios de cultura contendo 32g/mL de cefalotina e 8g/mL de gentamicina. As cepas foram identificadas e submetidas a testes de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos (TSA), testes presuntivos para presença de ESBLs, extração de DNA plasmidial e ensaios de Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase (PCR) para a detecção dos genes. A utilização de agentes antimicrobianos nos testes de colimetria nos permitiu detectar a presença e quantificar coliformes totais e fecais resistentes nas amostras de água analisadas nos diferentes pontos. O TSA das cepas isoladas de amostras de água exibiu perfis de multirresistência, compatíveis com o de bactérias de origem hospitalar, semelhante ao encontrado nas cepas isoladas de materiais clínicos. Todas as cepas isoladas de amostras de água e 90% das cepas de materiais clínicos apresentaram pelo menos uma banda plasmidial. Os ensaios de PCR evidenciaram a presença de produtos de amplificação para EMAs, ESBLs e PMQRs, sendo que 7,4% das cepas de amostras de água e 20% das cepas de materiais clínicos apresentaram produtos de amplificação para as três classes de antimicrobianos. A realização de testes de colimetria empregando antimicrobianos, como gentamicina e cefalotina, pode ser uma ferramenta adicional importante ao teste convencional, quando o interesse for, o monitoramento e a prevenção de contaminação ambiental, especialmente associada a microrganismos carreando genes de resistência. O uso criterioso de antimicrobianos em atividades de cunho hospitalar e veterinário e medidas no sentido de prevenção de lançamento de esgoto e/ou tratamento dos efluentes, são fundamentais para o controle da disseminação de elementos genéticos de resistência transferíveis entre os microrganismos. A detecção e identificação de microrganismos apresentando elementos de resistência em ambiente extra-hospitalar como em água e solo, em particular, o emprego de testes de colimetria empregando antimicrobianos, se faz necessária, como forma de prevenção e controle de disseminação destes microrganismos com potencial de causar infecções em humanos e outros animais que eventualmente entram em contato com estes ambientes.


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For many years action has been taken to prevent the introduction and spread of serious fish diseases in Great Britain. In 1993 national rules were replaced by European Union wide rules designed to promote trade within the single market while safeguarding those parts of the Union with a high fish health status - such as this country. This booklet details the checks and controls which are applied to prevent the spread of disease outbreaks in this country. One can see that different rules apply to different diseases, generally reflecting the severity and other characteristics of the disease. The booklet also tries to explain the diseases and helps to recognise symptoms. This booklet is split into three parts: Part 1 gives an overview of the controls; Part 2 gives details for each of the diseases; and Part 3 gives advice on some of the precautions you can take to guard against the spread of disease.


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A população de idosos cresce rapidamente no Brasil. A prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e distúrbios cognitivos é elevada nesta população. Testamos a hipótese de que a HAS reduz o desempenho cognitivos em idosos. Foram selecionamos idosos hipertensos e normotensos com idade ≥ 60 < 80. O desempenho cognitivo foi avaliado pelo Cambridge Cognitive Examination Revised (CAMCOG-R), por subtestes do Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale v.3 (WAIS III), além do Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), e o dos Trail Making Tests A/B (TMT-A/B). O desempenho cognitivo avaliado pelo escore global do CAMCOG-R e do QI estimado do WAIS III está reduzido nos idosos hipertensos mesmo quando controlado pela escolaridade, depressão, estado geral de saúde e qualidade de vida. O desempenho cognitivo em diversos domínios específicos controlados para a escolaridade, depressão, estado geral de saúde e qualidade de vida, e avaliados pelo CAMCOG-R, WAIS III, TMT-A e RAVLT também está reduzido nos idosos hipertensos. O presente estudo sugere que a HAS está associada ao declínio do desempenho cognitivo global em idosos. Notadamente, o desempenho das funções executivas está reduzido nos idosos hipertensos. Especula-se que a HAS seja um fator de risco para o declínio progressivo do desempenho cognitivo e, portanto, para o desenvolvimento de demência.


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In the last decades the creation of new Environmental Specimen Banks (ESB) is increasing due to the necessity of knowing the effects of pollutants in both the environment and human populations. ESBs analyze and store samples in order to understand the effects of chemicals, emerging substances and the environmental changes in biota. For a correct analysis of the effect induced by these variables, there is a need to add biological endpoints, such as biomarkers, to the endpoints based on chemical approaches which have being used until now. It is essential to adapt ESB´s sampling strategies in order to enable scientists to apply new biological methods. The present study was performed to obtain biochemical endpoints from samples stored in the BBEBB (Biscay Bay Environmental Biospecimen Bank) of the Marine Station of Plentzia (PIE - UPV/EHU). The main objective of the present work was to study the variability caused in biochemical biomarkers by different processing methods in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from two localities (Plentzia and Arriluze) with different pollution history. It can be concluded that the selected biomarkers (glutathione S-transferase and acetylcholinesterase) can be accurately measured in samples stored for years in the ESBs. The results also allowed the discrimination of both sampling sites. However, in a further step, the threshold levels and baseline values should be characterized for a correct interpretation of the results in relation to the assessment of the ecosystem health status.


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A incontinência urinária gera implicações negativas nos âmbitos emocional, social e econômico tanto para o indivíduo incontinente, como para seus cuidadores. A terapia comportamental é uma das abordagens não-invasivas para a incontinência urinária. A terapia comportamental é realizada durante as consultas de enfermagem e a atuação do enfermeiro consiste na aplicação de um protocolo de orientações sobre hábitos de vida, medidas de controle da micção, treinamento para realização do diário miccional, treinamento de exercícios perineais e avaliação da resposta da paciente à terapia. O estudo tem como base teórica a Teoria do autocuidado de Dorothea Elisabeth Orem, pois a terapia comportamental visa instrumentalizar o indivíduo a realizar práticas de autocuidado a partir do protocolo de atendimento do ambulatório. O objetivo da pesquisa é avaliar a efetividade da terapia comportamental aplicada pelo enfermeiro para o controle miccional e melhora da qualidade de vida da mulher idosa. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico não-controlado.40 Foram incluídas no estudo mulheres acima de 60 anos que participam do Ambulatório do Núcleo de Atenção ao Idoso com a queixa clínica de perda involuntária de urina encaminhadas para o ambulatório de urogeriatria. A população estudada foi composta por 13 participantes. Os dados da pesquisa foram coletados a partir dos instrumentos de avaliação do ambulatório de urogeriatria que foram arquivados nos prontuários das pacientes: o diário miccional, avaliação de enfermagem na terapia comportamental e o questionário sobre qualidade de vida em mulheres com incontinência urinária chamado de Kings Health Questionnaire. Estes instrumentos foram aplicados antes e depois da terapia comportamental. Foram colhidos dados das pacientes acompanhadas no ambulatório durante o período de abril de 2011 a junho de 2012. Os resultados foram que após a terapia comportamental todas as idosas responderam que ingerem líquidos no período diurno, 92,30% das idosas responderam que estabeleceram um ritmo miccional de 2/2 horas ou de 3/3 horas. Sobre o parâmetro miccional perda de urina ao final da terapia comportamental 75% das idosas apresentaram ausência de perda de urina. Além disso, após a terapia comportamental nenhuma das pacientes teve perda de urina durante a realização dos exercícios e 92,30% apresentaram contração eficiente dos músculos perineais. Deste modo, esta pesquisa demonstrou que as idosas que participaram da terapia comportamental obtiveram melhora do controle urinário e da qualidade de vida. A terapia é um sistema que sofre retroalimentação à medida que o paciente adere às práticas de autocuidado e o enfermeiro reforça as orientações a fim de atingir o objetivo maior que é a sensação de bem estar. A teoria de Dorothea Orem se adequou bem ao estudo, pois a terapia comportamental permitiu aos idosos a assumirem responsabilidade com o seu corpo e se empenharem efetivamente para melhorar a sua condição de saúde e qualidade de vida.


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The health status of premature infants born 32(1)-35(0) weeks' gestational age (wGA) hospitalized for RSV infection in the first year of life (cases; n = 125) was compared to that of premature infants not hospitalized for RSV (controls; n = 362) through 6 years. The primary endpoints were the percentage of children with wheezing between 2-6 years and lung function at 6 years of age. Secondary endpoints included quality of life, healthcare resource use, and allergic sensitization. A significantly higher proportion of cases than controls experienced recurrent wheezing through 6 years of age (46.7% vs. 27.4%; p = 0.001). The vast majority of lung function tests appeared normal at 6 years of age in both cohorts. In children with pulmonary function in the lower limit of normality (FEV1 Z-score [-2; -1]), wheezing was increased, particularly for cases vs. controls (72.7% vs. 18.9%, p = 0.002). Multivariate analysis revealed the most important factor for wheezing was RSV hospitalization. Quality of life on the respiratory subscale of the TAPQOL was significantly lower (p = 0.001) and healthcare resource utilization was significantly higher (p<0.001) in cases than controls. This study confirms RSV disease is associated with wheezing in 32-35 wGA infants through 6 years of age.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto o presenteísmo em trabalhadores de enfermagem e as repercussões para a saúde do trabalhador e para a organização do trabalho. Considerando a natureza do objeto e as questões norteadoras, elaboraram-se os seguintes objetivos: Identificar a visão dos trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital geral sobre o presenteísmo na enfermagem; descrever os fatores que contribuem para o presenteísmo em trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital geral; e analisar as repercussões do presenteísmo para a saúde do trabalhador de enfermagem e para o processo de trabalho hospitalar. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e protocolado com o número 419.673. Optou-se pelo método qualitativo do tipo exploratório e descritivo. O campo foi um hospital universitário situado no município do Rio de Janeiro. Participaram do estudo 39 trabalhadores de enfermagem (vinte e cinco técnicos de enfermagem e quatorze enfermeiros) lotados nas unidades de internação clínica. Na coleta dos dados, trabalhou-se com a técnica de entrevista do tipo semiestruturada mediante um roteiro, sendo os dados obtidos no mês de dezembro de 2013. Na caracterização dos entrevistados, utilizou-se um instrumento autoaplicado. No tratamento dos depoimentos recorreu-se à análise de conteúdo do tipo temática, que apontou os seguintes resultados: os participantes do estudo identificaram o presenteísmo no ambiente laboral, pelo fato de terem vários trabalhadores que comparecem ao serviço com problemas de saúde crônicos e agudos, que afetam a dinâmica e a qualidade do serviço ofertado. Diante desta realidade laboral, os trabalhadores se posicionam no sentido de manter a coesão grupal e acolher o trabalhador. No entanto, existe insatisfação por parte do grupo por se sentir sobrecarregado diante das demandas dos pacientes e demais atividades, sendo a qualidade do serviço afetada. Sobre os fatores que contribuem para o presenteísmo, identificou-se a precarização da força de trabalho, o comprometimento profissional com a instituição e os aspectos psicossociais; ou seja, fatores externos ao trabalho. Quanto às repercussões do presenteísmo para a saúde do trabalhador e o processo de trabalho, evidenciou-se que o presenteísmo é um fator que piora o estado de saúde do trabalhador, com necessidade de afastamento temporário do posto de trabalho e procura por atendimento médico durante o expediente. Como não há substituição de pessoal, a equipe tem de se reorganizar para atender as demandas de cunho técnico e assistencial, gerando conflitos no grupo. Conclui-se que, na visão dos trabalhadores o presenteísmo além de contribuir para a piora do estado de saúde do trabalhador, afeta negativamente o relacionamento interpessoal e a qualidade do serviço ofertado. Há necessidade de se diagnosticar e monitorar as condições de saúde dos trabalhadores por parte do Serviço de Saúde Ocupacional, através de exames admissionais e periódicos, de modo que sejam garantidos tratamento e acompanhamento adequados ao estado de saúde. Ratifica-se a relevância de condições de trabalho adequadas e que não exponham ainda mais os trabalhadores aos riscos presentes no ambiente laboral. Recomenda-se a continuidade de estudos sobre o presenteísmo tendo em vista o atual modelo neoliberal e o processo de precarização da força de trabalho no setor saúde.


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The mucus surface layer of corals plays a number of integral roles in their overall health and fitness. This mucopolysaccharide coating serves as vehicle to capture food, a protective barrier against physical invasions and trauma, and serves as a medium to host a community of microorganisms distinct from the surrounding seawater. In healthy corals the associated microbial communities are known to provide antibiotics that contribute to the coral’s innate immunity and function metabolic activities such as biogeochemical cycling. Culture-dependent (Ducklow and Mitchell, 1979; Ritchie, 2006) and culture-independent methods (Rohwer, et al., 2001; Rohwer et al., 2002; Sekar et al., 2006; Hansson et al., 2009; Kellogg et al., 2009) have shown that coral mucus-associated microbial communities can change with changes in the environment and health condition of the coral. These changes may suggest that changes in the microbial associates not only reflect health status but also may assist corals in acclimating to changing environmental conditions. With the increasing availability of molecular biology tools, culture-independent methods are being used more frequently for evaluating the health of the animal host. Although culture-independent methods are able to provide more in-depth insights into the constituents of the coral surface mucus layer’s microbial community, their reliability and reproducibility rely on the initial sample collection maintaining sample integrity. In general, a sample of mucus is collected from a coral colony, either by sterile syringe or swab method (Woodley, et al., 2008), and immediately placed in a cryovial. In the case of a syringe sample, the mucus is decanted into the cryovial and the sealed tube is immediately flash-frozen in a liquid nitrogen vapor shipper (a.k.a., dry shipper). Swabs with mucus are placed in a cryovial, and the end of the swab is broken off before sealing and placing the vial in the dry shipper. The samples are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. After the initial collection and preservation of the sample, the duration of the sample voyage to a recipient laboratory is often another critical part of the sampling process, as unanticipated delays may exceed the length of time a dry shipper can remain cold, or mishandling of the shipper can cause it to exhaust prematurely. In remote areas, service by international shipping companies may be non-existent, which requires the use of an alternative preservation medium. Other methods for preserving environmental samples for microbial DNA analysis include drying on various matrices (DNA cards, swabs), or placing samples in liquid preservatives (e.g., chloroform/phenol/isoamyl alcohol, TRIzol reagent, ethanol). These methodologies eliminate the need for cold storage, however, they add expense and permitting requirements for hazardous liquid components, and the retrieval of intact microbial DNA often can be inconsistent (Dawson, et al., 1998; Rissanen et al., 2010). A method to preserve coral mucus samples without cold storage or use of hazardous solvents, while maintaining microbial DNA integrity, would be an invaluable tool for coral biologists, especially those in remote areas. Saline-saturated dimethylsulfoxide-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (20% DMSO-0.25M EDTA, pH 8.0), or SSDE, is a solution that has been reported to be a means of storing tissue of marine invertebrates at ambient temperatures without significant loss of nucleic acid integrity (Dawson et al., 1998, Concepcion et al., 2007). While this methodology would be a facile and inexpensive way to transport coral tissue samples, it is unclear whether the coral microbiota DNA would be adversely affected by this storage medium either by degradation of the DNA, or a bias in the DNA recovered during the extraction process created by variations in extraction efficiencies among the various community members. Tests to determine the efficacy of SSDE as an ambient temperature storage medium for coral mucus samples are presented here.


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The study is prompted by the poverty that persisted among the fishing communities of lake victoria at time of considerable cash inflow into the fisheries development of fish processing industry. There has been need for understanding of the poverty and what strategies would be most appreciate for it's reduction.This study has attempted to respond to the needby identifying the nature and distribution of the poverty within the fisheries lake victoria,Uganda, the factor responsible for itand the options for poverty reduction intervention. The study examined the global and regional perspectives of poverty and wealth distribution, noting that wide disparities existed between the developed and the developing world and also between the developing countries themselves. A historical review of development policies and strategies revealed that while successive strategies were able to contribute to growth, their achievement towards poverty alleviation were less than satisfactory, hence the need for continually developing new strategies. A background to Uganda’s society and economy is provided, examining the demographic, political, environmental and economic conditions of the country. Uganda’s development strategies are reviewed, highlighting the role of the Poverty Eradication Action Plan, Uganda’s main strategy for implementing the policy of poverty reduction and wealth distribution. At the agricultural sector level, the Plan for the Modernisation of Agriculture has been formulated, followed by the National Fisheries Policy, aimed at providing a policy framework for the management and development of the fisheries. An appropriate definition of poverty was formulated, considered relevant to the situation of Lake Victoria. The dimensions of poverty included inadequate basic necessities, low education and health achievements, a sense of insecurity and exposure to risk. The research methodology was enhanced by the examination of the Lélé Model of the Poverty–Environmental Degradation problem, the World Bank Model of Poverty Causation and the subsequent Lake Victoria Model developed in this study. It has provided a plan for the research, the consideration of criteria and a data collection plan. The data collection instruments included secondary data search, key informant interviews and a sample survey based on a structured questionnaire. The study identified all the four dimensions of poverty in the fisheries, provided poverty profiles with respect to the different activities, groups of people and regions in the fisheries, based on consumption poverty. Among the people identified to be in poverty were the fishing labourers, fishers of Oreochromis niloticus and those operating with non-powered boats. In the post-harvest fisheries, large proportions of processors involved in salting and sun-drying, market stall and bicycle traders were in the poverty category. The ethnic groups most affected included the Samia, Basoga and Bakenye while the Districts of Jinja, Bugiri and Busia had the highest proportions of fishers in the poverty category. With respect to the other dimensions of poverty, the study showed that educational achievement was low within the fishing communities. The health status was poor, due mainly to the prevalence of malaria, diarrhoea, bilharzia and HIV/AIDS. There was a sense of insecurity within certain sections of the fishing community, due to leadership weaknesses within the local as well as the Government institutions. Some community members operated in a state of risk because they were vulnerable to episodes of income, health and education. The causes of poverty in fisheries included weaknesses within the institutional and social environment, limitations in the technology available to the poor, resource degradation and unfavourable economic factors. The recommendations of the study for poverty reduction included strengthening of policies, developing links, improving capacities and increasing resources, to be applied at the levels of Central Government, Local Government and of the community. In view of the achievements of the methodology used on this study, involving reference to the models, it is recommended that future research should build upon this model approach, as it will continue to produce results, especially when attempting to forecast changes relating to interventions.


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Study on the biomarkers types to assess health status of marine ecosystems in environmental biomonitoring has an important value. Accordingly, accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in sediment, water and tissues (liver and gill) of mudskipper(i.e. Boleophthalmus dussumieri) and some physiological responses like lysosomal membrane change performed on haemocytes, stability of red blood cell membrane and the Glutathione-S Transferase (GST) activity in the liver were measured in mudskipper. Samples were obtained from five sites along north western coast of the Persian Gulf (Khuzestan coast). Red blood cell membrane changes after different concentration of PAHs at different time was also studied to evaluate impact of PAHs compound on cell membrane. PAHs concentration was measured by HPLC method. The activity of GST enzyme was analysed by spectrophotometric method. Lysosomal membrane change was measured by NRR time method and stability of red blood cell membrane was evaluated by EOF test. Total PAH concentrations in the coastal sea water, the sediments, the liver and the gill tissues ranged between 0.80-18.34 μg/l, 113.50-3384.34 ng g-1 (dry weight), 3.99-46.64 ng g-1 dw and 3.11-17.76 ng g-1 dw, respectively. Highest PAHs pollution was found at Jafari while the lowest was detected at Bahrakan sampling sites. The lowest enzymatic activity was identified at Bahrakan (7.19 ± 1.541 nmol/mg protein/min), while the highest was recorded at Jafari (46.96 ± 7.877 nmol/mg protein/min). Comparative analysis of GST activity in the liver of mudskippers showed significant difference (p < 0.05) between the locations of Jafari and Bahrakan, and with other sites. Moreover, no significant difference was detected between the locations of Arvand, Zangi and Samayeli (p < 0.05). The mean RT was below 90 minutes in all sampling sites. Values of mean RT of the dye ranged from 34 (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Jafari site) to 78 minutes (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Bahrakan site). Spatial evaluation revealed the longest RT in fish from Bahrakan as compared with those from other sites. Preliminary results showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) among sampling sites except between Arvand and Zangi (p > 0.05). Osmotic fragility curves indicated that erythrocytes collected from mudskippers at Jafari were the most 009 fragile followed by Zangi> Arvand> Samayeli> and Bahrakan. The mean erythrocyte fragility was significantly higher at Jafari site (p < 0.05) when compared to other sites. Significant differences were found between the various sites (p < 0.05).The result indicated no significant differences between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to field concentrations of PAHs (P>0.05). The results further indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to acute. Potency Divisor concentrations. It is clear from the present result that chronic. Potency Divisor concentrations protect red cells against osmotic hemolysis. This study, however, showed that PAH concentrations in this region are not higher than the available standards. The findings showed that Lysosomal membrane destabilization, liver GST activities and fragility of red cell membrane are highly sensitive in the mudskipper, B. dussumieri. Thus, mudskipper perceived to be good sentinel organisms for PAH pollution monitoring. Sediment PAH concentrations were strongly correlated with biomarkers, indicating that PAH type pollutants were biologically available to fish. One of the possible risk assessment implications of this study is that biomarkers can be applied not only to characterize biological effects of pollution exposures, but also to determine the bioavailability of pollution in aquatic systems. The results also indicated that PAHs compound possess anti haemolytic property.


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Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that profitably affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and /or activation of one or a limited number of bacteria in the intestine that can enhance host health status. Immunoster (IS) and Immunowall (IW) are prebiotics and immunostimulants derived from the outer cell wall of brewers yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These substances contain MOS and �-glucans. After a four-week acclimatization period to rearing conditions and basal diet, 450 farmed great sturgeon juveniles weighing 95.58 ± 9.38 g were randomly distributed into 15 fiberglass tanks (2 × 2 × 0.53 m) in five treatments (Control, IS 1%, IW 1%, IS 3%, and IW 3%) in three replicates (completely randomized design) and kept at a density of 30 fish per tank for a period of 8 weeks at water temperature 20.55 ± 5.11ºC, dissolved oxygen 6.73 ± 0.35 mg L-1 and pH 7.92 ± 0.09. IS and IW were added at two levels of 1% and 3% to the basal diet in place of cellulose, except the control. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the trial, carcass analysis was done to determine the moisture, protein, fat, ash, and total carbohydrate. Also, blood samples were collected to measure hematological, biochemical and immune indices. At the end of the trial, final weight, final length, body weight increase (BWI), specific growth rate (SGR), average daily growth (ADG), protein efficiency ratio (PER), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and condition factor (CF) in fish fed on IS and IW in both levels 1% and 3% showed some differences. These differences were significant in IS 3% and IW 1% and 3% compared with the control (P<0.05). HSI showed no significant difference (P>0.05) and survival rate was 100% in all treatments. Crude protein of carcass in fish fed on IS and IW at 1% and 3% showed an increase in comparison with the control. There was significant difference between IS 3% and the control in crude protein of carcass (P<0.05). Fish fed on IS and IW at 1% and 3% showed various results in hematological and biochemical factors. It was observed significant difference in MCV between IW 1% and IS 3% compared with the control (P<0.05). Although there was an increase in values of hematocrit, hemoglobin (except IS 1%), WBC (except IW 3%), MCH, neutrophil, total protein, albumin (except IS 3%), K+, and lysozyme in fish fed on IS and IW compared with the control, it was no significant (P>0.05). The maximum count of WBC and the highest value of Ca2+ were seen in IW 1%. The maximum count of lymphocyte, the highest values of total protein, albumin and IgM were recorded in IW 3%. IS 1% had the maximum count of neutrophil and the highest concentration of lysozyme. Based on obtained results, it can be declared that IS and IW at two levels of 1% and 3% can enhance growth performance and feed efficiency and also improve some hematological, biochemical, and immune indices in farmed great sturgeon juveniles.


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The impact of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (PETZONE) activities on the health status of Jafari Creek was studied by assessing the changes in macroinvertebrate assemblages in nine sites during September 2006- January 2008. Furthermore to evaluate the ecological status of the Jafari Creek the WFD indices (i.e. AMBI, M-AMBI) were used. The relationship between spatial pattern of macro invertebrate assemblages and ambient factors (i.e. water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, total hardness, total nitrogen, ammonia, total phosphorous, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, sediment grain size distribution, sediment organic content, heavy metals contents) was measured. Background Enrichment indices, Contamination factor and Contamination degree, were used to assess the health status in the study area based on Nickel, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury contents of the sediments. The macrobenthic communities had a low diversity and were dominated by opportunistic taxa, and the AMBI and M-AMBI indices need to be calibrated before using in Persian Gulf and its coastal waters. The BIO-ENV analysis identified pH, dissolved oxygen, TDS, and the total organic content of sediments as the major environmental variables influencing the infaunal pattern. This suggests that management should attempt to ensure minimal disturbance to environmental variables underlying the spatial variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages. Background Enrichment indices showed that the health of Jafari Creek has declined over time due to the constant discharge of heavy metals to the Creek system. Furthermore WQS index shows that the quality condition of the water column in Jafari Creek, regard to the calculated number (3) is week. These indices also identified a significant degree of pollution in the study area. The decrease in the ecological potential of Jafari Creek was best highlighted by the alteration in macrobenthic assemblages.