999 resultados para Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau, Anni
The Nordic electricity market is often seen as an example of how to create a working, developed and integrated electricity market. Nevertheless, this thesis studies the obstacles of transmission network investments and the market integration challenges in the Nordic electricity market. The main focus is in the Nordic Transmission system operators (TSOs), which have a key role in grid development. This study introduces a case study of cancellation of South-West link, Western part, which was seen as essential grid investment in order to improve the Nordic electricity market functioning but ended up with cancellation in 2013. This study includes semi-structured theme interviews of the experts among Nordic electricity industry stakeholders. Despite the political will to create more equal prices for electricity in the Nordic market, the differing national regulation, mixed incentives created by bottleneck income and the focus moving from Nordic integration to European integration may create challenges to the Nordic electricity market integration in the future.
Background: Sick leave prescribing is a common task of doctors and being on sick leave results in notable economic consequences to society. However, there appears to be limited research into this field and the factors affecting sick leave prescribing practices of doctors. Aims: To examine the prescribing of sick leave by doctors and dentists, the extent of variation in practices, whether clinician-related factors and local structural factors affect variation, and the economic consequences of varying practices. Materials and methods: Questionnaire studies with 19 or 16 hypothetical patient cases were conducted among 165 primary health care (PHC) physicians, 356 occupational health care (OHC) physicians, 338 surgeons and 1132 dentists. Results: The difference between the lowest and the highest number of sick leave days prescribed for the 19 patient cases was almost four-fold in PHC physicians and surgeons and eight-fold in OHC physicians, which represents a societal cost of tens of thousands of euros. Some dentists did not prescribe sick leave to any of the 16 patient cases, and some prescribed nearly a hundred days altogether. The overall number of sick leave days OHC physicians prescribed was smaller than in PHC physicians. More days of sick leave were prescribed by those working in smaller municipalities than larger population centres. Conclusion: There was considerable variation in the sick leave prescribing practices of Finnish health care professionals. This means that patients may not receive equal social benefits. Sick leave carries considerable economic consequences, and unifying prescribing practices could bring significant cost savings to society.
This study was done for ABB Ltd. Motors and Generators business unit in Helsinki. In this study, global data movement in large businesses is examined from a product data management (PDM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) point-of-view. The purpose of this study was to understand and map out how a large global business handles its data in a multiple site structure and how it can be applied in practice. This was done by doing an empirical interview study on five different global businesses with design locations in multiple countries. Their master data management (MDM) solutions were inspected and analyzed to understand which solution would best benefit a large global architecture with many design locations. One working solution is a transactional hub which negates the effects of multisite transfers and reduces lead times. Also, the requirements and limitations of the current MDM architecture were analyzed and possible reform ideas given.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia lämpökynttilän palo-ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn taustalla on yhteistyö suomalaisen kynttilävalmistajan kanssa. Kynttilävalmistajan lämpökynttilöissään käyttämän raaka-aineen hinnan noustessa, on valmistaja kiinnostunut käyttämään edullisempia raaka-aineita. Palamisen kriteerit saavuttavan kynttilän valmistaminen markkinoilla olevista uusista raaka-aineista on havaittu olevan haastavaa, ja vaatii edelleen kehitystyötä. Teoriaosassa käytiin läpi kynttilänvalmistusta yleisesti, RAL-laatustandardin asettamat kriteerit lämpökynttilälle, palamiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä työn kokeellisessa osassa käytettyjen analyysimenetelmien periaatteet. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin erilaisten kynttiläraaka-aineiden koostumusta ja ominaisuuksia sekä sydänlankojen rakennetta. Lisäksi tutkittiin, miten sydänlangan sisältämien säikeiden määrä, eri raaka-aineiden seossuhteiden muutos sekä jäähdytyslämpötilan muutos vaikuttavat lämpökynttilän palo-ominaisuuksiin. Työssä myös selvitettiin muutaman markkinoilla olevan kynttilän raaka-ainekoostumus. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että vaadittavan liekin korkeuden saavuttamiseksi viskositeetti on yksi raaka-aineen tärkeimmistä ominaisuuksista. Raaka-aineen viskositeetin kasvaessa tarvitaan paksumpi sydänlanka. Raaka-aineen viskositeetin kasvaessa liekin korkeus ei aina pienene, koska liekin korkeuteen vaikuttaa myös langalle tehty kemiallinen käsittely. Mitä korkeampi kynttilän liekki on, sitä suurempi on raaka-aineen kulutus eli palovuo ja tällöin liekin korkeus vaikuttaa myös kynttilän paloaikaan. Kokeissa havaittiin, että liekin korkeuden ollessa vakio, palovuo oli korkein steariinilla. Steariinin jälkeen tulivat palmuvaha ja parafiini. Tällöin parafiinia tarvittiin vähemmän vastaavan paloajan saavuttamiseksi. Nopean jäähdytyksen havaittiin vaikuttavan palmuvahan palovuohon alentavasti, vaikka jäähdytystavalla ei ollut vaikutusta liekin korkeuteen.
Liite 1. Neuvontatilanteiden vertailulomake s. 58-59.
The international recovered paper trade serves two important functions: increasing raw material availability in the paper and board industry and providing economic incentives to recycle. The purpose of this paper is to shed further light on emerging patterns in this trade by empirically analysing the changes in the bilateral trade flows of recycled paper between 1992 and 2008. According to our estimations, two important changes have taken place in the 1990s and 2000s. First, the growing importance of developing economies in global recycled paper trade plays a significant role in import demand as a determinant of trade flows. Second, the changes in global trade patterns necessitate investigating the transportation cost measures used in applied research.
The use of recovered paper as raw material in the paper and board industry has increased heavily during recent decades. At the same time, growing environmental awareness has raised the interest in recycling and a more sustainable way of living, at least in high-income countries. This paper combines these topics and explores how economic, demographic and environmental factors have affected the recovery and utilization of recycled paper between 1992 and 2010 in a sample of 70 countries. This study updates and extends the previous research on the topic using panel data and panel data estimation methods. The results confirm the roles of economic determinants but also indicate that concern for the environment impacts the recovery of recycled paper particularly in high-income countries. Moreover, the motives for recycling appear to depend on the income level of a country, which is something that future policies should consider.
Arkit: A-B4.
Dedikaatio: Sigfridus J., Thomas Palthenius, Laurentius Jac. Liliewaan, Henricus Hofmannus, Johannes S. Swanestrwp, Jacobus M. Aetholenius.