898 resultados para Goal of education


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In diesem Beitrag weisen wir auf die Bedeutung hin, die selbstorganisierte Projektgruppen von Studierenden für das (Aus-)Bildungsziel der überfachlichen Kompetenzentwicklung haben können. Nach einem kurzen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Förderung überfachlicher Kompetenzen an Hochschulen stellen wir am Beispiel des Augsburger „Begleitstudiums Problemlösekompetenz“ einen Ansatz zur Kompetenzentwicklung vor, der auf der Partizipation in studentischen Praxisgemeinschaften beruht. Wir erläutern vor diesem Hintergrund, wie sich selbstorganisierte Projektgruppen von Studierenden von anderen Gruppenformen im Rahmen von Lehrveranstaltungen unterscheiden, und machen anhand eines Beispiels deutlich, welchen Mehrwert diese Praxisgemeinschaften gegenüber anderen Ansätzen zur überfachlichen Kompetenzförderung an Hochschulen haben. (DIPF/ Orig.)


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Das im Folgenden skizzierte Projekt befasst sich mit Lernerautonomie als Konzept in der Musikdidaktik aus der Perspektive von Lehrenden. Es ist eingebettet in ein Forschungsprojekt an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg mit dem Titel „Lernerautonomie in der Musikdidaktik – eine empirische Studie“ unter der Leitung von Anja Rosenbrock. Etwa 20 Studierende haben im Jahr 2011 die Fähigkeit zum bzw. die Selbstevaluation des autonomen Lernens von Schülern im Musikunterricht an Gymnasien untersucht. [Das] Forschungsvorhaben stützt sich zwar auf die Untersuchung Rosenbrocks, fügt sich jedoch nicht vollkommen darin ein. Nicht Schüler, sondern Lehrer bilden hier die Untersuchungsgruppe. Sie fanden in der Autonomieforschung bisher nur wenig Beachtung. Dabei weisen jüngere Untersuchungen auf die große Bedeutung der Lehrer für die Entfaltung autonomen Handelns seitens der Schüler hin. In einem leitfadengestützten Interview wurden die theoretischen Kenntnisse von Lehrern über Lernerautonomie, ihre unterrichtspraktischen Erfahrungen mit dessen Förderung im eigenen Musikunterricht sowie die persönliche Einstellung gegenüber dem Ansatz erhoben. Zwei zentrale Fragestellungen bestimmten die Auseinandersetzung: 1. „Über welche Vorstellungen von Lernerautonomie verfügen die Lehrer?“ 2. „Wie positionieren sich die Lehrer gegenüber Lernerautonomie und womit begründen sie die jeweiligen Haltungen?“ Damit werden einerseits die Lehrpersonen, die in ihrem Unterricht Lernerautonomie anbahnen, in den Fokus der Betrachtung gerückt, andererseits aber auch die Lernenden, als innerhalb einer solchen Unterrichts‐ bzw. Lernform Agierende, erfasst. (DIPF/Orig.)


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A morte é, porventura, o grande tabu da sociedade ocidental contemporânea, fenómeno com clara ressonância na forma como os sobreviventes vivenciam o luto por perda de figura significativa. Numa sociedade que se mantém à margem da morte, as emoções decorrentes do luto são escamoteadas e reprimidas, com sérios riscos para a saúde mental dos enlutados. Essa conspiração do silêncio desagua também nos contextos educativos, onde os valores da juventude, do bem-estar, do prazer e da felicidade, quase não deixam espaço para o sofrimento e a morte. Deste modo, este estudo pretende ser uma contribuição para a compreensão dos efeitos do processo de luto em alunos adolescentes, nomeadamente ao nível do seu desempenho escolar, e, concomitantemente, para a análise do tipo de apoio que a comunidade educativa proporciona a esses alunos, com enfoque no papel dos professores (em geral) e dos diretores de turma (em particular). Pretende ainda apresentar estratégias interventivas, a implementar nas escolas, potenciadoras de uma educação para a vida, mesmo em circunstâncias de morte, e para a gestão do luto, que se revelem promotoras de um lidar pedagógico inclusivo. Sendo o luto um processo que afeta o indivíduo em todas as dimensões que o definem, um paradigma educacional que encontre na complexidade a sua matriz identitária, foi assumido neste estudo como o único capaz de resgatar a importância da gestão equilibrada dos afetos no processo de ensinoaprendizagem. À luz deste paradigma que assume um princípio de totalidade, partindo da totalidade, ou seja, que promove o desenvolvimento do ser humano na sua multidimensionalidade, assumimos também que a missão suprema e última da educação é a construção do sujeito ético. E é nos marcos de uma educação integral, humanista e ética, de responsabilidade pelo Outro, que ganha contornos a figura do professor cuidador, como sendo alguém atento às necessidades emocionais dos seus alunos. Do ponto de vista metodológico, esta investigação desenvolveu-se de acordo com uma abordagem de natureza predominantemente qualitativa, interpretativa e complexa e o estudo realizado centrou-se em três fases, tendo a recolha de dados decorrido entre setembro de 2009 e setembro de 2012: (i) Estudo exploratório, dirigido aos Diretores das 61 escolas secundárias do Distrito do Porto, com base num questionário adaptado, com o objetivo de sustentar a importância e pertinência do estudo principal e recolher indicadores para o orientar; (ii) Estudo de Caso Coletivo, envolvendo três alunas adolescentes em luto por perda de pai. Na primeira parte, e com vista à caracterização do contexto, a escola frequentada pelas três alunas, procedeuse à análise documental, concretamente do Projeto Educativo, mas também ao inquérito por entrevista a vários agentes da comunidade educativa: o Diretor, a Psicóloga, a Coordenadora dos Diretores de Turma do ensino secundário e seis Diretores de Turma. Na segunda parte, procedeu-se a uma abordagem holística e aprofundada da complexidade inerente a cada caso, procurando dar “voz” à forma única como cada uma das alunas vivenciou, significou e enfrentou a sua experiência de luto, tendo-se recorrido ao inquérito por entrevista. De forma a cruzar perspetivas de vários informantes, e identificar significados transversais, complementares ou alternativos, foram também entrevistadas as Encarregadas de Educação e os Diretores de Turma das alunas; (iii) Caraterização das conceções de professores sobre a temática em análise e validação de propostas de intervenção a implementar nas escolas, mobilizando-se, assim, dimensões emergentes das Fases I e II da investigação, mas também do quadro teórico que sustentou o estudo. Para a recolha de dados, foi construído um questionário que se aplicou aos professores do 2º e 3º ciclos do ensino básico e ensino secundário do Agrupamento onde se centrou o estudo de caso desenvolvido na Fase II. Procurando uma leitura global dos resultados obtidos e corroborando o que é amplamente defendido na literatura da especialidade, o estudo demonstra o impacto negativo que o luto tem no desempenho escolar e revela que o padrão afetivo da ambiência escolar não é favorável à expressão emocional de alunos enlutados, prevalecendo uma atitude de evitação por parte dos colegas e professores, o que sugere a necessidade de serem trilhados novos caminhos, por um lado, ao nível da formação de professores e, por outro lado, através da implementação em contexto escolar de uma intervenção pedagógica que eduque para a vida, mas sem descurar os fenómenos de perda afetiva significativa e respetivas vivências de luto. Deste estudo sai também reforçada a responsabilidade acrescida dos Diretores de Turma na constituição de um ethos de suporte envolvendo alunos em luto, cabendo-lhes um importante papel na articulação entre os vários agentes da comunidade educativa. Em suma: para além da necessidade de repensar o perfil de competências dos professores, mais consentâneo com o paradigma de escola acolhedora, deste estudo ressalta também a premência de validar na prática propostas de intervenção articuladas, consistentes e, sobretudo, éticas.


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Les systèmes éducatifs dans le monde et particulièrement au Québec visent à préparer les élèves à relever les défis de l’avenir et à continuer à apprendre tout au long de leur vie. À cet égard, la lecture est un volet important dans le développement d'un enfant et dans sa capacité de faire des liens avec le monde qui l'entoure. La lecture est un outil d’apprentissage, de communication et de création, et elle peut être une source de plaisir. La plupart des activités quotidiennes font appel à la lecture. Ainsi, elle est nécessaire pour effectuer une tâche, se renseigner ou se divertir. L’élève apprend à lire pour mieux s’intégrer dans la vie scolaire et sociale et pour apprendre dans différents contextes disciplinaires. Dans le but notamment de consolider les apprentissages et d’installer de bonnes habitudes de travail, les enseignants proposent aux élèves des devoirs de lecture à faire à la maison. Les recherches montrent que la participation des parents dans la vie scolaire des enfants, particulièrement lors de l’encadrement des devoirs, peut avoir une influence positive sur la réussite scolaire. La présente recherche vise à étudier la manière dont les parents d’élèves de première année encadrent leur enfant pendant la période des devoirs, notamment pendant la lecture. Notre échantillon est constitué de dix-sept parents d’élèves de première année. Nous avons privilégié l’entrevue semi-dirigée afin de recueillir les commentaires et les perceptions des parents sur le déroulement de la période des devoirs à la maison. Les résultats ont montré que tous les parents interrogés encadrent leur enfant pendant ses devoirs, les mères plus souvent que les pères, et qu’ils établissent une routine lors de cette période. L’encadrement des devoirs se fait majoritairement dans un climat agréable. La plupart des parents soutiennent leur enfant en restant à proximité de lui, en lui donnant des conseils, en l’encourageant et en s’assurant qu’il termine ses devoirs. La majorité des parents estiment avoir les ressources nécessaires pour encadrer leur enfant lors des devoirs. Durant la lecture, les parents écoutent généralement leur enfant et l’aident ou le corrigent s’il n’arrive pas à lire ou s’il fait une erreur. Par ailleurs, même si les parents sont convaincus de l’habileté de leur enfant en lecture, la plupart vérifient sa compréhension en posant des questions. En ce qui a trait aux effets des devoirs, tous les parents pensent que les devoirs favorisent la réussite scolaire de leur enfant et que leur encadrement a un effet positif sur la lecture. Les résultats obtenus ne peuvent être généralisés. Cependant, il serait intéressant de poursuivre ce travail par une recherche complémentaire qui étudierait les perceptions des enseignants et des élèves sur les devoirs de lecture.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Ensino de 1º e 2º ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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Inklusion erfordert Veränderungen, Umbau und Umdenken auf vielen Ebenen. Ob Teilhabe gelingt, entscheidet sich letztlich im pädagogischen Alltag. So muss in einem inklusiven Bildungssystem auch geklärt werden, was Bildung ausmacht, wenn sie alle Kinder adressiert. Was bedeutet hier Bildung und in welchem Zusammenhang stehen die Konstrukte von Bildung und Behinderung? Wurden doch traditionell die Grenzen des ersten systemwirksam mit der Zuschreibung des zweiten markiert. Das vorliegende Buch thematisiert in historischer Perspektive die sich verändernden Vorstellungen über Bildung, Behinderung(en) und Gerechtigkeit im Bildungssystem sowie die damit verbundenen kontroversen Debatten sowie die häufig uneinheitlichen, teils gegenläufigen Entwicklungen der sogenannten Sonder- und der sogenannten Regelpädagogik. Die Analyse arbeitet die Beiträge integrations- und inklusionspädagogischer Theorien (Reiser, Feuser, Prengel, Wocken, Reich) zu einem gemeinsamen Bildungsverständnis für alle Kinder heraus. Diese Potenziale integrations- und inklusionspädagogischer Theoriebildung werden eingeordnet in bildungstheoretische Dimensionen sowie in die aktuellen Debatten um Inklusion und Bildung als Menschenrecht. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die Erfahrung des Verlusts einer absoluten Gemeinschaft, die für die Pädagogik als modernes theoretisches Projekt grundlegend ist, ergibt sich als Erfahrung von Kontingenz und Widerstreben (Schleiermacher). Ich will nachweisen, daß sich eine Konzeptualisierung der Erziehung entwickelt hat, die zwar von dieser Kontingenz weiß und sich des Widerstands bewußt ist, jedoch zugleich diesen Phänomenen keine systematische Bedeutung beimißt. Ich argumentiere, daß die Neutralisierung dieser Erfahrungen stattfindet, weil die ,vollkommene Gemeinschaft', wie Schleiermacher darstellt, Richtpunkt der Erziehung bleibt, und diese .vollkommene Gemeinschaft' eigentlich in gewissem Sinne als immanent betrachtet wird. Das (verlorene) Absolute (im Sinne von ,ohne Beziehung') kehrt wieder in einer doppelten und symmetrischen Figur dieser Immanenz: das ,bildsame' Individuum und die ,sich selbst aufklärende Öffentlichkeit'. Ich schlage eine alternative Interpretation vor, in der der Verlust der Gemeinschaft begriffen wird als ein Verlust der Immanenz. Dieser Verlust ist genau in einem anderen Sinne konstitutiv für die Gemeinschaft. Die Gemeinschaft ist nicht .vollkommen', das Prinzip der Gemeinschaft ist Unvollendung und Unterbrechung. Kontingenz und Widerstand, als Ausdruck dieser Gemeinschaft, sind nicht nur als Probleme' für die Erziehung zu betrachten, sondern als konstitutiv für sie. Die Erziehung hat nicht die Aufgabe, die Kontingenz und den Widerstand zu neutralisieren, sondern die Gemeinschaft ,offen' zu halten. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Vocational education and training for the library and information services (LIS) sector in Australia offers students the career pathway to become library technicians. Library technicians play a valuable role in drawing on sound practical knowledge and skills to support the delivery of library and information services that meet client needs. Over the past forty years, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has monitored the quality of library technician courses. Since 2005, ALIA has run national professional development days for library technician educators with the goal of establishing an alternative model for course recognition focusing on the process of peer review to benchmark good practice and stimulate continuous improvement in library technician education. This initial developmental work has culminated in 2009 with site visits to all library technician courses in Australia. The paper presents a whole-of-industry case study to critically review the work undertaken to date.


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A program’s development and implementation in a higher education institution is usually launched with great fanfare, goodwill and a huge effort on the part of the whole development team to ensure a worthwhile cohesive set of learning experiences aligned to the desired course learning outcomes. It is often not long before the glue starts to come unstuck arising from staffing changes, subtle migration of course resources, opportunistic inclusions ofoff the shelf” or unit based innovative teaching and learning approaches, and perhaps general poor attention to detail with regard to the impact of new introductions and electives. This paper presents an initial investigation into the elusive goal of achieving course cohesion. The authors consider building cohesion into a course as it is being designed through identified cohesion factors and in sustaining course cohesion through active leadership.


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In this chapter we look at inclusive education as part of a number of wider social movements for social justice. Inclusive education is thus understood as a transformation of education systems, rather than simply the addition of new groups of students to schools, or the development of new techniques (Slee, 2006). We illustrate the ways movements for social change can occur at many levels. Resistance to social change also occurs at many levels. Movements for social justice often include a goal of changing what happens in education. This is because education is often seen as one of the important social institutions that can reinforce the status quo. Education is also seen as an important means of changing the status quo, giving more people access to a more meaningful education. It’s not uncommon to hear various political parties criticising each other’s educational policies as ‘social engineering.’ Movements for social justice in education understand that education has always been about social engineering. The questions of interest are thus: Social engineering for what?; Who benefits; and At whose expense?


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We examined goal importance, focusing on high, but not exclusive priority goals, in the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to predict students’ academic performance. At the beginning of semester, students in a psychology subject (N = 197) completed TPB and goal importance items for achieving a high grade. Regression analyses revealed partial support for the TPB. Perceived behavioural control, but not attitude or subjective norm, significantly predicted intention, with intention predicting final grade. Goal importance significantly predicted intention, but not final grade, indicating that perceiving a performance goal as highly, but not necessarily exclusively, important impacts on students’ achievement intentions.


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The topic of this study is the most renowned anthology of essays written in Literary Chinese, Guwen guanzhi, compiled and edited by Wu Chengquan (Chucai) and Wu Dazhi (Diaohou), and first published during the Qing dynasty, in 1695. Because of the low social standing of the compilers, their anthology remained outside the recommended study materials produced by members of the established literati and used for preparing students in the imperial civil-service examinations. However, since the end of the imperial era, Guwen guanzhi has risen to a position as the classical anthology par excellence. Today it is widely used as required or supplementary reading material of Literary Chinese in middle-schools both in Mainland China and on Taiwan. The goal of this study is to explain the persistent longevity of the anthology. So far, Guwen guanzhi has not been a topic of any published academic study, and the opinions expressed on it in various sources are widely discrepant. Through a comparative study with a dozen classical Chinese anthologies in use during the early Qing dynasty, this study reveals the extent to which the compilers of Guwen guanzhi modelled their work after other selections. Altogether 86 % of the texts in Guwen guanzhi originate from another Qing era anthology, Guwen xiyi, often copied character by character. However, the notes and commentaries are all different. Concentrating on the special characteristics unique to Guwen guanzhi—the commentaries and certain peculiarities in the selection of texts—this study then discusses the possible reasons for the popularity of Guwen guanzhi over the competing readers during the Qing era. Most remarkably, Guwen guanzhi put in practise the equalitarian, educational ideals of the Ming philosopher Wang Shouren (Yangming). Thus Guwen guanzhi suited the self-enlightenment needs of the ”subordinate classes”, in particular the rising middle-class comprised mainly of merchants. The lack of moral teleology, together with the compact size, relative comprehensiveness of the selection and good notes and comments, have made Guwen guanzhi well suited for the new society since the abolition of the imperial examination system. Through a content analysis, based on a sample of the texts, this study measures the relative emphasis on centralism and localism (both in concrete and spiritual terms) expressed in the texts of Guwen guanzhi. The analysis shows that the texts manifest some bias towards emphasising innate virtue on the expense of state-defined moral. This may reflect hidden critique towards intellectual oppression by the centralised imperial rule. During the early decades of the Qing era, such critique was often linked to Ming-loyalism. Finally, this study concludes that the kind of ”spiritual localism” that Guwen guanzhi manifests gives it the potential to undermine monolithic orthodoxy even in today’s Chinese societies. This study has progressed hand in hand with the translation of a selection of texts from Guwen guanzhi into Finnish, published by Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press: Jadekasvot – Valittuja tarinoita Kiinan muinaisajoilta (2005), Jadelähde – Valittuja kirjoituksia Kiinan keskiajalta (2007) and Jadepeili – Valittuja kirjoituksia keisarillisen Kiinan kulta-ajoilta (2008). All translations are critical editions, complete with extensive notation. The trilogy is the first comprehensive translation based on Guwen guanzhi in a European language.


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This research is connected with an education development project for the four-year-long officer education program at the National Defence University. In this curriculum physics was studied in two alternative course plans namely scientific and general. Observations connected to the later one e.g. student feedback and learning outcome gave indications that action was needed to support the course. The reform work was focused on the production of aligned course related instructional material. The learning material project produced a customized textbook set for the students of the general basic physics course. The research adapts phases that are typical in Design Based Research (DBR). The research analyses the feature requirements for physics textbook aimed at a specific sector and frames supporting instructional material development, and summarizes the experiences gained in the learning material project when the selected frames have been applied. The quality of instructional material is an essential part of qualified teaching. The goal of instructional material customization is to increase the product's customer centric nature and to enhance its function as a support media for the learning process. Textbooks are still one of the core elements in physics teaching. The idea of a textbook will remain but the form and appearance may change according to the prevailing technology. The work deals with substance connected frames (demands of a physics textbook according to the PER-viewpoint, quality thinking in educational material development), frames of university pedagogy and instructional material production processes. A wide knowledge and understanding of different frames are useful in development work, if they are to be utilized to aid inspiration without limiting new reasoning and new kinds of models. Applying customization even in the frame utilization supports creative and situation aware design and diminishes the gap between theory and practice. Generally, physics teachers produce their own supplementary instructional material. Even though customization thinking is not unknown the threshold to produce an entire textbook might be high. Even though the observations here are from the general physics course at the NDU, the research gives tools also for development in other discipline related educational contexts. This research is an example of an instructional material development work together the questions it uncovers, and presents thoughts when textbook customization is rewarding. At the same time, the research aims to further creative customization thinking in instruction and development. Key words: Physics textbook, PER (Physics Education Research), Instructional quality, Customization, Creativity