1000 resultados para Formulação de misturas betuminosas


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The production of waste from urban and industrial activities is one of the factors of environmental contamination and has aroused attention of the scientific community, in the sense of its reuse. On the other hand, the city of Salvador/Ba, with approximately 262 channels, responsible for storm water runoff, produces every year, by the intervention of cleaning and clearing channels, a significant volume of sediments (dredged mud), and thus an appropriate methodology for their final destination. This study aims to assess the influence of incorporation of these tailings in arrays of clay for production of interlocked block ceramic, also known as ceramic paver. All the raw materials from the metropolitan region of Salvador (RMS) were characterized by x-ray fluorescence, x-ray diffraction, thermal analysis (TG and TDA), particle size analysis and dilatometry. With the use of statistical experimental planning technique, ternary diagram was defined in the study region and the analyzed formulations. The specimens were prepared with dimensions of 60x20x5mm³, by uniaxial pressing of 30 MPa and after sintering at temperatures of 900°, 1000º and 1100ºC the technological properties were evaluated: linear shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent specifies mass, flexural rupture and module. For the uniaxial compression strength used cylindrical probe body with Ø 50 mm. The standard mass (MP) was prepared with 90% by weight of clay and 10% by weight of Channel sediment (SCP), not being verified significant variations in the properties of the final product. With the incorporation of 10% by weight of manganese residue (PFM) and 10% by weight of the Ceramic waste (RCB) in the mass default, in addition to adjusting the plasticity due to less waste clay content, provided increased linear firing shrinkage, due the significant concentration of K2O, forming liquid phase at low temperature, contributing to decreased porosity and mechanical resistance, being 92,5 MPa maximum compressive strength verified. After extract test leachate and soluble, the piece containing 10% of the PFM, was classified as non-hazardous and inert material according to NBR10004/04 ABNT. The results showed the feasibility on using waste, SCP, RCB and PFM clay mass, at temperatures above 900ºC, paver ceramic production, according to the specifications of the technical standards, so that to exceed the 10% of the PFM, it becomes imperative to conduct studies of environmental impacts


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The gas migration during the cementing of wells is one of the main problems of oil wells engineering. Its occurrence can cause severe problems since shortly to loss of control of the well after cementation. Recently, 20/04/2010 In an accident of major proportions in the Gulf of Mexico, among other factors, faulty cementing operation provided the gas migration, causing the accident, in which 11 people died and 17 were injured occurred. Besides the serious consequences that can be caused by gas migration, remediation of the problem, which is made by injecting cement in damaged areas, usually involves additional costs and is not always effective. Therefore, preventing gas migration to be preferred. Some methods are used to prevent the migration of the pressurized gas as the annular space, application of pressure pulses, reducing the height of the cement column compressible cement pastes of low permeability, pastes and to control free filtered water, and binders of thixotropic cement expandable and flexible. Thus, the cement pastes used to prevent gas migration must meet the maximum these methods. Thus, this study aimed to formulate a cement paste to prevent gas migration, using the expanded vermiculite, and evaluate the behavior of the folder trials necessary for use in oil wells. Free water content, rheological properties, compressive strength, loss of liquid phase sedimentation of solids, specific weight, thickening time and gas migration: The following tests were performed. The results show that meets the specifications paste formulated for use in oil wells and the use of expanded vermiculite contribute to the absorption of free water, thixotropy and low density. The absorption of free water is proven to result in zero percentage test free water content, thixotropy is observed with the high value of the initial gel strength (Gi) in testing rheological properties and low density is proven in test weight specific


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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Researches have shown that the introduction of rubber in concrete improves the features of its deformability, as well as contributes to environmental disposal of waste generated in the tire retreading process. Furthermore, there is a high availability of limestone within RN and CE country. Ignorance about this stone, does not allow its wide use as aggregate, leaving, this abundant supply idle. A composite of limestone gravel, with proportions of tire rubber waste which could be used as concrete would be an alternative to concrete for low applications. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the characteristics of concrete containing limestone gravel and proportions of little aggregate replacement (sand) by tire rubber waste. To this goal, the material components of the concrete were characterized, concrete specimens with limestone gravel were made, from the dash 1.0: 2.5: 3.5, varying the water/cement ratio, and inserting a commercial plasticizer, without a proportion of residue, known as reference. From this, concrete with and without the presence of the additive in the same proportions were chosen, as well as these with the use of granite gravel, for being the most used. Selected the references, to these, replacements of little aggregate (sand) were added replaced by rubber waste from the tire retreading process, treated with 1M NaOH in proportions from 5.0 to 20.0 % by mass, cured and exposed to the semiarid environment. The results indicate the possibility of using limestone gravel in the concrete composition with workability correction using plasticizer. There was a decrease in the mechanical properties of the concrete with increments of waste rubber, but there is an improvement in toughness and deformability of the composite, which makes it interesting for the construction of non-structural concrete floors, as well as, the rubber waste delayed the hardening process, continuing to gain resistance after 28 days


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Cementing operations may occur at various stages of the life cycle of an oil well since its construction until its definitive abandonment. There are some situations in which the interest zones are depleted or have low fracture pressure. In such cases, the adoption of lowdensity cement slurries is an efficient solution. To this end, there are basically three ways to reduce the density of cement slurries: using microspheres, water extending additives or foamed cement. The objective of this study is to formulate, to study and to characterize lowdensity foamed cement, using an air entrainment surfactant with vermiculite or diatomite as water extenders and stabilizers. The methodology consists on preparation and evaluation of the slurries under the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) guidelines. Based on calculated densities between 13 and 15 ppg (1.559 and 1.799 g/cm3), the slurries were prepared with fixed surfactant concentration, varying the concentrations of vermiculite and diatomite and were compared with the base slurries. The results of plastic viscosity, yield point and gel strength and the compressive strength for 24 h showed that the slurries presented suitable rheology and mechanical strength for cementing operations in oil wells, and had their densities reduced between 8.40 and 11.89 ppg (1.007 and 1.426 g/cm3). The conclusion is that is possible, under atmospheric conditions, to obtain light weighted foamed cement slurries with satisfactory rheological and mechanical properties by means of air entrainment and mineral additions with extenders and stabilizers effects. The slurries have great potential for cementing operations; applicability in deep wells, in low fracture gradient formations and in depleted zones and bring cost savings by reducing the cementing consumption


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The growing world demand for energy supplied by fossil fuels, a major contributor to the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and causing environmental problems, has been encouraging governments and international organizations to reflect and encourage the use of alternative renewable sources. Among these new possibilities deserves attention biodiesel, fuel cleaner and easy to reproduce. The study of new technologies involving that source is necessary. From this context, the paper aims at analyzing the thermal stability by thermogravimetric analysis, of the waste generated from atmospheric distillation of mixtures with ratios of 5, 10, 15 and 20% palm biodiesel in diesel with and without addition of BHT antioxidant. It was synthesized biodiesel through palm oil, via homogeneous catalysis in the presence of KOH, with and without the use of BHT and subsequently added to the diesel common indoor type (S1800) from a gas station BR. The diesel was already added with 5% biodiesel, and thus the proportions used for these blends were subtracted from the existing ratio in diesel fuel, resulting in the following proportions palm oil biodiesel: 0% (B5), 5% (B10), 10 % (B15) and 15% (B20). From atmospheric distillation analysis, performed in mixtures with and without BHT were collected residue generated by each sample and performed a thermal study from the thermogravimetric analysis at a heating rate of 10 °C.min-1, nitrogen atmosphere and heating to 600 ° C. According to the specifications of Resolution No. 7/2008 for biodiesel, it was found that the material was synthesized in accordance with the specifications. For mixtures, it was noted that the samples were in accordance with the ANP Resolution No. 42/2009. Given the TG / DTG curves of the samples of waste mixtures with and without BHT antioxidant was able to observe that they showed a single stage of thermal decomposition attributed to decomposition of heavy hydrocarbons and esters and other heavier constituents of the waste sample weighed. The thermal behavior of residues from atmospheric distillation of mixtures of diesel / biodiesel is very important to understand how this affects the proper functioning of the engine. A large amount of waste can generate a high content of particulate material, coke formation and carbonaceous deposits in engine valves, compromising their performance


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Administração, Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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O presente relatório, referente à Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, foi realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e encontra-se organizado em duas dimensões: a reflexiva e a investigativa. Na dimensão reflexiva apresenta-se o percurso formativo da futura professora e reflete-se, crítica e fundamentadamente, acerca das experiências vivenciadas em cada um dos contextos da Prática Pedagógica. Para tal, identificaram-se referentes significativos para o desenvolvimento profissional, pessoal e social da professora em formação, evidenciando-se as aprendizagens desenvolvidas em cada um dos contextos de Prática Pedagógica. A dimensão investigativa surgiu no contexto da Prática Pedagógica com uma turma do 3.º ano de escolaridade e incidiu na área da Matemática. Este estudo apresenta um carácter qualitativo, na medida em que se pretendeu compreender as ideias dos alunos sobre o que é um problema matemático e classificar os problemas formulados pelos alunos antes e após a implementação das estratégias e se em vez de? e aceitando os dados. Neste contexto, formularam-se as seguintes questões de investigação: “Quais as conceções dos alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade acerca do que é um problema matemático?” e “Que problemas matemáticos formulam os alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade antes, durante e após a implementação das estratégias e se em vez de? e aceitando os dados”. Tendo em conta as questões formuladas, implementaram-se tarefas matemáticas em sala de aula e procedeu-se à recolha e análise das produções dos alunos. Os resultados obtidos parecem demonstrar que as tarefas matemáticas implementadas poderão ter contribuído para a formulação de problemas por parte dos alunos.


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Os betões autocompactáveis (BAC) são betões que se definem pela capacidade de fluir no interior das cofragens, preenchendo-as e envolvendo as armaduras só por acção do seu próprio peso, sem bloqueio dos agregados e mantendo-se homogéneo em todo o seu volume. As adições activas do tipo II nomeadamente as cinzas volantes, utilizadas na fabricação do BAC irão escassear no futuro pelo facto de provirem da queima do carvão da qual resulta uma quantidade elevada de C02. Para minimizar estas emissões, o carvão começa a ser substituído por gás natural. Mas, como o BAC necessita duma grande quantidade de finos, há necessidade de encontrar outros subprodutos que a substituam. Tendo em conta o que atrás se afirma introduziram-se na fabricação do BAC resíduos de pedreira do Alentejo, identificaram-se as suas características no estado fresco e no estado endurecido. Este estudo teve também em conta o factor económico da sua produção. /ABSTRACT: Self-Compacting (SCC) is concrete which may be defined by the ability to flow inside the formwork, filling them and involving the reinforcements only by action of its own weight, without blocking and maintaining uniformity throughout its volume. Type II additions, as fly ash, are used in the manufacture of SCC. The supply of fly ash in the future will be difficult because they come from the burning of coal resulting in a high amount of C02. To minimize these emissions, coal is being replaced by natural gas. But, as the BAC requires a large amount of fine materials, the formulation of SCC requires other fine products. Having this in mind, the use of waste from Alentejo quarries in concrete was tested. The characteristics of SCC with waste material were identified in fresh and hardened state. This study also took into account the economic factor of production.


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Background: Ruthenium (Ru) tetraamines are being increasingly used as nitric oxide (NO) carriers. In this context, pharmacological studies have become highly relevant to better understand the mechanism of action involved. Objective: To evaluate the vascular response of the tetraamines trans-[RuII(NH3)4(Py)(NO)]3+, trans-[RuII(Cl)(NO) (cyclan)](PF6)2, and trans-[RuII(NH3)4(4-acPy)(NO)]3+. Methods: Aortic rings were contracted with noradrenaline (10-6 M). After voltage stabilization, a single concentration (10-6 M) of the compounds was added to the assay medium. The responses were recorded during 120 min. Vascular integrity was assessed functionally using acetylcholine at 10-6 M and sodium nitroprusside at 10-6 M as well as by histological examination. Results: Histological analysis confirmed the presence or absence of endothelial cells in those tissues. All tetraamine complexes altered the contractile response induced by norepinephrine, resulting in increased tone followed by relaxation. In rings with endothelium, the inhibition of endothelial NO caused a reduction of the contractile effect caused by pyridine NO. No significant responses were observed in rings with endothelium after treatment with cyclan NO. In contrast, in rings without endothelium, the inhibition of guanylate cyclase significantly reduced the contractile response caused by the pyridine NO and cyclan NO complexes, and both complexes caused a relaxing effect. Conclusion: The results indicate that the vascular effect of the evaluated complexes involved a decrease in the vascular tone induced by norepinephrine (10-6 M) at the end of the incubation period in aortic rings with and without endothelium, indicating the slow release of NO from these complexes and suggesting that the ligands promoted chemical stability to the molecule. Moreover, we demonstrated that the association of Ru with NO is more stable when the ligands pyridine and cyclan are used in the formulation of the compound.Fundamento: As tetra-aminas de rutênio cada vez mais se destacam como carreadoras da molécula de óxido nítrico. Desse modo, estudos farmacológicos tornam-se altamente relevantes, afim de melhor compreender o mecanismo de ação envolvido. Objetivo: Avaliar a resposta vascular das tetra-aminas trans-[RuII(NH3)4(Py)(NO)]3+, trans-[RuII(Cl)(NO)(Cyclan)](PF6)2 e trans-[RuII(NH3)4(4-acPy)(NO)]3+. Métodos: Anéis de aorta foram pré-contraídos com noradrenalina (10-6M). Após estabilização da tensão, concentração única (10-6M) dos compostos foi adicionada ao banho de incubação. As respostas foram registradas ao longo de 120 minutos. A integridade vascular foi avaliada funcionalmente (acetilcolina 10-6M; nitroprussiato de sódio 10-6M) e histologicamente Resultados: A análise histológica confirmou a presença ou não de células endoteliais nos tecidos analisados. Todos os complexos alteraram a resposta contrátil induzida pela noradrenalina, resultando em aumento de tônus seguido de efeito relaxante. Em anéis com endotélio, a inibição do óxido nítrico endotelial causou redução do efeito contrátil da piridina óxido nítrico. Não foram observadas respostas significativas em anéis com endotélio referente ao composto cyclan óxido nítrico. Por outro lado, em anéis sem endotélio, a inibição da guanilato ciclase reduziu significativamente a resposta contrátil dos complexos piridina óxido nítrico e cyclan óxido nítrico, levando ambos os compostos a um efeito relaxante. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o efeito vascular dos complexos avaliados apresentaram diminuição no tônus vascular induzido pela noradrenalina (10-6M) ao final do tempo de incubação, em anéis com e sem endotélio, indicando liberação lenta da molécula de óxido nítrico do composto estudado e sugerindo que os ligantes causaram estabilidade química à molécula. Demonstramos que a ligação rutênio óxido nítrico é mais estável quando utilizamos os ligantes piridina e cyclan para a formulação do composto.


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This work proposes to determine the water activity and the freezing point depression of tangerine, pineapple and lemon juices at various concentrations (10-55oBrix) and to achieve a correlation between these properties. The freezing point depression was determined with a LAKTRON cryoscope and common laboratory materials. The water activity was determined with a DECAGON CX-2 hygrometer in the temperature range of 15 to 30oC. With the results, the adjustment to CHEN (1987) water activity prediction equation to non-electrolyte mixtures was verified, through the calculation of the variation coefficient (CV). Being CV smaller than 3% for the proposed model, it can be said that the experimental data have adjusted well to the prediction equation. The water activity and the freezing point depression was correlated for tangerine, pineapple and lemon juices and r2 values were higher than 99%. Therefore, it is possible to obtain the water activity by knowing the freezing point depression of studied juices.