990 resultados para Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
Loss of Y-chromosome has been correlated with older age in males. Furthermore, current evidence indicates that Y-chromosome loss also occurs in several human tumors, including head and neck carcinomas. However, the association between Y nullisomy and the occurrence of neoplasias in elderly men has not been well established. In the present study, the association between Y-chromosome loss and head and neck carcinomas was evaluated by comparison to cells from peripheral blood lymphocytes and normal mucosa of cancer-free individuals matched for age using dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization. Twenty-one patients ranging in age from 28 to 68 years were divided into five-year groups for comparison with 16 cancer-free individuals matched for age. The medical records of all patients were examined to obtain clinical and histopathological data. None of the patients had undergone radiotherapy or chemotherapy before surgery. In all groups, the frequency of Y-chromosome loss was higher among patients than among normal reference subjects (P < 0.0001) and was not age-dependent. These data suggest that Y-chromosome loss is a tumor-specific alteration not associated with advanced age in head and neck carcinomas.
In this thesis the application of biotechnological processes based on microbial metabolic degradation of halogenated compound has been investigated. Several studies showed that most of these pollutants can be biodegraded by single bacterial strains or mixed microbial population via aerobic direct metabolism or cometabolism using as a growth substrates aromatic or aliphatic hydrocarbons. The enhancement of two specific processes has been here object of study in relation with its own respective scenario described as follow: 1st) the bioremediation via aerobic cometabolism of soil contaminated by a high chlorinated compound using a mixed microbial population and the selection and isolation of consortium specific for the compound. 2nd) the implementation of a treatment technology based on direct metabolism of two pure strains at the exact point source of emission, preventing dilution and contamination of large volumes of waste fluids polluted by several halogenated compound minimizing the environmental impact. In order to verify the effect of these two new biotechnological application to remove halogenated compound and purpose them as a more efficient alternative continuous and batch tests have been set up in the experimental part of this thesis. Results obtained from the continuous tests in the second scenario have been supported by microbial analysis via Fluorescence in situ Hybridisation (FISH) and by a mathematical model of the system. The results showed that both process in its own respective scenario offer an effective solutions for the biological treatment of chlorinate compound pollution.
Hefen der Gattungen Brettanomyces/Dekkera sind in der Produktion von fermentierten Getränken, insbesondere in der Bier-, Sekt- und Weinherstellung bekannt. Sie können als Schädlingshefen insbesondere durch die Bildung von charakteristischen Sekundärmetaboliten zu einer negativen geschmacklichen Veränderung des Getränks führen. Aufgrund ihres langsamen Wachstums werden diese Hefen bei Routineanalysen mit konventionellen Kultivierungsmethoden leicht übersehen. Ein schneller und eindeutiger Nachweis von Brettanomyces/Dekkera-Hefen ist bis heute problematisch. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Methode zur sicheren Detektion und Identifizierung aller fünf bekannten Spezies dieser Gattungen entwickelt. Die Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung (FISH) mit Cy3-markierten DNA-Sonden ermöglichte einen direkten mikroskopischen Nachweis dieser Mikroorganismen in der Untersuchungsprobe. Im Hinblick auf die Generierung Art-spezifischer Sonden wurden die ribosomalen Gen-Cluster der verschiedenen Spezies hinsichtlich potentieller Zielregionen analysiert. Eine signifikante Steigerung des Sonden-vermittelten Fluoreszenz-Signals konnte durch die Anwendung eines neuen Sonden-Konzepts (Gemeinschafts-Sonden) auf hochvariable Bereichen der 26S rRNAs, unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Sekundärstrukturen, realisiert werden. Die Untersuchung der regionalen Verbreitung dieser Hefen in der Weinbauregion Rheinhessen ergab, dass bei 15 % der untersuchten Winzerbetriebe D. bruxellensis in Rotweinproben vorhanden war. Insgesamt konnten bei den Probenuntersuchungen aus 299 Weinen 44 D. bruxellensis-Stämme isoliert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden darüber hinaus verschiedene Vitalitätsfärbungen hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf Brettanomyces/Dekkera evaluiert und eine Differenzierung dieser Hefen durch einen physiologischen Mikrotiterplatten-Test (Biolog, USA) überprüft.
Im Verlauf der Forschungsarbeit wurden Proben aus fünf, mit nachwachsenden Rohstoffen (NawaRo) beschickten, landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlagen (BGA) auf die Biozönose methanogener Archaea hin molekularbiologisch untersucht. Über „amplified rDNA restriction analysis“-Screening (ARDRA) von Bibliotheken auf Basis von 16S rRNA-Genfragmenten konnte anhand zweier beispielhafter BGA das Vorkommen von Vertretern der Gattungen Methanoculleus (Mcu.), Methanobacterium (Mb.), Methanosarcina (Msc.) und Methanosaeta (Mst.) nachgewiesen werden. Mittels denaturierender Gradienten-Gelelektrophorese (DGGE) wurde das Vorkommen dieser Mikroorganismen auch in den übrigen Anlagen gezeigt. Ergänzend dazu wurde in drei Anlagen Methanospirillum hungatei nachgewiesen. Nach Ausarbeitung gattungsspezifischer Isolierungsstrategien konnten insgesamt zehn Vertreter der Gattung Methanobacterium (Isolate Mb1 bis Mb10) und jeweils ein Vertreter der Gattungen Methanoculleus (Isolat Mcu(1)), Methanosarcina (Isolat NieKK) und Methanosaeta (Isolat Mst1.3) aus den BGA-Proben isoliert werden. Durch in silico-Abgleich der partiellen 16S rRNA-Gensequenzen wurden diese als Verwandte von Mb. formicicum MFT, Mcu. bourgensis MS2T, Msc. mazei S-6T und Mst. concilii FE mit einer Sequenzidentität > 97% identifiziert. Im Laufe weiterer molekularbiologischer Untersuchungen mittels DGGE und ARDRA-Analyse konnten die Isolate den Referenzstämmen zugeordnet werden. In Bezug auf die Gattung Methanobacterium ergaben sich jedoch leichte Abweichungen. Diese bestätigten sich in vergleichenden Analysen des genomischen Fingerabdrucks in der „specifically amplified polymorphic DNA“-PCR (SAPD-PCR), welche im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmalig erfolgreich auf archaeelle Organismen angewandt wurde. Hier zeigten die Isolate zwei von den Fingerabdrücken der untersuchten Referenzstämme verschiedene Hauptamplifikationsmuster. Aufgrund der Vielzahl der Isolate sowie dem signifikanten Vorkommen in qPCR-Analysen und Klonbibliotheken fokussierten sich die weiteren Arbeiten zur genauen Untersuchung dieser Abweichungen auf phylogenetische Analysen der Gattung Methanobacterium und die Entwicklung von Nachweissystemen. Die Aufklärung eines Großteils der 23S rRNA-Gensequenzen der Isolate und von ausgewählten Typstämmen ermöglichte ergänzende phylogenetische Untersuchungen zu durchgeführten 16S rRNA-Analysen. Dabei wurden die Isolate jeweils in einem eigenen Cluster abseits der meisten Referenzstämme aus der Gattung Methanobacterium positioniert. Analog zur Musterbildung im Rahmen der SAPD-Analyse zeigte sich eine Differenzierung in zwei Äste und ergab in Übereinstimmung mit den in silico-Sequenzabgleichen den höchsten Verwandtschaftsgrad mit Mb. formicicum MFT. Die Eignung der SAPD-PCR zur Ableitung spezifischer Primerpaare konnte erstmals auch für methanogene Archaea gezeigt werden. Die Ableitung zweier Primerpaare mit Spezifität für die Methanobacterium-Isolate Mb1 bis Mb10 sowie für den Typstamm Mb. formicicum MFT gelang und konnte im Rahmen eines Direkt-PCR-Nachweises erfolgreich auf Reinkulturen und Fermenterproben angewandt werden. Unter Einbezug der sequenzierten 23S rRNA-Genfragmente gelang die Erstellung von Oligonukleotid-Sonden für den Einsatz in Fluoreszenz in situ-Hybridisierungsexperimenten. Im Praxistest ergab sich für diese Sonden eine Spezifität für alle getesteten Vertreter der Gattung Methanobacterium sowie für Methanosphaera stadtmanae MCB-3T und Methanobrevibacter smithii PST.rnSomit konnten im Laufe der Arbeit die dominanten methanogenen Archaea in NawaRo-BGA in mehrphasigen Experimenten nachgewiesen, quantifiziert und auf nur wenige Gattungen eingegrenzt werden. Vertreter der vier dominanten Gattungen wurden isoliert und Nachweissysteme für Arten der Gattung Methanobacterium erstellt.rn
L'espressione del gene MYCN è un importante indicatore della severità del NBL. Poiché il numero di copie di MYCN è un indice grezzo della sua espressione quantificarle utilizzando tecniche come la “fluorescent in situ hybridization” (FISH) può servire a formulare una stima del livello di espressione MYCN [Shapiro 1993]. Tuttavia, l'espressione aberrante di MYCN nel NBL non è sempre associata all'amplificazione genica; pertanto la valutazione diretta del livello di espressione di questo gene sarebbe un miglior indicatore prognostico. Questa tesi è stata sviluppata nell'ambito di un progetto che si propone di realizzare un sensore biomolecolare sintetico per l'identificazione del livello di espressione di MYCN. Di seguito saranno presentati i dettagli relativi alla progettazione della topologia circuitale e all’analisi in silico che sono state condotte per caratterizzare il comportamento dinamico del sistema. Questo lavoro è stato svolto nel laboratorio di Ingegneria Cellulare e Molecolare "S. Cavalcanti", presso la Sede di Cesena del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi" (DEI) dell’Ateneo di Bologna.
Carcinoids are slow-growing neuroendocrine tumors that, in the lung, can be subclassified as typical (TC) or atypical (AC). To identify genetic alterations that improve the prediction of prognosis, we investigated 34 carcinoid tumors of the lung (18 TCs, 15 ACs, and 1 unclassified) by using array comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) on 3700 genomic bacterial artificial chromosome arrays (resolution ?1 Mb). When comparing ACs with TCs, the data revealed: i) a significant difference in the average number of chromosome arms altered (9.6 versus 4.2, respectively; P = 0.036), with one subgroup of five ACs having more than 15 chromosome arms altered; ii) chromosomal changes in 30% of ACs or more with additions at 9q (?1 Mb) and losses at 1p, 2q, 10q, and 11q; and iii) 11q deletions in 8 of 15 ACs versus 1 of 18 TCs (P = 0.004), which was confirmed via fluorescence in situ hybridization. The four critical regions of interest in 45% ACs or more comprised 11q14.1, 11q22.1-q22.3, 11q22.3-q23.2, and 11q24.2-q25, all telomeric of MEN1 at 11q13. Results were correlated with patient clinical data and long-term follow-up. Thus, there is a strong association of 11q22.3-q25 loss with poorer prognosis, alone or in combination with absence of 9q34.11 alterations (P = 0.0022 and P = 0.00026, respectively).
A genetic linkage map of the horse consisting of 742 markers, which comprises a single linkage group for each of the autosomes and the X chromosome, is presented. The map has been generated from two three-generation full-sibling reference families, sired by the same stallion, in which there are 61 individuals in the F2 generation. Each linkage group has been assigned to a chromosome and oriented with reference to markers mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The average interval between markers is 3.7 cM and the linkage groups collectively span 2772 cM. The 742 markers comprise 734 microsatellite and 8 gene-based markers. The utility of the microsatellite markers for comparative mapping has been significantly enhanced by comparing their flanking sequences with the human genome sequence; this enabled conserved segments between human and horse to be identified. The new map provides a valuable resource for genetically mapping traits of interest in the horse.
More than 375,000 BAC-end sequences (BES) of the CHORI-243 ovine BAC library have been deposited in public databases. blastn searches with these BES against HSA18 revealed 1806 unique and significant hits. We used blastn-anchored BES for an in silico prediction of gene content and chromosome assignment of comparatively mapped ovine BAC clones. Ovine BES were selected at approximately 1.3-Mb intervals of HSA18 and incorporated into a human-sheep comparative map. An ovine 5000-rad whole-genome radiation hybrid panel (USUoRH5000) was typed with 70 markers, all of which mapped to OAR23. The resulting OAR23 RH map included 43 markers derived from BES with high and unique BLAST hits to the sequence of the orthologous HSA18, nine EST-derived markers, 16 microsatellite markers taken from the ovine linkage map and two bovine microsatellite markers. Six new microsatellite markers derived from the 43 mapped BES and the two bovine microsatellite markers were linkage-mapped using the International Mapping Flock (IMF). Thirteen additional microsatellite markers were derived from other ovine BES with high and unique BLAST hits to the sequence of the orthologous HSA18 and also positioned on the ovine linkage map but not incorporated into the OAR23 RH map. This resulted in 24 markers in common and in the same order between the RH and linkage maps. Eight of the BES-derived markers were mapped using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), to thereby align the RH and cytogenetic maps. Comparison of the ovine chromosome 23 RH map with the HSA18 map identified and localized three major breakpoints between HSA18 and OAR23. The positions of these breakpoints were equivalent to those previously shown for syntenic BTA24 and HSA18. This study presents evidence for the usefulness of ovine BES when constructing a high-resolution comprehensive map for a single sheep chromosome. The comparative analysis confirms and refines knowledge about chromosomal conservation and rearrangements between sheep, cattle and human. The constructed RH map demonstrates the resolution and utility of the newly constructed ovine RH panel.
A small subset of familial pancreatic endocrine tumors (PET) arises in patients with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome and these tumors may have an adverse outcome compared to other familial PET. Sporadic PET rarely harbors somatic VHL mutations, but the chromosomal location of the VHL gene is frequently deleted in sporadic PET. A subset of sporadic PET shows active hypoxia signals on mRNA and protein level. To identify the frequency of functionally relevant VHL inactivation in sporadic PET and to examine a possible prognostic significance we correlated epigenetic and genetic VHL alterations with hypoxia signals. VHL mutations were absent in all 37 PETs examined. In 2 out of 35 informative PET (6%) methylation of the VHL promoter region was detected and VHL deletion by fluorescence in situ hybridization was found in 14 out of 79 PET (18%). Hypoxia inducible factor 1alpha (HIF1-alpha), carbonic anhydrase 9 (CA-9), and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1) protein was expressed in 19, 27, and 30% of the 152 PETs examined. Protein expression of the HIF1-alpha downstream target CA-9 correlated significantly with the expression of CA-9 RNA (P<0.001), VHL RNA (P<0.05), and VHL deletion (P<0.001) as well as with HIF1-alpha (P<0.005) and GLUT-1 immunohistochemistry (P<0.001). These PET with VHL alterations and signs of hypoxia signalling were characterized by a significantly shortened disease-free survival. We conclude that VHL gene impairment by promoter methylation and VHL deletion in nearly 25% of PET leads to the activation of the HIF-pathway. Our data suggest that VHL inactivation and consecutive hypoxia signals may be a mechanism for the development of sporadic PET with an adverse outcome.
BACKGROUND & AIMS Sporadic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) are rare and genetically heterogeneous. Chromosome instability (CIN) has been detected in pNETs from patients with poor outcomes, but no specific genetic factors have been associated with CIN. Mutations in death domain-associated protein gene (DAXX) or ATR-X gene (ATRX) (which both encode proteins involved in chromatin remodeling) have been detected in 40% of pNETs, in association with activation of alternative lengthening of telomeres. We investigated whether loss of DAXX or ATRX, and consequent alternative lengthening of telomeres, are related to CIN in pNETs. We also assessed whether loss of DAXX or ATRX is associated with specific phenotypes of pNETs. METHODS We collected well-differentiated primary pNET samples from 142 patients at the University Hospital Zurich and from 101 patients at the University Hospital Bern (both located in Switzerland). Clinical follow-up data were obtained for 149 patients from general practitioners and tumor registries. The tumors were reclassified into 3 groups according to the 2010 World Health Organization classification. Samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and telomeric fluorescence in situ hybridization. We correlated loss of DAXX, or ATRX, expression, and activation of alternative lengthening of telomeres with data from comparative genomic hybridization array studies, as well as with clinical and pathological features of the tumors and relapse and survival data. RESULTS Loss of DAXX or ATRX protein and alternative lengthening of telomeres were associated with CIN in pNETs. Furthermore, loss of DAXX or ATRX correlated with tumor stage and metastasis, reduced time of relapse-free survival, and decreased time of tumor-associated survival. CONCLUSIONS Loss of DAXX or ATRX is associated with CIN in pNETs and shorter survival times of patients. These results support the hypothesis that DAXX- and ATRX-negative tumors are a more aggressive subtype of pNET, and could lead to identification of strategies to target CIN in pancreatic tumors.
The mammalian glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (GART) genes encode a trifunctional polypeptide involved in the de novo purine biosynthesis. We isolated a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone containing the bovine GART gene and determined the complete DNA sequence of the BAC clone. Cloning and characterization of the bovine GART gene revealed that the bovine gene consists of 23 exons spanning approximately 27 kb. RT-PCR amplification of bovine GART in different organs showed the expression of two GART transcripts in cattle similar to human and mouse. The GART transcripts encode two proteins of 1010 and 433 amino acids, respectively. Eleven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in a mutation scan of 24 unrelated animals of three different cattle breeds, including one SNP that affects the amino acid sequence of GART. The chromosomal localization of the gene was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Comparative genome analysis between cattle, human and mouse indicates that the chromosomal location of the bovine GART gene is in agreement with a previously published mapping report.
The U7 snRNA, together with both common and unique snRNP proteins, forms the U7 snRNP particle. This particle is a major component of the 3' processing machinery that converts histone pre-mRNA into mature mRNA in the eukaryotic nucleus. The genes for many snRNAs are present in multiple copies and often have many pseudogenes. Southern blot experiments using U7 oligonucleotide and gene probes have identified only one strongly hybridizing band and three weakly hybridizing bands in mouse genomic DNA. Previously, two laboratories isolated genomic clones encoding one functional U7 gene and three presumed pseudogenes. Since all the genes were isolated on separate, nonoverlapping genomic fragments, the four genes are not tightly clustered in the mouse genome. In this study, we use fluorescence in situ hybridization to determine the chromosomal locations of these clones and their possible linkage to histone loci. Two of the pseudogenes map to mouse Chromosome 1, but are many megabases apart, whereas the active U7 gene maps to Chromosome 6. Possible mechanisms for this localization pattern are discussed.
Molecular mechanisms that underlie preleukemic myelodysplasia (MDS) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) are poorly understood. In MDS or AML with a refractory clinical course, more than 30% of patients have acquired interstitial or complete deletions of chromosome 5. The 5q13.3 chromosomal segment is commonly lost as the result of 5q deletion. Reciprocal and unbalanced translocations of 5q13.3 can also occur as sole anomalies associated with refractory AML or MDS. This study addresses the hypothesis that a critical gene at 5q13.3 functions either as a classical tumor suppressor or as a chromosomal translocation partner and contributes to leukemogenesis. ^ Previous studies from our laboratory delineated a critical region of loss to a 2.5–3.0Mb interval at 5q13.3 between microsatellite markers D5S672 and GATA-P18104. The critical region of loss was later resolved to an interval of approximately 2Mb between the markers D5S672 and D5S2029. I, then generated a long range physical map of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) and developed novel sequence tagged sites (STS). To enhance the resolution of this map, bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) were used to construct a triply linked contig across a 1 Mb interval. These BACs were used as probes for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) on an AML cell line to define the 5q13.3 critical region. A 200kb BAC, 484a9, spans the translocation breakpoint in this cell line. A novel gene, SSDP2 (single stranded DNA binding protein), is disrupted at the breakpoint because its first four exons are encoded within 140kb of BAC 484a9. This finding suggests that SSDP2 is the critical gene at 5q13.3. ^ In addition, I made an observation that deletions of chromosome 5q13 co-segregate with loss of the chromosome 17p. In some cases the deletions result from unbalanced translocations between 5q13 and 17p13. It was confirmed that the TP53 gene is deleted in patients with 17p loss, and the remaining allele harbors somatic mutation. Thus, the genetic basis for the aggressive clinical course in AML and MDS may be caused by functional cooperation between deletion or disruption of the 5q13.3 critical gene and inactivation of TP53. ^
The ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field (LHF) is characterized by vent fluids, which are enriched in dissolved hydrogen and methane compared with fluids from basalt-hosted systems. Thick sediment layers in LHF are partly covered by characteristic white mats. In this study, these sediments were investigated in order to determine biogeochemical processes and key organisms relevant for primary production. Temperature profiling at two mat-covered sites showed a conductive heating of the sediments. Elemental sulfur was detected in the overlying mat and metal-sulfides in the upper sediment layer. Microprofiles revealed an intensive hydrogen sulfide flux from deeper sediment layers. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that filamentous and vibrioid, Arcobacter-related Epsilonproteobacteria dominated the overlying mats. This is in contrast to sulfidic sediments in basalt-hosted fields where mats of similar appearance are composed of large sulfur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria. Epsilonproteobacteria (7- 21%) and Deltaproteobacteria (20-21%) were highly abundant in the surface sediment layer. The physiology of the closest cultivated relatives, revealed by comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis, was characterized by the capability to metabolize sulfur com- ponents. High sulfate reduction rates as well as sulfide depleted in 34S further confirmed the importance of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle. In contrast, methane was found to be of minor relevance for microbial life in mat-covered surface sediments. Our data indicate that in conductively heated surface sediments microbial sulfur cycling is the driving force for bacterial biomass production although ultramafic- hosted systems are characterized by fluids with high levels of dissolved methane and hydrogen.
The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 revolutionized our understanding of the energy sources that fuel primary productivity on Earth. Hydrothermal vent ecosystems are dominated by animals that live in symbiosis with chemosynthetic bacteria. So far, only two energy sources have been shown to power chemosynthetic symbioses: reduced sulphur compounds and methane. Using metagenome sequencing, single-gene fluorescence in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, shipboard incubations and in situ mass spectrometry, we show here that the symbionts of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge use hydrogen to power primary production. In addition, we show that the symbionts of Bathymodiolus mussels from Pacific vents have hupL, the key gene for hydrogen oxidation. Furthermore, the symbionts of other vent animals such as the tubeworm Riftia pachyptila and the shrimp Rimicaris exoculata also have hupL. We propose that the ability to use hydrogen as an energy source is widespread in hydrothermal vent symbioses, particularly at sites where hydrogen is abundant.