968 resultados para Excited electronic state


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Energy transfer processes between Eu2+ and Gd3+, Cr3+, Ce3+ ions in KMgF3, which are difficult to study spectroscopically, have been investigated by using the proposed four-level decay model of the P-6(7/2) excited state of the Eu2+ ion. Gd3+ and Ce3+ transfer its energy to the vibronic transition of the P-6(7/2) --> S-8(7/2) transition of Eu2+, whereas Cr3+ receive energy from Eu2+ via the d-d interaction. The energy transfer from the Eu2+ 4f(6)5d level to the Ce3+ 4f5d state is observed spectroscopically, and the energy transfer mechanism is discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The radiative lifetimes of eight excited levels of thulium have been measured with the method of stepwise excitation from the 4f13(F-degrees-7/2)6s2(1S0)\7/2\ ground state to the states studied using two pulsed dye lasers. Optical transients were recorded through observing fluorescences and evaluated with regard to the decay time. The accuracy of the measured lifetime values is about 10%.


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Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONLaser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry in hollow cathode discharge(HCD) has been widely used in the research field of laser spectroscopy in recent years. Similar to traditional method, information obtained in the researches was direct line nonresonance fluorescence arising from the resonantly transitional upper level. Attention has not been sufficiently paid to the phenomenon of population change on the resonantly transitional lower level due to laser irradiation of plasma in HCD,...


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The photodissociation of CH2BrCH2Cl at 266 nm has been investigated on the universal crossed molecular beam machine. The primary dissociation step leads exclusively to the formation of CH2CH2Cl radicals and Br atoms in the electronic ground state as well as in the spin-orbit excited state, with a branching ratio 2 +/- 1:8 +/- 1. Photofragment total c.m. translational energy distribution P(E-t) has been obtained and about 64% of the available energy is partitioned into translational energy for Br channel and about 28.5% of the available energy is partitioned into translational energy for Br* channel. The anisotropy parameters are determined to be beta(Br*) = 0.8 +/- 0.2 and beta(Br) = -0.6 +/- 0.2, respectively. Some CH2CH2Cl radicals with large internal excitation (corresponding to formation of ground state Br channel) may undergo secondary dissociation to form CH2CH2 +/- Cl. The experimental results are discussed in terms of a model that involves the initial excitation of two repulsive electronic states: one from an parallel transition to the (3)Q(0) state, and the other from a perpendicular transition to the (3)Q(1), (1)Q states. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) oxides, SrFeCo0.5Ox, SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3-delta and La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Co0.2O3-delta have been synthesized and prepared on yttria-stabilized zirconia as anodes for solid oxide fuel cells. Power output measurements show that the anodes composed of such kinds of oxides exhibit modest electrochemical activities to both H-2 and CH4 fuels, giving maximum power densities of around 0.1 W/cm(2) at 950 degrees C. Polarization and AC impedance measurements found that large activation overpotentials and ohmic resistance drops were the main causes for the relative inferior performance to the Ni-YSZ anode. While interlayered with an Ni-YSZ anode, a significant improvement in the electrochemical performance was observed. in particular, for the SrFeCo0.5Ox oxide interlayered Ni-YSZ anode, the maximum power output reaches 0.25 W/cm2 on CH,, exceeding those of both SrFeCo0.5Ox and the Ni-YSZ, as anodes alone. A synergetic effect of SrFeCo0.5Ox and the Ni-YSZ has been observed. Future work is needed to examine the long-term stability of MIEC oxide electrodes under a very reducing environment. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of laser-field parameters, such as intensity and pulse width, on the population of molecular excited state is investigated by using the time-dependent wavepacket method. For a two-state system in intense laser fields, the populations in the upper and lower states are given by the wavefunctions obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation through split-operator scheme. The calculation shows that both the laser intensity and the pulse width have a strong effect on the population in molecular excited state, and that as the common feature of light-matter interaction (LMI), the periodic changing of the population with the evolution time in each state can be interpreted by Rabi oscillation and area-theorem. The results illustrate that by controlling these two parameters, the needed population in excited state of interest can be obtained, which provides the foundation of light manipulation of molecular processes. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is known that the exact density functional must give ground-state energies that are piecewise linear as a function of electron number. In this work we prove that this is also true for the lowest-energy excited states of different spin or spatial symmetry. This has three important consequences for chemical applications: the ground state of a molecule must correspond to the state with the maximum highest-occupied-molecular-orbital energy, minimum lowest-unoccupied-molecular-orbital energy, and maximum chemical hardness. The beryllium, carbon, and vanadium atoms, as well as the CH(2) and C(3)H(3) molecules are considered as illustrative examples. Our result also directly and rigorously connects the ionization potential and electron affinity to the stability of spin states.


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Use of phase transfer catalysts such as 18-crown-6 enables ionic, linear conjugated poly[2,6-{1,5-bis(3-propoxysulfonicacidsodiumsalt)}naphthylene]ethynylene (PNES) to efficiently disperse single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in multiple organic solvents under standard ultrasonication methods. Steady-state electronic absorption spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveal that these SWNT suspensions are composed almost exclusively of individualized tubes. High-resolution TEM and AFM data show that the interaction of PNES with SWNTs in both protic and aprotic organic solvents provides a self-assembled superstructure in which a PNES monolayer helically wraps the nanotube surface with periodic and constant morphology (observed helical pitch length = 10 ± 2 nm); time-dependent examination of these suspensions indicates that these structures persist in solution over periods that span at least several months. Pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy reveals that the excited state lifetimes and exciton binding energies of these well-defined nanotube-semiconducting polymer hybrid structures remain unchanged relative to analogous benchmark data acquired previously for standard sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)-SWNT suspensions, regardless of solvent. These results demonstrate that the use of phase transfer catalysts with ionic semiconducting polymers that helically wrap SWNTs provide well-defined structures that solubulize SWNTs in a wide range of organic solvents while preserving critical nanotube semiconducting and conducting properties.


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Strong coupling between a two-level system (TLS) and bosonic modes produces dramatic quantum optics effects. We consider a one-dimensional continuum of bosons coupled to a single localized TLS, a system which may be realized in a variety of plasmonic, photonic, or electronic contexts. We present the exact many-body scattering eigenstate obtained by imposing open boundary conditions. Multiphoton bound states appear in the scattering of two or more photons due to the coupling between the photons and the TLS. Such bound states are shown to have a large effect on scattering of both Fock- and coherent-state wave packets, especially in the intermediate coupling-strength regime. We compare the statistics of the transmitted light with a coherent state having the same mean photon number: as the interaction strength increases, the one-photon probability is suppressed rapidly, and the two- and three-photon probabilities are greatly enhanced due to the many-body bound states. This results in non-Poissonian light. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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Existing election algorithms suffer limited scalability. This limit stems from the communication design which in turn stems from their fundamentally two-state behaviour. This paper presents a new election algorithm specifically designed to be highly scalable in broadcast networks whilst allowing any processing node to become coordinator with initially equal probability. To achieve this, careful attention has been paid to the communication design, and an additional state has been introduced. The design of the tri-state election algorithm has been motivated by the requirements analysis of a major research project to deliver robust scalable distributed applications, including load sharing, in hostile computing environments in which it is common for processing nodes to be rebooted frequently without notice. The new election algorithm is based in-part on a simple 'emergent' design. The science of emergence is of great relevance to developers of distributed applications because it describes how higher-level self-regulatory behaviour can arise from many participants following a small set of simple rules. The tri-state election algorithm is shown to have very low communication complexity in which the number of messages generated remains loosely-bounded regardless of scale for large systems; is highly scalable because nodes in the idle state do not transmit any messages; and because of its self-organising characteristics, is very stable.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is gradually becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. However the mathematical modelling of the erratic turbulent motion remains the key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters situated at near wall regions a particularly fine mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. Turbulence modelling can be considered to be one of the three key elements in CFD. Precise mathematical theories have evolved for the other two key elements, grid generation and algorithm development. The principal objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procedures of efficient accuracy to reproduce the main structures of three dimensional fluid flows. The flow within an electronic system can be characterized as being in a transitional state due to the low velocities and relatively small dimensions encountered. This paper presents simulated CFD results for an investigation into the predictive capability of turbulence models when considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. Also a new two-layer hybrid kε / kl turbulence model for electronic application areas will be presented which holds the advantages of being cheap in terms of the computational mesh required and is also economical with regards to run-time.


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The synthesis of a number of new 2,2'-bipyridine ligands, functionalized with bulky ester side groups is reported (L2 - L8). Their reaction with [Ru(DMSO)4Cl2] gives rise to tris-chelate ruthenium(II) metal complexes which show an unusually high proportion of the fac-isomer, as judged by 1H NMR following conversion to the ruthenium(II) complex of 2,2'-bipyridine-5-carboxylic acid methyl ester (L1). The initial reaction appears to have thermodynamic control with the steric bulk of the ligands causing the third ligand to be labile under the reaction conditions used, giving rise to disappointing yields and allowing rearrangement to the more stable facial form. DFT studies indicate that this does not appear to be as a consequence of a metal centered electronic effect. The two isomers of [Ru(L1)3](PF6)2 were separated into the two individual forms using silica preparative plate chromatographic procedures, and the photophysical characteristics of the two forms compared. The results appear to indicate that there is no significant difference in both their room temperature electronic absorption and emission spectra or their excited state lifetimes at 77K.


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We have carried out extensive density functional theory (DFT) calculations for possible redox states of the active center in Fe-only hydrogenases. The active center is modeled by [(H(CH(3))S)(CO)(CN(-))Fe(p)(mu-DTN)(mu-CO)Fe(d)(CO)(CN(-))(L)](z) (z is the net charge in the complex; Fe(p)= the proximal Fe, Fe(d) = the distal Fe, DTN = (-SCH(2)NHCH(2)S-), L is the ligand that bonds with the Fed at the trans position to the bridging CO). Structures of possible redox states are optimized, and CO stretching frequencies are calculated. By a detailed comparison of all the calculated structures and the vibrational frequencies with the available experimental data, we find that (i) the fully oxidized, inactive state is an Fe(II)-Fe(II) state with a hydroxyl (OH(-)) group bonded at the Fe(d), (ii) the oxidized, active state is an Fe(II)-Fe(l) complex which is consistent with the assignment of Cao and Hall (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 3734), and (iii) the fully reduced state is a mixture with the major component being a protonated Fe(l)-Fe(l) complex and the other component being its self-arranged form, Fe(II)-Fe(II) hydride, Our calculations also show that the exogenous CO can strongly bond with the Fe(II)-Fe(l) species, but cannot bond with the Fe(l)-Fe(l) complex. This result is consistent with experiments that CO tends to inhibit the oxidized, active state, but not the fully reduced state. The electronic structures of all the redox states have been analyzed. It is found that a frontier orbital which is a mixing state between the e(g) of Fe and the 2pi of the bridging CO plays a key role concerning the reactivity of Fe-only hydrogenases: (1) it is unoccupied in the fully oxidized, inactive state, half-occupied in the oxidized, active state, and fully occupied in the fully reduced state; (ii) the e(g)-2pi orbital is a bonding state, and this is the key reason for stability of the low oxidation states, such as Fe(l)-Fe(l) complexes; and (iii) in the e(g)-2pi orbital more charge accumulates between the bridging CO and the Fe(d) than between the bridging CO and the Fe(p), and the occupation increase in this orbital will enhance the bonding between the bridging CO and the Fe(d), leading to the bridging-CO shift toward the Fe(d).


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Integrated "ICT chromophore-receptor" systems show ion-induced shifts in their electronic absorption spectra. The wavelength of observation can be used to reversibly configure the system to any of the four logic operations permissible with a single input (YES, NOT, PASS 1, PASS 0), under conditions of ion input and transmittance output. We demonstrate these with dyes integrated into Tsien's calcium receptor, 1-2. Applying multiple ion inputs to 1-2 also allows us to perform two- or three-input OR or NOR operations. The weak fluorescence output of 1 also shows YES or NOT logic depending on how it is configured by excitation and emission wavelengths. Integrated "receptor(1)-ICT chromophore-receptor(2)" systems 3-5 selectively target two ions into the receptor terminals. The ion-induced transmittance output of 3-5 can also be configured via wavelength to illustrate several logic types including, most importantly, XOR. The opposite effects of the two ions on the energy of the chromophore excited state is responsible for this behaviour. INHIBIT and REVERSE IMPLICATION are two of the other logic types seen here. Integration of XOR logic with a preceding OR operation can be arranged by using three ion inputs. The fluorescence output of these systems can be configured via wavelength to display INHIBIT or NOR logic under two-input conditions. The superposition or multiplicity of logic gate configurations is an unusual consequence of the ability to simultaneously observe multiple wavelengths.


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The scattering of electrons with kinetic energies down to a few meV by para-xylene and para-difluorobenzene has been observed experimentally with an electron beam energy resolution of 0.95 to 1.5 meV (full width half maximum). At low electron energies the collisions can be considered as cold scattering events because the de Broglie wavelength of the electron is considerably larger than the target dimensions. The scattering cross sections measured rise rapidly at low energy due to virtual state scattering. The nature of this scattering process is discussed using s- and p-wave phase shifts derived from the experimental data. Scattering lengths are derived of, respectively, -9.5+/-0.5 and -8.0+/-0.5 a.u. for para-xylene and para-difluorobenzene. The virtual state effect is interpreted in terms of nuclear diabatic and partially adiabatic models, involving the electronic and vibronic symmetries of the unoccupied orbitals in the target species. The concept of direct and indirect virtual state scattering is introduced, through which the present species, in common with carbon dioxide and benzene, scatter through an indirect virtual state process, whereas other species, such as perfluorobenzene, scatter through a direct process. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.